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  1. Sei anche tu un intercettato?
  2. Gli Orsi della Luna
  3. Senza Stato, nè legge
  4. Comuni: stiamo arrivando...
  5. Italia-Seychelles
  6. Ammazzateci tutti
  7. Che Saràs, Saràs...
  8. Dolcemente viaggiare...
  9. Wackernagel e l'impronta ecologica
  10. Veltroni a New York
  11. Mills giudicato, Berlusconi condannato
  12. Il muro di Veltrusconi
  13. Squali d'Italia
  14. I signori delle autostrade
  15. Patti Chiari, Tasche Vuote
  16. Le mani sulla salute
  17. Alitalia oggi, Italia domani
  18. La politica delle puttane
  19. Organizzazioni spontanee sul territorio
  20. Notte Grigio Topo
  21. Di cromo si muore
  22. Comuni a carbone
  23. Informazione di regime, informazione dei cittadini
  24. La democrazia si è fermata a Desio
  25. Angelino Jolie
  26. Colpetto di stato
  27. Comuni: padroni a casa nostra!
  28. La nuova Italia dei Comuni
  29. Delirio
  30. La battaglia del grano
  31. Prostituti di sè stessi
  32. Alitalia: una commedia italiana
  33. Un Beretta al giorno toglie il morto sul lavoro di torno
  34. I blogger della Malesia
  35. Stati SpA
  36. L'acqua non è una merce
  37. Jurassic media
  38. Una tranquilla italia da paura
  39. Comuni a 5 stelle: Acquanegra
  40. Uomini e mezz'uomini, ominicchi, piglianculo e quaquaraquà
  41. Morti Bianche: "Spirale di solidarietà"
  42. La nicotina e la morte delle api
  43. Nazionalismi olimpici
  44. Le margherite padovane
  45. Eleições Limpas
  46. La Dora al cromo esavalente
  47. Corre, corre la locomotiva...
  48. Morti Bianche: "Veleni dal cielo"
  49. Il manganello contro la polizia
  50. La scelta dell'aldilà
  51. I mantenuti autonomi
  52. Comunicato politico numero quindici
  53. Blocchi di ghiaccio e blocchi di merda
  54. L'assicurazione a favore dei datori di lavoro
  55. La guerra mondiale del petrolio
  56. Autostrade pubbliche, profitti privati
  57. Morti Bianche: "Lasciate ogni speranza o voi che entrate"
  58. Qualcuno volò sul nido del crumiro
  59. Diffamarne uno per educarne cento
  60. La Cassa di Bruxelles
  61. Telecom. Arriba Espana!
  62. Stiamo vincendo (e loro lo sanno)
  63. Brokeback Italy
  64. Vicenza: Lega e manganello
  65. In morte di Riccardo Rasman
  66. Schifani: innomabile, intoccabile, ingiudicabile
  67. Vecchi alla fame (tranne uno)
  68. Il Torquemada della mediocrazia italiana
  69. I nuovi Erode
  70. Il trattato di Lisbona
  71. Steve Jobs e Giorgio Napolitano
  72. Silvio non c'è più
  73. Bolzaneto: intervista Giorgia Partesotti
  74. Finta morte e finta galera
  75. Morti bianche, il libro
  76. Lezione di legalità dall'Albania
  77. Napoli - Korogocho
  78. Brunetta e l'assenteismo dei parlamentari
  79. Le firme del 25 aprile a Roma
  80. Fannie e Freddie
  81. Il teorema Del Turco
  82. I maiali sono più uguali degli altri
  83. Il partito del cemento
  84. Lettera a una Lega mai nata
  85. I manti neri
  86. Nadia
  87. Quindici anni di "Forza DS"
  88. Veto per la Gita su Roma
  89. Il pizzo di Berlusconi
  90. OGM: brevetti per la fame nel mondo
  91. Il castello di carte
  92. Morti bianche e pompini sul lavoro
  93. C'è posta per te (licenziamenti Telecom)
  94. La repubblica dei papponi
  95. Non è un paese per agnelli
  96. Mascalzone latino
  97. Intervista a Gian Carlo Caselli
  98. Tre anni (e qualche mese) dopo
  99. Silvio Horror Picture Show
  100. Intervista a Jeremy Rifkin
  101. 25 luglio 2008: la gita su Roma
  102. La mantide Berluscosa
  103. Notti bianche, conti in rosso
  104. Il triangolo no...
  105. Nessuno mi può giudicare
  106. Comunicato politico numero quattordici: referendum
  107. Italia senza stampelle
  108. Il blog e la libertà di informazione
  109. Musica per organi caldi
  110. La coppia più bella del mondo
  111. Mattoni d'oro, manganelli di piombo
  112. La superficie delle cose
  113. Prove techniche di fascismo
  114. Genova per noi
  115. Expo 2015: il costruttore suona sempre una volta e mezza
  116. La peste è intorno a noi
  117. Federalismo fetale
  118. Comunicato politico numero tredici
  119. Unici colpevoli: i cittadini
  120. Monnezzopoli/3 Bokassa Bassolino
  121. Bombe a grappolo extraterritoriali
  122. Monnezzopoli
  123. Inceneriti e mazziati
  124. Chiaiano/Italia 2
  125. Comunicato politico numero dodici
  126. In due sul divano
  127. Soldi nostri, tasche loro
  128. Una lettera di Umberto Veronesi
  129. Ci pisciano addosso e ci dicono che piove
  130. Il segreto di stato sull'energia
  131. Democrazia a porte chiuse
  132. Mille fragole fanno una marmellata
  133. L'insostenibile costo di Fede
  134. Comunicato politico numero undici
  135. I pensieri di Bossi
  136. Nonno cocaina
  137. Que viva Franco!
  138. Libera RAI, libera informazione
  139. Topo Gigio e le ombre
  140. Zappiamo Forbice
  141. Il ghisa
  142. Sua pienezza
  143. Parlamento Pulito 2008
  144. Censura preventiva alla Fiera del Libro
  145. Giovannino Guareschi
  146. Prescrizione obbligatoria
  147. In memoria del giornalista Beppe Alfano
  148. Sono contento
  149. La corda che si spezza
  150. Comunicato politico numero 10
  151. Il V2-day e l'orango Petronilla
  152. Il virus della verità
  153. Topi di fogna
  154. Comunicao politico numero 9
  155. La mamma di Fabullo
  156. Sciur padrun da li beli braghi bianchi
  157. Otto mesi con la condizionale
  158. Le città del 25 aprile
  159. La trave nell'occhio
  160. Comunicato politico numero 8
  161. Parlamento di recupero
  162. Loro non molleranno mai, noi neppure
  163. Il fascismo dell'informazione
  164. Fabullo
  165. 100 e non più 100
  166. Senato 2008
  167. Camera 2008
  168. Il meno peggio
  169. Comunicato politico numero 7
  170. La risposta di Antonio Manganelli
  171. PDue quadro
  172. Giornale c'è se lettore compra
  173. Lettera aperta a Antonio Manganelli
  174. Malati di burocrazia terminale
  175. Sette televisioni e tre giornali
  176. Malpensa: politici e disvalore
  177. Comunicato politico numero 6
  178. Statistiche false, disoccupazione vera
  179. I sette piani
  180. Tibet libero
  181. Comunicato politico numero 5
  182. Lettera di Hu Jintao
  183. Ricomincio da capo
  184. Robert Kennedy e il PIL
  185. Metti tre giorni a Bolzaneto
  186. Il non voto utile
  187. Marcia per l'informazione!
  188. duemilauno: Odissea nel cemento
  189. Clementina Forleo sotto processo, i furbetti in Parlamento
  190. Non votate per le liste merlin
  191. No alle Olimpiadi di sangue
  192. Gli Olindo e la Rosa di Alitalia e Malpensa
  193. 2008-1929?
