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Airbus S.A.S. better known as simply Airbus, based in Toulouse, France, is the world's top commercial aircraft manufacturer measured by orders and deliveries for 2003 and 2004.

Airbus also delivered more planes than its closest rival, Boeing in 2005.

Boeing, however had more orders, in 2005, for the 1st time since 2000.

It was incorporated in 2001 under French law as a simplified joint stock company or "S.A.S." (Société par Actions Simplifiée).

Airbus was formerly known as Airbus Industrie and is commonly just named Airbus.

Airbus is jointly held by EADS (80%) and BAE Systems (20%), Europe's two largest military suppliers and manufacturers.

As of 2005, its CEO is Gustav Humbert.

Airbus employs around 50,000 people in essentially four European countries: France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and Spain.

Final assembly production occurs at Toulouse (France) and Hamburg (Germany).

The main competitor of Airbus is Boeing, with which it fights an intense commercial and political war.


Airbus Industrie began as a consortium of European aviation firms to compete with American companies such as Boeing and McDonnell Douglas.

In the 1960s European aircraft manufacturers competed with each other as much as the American giants.

In the mid-1960s tentative negotiations commenced regarding a European collaborative approach began.

In September 1967 the British, French and German governments signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to start development of the 300 seat Airbus A300.

This was the second major joint aircraft programme in Europe, following the Concorde, for which no ongoing consortium was devised.

An earlier announcement had been made in July 1967 but had been complicated by the British Aircraft Corporation (BAC).

The British government refused to back its proposed competitor, a development of the BAC 1-11 and instead supported the Airbus aircraft.

In the months following this agreement both the French and British governments expressed doubts about the aircraft.

Another problem was the requirement for a new engine (to be developed by Rolls-Royce, the RB207).

In December 1968 the French and British partner companies, Sud Aviation and Hawker Siddeley proposed a revised configuration, the 250 seat Airbus A250.

Renamed the A300B the aircraft would not require new engines, reducing development costs.

In 1969 the British government shocked its partners by withdrawing from the project.

Given the participation by Hawker Siddeley up to that point, France and Germany were reluctant to take over their wing design.

Thus the British company was allowed to continue as a major subcontractor.

In 1978 Britain rejoined the consortium when British Aerospace (the merged Hawker Siddeley and BAC) purchased a 20% share of the company.

Airbus formed

Airbus Industrie was formally set up in 1970 following an agreement between Aerospatiale (France) and Deutsche Aerospace (Germany) (joined by CASA of Spain in 1971).

Each company would deliver its sections as fully equipped, ready to fly items.

The name "Airbus" was taken from a non-proprietary term used by the airline industry in the 1960s to refer to a commercial aircraft of a certain size and range, for this term was acceptable to the French linguistically.

In 1972 the A300 made its maiden flight and the first production model, the A300B2 entered service in 1974.

Initially the success of the consortium was poor but by 1979 there were 81 aircraft in service.

It was the launch of the A320 in 1981 that guaranteed Airbus as a major player in the aircraft market - the aircraft had over 400 orders before it first flew, compared to 15 for the A300 in 1972.

It was a fairly loose alliance but that changed in 2000 when DASA, Aerospatiale and CASA merged to form EADS and in 2001 when BAE Systems (formerly British Aerospace) and EADS formed the Airbus Integrated Company to coincide with the development of the new Airbus A380, which will seat 555 passengers and be the world's largest commercial passenger jet when it enters service in 2006.

On April 27, 2005, the A380 successfully completed its maiden flight in Toulouse, France.

The flight lasted almost four hours, the plane taking off from Toulouse Blagnac Airport at 08:29 UTC (10:29 a.m. local time), going west towards the Atlantic Ocean, turning around above the ocean, flying above the Pyrenees mountains, and landing at Toulouse Blagnac Airport at 12:23 UTC (2:23 p.m. local time).

The crew was made up of French test pilots Jacques Rosay (captain for the take-off and the initial part of the test flight) and Claude Lelaie (captain for the second part of the test flight including the landing), as well as three flight test engineers (Spanish, French, and German).

With the recent Franco-German controversy over the leadership of EADS still fresh in mind, Airbus issued a statement to make it clear that the crew had been chosen not based on nationality, but based on competence.

Test flights are due to continue until mid-2006.

Civilian products

The Airbus product line started with the A300, the world's first twin-aisle, twin-engined aircraft.

A shorter variant of the A300 is known as the A310.

Building on its success, Airbus launched the A320 with its innovative fly-by-wire control system.

The A320 was a great commercial success.

The A318 and A319 are shorter derivatives with some of the latter under construction for the corporate biz-jet market (Airbus Corporate Jet).

A stretched version is known as the A321 and is proving competitive with later models of the Boeing 737.

The longer range products, the twin-jet A330 and the four-jet A340, have efficient wings, enhanced by winglets.

The Airbus A340-500 has an operating range of 16,700 kilometres (9000 nautical miles), the second longest range of any commercial jet after the Boeing 777-200LR (range of 17,446 km or 9420 nautical miles).

These are competing strongly with the equivalent Boeing products and may partly explain the cessation of airliner production at Lockheed in 1983 and the take-over of McDonnell Douglas by the surviving US builder of long-distance airliners, Boeing, in 1996-1997.

The company is particularly proud of its use of fly-by-wire technologies and the common cockpit and systems in use throughout the aircraft family, which make it much easier to train crew.

Military products

In January 1999 Airbus established a separate company, Airbus Military S.A.S., to undertake development and production of a turboprop powered military transport aircraft (the Airbus Military A400M.)

The A400M is being developed by several NATO members, Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Spain, Turkey, and the UK, as an alternative to the C-130 Hercules.

Expansion in the military aircraft market will reduce, but not negate, Airbus' exposure to the effects of cyclical downturns in civil aviation.

• Airbus A400M

• A310 MRTT (Multi Role Tanker Transport)

• A330 MRTT

Competition with Boeing

In 2003, for the first time in its 33-year history, Airbus delivered more jet-powered airliners than Boeing.

Boeing states that the Boeing 777 has outsold its Airbus counterparts, which include the A340 family as well as the A330-300.

The smaller A330-200 competes with the 767, outselling its Boeing counterpart, but it is speculated that the introduction of the 787 may improve Boeing's market share in this segment and possibly outsell the A330.

The A380 is anticipated to further reduce sales of the Boeing 747, gaining Airbus a share of the market in very large aircraft.

Boeing is building a stretched version of the 747, the 747-8, which will provide increased competition for the A380.

Currently there are around 3,850 Airbus aircraft in service, with Airbus winning more than 50 per cent of aircraft orders in recent years.

But Airbus products are still outnumbered 6 to 1 by in-service Boeings (there are over 4,000 Boeing 737s alone in service, for example).

This however is indicative of historical success - Airbus made a late entry into the modern jet airliner market (1972 vs. 1958 for Boeing).

Airbus won a greater share of orders and delivered more aircraft in 2003 and 2004.

At the aircraft show in Le Bourget in June 2005, Airbus outperformed Boeing in aeroplane sales.

Airbus has contracted for the sale of 280 airliners with a contract price of 34 billion dollars, whereas Boeing received orders for 146 aeroplanes priced in total with 15 billion dollars.

However, in terms of gross firm orders for 2005, Boeing has once again taken the lead with 825, compared to 687 for Airbus (at the end of November 2005, the last date for which matching figures are available).


Boeing has continually protested over "launch aid" and other forms of government aid to Airbus, while Airbus has argued that Boeing receives illegal subsidies through military and research contracts and tax breaks.

In July 2004 Harry Stonecipher (Boeing CEO) accused Airbus of abusing a 1992 non-binding agreement covering launch aid.

Airbus is given launch aid from European governments with the money being paid back with interest, plus indefinite royalties, but only if the plane is a commercial success.

Airbus contends that this system is fully compliant with the 1992 agreement and WTO rules.

The agreement allows up to 33 per cent of the programme cost to be met through government loans which are to be fully repaid within 17 years with interest and royalties.

These loans are held at a minimum interest rate equal to the cost of government borrowing plus 0.25%, which would be below market rates available to Airbus without government support.

Airbus claims that since the signature of the EU-U.S. Agreement in 1992, it has repaid European governments more than U.S.$6.7 billion and that this is 40% more than it has received.

On the other hand Airbus argues that the pork barrel military contracts awarded to Boeing (the second largest U.S. defence contractor) are in effect a form of subsidy (see the Boeing KC-767 military contracting controversy).

However, Airbus receives military contracts that are awarded by various governments all over the world.

It would be a mistake to say that one side is getting the subsidy, while the other side is not.

The significant U.S. government support of technology development via NASA also provides significant support to Boeing, as does the large tax breaks offered to Boeing which some claim are in violation of the 1992 agreement and WTO rules.

In its recent products such as the 787, Boeing has also been offered substantial support from local and state governments.

On the other hand, it has been argued that in U.S. government support of technology development, anyone can benefit from the results;

even Airbus can benefit from them.

In January 2005 the European Union and United States trade representatives, Peter Mandelson and Robert Zoellick (since replaced by Rob Portman) respectively, agreed to talks aimed at resolving the increasing tensions.

These talks were not successful with the dispute becoming more acrimonious rather than approaching a settlement.

WTO litigation

On May 31, 2005 the United States filed a case against the European Union for providing allegedly illegal subsidies to Airbus.

24 hours later the European Union filed a complaint against the United States protesting support for Boeing.