  194. Lettera finanziaria, Roma, 15/12/2011
  195. Il 25 aprile prendete la pillola rossa
  196. Sapessi com'è strano fare la schiava a Milano...
  197. Il rispetto delle regole e la rottura del riserbo
  198. Nerone Prodi e le ecoballe
  199. In morte del fratello Clemente
  200. Comunicato politico numero 4
  201. Canale zero
  202. Quando un operaio muore
  203. Settanta miliardi di euro di interessi
  204. Fuori tutti
  205. La guerra dei media
  206. Taglia e cuci
  207. Elezioni politiche fuori legge
  208. Comunicato politico numero 3
  209. The Veltroni Incredibles
  210. Il piacere della disonestà
  211. Napoli, scusa
  212. Programma elettorale del PD/PDL
  213. Il Cile è vicino
  214. Non pagate la tassa CIP6 nella bolletta dell'ENEL
  215. Si può dare di più
  216. Economia globale, licenziamenti italiani
  217. Le belle lavanderine della Sinistra
  218. Tutto quello che non sai è vero
  219. Comuni fuori controllo
  220. Fratelli tedeschi dichiarateci guerra
  221. Comunicato politico numero due
  222. Federico
  223. Venticinque Aprile : Informazione e Rifondazione
  224. Una voce dal Kosovo
  225. L'eterno presente
  226. Doppio buco nero
  227. Comunicato politico numero uno
  228. Il silenzio assenso di SKY
  229. Tu sei Beppe Grillo!
  230. Le previsioni del cancro
  231. La legge elettorale è incostituzionale
  232. Gemellaggio Italia-Kenya
  233. Cancronesi
  234. Occhi bianchi sul pianeta Italia
  235. Assolti per aver commesso il fatto
  236. Un proiettile spuntato
  237. Libera informazione in libero stato
  238. Majowiecki e il ponte di Rialto
  239. La gita su Roma
  240. Bulow e i parassiti
  241. La musica è finita
  242. Il grande legislatore
  243. L'albo mussoliniano dei giornalisti
  244. Liste civiche, si parte
  245. Lettera di licenziamento per il dipendente Cuffaro
  246. Tempo scaduto
  247. Una lettera da Vallanzasca
  248. Condannato e contento
  249. Maurizio Pallante e la scomparsa dei rifiuti
  250. Debito pubblico, profitti privati
  251. Applausi...
  252. Hanno arrestato l'UDEUR!
  253. Biutiful cauntri
  254. Le macchine usate di Veltroni
  255. Veltrolusconi
  256. Vedi Brescia e poi muori
  257. La casta dei giornali/ Politici e affini
  258. La casta dei giornali/ Missione macero
  259. Caccia agli evasori
  260. I piazzisti degli inceneritori
  261. La Casta dei giornali/ Soldi pubblici, informazione privata
  262. Il Pecoraro Espiatorio
  263. Il Comma UNO BIS Folena-Luxuria e il degrado della Rete
  264. Emergenze e Moratorie
  265. Spazzatour
  266. Il tandem dei record
  267. Kenia in fiamme, politici abbronzati
  268. La fine della democrazia
  269. La giustizia di Barbablù
  270. La guerra dei nonni
  271. Libera informazione in libero stato
  272. Alifrance
  273. Il Calendario dei Santi Laici 2008
  274. Anch'io sono ammastellato
  275. Gli untori del CO2
  276. Grazia per Vallanzasca
  277. I bambini nelle ruspe
  278. Il denaro sotto il presepe
  279. Amato, il piccolo scrivano torinese
  280. Proci d'Italia
  281. Anna Politkovskaja "Woman of the Year"
  282. Riserve indiane e riserve italiane
  283. Appello all'ONU contro la pena d morte in Italia
  284. Deriottizziamo il Tg1
  285. Buon Natale Precario
  286. Buffon senza rete
  287. Camion vuoti e polmoni CO2
  288. Un risciò per ripartire
  289. L'Italia vista dal New York Times
  290. La buona notizia siete Voi
  291. Gli aquiloni
  292. Ghigliottine ad alta velocità
  293. Lavorare uccide
  294. Free Tibet
  295. EU/4 I parlamentari
  296. Nessuno tocchi Clementina
  297. No al bullismo parlamentare nelle scuole
  298. Petrolio e terrorismo
  299. Vaticano über alles
  300. La cosa
  301. La guerra ai delfini di Capoverde
  302. Italian digital divide
  303. Il Trio Lescano
  304. Lettera aperta a Franco Bernabé
  305. Ida e Kristal
  306. Il monito del Colle
  307. Ue/3 Marco Travaglio
  308. Banzai!
  309. Dieci piccoli sindaci (in meno)
  310. L'informazione è la base della democrazia
  311. Parlamento Europeo/2 Luigi De Magistris
  312. Forza Italia si è sciolta da sola
  313. Il gioco del silenzio
  314. Parlamento Europeo/1 Beppe Grillo
  315. Prove di colpo di stato
  316. Salvatore Borsellino si è ammastellato
  317. Stop ai fondi europei all'Italia
  318. Comienza la selva de la Universidad de Bologna
  319. Assassinii (di massa) sul lavoro
  320. Pregiudicati in Parlamento, mafiosi in carcere
  321. Cristo si è fermato a Capanne
  322. Non lo sa nessuno...(Romano Prodi)
  323. La Voix de la Vallée
  324. Lo schiavismo italiano condannato dall'ONU
  325. Bonino, Frattini e i boccaporti aperti
  326. Tritolo? Why not?
  327. Rula Jebreal e l'immigrazione
  328. I responsabili paghino il conto
  329. Le parole di Giuseppe Fava


They piss on us and tell us it’s raining

Today at 2:00pm Marco Travaglio initiated the column called "passaparola" {spread the word}, his weekly appointment with the blog.
Below I’m giving the translated transcript of the live broadcast.
"Good day to everyone.
This is the start of a weekly appointment.
I am a bit of a beginner in this stuff and so I hope that things go well, but they’ll go better in the weeks to come.
I would like to glance at this week’s newspapers with you to show you the problems that are afflicting the information system that all of us, I guess all of you, are very worried about.
I’ll start with an issue that involved me but that in fact is not an issue about me: it’s the "Schifani case", even though many people have called it the "Travaglio case".