Portman (from the USA) and Mandelson (from the EU) issued a joint statement stating:

"We remain united in our determination that this dispute shall not affect our cooperation on wider bilateral and multilateral trade issues.

We have worked together well so far, and intend to continue to do so."

Tensions increased by the support for the Airbus A380 have erupted into a potential trade war due to the upcoming launch of the Airbus A350.

Airbus would ideally like the A350 programme to be launched with the help of state loans covering a third of the development costs although it has stated it will launch without these loans if required.

The A350 will compete with Boeing's most successful project in recent years, the 787 Dreamliner.

EU trade officials are questioning the funding provided by the Japanese Government and Japanese companies as well as some US states for the launch of the 787.

Stiff Competition in Japan

The two large Japanese airlines, Japan Airlines and All Nippon Airways, are traditionally very loyal Boeing customers, with that manufacturer's products accounting for about 90% of their fleets.

Both airlines have some Airbus products (A300 for JAL, not ordered by JAL but in the fleet because of the takeover of Japan Air System, and A320/A321 for All Nippon Airways, which the airline ordered).

However, ANA have started the transition to an all-Boeing fleet, after the entry into service of the 737 NG and later the 787.

A move such as this will leave Airbus with virtually no market share in Japan.

Significantly, no orders have been taken for the A380 from Japanese airlines, despite the fact that very large 747 fleets (in JAL's case, the world's largest) are being operated in the country.

Airbus has established a branch office in Japan in order to increase the sales efforts, but how that will work in Airbus's favor remains a mystery.

In 2005, one success for Airbus was Sagawa Express' firm order of 1 A300-600F aircraft and 1 option of the same type.

Star Flyer, a new airline in Japan, has announced that they may use A320 for their service when the new Kita Kyushu Airport is opened.

In October 2005, ANA ordered 5 A320s, but merely as an interim measure before the 737NG (New Generation) was available.

ANA has not changed their mind about retiring their Airbus fleet.

A major factor contributing to the Boeing loyalty is the close manufacturing partnership between Boeing and several Japanese consortiums, most notably in the production of the wings of 787.

Besides that, airlines in Japan were being consulted by Boeing in the design phase of 777.

Even though these manufacturers are distinct from the airlines, the Japanese government is strongly encouraging aerospace cooperation with Boeing, and the tightly-knit nature of Japanese keiretsu corporate networks will ensure that Japan will be an extremely difficult market for Airbus to profit from.

International manufacturing presence

The three final assembly lines of Airbus are in Toulouse (France) (two assembly lines) and Hamburg (Germany) (one assembly line).

A fourth final assembly line, for the Airbus A400M, is under contruction in Seville (Spain).

It is estimated that this new assembly line will be operational by October 2006.

Airbus, however, has a number of other plants in different European locations, reflecting its foundation as a consortium.

An original solution to the problem of moving aircraft parts between the different factories and the assembly plants is the use of "Beluga" specially enlarged jets, capable of carrying entire sections of fuselage of Airbus aircraft.

This solution is also being investigated by Boeing, who are considering producing an enlarged version of their 747 aircraft to transport the components of the 7E7.

An exception to this scheme is the A380, whose fuselage and wings are too large for sections to be carried by the Beluga.

Large A380 parts are brought by ship to Bordeaux, and then transported to the Toulouse assembly plant by a specially enlarged road.

North America is an important region to Airbus in terms of both aircraft sales and suppliers.

2,000 of the total of approximately 5,300 Airbus jetliners sold by Airbus around the world, representing every aircraft in its product line from the 107-seat A318 to the 565-passenger A380, are ordered by North American customers.

US contractors supporting an estimated 120,000 jobs earned estimated $5.5 billion (2003) worth of business.

For example, the A380 has 51% American content in terms of work share value. 


Scopri come è facile capire l'inglese se c'è a fianco la traduzione parallela incasellata!

Airbus S.A.S. better known as simply Airbus, based in Toulouse, France, is the world's top commercial aircraft manufacturer measured by orders and deliveries for 2003 and 2004.

Airbus S.A.S., meglio conosciuta come Airbus, con sede a Tolosa, Francia, è il maggiore produttore mondiale di velivoli commerciali, considerando ordini e consegne del 2003 e 2004.

Airbus also delivered more planes than its closest rival, Boeing in 2005.

Anche nel 2005 ha consegnato più velivoli del suo stretto rivale Boeing.

Boeing, however had more orders, in 2005, for the 1st time since 2000.

Tuttavia, per la prima volta dal 2000, la Boeing nel 2005 ha ricevuto più ordini.

It was incorporated in 2001 under French law as a simplified joint stock company or "S.A.S." (Société par Actions Simplifiée).

E’ stata costituita nel 2001 sotto la giurisdizione francese come Società per Azioni Semplificata “S.A.S.”