Ten days ago I was with Fabio Fazio giving an account of certain things that are already published in books that have never been taken to court for libel and in some articles that have been taken to court by Schifani who however lost the case because a judge established that everything that l'Espresso had written about him was basically true and so there was no defamation
That evening, as happened to me seven years ago when I went to present another book in the exact same conditions by Daniele Luttazzi, there was an intervention from the first hen to lay an egg, always in these cases, that is the person who at that time was the leader of the provisional group Popolo della Libertà, Maurizio Gasparri who declared that there would be political consequences.
For an instant, I wondered "Will they oblige Schifani to resign?", in fact they wanted me to stop and throw out all the possible and imaginable heads in the RAI as though I had asked permission or even received orders from the heads of departments in the RAI, just imagine that, to say all that I said.
It really struck me that among the keenest to take action against the fact that I had given an account of something true, something that was documented and well known, was the director of RAI 3, Paolo Ruffini, already known for having closed down Sabina Guzzanti’s programme "Raiot" - there again because too many true things were said all together.
He declared that I had "gratuitously offended the second highest position in the State".
Effectively it was "gratis"{free} because no one paid me to do it.
In reality, Ruffini has a conflict of interests when he talks about Schifani.
Perhaps no one knows, or at least only a few know but Paolo Ruffini does not (just) have the same name as the former Christian Democrat Minister and as the former Cardinal of a certain Palermo in the 1970s:
he is the son of the Minister and a relative of the Cardinal.
There’s more:
the mother of Ruffini, the RAI 3 director is the sister of Honourable La Loggia who is not the namesake of the current Forza Italia parliamentarian (who was an associate of Schifani and of Nino Mandalà, later convicted for mafia, in the famous company Siculabroker at the end of the 1970s and the beginning of the 1980s):
it’s really him!
Basically Ruffini is the nephew of La Loggia.
Thus to get to know the Siculabroker stories he’d just need to go round collecting them from the family.
and when he states that I cannot say such things on television...
let’s just say that he is saying that I shouldn’t dig up certain family stories.
Concerning his family that is.
It’s called conflict of interests, even though on this occasion Berlusconi had nothing to do with it, however, no one has bothered to point this out.
Oh well, never mind!
It is better to know precisely whom you are dealing with, namely the one who talks and directs the progressive Rai network.
Then there is the matter of the other networks also directed by the centre-right.
What happened at that point?
No one bothered to call Schifani to account for his actions, nor did anyone bother to ask any questions regarding what is stated in the documentation. Instead, they began calling on me to account with regard to a number of alleged offences, which, just in passing, I never committed.
For example, the excellent journalist from "La Repubblica", Mrs. D'Avanzo, even made certain insinuations in a sweet-talking article, claiming that I had allowed the costs for my summer holidays in 2002 or 2003 to be paid by some or other gentleman, whom I have never seen, never known, nor ever heard anyone speak of, and who was subsequently convicted of collusion with the mafia.
She then proceeded to write: "who could believe such a thing?" She must be the first journalist in history to make a statement at the top of the page and then proceed to state at the bottom of the page that "no one believes it!"
However, if no one believes it, then why write about it in the first place?
Why not check the information beforehand?
Why not do your job properly?
All very well, but this person has put the spotlight on me and on my holidays, instead of talking about the Senate Chairman’s companies and his urban planning consultancy services.
Urban planning consultancy services that Schifani himself (surprise, surprise) was commissioned to provide by the Villabate Municipality, one of the most mafia-infested municipalities ever known, and more specifically by the very same Nino Mandalà who, fifteen or twenty years before, had been a member of the very same brokerage firm, together with Schifani and La Loggia.
The same Municipal Council that was subsequently dissolved twice for reasons relating to mafia collusion, which is why Schifani was unable to complete his task involving the Urban Planning Scheme, for which the Chairman of the Villabate Municipal Council, Francesco Campanella, is currently serving a jail term and has elected to turned state witness, and regarding which Schifani and La Loggia had received direct instructions from the Boss himself.
Another lesson for D'Avanzo:
how can you accuse other people of having had dealings, including business dealings [with these same people] prior to them even being incriminated and found guilty?
A person does not suddenly become a mafia member on the very day that he/she is accused of mafia activities, or for that matter on the very day that he/she is arrested.
A person normally becomes a member of the mafia from a very early age, simply because it is very difficult to get in as an adult.
They recruit you as a youngster.
Anyone who happens to be in Palermo and decides to go into business with certain people should first find out precisely who and what these people are.
Anyone agreeing to provide consultancy services to a Municipal Council that has been heavily infiltrated by the mafia, cannot turn around later and say that: "I didn’t know"
Before going to work in certain environments, such people should first gather enough information and, specifically in Manadalà’s case, there were copious amounts of such information readily available on site. Whenever a new Magistrate arrives in a new place, it is said that he is always the last to find out what is actually going on, just like a man who is being cuckolded by his wife.
In political circles, as Paolo Borsellino stated long ago and as Giuseppe Aiala wrote in his latest book, you get to hear about anyone who has had shady dealings, long before the courts are able to put anything down in writing.
Otherwise, today we would be obliged to state that Al Capone was never a member of the mafia.
Al Capone was never, in fact, convicted on any mafia-related charges, but only on tax evasion charges.
According to D’Avanzo, we should therefore refer to Al Capone as "the well known Italo-American tax evader ".
But let’s move on, because I don’t want to say too much in this regard, but what I do want to talk about are the newspapers, about how they decide on the headings for their articles and what they write about in these articles.
Naturally, the source that D'Avanzo mentioned, namely the attorney of this Mr. Aiello who apparently stated that he had paid for my holiday, wrote a little letter to D'Avanzo, which was subsequently published in La Repubblica, in which he states that: "There is no way that I am her source, simply because I have never heard from her nor met with her personally".
D'Avanzo response was certainly to contritely say:"I’m sorry, I made a mistake, it was all a big lie ".
There is no one around who is prepared to accept responsibility for having told this lie and no one who knows the person responsible.
D'Avanzo’s response only runs to two lines, a genuine lesson in journalism:
"The statement made by Michele Aiello - in other words the statement that he paid for my holiday, which is untrue - was made by sources closely linked to the investigation".
"Sources closely linked to the investigation".
Remember these words, these are all totally new expressions, neologisms that are hauled out of the cupboard and dusted off especially for certain occasions.
"Sources closely linked to the investigation".
No one knows who said this, it was heard, it was reported.
"Sources closely linked to the investigation".
Sources as pure as the driven snow...
The Riformista:"Travaglio excuses himself in La Repubblica:
'I paid for that holiday’".
The heading alone is interesting:
"excuses himself".
For what precisely?
I do not excuse myself for anything, I have done nothing wrong!
I only spoke about my holidays precisely because I have nothing to hide. Meanwhile, just ten days before the scheduled broadcast of "Che tempo che fa", the only person that had not as yet come up with any explanation was the leader of the Senate himself.
Also because it is true that he would never do so of his own accord.
What is required is one journalist who is prepared to shove a microphone under his nose and ask him some questions about Siculabroker, about the Villabate Municipality and about the consultancy services that he provided.
Unfortunately, this did not happen.
The only person who shoved a microphone under his nose was a TG1 reporter who, crouching down on all fours, asked:
"Mr.Chairman, how do we go about encouraging dialogue between the right-wing and the left-wing?"