Airbus was formerly known as Airbus Industrie and is commonly just named Airbus.

Airbus S.A.S., inizialmente nota col nome di Airbus Industrie, oggi è conosciuta semplicemente come Airbus.

Airbus is jointly held by EADS (80%) and BAE Systems (20%), Europe's two largest military suppliers and manufacturers.

Airbus è una società integrata costituita da EADS (European Aeronautic Defence and Space) con una quota dell’80% e da BAE Systems con una quota del 20%, i due maggiori fornitori e produttori militari europei

As of 2005, its CEO is Gustav Humbert.

Dal 2005 il presidente è Gustav Humbert

Airbus employs around 50,000 people in essentially four European countries: France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and Spain.

Airbus impiega circa 50000 persone in diversi paesi europei, principalmete nei quattro paesi partner Francia, Germania, Regno Unito e Spagna.

Final assembly production occurs at Toulouse (France) and Hamburg (Germany).

L’assemblaggio finale dei velivoli è realizzato a Tolosa (Francia) e ad Amburgo, in Germania

The main competitor of Airbus is Boeing, with which it fights an intense commercial and political war.

Il principale concorrente dell’Airbus è l’americana Boeing, contro la quale lotta continuamente un’intensa guerra politica e commerciale.



Airbus Industrie began as a consortium of European aviation firms to compete with American companies such as Boeing and McDonnell Douglas.

Airbus Industrie ha iniziato la sua attività come consorzio di imprese aeronautiche europee per poter competere con le industrie americane come la Boeing e la McDonnel Douglas.

In the 1960s European aircraft manufacturers competed with each other as much as the American giants.

Negli anni ’60 i costruttori aeronautici europei erano in aperta concorrenza tra di loro e con i giganti americani.

In the mid-1960s tentative negotiations commenced regarding a European collaborative approach began.

Solo verso la metà degli anni ’60 furono avviati i primi tentativi di negoziazione riguardo una possibile collaborazione europea.

In September 1967 the British, French and German governments signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to start development of the 300 seat Airbus A300.

Nel settembre del 1967 i governi britannico, francese e tedesco firmarono un Memorandum di Intesa (MoD – dalla sigla inglese Memorandum of Understanding) per l’avvio dello sviluppo del 300 posti Airbus A300.

This was the second major joint aircraft programme in Europe, following the Concorde, for which no ongoing consortium was devised.

Questo fu il secondo tra i più grandi programmi aeronautici congiunti in Europa, dopo il Concorde, per il quale non fu concepito nessun consorzio.

An earlier announcement had been made in July 1967 but had been complicated by the British Aircraft Corporation (BAC).

Un primo tentativo fu fatto nel luglio 1967, ma fu reso difficile dalla British Aircraft Corporation (BAC).

The British government refused to back its proposed competitor, a development of the BAC 1-11 and instead supported the Airbus aircraft.

Il governo britannico, infatti, si rifiutò di rinviare il proprio progetto, uno sviluppo del BAC 1-11, e quindi di sostenere il velivolo Airbus.

In the months following this agreement both the French and British governments expressed doubts about the aircraft.

Nei mesi che seguirono l’accordo, i due governi, francese e britannico, espressero qualche dubbio riguardo al nuovo velivolo.

Another problem was the requirement for a new engine (to be developed by Rolls-Royce, the RB207).

Un altro grande problema era costituito dalla necessità di un nuovo motore (che avrebbe dovuto sviluppare la Rolls-Royce, l’RB207).

In December 1968 the French and British partner companies, Sud Aviation and Hawker Siddeley proposed a revised configuration, the 250 seat Airbus A250.

Nel dicembre del 1968 le due compagnie partner, francese e britannica, Sud Aviation e Hawker Siddeley, proposero una nuova configurazione, il 250 posti Airbus A250.

Renamed the A300B the aircraft would not require new engines, reducing development costs.

La nuova versione del velivolo, rinominata A300B, non richiedeva nuovi motori, il che comportava una notevole riduzione dei costi di sviluppo.

In 1969 the British government shocked its partners by withdrawing from the project.

Nel 1969 il governo britannico scosse i suoi partners ritirandosi dal progetto.

Given the participation by Hawker Siddeley up to that point, France and Germany were reluctant to take over their wing design.

Data la partecipazione della Hawker Siddeley fino a quel punto, Francia e Germania si mostrarono riluttanti ad assumere la direzione del progetto delle ali.

Thus the British company was allowed to continue as a major subcontractor.

Perciò alla compagnia britannica fu permesso di continuare il suo lavoro come maggiore subappaltatore.

In 1978 Britain rejoined the consortium when British Aerospace (the merged Hawker Siddeley and BAC) purchased a 20% share of the company.