Mr.Chairman answered, naturally, that dialogue is important.
Far better than any dialogue he may have witnessed in recent days.
He was only kissed rather forcefully by Anna Finocchiaro.
He could not have imagined anything like this.
Second question:
"Anna Finocchiaro came to your defence, does this please you?" End of the interview.
No further questions.
It would in fact be fairly difficult to imagine anyone like him answering any questions that were not specifically put to him and, in reality, this is the only Country in which a person who has had certain questionable dealings in the past and whose background is tainted with certain biographical details can go on to fill what is essentially the post of Deputy Prime Minister, since it is the second highest post in Government.
En passant, I quote Il Giornale, which, instead of talking about Schifani, talks about me, in an article that is riddled with lies.
At a certain point in the article, it is written that I have a weekly column in the Repubblica Torino newspaper, which is true, in which I respond to readers’ letters "in an affected manner reminiscent of a self portrait signed by the painter Mannelli".
But how can I have a self -portrait signed by a painter other than myself?
That is called a portrait, while a self-portrait, instead, is something that I have painted myself!
They no longer even know what words to use in certain cases.
They use words that are completely fake.
And what happens next, you ask?
The mist rises and it becomes patently clear that even the story regarding my holidays was a lie, but no one bothers to apologise – on the contrary, they write about " Sources closely linked to the investigation " - and all sorts of legal procedures are implemented in an attempt to shut up either the programme presenter or the person that spoke about the matter in the first place.
Off go the usual authorities, the usual boards of directors, the usual parliamentary overview committees.
All of which are nothing more than political bodies that include D'Alema, Fassino, Berlusconi, Fini and Mastella, hiding behind their emissaries, instituting proceedings, threatening sanctions, introducing codes.
They even go as far as reporting violations that no one has ever committed, because they alone know all about the codes and all about the rules.
I personally only know of one rule, namely the one that states that I must check whether or not something is true and then I must decide whether or not that something is of interest. Then, if that something turns out to be both true and interesting, I proceed to mention it.
The only rule I know is the one stating that one should not violate any of the provisions of the criminal code.
Is there anyone out there who believes that I may have violated some provision of the criminal code?
Let him/her prove it in Court.
Is there anyone out there who believes that they have something to say?
Let him/her say it.
I don’t hear anyone saying anything, nothing but a lot of meaningless hot air.
You should also remember the following word:
Fabio Fazio is the interviewer and I am the interviewee.
It happens every Saturday and Sunday night and it is known as an interview.
It makes provision for one person to ask questions and for another person to answer them.
In this case, they said that what was lacking was some sort of contradiction, a third person - I don’t know who that could be, perhaps Mrs.Finocchiaro or Minister Schifani tucked away under the armchair - who could pop out at the appropriate time and tell me to shut up or to tell me that I’m talking nonsense.
This, however, has never happened previously in any interview!
Just in passing, the leader of the Senate has no shortage of resources at his disposal and all that is required is for him to give the nod, at which point he will find all the television cameras at his feet, ready to capture even the smallest sigh that may escape from his lips.
Even when he is announcing a serious and ferocious battle against the mafia, although this would certainly sound more convincing were he not a partner in the mafia, however, one can’t have everything in life.
The thing that pleased me the most was that this attempt to discredit anyone attempting to telling the truth was unsuccessful:
anyone that manages to earn a certain amount of credibility through his/her work and through his/her own propriety will, in the long run also receive that celebrated "recognition from below" that Enzo Biagi spoke of and that is incomparable to any recognition coming down from above.
Every person must make his/her own choice.
If he/she wants recognition from below, he/she won’t receive any from above, and vice versa.
Therefore, with the smear attempt having vanished into thin air, all that remains are a few messages that I have noted down for my own reference.
One was from an old friend who works at RAI’s London office, who reminded me that, unlike what occurs in his company, in England, when reporters from one of the public broadcasters, namely the BBC, are attacked, precisely the opposite occurs than what happens in Italy.
In 2004, a number of BBC reporters reported on the contents of the Iraq dossier, a dossier containing the lies spread by the Blair Government, with Bush’s agreement, in order to mislead the people of the West, tell lies about the weapons of mass destruction that were never found, and the relationship between Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein, which never existed.
When this scoop concerning the government was aired, the government immediately proceeded to attack these reporters.
All good and well, except for the fact that both the Chairman and the General Manager of the BBC, a public service radio and television broadcaster that is paid for with English taxpayers’ money, instead of venting their wrath on the reporters that may have put them in an embarrassing position with the scoop in question, instead resigned in order to defend their reporters.
Did you see instead what the leaders of RAI did? They said that I had done something disgraceful, perhaps because they are obviously not accustomed to hearing the truth being told while, when they see a doormat shoving a microphone under the nose of the Senate leader Schifani to ask him how to encourage dialogue, well...
that is something they do like because, in their opinion, that is a proper interview.
In that case they refrain from demanding contradiction, or even any real questions!
It is purely a question of habit.
And when they speak of the BBC, perhaps they should watch it for just a few minutes each day, that way they would understand what a real public service radio and television broadcaster looks like.
Another thing that pleased me no end was that many people have sent me quotes, phrases, articles and even some sayings.
I would like to end with a Catalan saying sent to me by a female student from Barcelona who is in Italy on an academic bursary, as well as another one from Paul Valéry whom I already knew.
Paul Valéry’s saying goes as follows: "there is only one way to see one’s dreams come true, and that is to wake up ".
Another one of Paul Valéry’s sayings is that: "if you are unable to destroy the logic, at least you should try to destroy the speaker ".
The same occurs when you are unable to destroy the facts, which have an intrinsic life of their own, you should at least try to destroy the one that revealed them.
Finally, the Catalan saying sent to me by the this girl who states that she can think of nothing that is more appropriate in order to describe the current situation in Italy, which upsets her very much.
And with this I will take my leave:
"they piss on us and tell us that it is raining ".
















Inglese tratto da:
Italiano tratto da:
Data documento:19.05.2008
Questo testo di Beppe Grillo è riprodotto in accordo ai dettami della licenza
Attribuzione Non Commerciale - Non Opere Derivate 2.0 Italia

Licenza Creative Commons

1 Ci pisciano addosso e ci dicono che piove They piss on us and tell us it’s raining
2 Oggi alle ore 14.00 Marco Travaglio ha inaugurato la rubrica "passaparola", il suo appuntamento settimanale col blog. Today at 2:00pm Marco Travaglio initiated the column called "passaparola" {spread the word}, his weekly appointment with the blog.
3 Riporto di seguito la trascrizione della diretta video. Below I’m giving the translated transcript of the live broadcast.
4 "Buongiorno a tutti. "Good day to everyone.
5 Iniziamo questo appuntamento settimanale. This is the start of a weekly appointment.
6 Sono un po' inesperto in questa materia e quindi spero che la cosa venga bene, ma verrà meglio nelle prossime settimane. I am a bit of a beginner in this stuff and so I hope that things go well, but they’ll go better in the weeks to come.