Nel 1978 la Gran Bretagna rientrò nel consorzio quando British Aerospace (fusione tra Hawker e BAC) acquistò una quota del 20% della compagnia.

Airbus formed

La costituzione di Airbus

Airbus Industrie was formally set up in 1970 following an agreement between Aerospatiale (France) and Deutsche Aerospace (Germany) (joined by CASA of Spain in 1971).

Airbus Industrie fu formalmente costituita nel 1970 dall’accordo tra Aerospatiale (Francia) e Deutsche Aerospace (Germania) (ai quali si aggiunse la società spagnola CASA nel 1971).

Each company would deliver its sections as fully equipped, ready to fly items.

Ogni compagnia avrebbe dovuto consegnare le proprie sezioni totalmente equipaggiate, pronti per volare.

The name "Airbus" was taken from a non-proprietary term used by the airline industry in the 1960s to refer to a commercial aircraft of a certain size and range, for this term was acceptable to the French linguistically.

Il nome “Airbus” fu preso da un termine non–proprietario usato dalle compagnie aeree negli anni ’60 per indicare un velivolo commerciale con determinate dimensioni e range, inoltre questo termine era accettabile linguisticamente anche dalla Francia.

In 1972 the A300 made its maiden flight and the first production model, the A300B2 entered service in 1974.

Nel 1972 l’A300 compì il suo primo volo e la prima versione di produzione, l’A300B2 entrò in servizio nel 1974.


Inizialmente il consorzio non ebbe un grande successo, nel 1979 c’erano soltanto 81 velivoli in servizio.


Initially the success of the consortium was poor but by 1979 there were 81 aircraft in service.

It was the launch of the A320 in 1981 that guaranteed Airbus as a major player in the aircraft market - the aircraft had over 400 orders before it first flew, compared to 15 for the A300 in 1972.

Fu il lancio dell’A320 nel 1981 che garanti ad Airbus il titolo di maggiore attore nel mercato aeronautico civile - il velivolo ebbe più di 400 ordini prima ancora di effettuare il primo volo, un bel risultato se comparato ai 15 dell’A300 del 1972.

It was a fairly loose alliance but that changed in 2000 when DASA, Aerospatiale and CASA merged to form EADS and in 2001 when BAE Systems (formerly British Aerospace) and EADS formed the Airbus Integrated Company to coincide with the development of the new Airbus A380, which will seat 555 passengers and be the world's largest commercial passenger jet when it enters service in 2006.

L’alleanza alle soglie del 2000 era quasi del tutto sciolta, ma cambiò tutto quando DASA, Aerospaziale e CASA fecero una fusione per formare EADS e nel 2001 quando BAE e EADS formarono la Compagnia Integrata Airbus per avviare lo sviluppo del nuovo Airbus A380, che potrà ospitare 555 passeggeri e sarà il più grande aereo passeggeri del mondo quando entrerà in servizio nel 2006

On April 27, 2005, the A380 successfully completed its maiden flight in Toulouse, France.

Il 27 aprile 2005 l’A380 ha effettuato con successo il suo primo volo a Tolosa, Francia.

The flight lasted almost four hours, the plane taking off from Toulouse Blagnac Airport at 08:29 UTC (10:29 a.m. local time), going west towards the Atlantic Ocean, turning around above the ocean, flying above the Pyrenees mountains, and landing at Toulouse Blagnac Airport at 12:23 UTC (2:23 p.m. local time).

Il volo è durato quasi quattro ore, il decollo è stato effettuato dall’aeroporto di Tolosa Blagnac alle 8:29 UTC (10:29 a.m. orario locale), è andato ad ovest verso l’oceano atlantico, ha girato sull’oceano, ha volato sui Pirenei ed è atterrato a Tolosa Blagnac alle 12:23 UTC (2:23 p.m. orario locale).

The crew was made up of French test pilots Jacques Rosay (captain for the take-off and the initial part of the test flight) and Claude Lelaie (captain for the second part of the test flight including the landing), as well as three flight test engineers (Spanish, French, and German).

L’equipaggio era costituito dal pilota collaudatore francese Jacques Rosay (capitano al decollo e per la prima fase del volo di prova), Claude Lelaie (capitano per la seconda parte del volo, compreso l’atterraggio) e da tre ingegneri collaudatori (spagnolo, francese, e tedesco).

With the recent Franco-German controversy over the leadership of EADS still fresh in mind, Airbus issued a statement to make it clear that the crew had been chosen not based on nationality, but based on competence.

Data la recente controversia franco-tedesca sulla leadership dell’EADS, Airbus ha pubblicato un annuncio per chiarire che la scelta dell’equipaggio si è basata sulle competenze specifiche di ogni componente e non sulla loro nazionalità.

Test flights are due to continue until mid-2006.

I voli di test continueranno fino a metà del 2006

Civilian products

Prodotti civili

The Airbus product line started with the A300, the world's first twin-aisle, twin-engined aircraft.

La linea di prodotti Airbus ha avuto inizio con l’A300, il primo velivolo bimotore al mondo a due corridoi.

A shorter variant of the A300 is known as the A310.

Una variante più corta del dell’A300 è conosciuta come A310.

Building on its success, Airbus launched the A320 with its innovative fly-by-wire control system.

Sulla scia di questo grande successo, Airbus ha lanciato l’A320 con il suo innovativo sistema di controllo fly-by-wire.

The A320 was a great commercial success.

L’A320 è stato un grande successo commerciale.

The A318 and A319 are shorter derivatives with some of the latter under construction for the corporate biz-jet market (Airbus Corporate Jet).

L’A318 e l’A319 sono derivati più corti, alcuni di quest’ultimo modello sono in fase di realizzazione per il mercato aziendale biz-jet (Airbus Corporate Jet).

A stretched version is known as the A321 and is proving competitive with later models of the Boeing 737.

La versione allungata è conosciuta come A321 che si sta rivelando competitivo con le ultime versioni del Boeing 737.

The longer range products, the twin-jet A330 and the four-jet A340, have efficient wings, enhanced by winglets.

I prodotti ad ampio range, il bimotore A330 e il quadrimotore A340, hanno ali ad alta efficienza, migliorate per mezzo di winglets.

The Airbus A340-500 has an operating range of 16,700 kilometres (9000 nautical miles), the second longest range of any commercial jet after the Boeing 777-200LR (range of 17,446 km or 9420 nautical miles).

L’A340-500 ha un range operativo di 16700 kilometri (9000 miglia nautiche), il secondo jet commerciale con il più grande raggio d’azione dopo il Boeing 777-200LR (raggio d’azione 17446 km o 9420 miglia).

These are competing strongly with the equivalent Boeing products and may partly explain the cessation of airliner production at Lockheed in 1983 and the take-over of McDonnell Douglas by the surviving US builder of long-distance airliners, Boeing, in 1996-1997.

Questi modelli sono in forte competizione con gli equivalenti prodotti Boeing e ciò può spiegare parzialmente l’interruzione della produzione di velivoli passeggeri da parte della Lookeed nel 1983 e il rilevamento della McDonnell Douglas da parte del sopravvissuto costruttore statunitense di velivoli ad ampio raggio, Boeing, nel 1996-1997

The company is particularly proud of its use of fly-by-wire technologies and the common cockpit and systems in use throughout the aircraft family, which make it much easier to train crew.

Airbus è particolarmente fiera dell’utilizzo della sua tecnologia fly-by-wire, inoltre, la cabina di pilotaggio e i sistemi condivisi in uso nella famiglia di velivoli prodotti, rendono più semplice la formazione degli equipaggi.

Military products

Prodotti militari

In January 1999 Airbus established a separate company, Airbus Military S.A.S., to undertake development and production of a turboprop powered military transport aircraft (the Airbus Military A400M.)

Nel gennaio 1999 Airbus ha creato una compagnia indipendente, Airbus Military S.A.S., per avviare lo sviluppo e la produzione di un velivolo da trasporto militare a turbopropulsori (l’Airbus Military A400M).

The A400M is being developed by several NATO members, Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Spain, Turkey, and the UK, as an alternative to the C-130 Hercules.

L’A400M è stato sviluppato da diversi membri della NATO, Belgio, Francia, Germania, Lussemburgo, Spagna, Turchia, e Regno Unito, come alternativa all’Hercules C-130.

Expansion in the military aircraft market will reduce, but not negate, Airbus' exposure to the effects of cyclical downturns in civil aviation.

L’entrata nel mercato dei velivoli militari ridurrà, anche se non annullerà, l’esposizione di Airbus agli effetti ciclici di depressione economica nel campo dell’aviazione civile.

• Airbus A400M

• Airbus A400M

• A310 MRTT (Multi Role Tanker Transport)

• A310 MRTT (Multi Role Tanker Transport)

• A330 MRTT

• A330 MRTT

Competition with Boeing

La competizione con Boeing

In 2003, for the first time in its 33-year history, Airbus delivered more jet-powered airliners than Boeing.

Nel 2003, per la prima volta nei suoi 33 anni di storia, Airbus ha consegnato più velivoli a getto della Boeing.

Boeing states that the Boeing 777 has outsold its Airbus counterparts, which include the A340 family as well as the A330-300.

La Boeing dichiara che il Boeing 777 ha superato il suoi equivalenti Airbus, che includono la famiglia A340 e l’A330-300.

The smaller A330-200 competes with the 767, outselling its Boeing counterpart, but it is speculated that the introduction of the 787 may improve Boeing's market share in this segment and possibly outsell the A330.