7 Io vorrei sfogliare con voi i giornali della settimana per mostrare quali sono i problemi che affliggono l'informazione dei quali tutti noi, tutti voi credo, siamo molto preoccupati. I would like to glance at this week’s newspapers with you to show you the problems that are afflicting the information system that all of us, I guess all of you, are very worried about.
8 Parto da un caso che mi ha coinvolto ma che, in realtà, non è il mio caso: si chiama "caso Schifani" anche se molti l'hanno chiamato "caso Travaglio". I’ll start with an issue that involved me but that in fact is not an issue about me: it’s the "Schifani case", even though many people have called it the "Travaglio case".
9 Dieci giorni fa sono stato da Fabio Fazio a raccontare alcune cose già presenti in alcuni libri mai querelati e in alcuni articoli querelati da Schifani che però ha perso la causa perché un giudice ha stabilito che tutto quello che aveva scritto di lui l'Espresso era sostanzialmente vero, non c'era alcuna diffamazione. Ten days ago I was with Fabio Fazio giving an account of certain things that are already published in books that have never been taken to court for libel and in some articles that have been taken to court by Schifani who however lost the case because a judge established that everything that l'Espresso had written about him was basically true and so there was no defamation
10 Quella sera, come già mi era capitato sette anni fa quando ero andato a presentare un altro libro nelle stesse identiche condizioni da Daniele Luttazzi, è intervenuta la prima gallina che fa l'uovo, sempre in questi casi, cioè l'allora ministro e ora capogruppo del Popolo della Libertà provvisoria Maurizio Gasparri il quale ha dichiarato che ci sarebbero state delle conseguenze politiche. That evening, as happened to me seven years ago when I went to present another book in the exact same conditions by Daniele Luttazzi, there was an intervention from the first hen to lay an egg, always in these cases, that is the person who at that time was the leader of the provisional group Popolo della Libertà, Maurizio Gasparri who declared that there would be political consequences.
11 Per un attimo mi sono domandato "fanno dimettere Schifani?", in realtà volevano far dimettere me da non so cosa e far cacciare tutti i capi possibili e immaginabili della Rai come se io avessi chiesto il permesso o addirittura avessi ricevuto ordini dai capi della Rai, figuriamoci, per dire quelle cose. For an instant, I wondered "Will they oblige Schifani to resign?", in fact they wanted me to stop and throw out all the possible and imaginable heads in the RAI as though I had asked permission or even received orders from the heads of departments in the RAI, just imagine that, to say all that I said.
12 Mi ha molto colpito il fatto che tra i più solerti a intervenire contro il fatto che avessi raccontato una cosa vera, documentata e già nota, c'è stato il direttore di Rai3 Paolo Ruffini, già noto per aver collaborato alla chiusura del programma di Sabina Guzzanti "Raiot" - anche lì perchè si dicevano troppe cose vere tutte insieme. It really struck me that among the keenest to take action against the fact that I had given an account of something true, something that was documented and well known, was the director of RAI 3, Paolo Ruffini, already known for having closed down Sabina Guzzanti’s programme "Raiot" - there again because too many true things were said all together.
13 Ha dichiarato che ho "gratuitamente offeso la seconda carica dello Stato". He declared that I had "gratuitously offended the second highest position in the State".
14 Effettivamente era gratis, perché nessuno mi ha pagato per farlo. Effectively it was "gratis"{free} because no one paid me to do it.
15 In realtà, Ruffini ha un conflitto di interessi quando parla di Schifani. In reality, Ruffini has a conflict of interests when he talks about Schifani.
16 Forse nessuno, o pochi, lo sanno ma Paolo Ruffini non è [solo] omonimo dell'ex ministro democristiano e dell'ex Cardinale di una certa Palermo anni Settanta: Perhaps no one knows, or at least only a few know but Paolo Ruffini does not (just) have the same name as the former Christian Democrat Minister and as the former Cardinal of a certain Palermo in the 1970s:
17 è il figlio del ministro e il nipote del Cardinale. he is the son of the Minister and a relative of the Cardinal.
18 Ma di più: There’s more:
19 la mamma del direttore di Rai3 Ruffini è la sorella dell'On. La Loggia che non è omonimo dell'attuale parlamentare di Forza Italia (che era socio di Schifani e di Nino Mandalà, poi condannato per mafia, nella famosa società Siculabroker tra la fine degli anni Settanta e la fine degli anni Ottanta): the mother of Ruffini, the RAI 3 director is the sister of Honourable La Loggia who is not the namesake of the current Forza Italia parliamentarian (who was an associate of Schifani and of Nino Mandalà, later convicted for mafia, in the famous company Siculabroker at the end of the 1970s and the beginning of the 1980s):
20 è proprio lui! it’s really him!
21 Praticamente, Ruffini è il nipote di La Loggia. Basically Ruffini is the nephew of La Loggia.
22 Quindi, le storie della Siculabroker gli basterebbe fare un giro di opinioni in famiglia per conoscerle... Thus to get to know the Siculabroker stories he’d just need to go round collecting them from the family.
23 E quando afferma che io non posso raccontarle in televisione... and when he states that I cannot say such things on television...
24 diciamo che sta dicendo che non dovrei rinvangare certe storie di famiglia. let’s just say that he is saying that I shouldn’t dig up certain family stories.
25 Della sua famiglia. Concerning his family that is.
26 Si chiama conflitto di interessi, anche se in questo caso Berlusconi non c'entra, ma nessuno l'ha fatto notare. It’s called conflict of interests, even though on this occasion Berlusconi had nothing to do with it, however, no one has bothered to point this out.
27 Pazienza! Oh well, never mind!
28 Meglio sapere con chi si ha a che fare, chi parla e chi dirige la rete progressista della Rai; It is better to know precisely whom you are dealing with, namely the one who talks and directs the progressive Rai network.
29 poi ci sono anche le reti dirette dal centrodestra. Then there is the matter of the other networks also directed by the centre-right.
30 A quel punto cos'è successo? What happened at that point?
31 Nessuno ha chiesto a Schifani conto e ragione di quello che è nei documenti ma, in compenso, hanno cominciato a chiedere conto a me di una serie di cose che peraltro non ho mai fatto. No one bothered to call Schifani to account for his actions, nor did anyone bother to ask any questions regarding what is stated in the documentation. Instead, they began calling on me to account with regard to a number of alleged offences, which, just in passing, I never committed.
32 Per esempio, l'ottimo giornalista di "Repubblica" D'Avanzo ha addirittura insinuato in un articolo mellifluo che io mi fossi fatto pagare le vacanze estive del 2002 o del 2003 da un signore che è stato poi condannato per mafia e che io non ho mai visto, né conosciuto, né sentito nominare. For example, the excellent journalist from "La Repubblica", Mrs. D'Avanzo, even made certain insinuations in a sweet-talking article, claiming that I had allowed the costs for my summer holidays in 2002 or 2003 to be paid by some or other gentleman, whom I have never seen, never known, nor ever heard anyone speak of, and who was subsequently convicted of collusion with the mafia.
33 Poi, però, ha scritto "chi potrebbe credere a questa cosa?". Forse è il primo caso di un giornalista che nella riga sopra scrive una notizia e in quella sotto "ma nessuno ci crede!". She then proceeded to write: "who could believe such a thing?" She must be the first journalist in history to make a statement at the top of the page and then proceed to state at the bottom of the page that " no one believes it!"
34 Ma se nessuno ci crede perché la scrivi? However, if no one believes it, then why write about it in the first place?
35 Perché non la verifichi? Why not check the information beforehand?
36 Perché non fai il tuo mestiere? Why not do your job properly?
37 Pazienza, ma questo ha portato a parlare di me e delle mie vacanze invece di parlare delle società e delle consulenze urbanistiche del presidente del Senato. All very well, but this person has put the spotlight on me and on my holidays, instead of talking about the Senate Chairman’s companies and his urban planning consultancy services.
38 Consulenze urbanistiche che, guarda caso, sono state commissionate a Schifani dal comune di Villabate, uno dei comuni più infiltrati dalla mafia, e proprio da quel Nino Mandalà che proprio quindici-vent'anni prima sedeva nella stessa società di brokeraggio con Schifani e La Loggia. Urban planning consultancy services that Schifani himself (surprise, surprise) was commissioned to provide by the Villabate Municipality, one of the most mafia-infested municipalities ever known, and more specifically by the very same Nino Mandalà who, fifteen or twenty years before, had been a member of the very same brokerage firm, together with Schifani and La Loggia.
39 Comune che poi è stato sciolto due volte per mafia, per cui Schifani non ha potuto portare a termine il suo lavoro a proposito del Piano Regolatore che secondo il presidente del Consiglio Comunale di Villabate, Francesco Campanella attualmente in carcere e pentito, Schifani e La Loggia avevano concordato direttamente con il boss. The same Municipal Council that was subsequently dissolved twice for reasons relating to mafia collusion, which is why Schifani was unable to complete his task involving the Urban Planning Scheme, for which the Chairman of the Villabate Municipal Council, Francesco Campanella, is currently serving a jail term and has elected to turned state witness, and regarding which Schifani and La Loggia had received direct instructions from the Boss himself.
40 Altra lezione di D'Avanzo: Another lesson for D'Avanzo:
41 come fai ad accusare della gente di aver avuto rapporti, anche d'affari, [con queste persone] prima della loro incriminazione e della loro condanna? how can you accuse other people of having had dealings, including business dealings [with these same people] prior to them even being incriminated and found guilty?
42 Uno non diventa mafioso il giorno in cui lo condannano per mafia o lo arrestano. A person does not suddenly become a mafia member on the very day that he/she is accused of mafia activities, or for that matter on the very day that he/she is arrested.
43 Di solito è mafioso fin dalla più tenera età, è difficile la vocazione adulta nella mafia. A person normally becomes a member of the mafia from a very early age, simply because it is very difficult to get in as an adult.
44 Ti reclutano da giovane. They recruit you as a youngster.
45 Chi sta a Palermo e si mette in società con certe persone dovrebbe prima informarsi di chi siano. Anyone who happens to be in Palermo and decides to go into business with certain people should first find out precisely who and what these people are.
46 Chi accetta consulenze da un comune pesantemente infiltrato dalla mafia non può dire "non lo sapevo". Anyone agreeing to provide consultancy services to a Municipal Council that has been heavily infiltrated by the mafia, cannot turn around later and say that: "I didn’t know"
47 Prima di lavorare in certi ambienti devi prendere informazioni, e su Mandalà le informazioni in loco erano piuttosto copiose.I magistrati, quando arrivano, sono sempre gli ultimi a sapere, un po' come i cornuti. Before going to work in certain environments, such people should first gather enough information and, specifically in Manadalà’s case, there were copious amounts of such information readily available on site. Whenever a new Magistrate arrives in a new place, it is said that he is always the last to find out what is actually going on, just like a man who is being cuckolded by his wife.
48 Negli ambienti politici - lo diceva già Paolo Borsellino ma anche Giuseppe Aiala nel suo ultimo libro - chi ha certi rapporti lo si viene a sapere ben prima che la magistratura lo possa mettere nero su bianco. In political circles, as Paolo Borsellino stated long ago and as Giuseppe Aiala wrote in his latest book, you get to hear about anyone who has had shady dealings, long before the courts are able to put anything down in writing.
49 Altrimenti oggi dovremmo dire che Al Capone non era un mafioso. Otherwise, today we would be obliged to state that Al Capone was never a member of the mafia.
50 Al Capone non è mai stato condannato per mafia ma solo per evasione fiscale. Al Capone was never, in fact, convicted on any mafia-related charges, but only on tax evasion charges.
51 Dovremmo definire Al Capone il "noto evasore fiscale italo-americano", secondo il metodo D'Avanzo. According to D’Avanzo, we should therefore refer to Al Capone as "the well known Italo-American tax evader ".
52 Ma andiamo avanti, non voglio parlare troppo di questo caso ma dei giornali, di come titolano i loro articoli e di quello che scrivono nei loro articoli. But let’s move on, because I don’t want to say too much in this regard, but what I do want to talk about are the newspapers, about how they decide on the headings for their articles and what they write about in these articles.
53 Naturalmente, la fonte che D'Avanzo indicava, cioè l'avvocato di questo Aiello che avrebbe detto di avermi pagato le vacanze, ha scritto a D'Avanzo una letterina su Repubblica in cui diceva "io non posso essere la sua fonte perché non l'ho mai sentita ne vista". Naturally, the source that D'Avanzo mentioned, namely the attorney of this Mr. Aiello who apparently stated that he had paid for my holiday, wrote a little letter to D'Avanzo, which was subsequently published in La Repubblica, in which he states that: "There is no way that I am her source, simply because I have never heard from her nor met with her personally".
54 La risposta di D'Avanzo non è stata "chiedo scusa, mi sono sbagliato, era una balla". D'Avanzo response was certainly to contritely say:"I’m sorry, I made a mistake, it was all a big lie ".
55 Non ce n'è uno che si prenda la responsabilità di aver detto questa balla. Nessuno lo sa. There is no one around who is prepared to accept responsibility for having told this lie and no one who knows the person responsible.
56 La risposta di D'Avanzo sono due righe, uno vera lezione di giornalismo: D'Avanzo’s response only runs to two lines, a genuine lesson in journalism:
57 "Il ricordo di Michele Aiello - cioè il ricordo che mi aveva pagato le vacanze, che non è vero - è stato raccolto da fonti vicine all'inchiesta". "The statement made by Michele Aiello - in other words the statement that he paid for my holiday, which is untrue - was made by sources closely linked to the investigation".
58 "Fonti vicine all'inchiesta". "Sources closely linked to the investigation".
59 Tenete presenti queste parole, sono tutte espressioni nuove, neologismi che vengono fuori per l'occasione. Remember these words, these are all totally new expressions, neologisms that are hauled out of the cupboard and dusted off especially for certain occasions.
60 "Fonti vicine all'inchiesta". "Sources closely linked to the investigation".
61 Non si sa chi l'ha detto, sentito, riferito. No one knows who said this, it was heard, it was reported.
62 "Fonti vicine all'inchiesta". "Sources closely linked to the investigation".