Il modello più piccolo, L’A330-200, che compete con il Boeing 767, ha superato la sua controparte Boeing, ma si pensa che l’introduzione del 787 potrà incrementare la quota di mercato in questo segmento e probabilmente supererà l’A330.

The A380 is anticipated to further reduce sales of the Boeing 747, gaining Airbus a share of the market in very large aircraft.

L’A380 preannuncia invece un’ulteriore riduzione delle vendite del Boeing 747, in tal modo Airbus incrementerà la quota di mercato nel segmento dei velivoli di grande capacità.

Boeing is building a stretched version of the 747, the 747-8, which will provide increased competition for the A380.

Attualmente, Boeing sta pianificando la realizzazione del rivale dell’A380 denominato 747-8, una versione allungata del 747

Currently there are around 3,850 Airbus aircraft in service, with Airbus winning more than 50 per cent of aircraft orders in recent years.

Al momento, in servizio ci sono circa 3850 velivoli Airbus, che negli ultimi anni si è assicurata il 50 % degli ordini.

But Airbus products are still outnumbered 6 to 1 by in-service Boeings (there are over 4,000 Boeing 737s alone in service, for example).

I prodotti Airbus, però, sono ancora di gran lunga inferiori numericamente, 6 a 1, rispetto ai velivoli Boeing in servizio (per esempio, di soli Boeing 737 ce ne sono oltre 4000 in servizio.)

This however is indicative of historical success - Airbus made a late entry into the modern jet airliner market (1972 vs. 1958 for Boeing).

Questo tuttavia è indicativo dello storico successo – Airbus è entrata di recente nel moderno mercato dei velivoli a getto (1972 contro 1958 per Boeing).

Airbus won a greater share of orders and delivered more aircraft in 2003 and 2004.

Airbus negli ultimi anni ha conquistato una grande quota di ordini e nel 2003 e 2004 ha consegnato più velivoli.

At the aircraft show in Le Bourget in June 2005, Airbus outperformed Boeing in aeroplane sales.

All’esposizione di velivoli di Le Bourget nel Giugno 2005, le vendite Airbus hanno superato quelle della Boeing.

Airbus has contracted for the sale of 280 airliners with a contract price of 34 billion dollars, whereas Boeing received orders for 146 aeroplanes priced in total with 15 billion dollars.

Airbus infatti, ha stipulato contratti per la vendita di 280 velivoli per un totale di 34 miliardi di dollari, mentre Boeing ha ricevuto ordini per 146 velivoli per un totale di 15 miliardi di dollari.

However, in terms of gross firm orders for 2005, Boeing has once again taken the lead with 825, compared to 687 for Airbus (at the end of November 2005, the last date for which matching figures are available).

Tuttavia, in termini globali per il 2005, la Boeing ancora una volta ha superato Airbus con 825 ordini contro 687 (alla fine di novembre, ultima data alla quale sono disponibili i dati)



Boeing has continually protested over "launch aid" and other forms of government aid to Airbus, while Airbus has argued that Boeing receives illegal subsidies through military and research contracts and tax breaks.

La Boeing protesta continuamente per “l’assistenza al lancio” e altre forme di aiuti governativi ad Airbus, mentre Airbus ha replicato dicendo che Boeing riceve sovvenzioni illegali attraverso contratti militari, di ricerca e abbattimento delle tasse.

In July 2004 Harry Stonecipher (Boeing CEO) accused Airbus of abusing a 1992 non-binding agreement covering launch aid.

Nel luglio 2004, Harry Stonecipher (presidente della Boeing) ha accusato Airbus di avere approfittato degli accordi del 1992, per coprire l’assistenza al lancio.

Airbus is given launch aid from European governments with the money being paid back with interest, plus indefinite royalties, but only if the plane is a commercial success.

Secondo questa versione, Airbus avrebbe ricevuto aiuti dai governi europei che avrebbe poi restituito con i dovuti interessi, oltre a imprecisate royalties, soltanto nel caso in cui il velivolo fosse stato un successo commerciale.

Airbus contends that this system is fully compliant with the 1992 agreement and WTO rules.

Airbus ha ribadito che questo sistema è totalmente conforme agli accordi del 1992 e alle regole del WTO.

The agreement allows up to 33 per cent of the programme cost to be met through government loans which are to be fully repaid within 17 years with interest and royalties.

L’accordo, infatti, prevede che il costo del programma può esser finanziato fino al 33% con fondi governativi, da restituire in 17 anni con interessi e royalties.

These loans are held at a minimum interest rate equal to the cost of government borrowing plus 0.25%, which would be below market rates available to Airbus without government support.