63 Fonti purissime... Sources as pure as the driven snow...
64 Il Riformista: "Travaglio si discolpa su Repubblica: The Riformista: "Travaglio excuses himself in La Repubblica:
65 'Ho pagato io quella vacanza'". 'I paid for that holiday’".
66 Il titolo è già interessante: The heading alone is interesting:
67 "si discolpa". "excuses himself".
68 Ma di che? For what precisely?
69 Io non mi discolpo di niente, non ho fatto niente! I do not excuse myself for anything, I have done nothing wrong!
70 Ho raccontato le mie vacanze proprio perché non ho niente da nascondere, mentre a dieci giorni da "Che tempo che fa" l'unico che non ha ancora spiegato è il presidente del Senato. I only spoke about my holidays precisely because I have nothing to hide. Meanwhile, just ten days before the scheduled broadcast of "Che tempo che fa", the only person that had not as yet come up with any explanation was the leader of the Senate himself.
71 Anche perché spontaneamente non lo farà mai. Also because it is true that he would never do so of his own accord.
72 Ci vorrebbe un giornalista che gli mettesse un microfono sotto il naso e gli facesse la domanda sulla Siculabroker, sul comune di Villabate e sulle sue consulenze. What is required is one journalist who is prepared to shove a microphone under his nose and ask him some questions about Siculabroker, about the Villabate Municipality and about the consultancy services that he provided.
73 Ma purtroppo non è accaduto. Unfortunately, this did not happen.
74 L'unico che gli ha messo sotto il naso il microfono è stato un giornalista del TG1 che, sdraiato carponi, gli ha chiesto: The only person who shoved a microphone under his nose was a TG1 reporter who, crouching down on all fours, asked:
75 "Presidente, come agevolare il dialogo tra destra e sinistra?". "Mr.Chairman, how do we go about encouraging dialogue between the right-wing and the left-wing?"
76 Il presidente, naturalmente, ha risposto che il dialogo è importante. Mr.Chairman answered, naturally, that dialogue is important.
77 Meglio del dialogo che ha visto in questi giorni: Far better than any dialogue he may have witnessed in recent days.
78 è stato baciato da Anna Finocchiaro con grande trasporto. He was only kissed rather forcefully by Anna Finocchiaro.
79 Non se lo poteva immaginare. He could not have imagined anything like this.
80 Seconda domanda: Second question:
81 "Anna Finocchiaro l'ha difesa, è contento?" Fine dell'intervista. "Anna Finocchiaro came to your defence, does this please you?" End of the interview.
82 Nessuna domanda. No further questions.
83 Che risponda lui a domande che nessuno gli fa sarebbe abbastanza impensabile, infatti questo è l'unico Paese in cui uno che ha avuto certi rapporti e ha certi particolari biografici può diventare, di fatto, il vicepresidente della Repubblica in quanto seconda carica dello Stato. It would in fact be fairly difficult to imagine anyone like him answering any questions that were not specifically put to him and, in reality, this is the only Country in which a person who has had certain questionable dealings in the past and whose background is tainted with certain biographical details can go on to fill what is essentially the post of Deputy Prime Minister, since it is the second highest post in Government.
84 En passant cito Il Giornale, che invece di parlare di Schifani parla di me in un articolo pieno di balle. En passant, I quote Il Giornale, which, instead of talking about Schifani, talks about me, in an article that is riddled with lies.
85 A un certo punto c'è scritto che io avrei una rubrica settimanale su Repubblica Torino, ed è vero, in cui rispondo alle lettere "con il vezzo di un autoritratto firmato dal disegnatore Mannelli". At a certain point in the article, it is written that I have a weekly column in the Repubblica Torino newspaper, which is true, in which I respond to readers’ letters "in an affected manner reminiscent of a self portrait signed by the painter Mannelli".
86 Ma come faccio ad avere un autoritratto firmato da un disegnatore che non sono io? But how can I have a self -portrait signed by a painter other than myself?
87 Quello si chiama ritratto, l'autoritratto è quello che mi faccio io! That is called a portrait, while a self-portrait, instead, is something that I have painted myself!
88 Non si sa più nemmeno che parole usare, in certi casi. They no longer even know what words to use in certain cases.
89 Si usano parole completamente fasulle. They use words that are completely fake.
90 A questo punto che succede? And what happens next, you ask?
91 Le nebbie si diradano, si viene a scoprire che anche la storia delle mie vacanze è una balla, nessuno chiede scusa - anzi si scrive "fonti vicine all'inchiesta" - e partono tutte le procedure legali per cercare di tappare la bocca o a chi ha ospitato o a chi ha raccontato questi fatti. The mist rises and it becomes patently clear that even the story regarding my holidays was a lie, but no one bothers to apologise – on the contrary, they write about " Sources closely linked to the investigation " - and all sorts of legal procedures are implemented in an attempt to shut up either the programme presenter or the person that spoke about the matter in the first place.
92 Partono le solite authority, i soliti consigli di amministrazioni, le solite commissioni parlamentari di vigilanza. Off go the usual authorities, the usual boards of directors, the usual parliamentary overview committees.
93 Tutti organismi politici dove ci sono dentro D'Alema, Fassino, Berlusconi, Fini, Mastella, travestiti tramite i loro emissari, che aprono pratiche, minacciano sanzioni, annunciano codici. All of which are nothing more than political bodies that include D'Alema, Fassino, Berlusconi, Fini and Mastella, hiding behind their emissaries, instituting proceedings, threatening sanctions, introducing codes.
94 Addirittura denunciano violazioni che nessuno ha mai commesso perché i codici li conoscono soltanto loro e le regole le conoscono soltanto loro. They even go as far as reporting violations that no one has ever committed, because they alone know all about the codes and all about the rules.
95 Io personalmente una regola conosco: verificare se una cosa è vera, accertarmi se sia interessante. Se è vera ed interessante, dirla. I personally only know of one rule, namely the one that states that I must check whether or not something is true and then I must decide whether or not that something is of interest. Then, if that something turns out to be both true and interesting, I proceed to mention it.
96 L'unica regola che conosco è che non bisogna violare il codice penale. The only rule I know is the one stating that one should not violate any of the provisions of the criminal code.
97 Qualcuno ritiene che l'abbia violato? Is there anyone out there who believes that I may have violated some provision of the criminal code?
98 Lo dimostri in Tribunale. Let him/her prove it in Court.
99 Qualcuno ritiene di avere qualcosa da rispondere? Is there anyone out there who believes that they have something to say?
100 Risponda. Let him/her say it.
101 Non ho sentito nessuna risposta, solo tante parole al vento. I don’t hear anyone saying anything, nothing but a lot of meaningless hot air.
102 Segnatevi anche questa: You should also remember the following word:
103 contraddittorio. contradiction.
104 Fabio Fazio è l'intervistatore, io l'intervistato. Fabio Fazio is the interviewer and I am the interviewee.
105 La cosa accade tutti i sabati e le domeniche sera, si chiama intervista. It happens every Saturday and Sunday night and it is known as an interview.
106 Prevede che uno faccia le domande e l'altro dia le risposte. It makes provision for one person to ask questions and for another person to answer them.
107 In questo caso hanno detto che ci voleva il contraddittorio, una terza persona - non so, la Finocchiaro o Schifani sotto la poltrona - che sbuca fuori per dire di starmi zitto o che sto raccontando balle. In this case, they said that what was lacking was some sort of contradiction, a third person - I don’t know who that could be, perhaps Mrs.Finocchiaro or Minister Schifani tucked away under the armchair - who could pop out at the appropriate time and tell me to shut up or to tell me that I’m talking nonsense.
108 Ma questo non è mai avvenuto in nessuna intervista! This, however, has never happened previously in any interview!
109 Tra l'altro al presidente del Senato non mancano i mezzi, basta che faccia un gesto e si ritrova tutte le telecamere ai suoi piedi pronte a riferire qualunque sospiro esca dalla sua bocca. Just in passing, the leader of the Senate has no shortage of resources at his disposal and all that is required is for him to give the nod, at which point he will find all the television cameras at his feet, ready to capture even the smallest sigh that may escape from his lips.
110 Perfino quando annuncia una lotta solenne e feroce alla mafia, che verrebbe anche meglio se uno non fosse socio dei mafiosi, ma non si può avere tutto dalla vita. Even when he is announcing a serious and ferocious battle against the mafia, although this would certainly sound more convincing were he not a partner in the mafia, however, one can’t have everything in life.
111 La cosa che più mi ha fatto piacere è che questa manovra per screditare chi racconta i fatti non è andata a buon fine: The thing that pleased me the most was that this attempt to discredit anyone attempting to telling the truth was unsuccessful:
112 chi riesce a conquistarsi una credibilità col proprio lavoro, con la propria serietà, alla fine ottiene quei famosi riconoscimenti dal basso di cui parlava Enzo Biagi, che sono incompatibili con i riconoscimenti dall'alto. anyone that manages to earn a certain amount of credibility through his/her work and through his/her own propriety will, in the long run also receive that celebrated "recognition from below" that Enzo Biagi spoke of and that is incomparable to any recognition coming down from above.
113 Si deve scegliere: Every person must make his/her own choice.
114 se li vuoi dal basso non li avrai dall'alto, e viceversa. If he/she wants recognition from below, he/she won’t receive any from above, and vice versa.
115 Quindi, svanita la manovra, mi rimangono alcuni messaggi che mi sono appuntato. Therefore, with the smear attempt having vanished into thin air, all that remains are a few messages that I have noted down for my own reference.
116 Uno viene da un mio amico che lavora alla Rai a Londra il quale mi ricordava che, a differenza che nella sua azienda, in Inghilterra quando un giornalista del servizio pubblico, la BBC, viene attaccato succede esattamente il contrario di quanto accade in Italia. One was from an old friend who works at RAI’s London office, who reminded me that, unlike what occurs in his company, in England, when reporters from one of the public broadcasters, namely the BBC, are attacked, precisely the opposite occurs than what happens in Italy.
117 Nel 2004 alcuni giornalisti della BBC fecero emergere il dossier Irak, cioè il dossier di bugie organizzate dal governo Blair d'intesa col governo Bush per mentire ai popoli occidentali, raccontare le balle delle armi di distruzione di massa mai trovate e dei rapporti tra Bin Laden e Saddam Hussein che non esistono. In 2004, a number of BBC reporters reported on the contents of the Iraq dossier, a dossier containing the lies spread by the Blair Government, with Bush’s agreement, in order to mislead the people of the West, tell lies about the weapons of mass destruction that were never found, and the relationship between Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein, which never existed.
118 Quando andò in onda questo scoop il governo attaccò questi giornalisti. When this scoop concerning the government was aired, the government immediately proceeded to attack these reporters.
119 Bene, il presidente e il direttore generale della BBC, servizio pubblico radiotelevisivo pagato con i soldi degli inglesi, anziché prendersela con i giornalisti che li avevano messi in difficoltà con i loro scoop sul governo, si dimisero per difendere i loro cronisti. All good and well, except for the fact that both the Chairman and the General Manager of the BBC, a public service radio and television broadcaster that is paid for with English taxpayers’ money, instead of venting their wrath on the reporters that may have put them in an embarrassing position with the scoop in question, instead resigned in order to defend their reporters.
120 Da noi avete visto cos'hanno fatto i vertici della Rai, hanno detto che io avevo fatto qualcosa di inqualificabile, evidentemente perché non sono abituati a sentir raccontare la verità mentre quando vedono uno scendiletto che mette il microfono sotto il naso del presidente Schifani per chiedergli come agevolare il dialogo... Did you see instead what the leaders of RAI did? They said that I had done something disgraceful, perhaps because they are obviously not accustomed to hearing the truth being told while, when they see a doormat shoving a microphone under the nose of the Senate leader Schifani to ask him how to encourage dialogue, well...
121 beh quello gli piace, gli sembra un'intervista vera. that is something they do like because, in their opinion, that is a proper interview.
122 Lì non chiedono il contraddittorio e neanche le domande! In that case they refrain from demanding contradiction, or even any real questions!
123 E' una questione di abitudine. It is purely a question of habit.
124 Quando parlano di BBC, se la guardassero almeno un paio di secondi al giorno per capire così un servizio pubblico radiotelevisivo. And when they speak of the BBC, perhaps they should watch it for just a few minutes each day, that way they would understand what a real public service radio and television broadcaster looks like.
125 Altra cosa che mi ha fatto piacere è che molti mi hanno mandato delle citazioni, delle frasi, degli articoli e persino dei detti. Another thing that pleased me no end was that many people have sent me quotes, phrases, articles and even some sayings.
126 Vorrei concludere con un detto catalano che una studentessa di Barcellona in Italia per una borsa di studio mi ha mandato, insieme a uno di Paul Valéry che già conoscevo. I would like to end with a Catalan saying sent to me by a female student from Barcelona who is in Italy on an academic bursary, as well as another one from Paul Valéry whom I already knew.
127 Il detto di Paul Valéry è: "c'è un solo modo per vedere realizzati i propri sogni: svegliarsi". Paul Valéry’s saying goes as follows: "there is only one way to see one’s dreams come true, and that is to wake up ".
128 C'è un altro detto di Paul Valéry: "se non riesci a demolire il ragionamento, cerca almeno di demolire il ragionatore". Another one of Paul Valéry’s sayings is that: "if you are unable to destroy the logic, at least you should try to destroy the speaker ".
129 La stessa cosa avviene quando non riesci a demolire i fatti, che hanno una loro forza intrinseca, cerca almeno di demolire chi li ha raccontati. The same occurs when you are unable to destroy the facts, which have an intrinsic life of their own, you should at least try to destroy the one that revealed them.
130 Infine, il detto catalano, che questa ragazza mi ha segnalato dicendomi che non le viene in mente niente di più preciso per descrivere la situazione che sta vivendo in Italia, la qual cosa la sgomenta parecchio. Finally, the Catalan saying sent to me by the this girl who states that she can think of nothing that is more appropriate in order to describe the current situation in Italy, which upsets her very much.
131 E con questa vi lascio: And with this I will take my leave:
132 "ci pisciano addosso e ci dicono che sta piovendo". "they piss on us and tell us that it is raining ".





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