Tali prestiti vengono concessi a tassi di interesse minimi uguali al costo di concessione del prestito più uno 0.25%, il che sarebbe al di sotto dei tassi di mercato disponibili per Airbus senza il supporto governativo

Airbus claims that since the signature of the EU-U.S. Agreement in 1992, it has repaid European governments more than U.S.$6.7 billion and that this is 40% more than it has received.

Airbus sostiene che dalla firma dell’accordo USA-EU nel 1992 ha restituito ai governi europei più di 6,7 miliardi di dollari ossia 40% in più di quanto ha ricevuto.

On the other hand Airbus argues that the pork barrel military contracts awarded to Boeing (the second largest U.S. defence contractor) are in effect a form of subsidy (see the Boeing KC-767 military contracting controversy).

Dall’altro lato Airbus replica dicendo che i contratti militari governativi stipulati dalla Boeing (il secondo più grande contraente della difesa USA) sono di fatto una forma di sussidio (vedi la controversia sul contratto militare del Boeing KC-767)

However, Airbus receives military contracts that are awarded by various governments all over the world.

Tuttavia, Airbus ha ottenuto appalti militari commissionati da vari governi di tutto il mondo.

It would be a mistake to say that one side is getting the subsidy, while the other side is not.

Sarebbe un errore dire che da un lato sta ottenendo aiuti finanziari, mentre dall’altro no.

The significant U.S. government support of technology development via NASA also provides significant support to Boeing, as does the large tax breaks offered to Boeing which some claim are in violation of the 1992 agreement and WTO rules.

Il significativo supporto governativo USA allo sviluppo tecnologico via NASA fornisce alla Boeing un notevole appoggio, cosi come l’ampio abbattimento delle tasse offerto alla Boeing, al punto che alcune concessioni violano l’accordo del 1992 e le regole del WTO.

In its recent products such as the 787, Boeing has also been offered substantial support from local and state governments.

Nei prodotti recenti come il 787, la Boeing ha ricevuto anche un sostanziale supporto dai governi locali e dallo stato.

On the other hand, it has been argued that in U.S. government support of technology development, anyone can benefit from the results;

D’altra parte, però, si è visto che il supporto governativo USA allo sviluppo di nuove tecnologie, beneficia tutti,.

even Airbus can benefit from them.

paradossalmente anche Airbus può beneficiarne

In January 2005 the European Union and United States trade representatives, Peter Mandelson and Robert Zoellick (since replaced by Rob Portman) respectively, agreed to talks aimed at resolving the increasing tensions.

Nel gennaio 2005 i rappresentanti del commercio dell’Unione Europea e degli Stati Uniti, Peter Mandelson e Robert Zoellick (da allora sostituito da Rob Portman) rispettivamente, hanno preso accordi per discutere la possibilità di risolvere le crescenti tensioni.

These talks were not successful with the dispute becoming more acrimonious rather than approaching a settlement.

Questi incontri, però, sono stati un vero fallimento, visto che la disputa si è fatta più astiosa anziché avvicinarsi ad una risoluzione.

WTO litigation

Il processo WTO

On May 31, 2005 the United States filed a case against the European Union for providing allegedly illegal subsidies to Airbus.

Il 31 maggio 2005 gli Stati Uniti hanno fatto causa all’Unione Europea per avere assegnato presunte sovvenzioni illegali all’Airbus.

24 hours later the European Union filed a complaint against the United States protesting support for Boeing.

Dopo sole 24 ore l’Unione Europea ha presentato una protesta formale contro gli Stati Uniti per il supporto fornito alla Boeing

Portman (from the USA) and Mandelson (from the EU) issued a joint statement stating:

Portman (dagli Stati Uniti) e Mendelson (dall’Europa) hanno emesso una dichiarazione comune che afferma quanto segue:

"We remain united in our determination that this dispute shall not affect our cooperation on wider bilateral and multilateral trade issues.

“Rimaniamo uniti nella nostra ferma volontà che questa disputa non comprometterà la nostra cooperazione su questioni più ampie riguardo gli scambi commerciali bilaterali e multilaterali.

We have worked together well so far, and intend to continue to do so."

Abbiamo lavorato bene insieme fino adesso e intendiamo continuare a farlo”.

Tensions increased by the support for the Airbus A380 have erupted into a potential trade war due to the upcoming launch of the Airbus A350.

Le tensioni legate al supporto dell’Airbus A380 nell’ultimo periodo si sono acuite a causa dell’imminente lancio dell’Airbus A350 e potrebbe sfociare in una vera e propria guerra commerciale.

Airbus would ideally like the A350 programme to be launched with the help of state loans covering a third of the development costs although it has stated it will launch without these loans if required.

Airbus vorrebbe idealmente lanciare il programma A350 con l’aiuto di un finanziamento statale che copra un terzo dei costi di sviluppo, benché abbia affermato che il lancio del programma avverrà anche senza finanziamenti se dovesse essere necessario.

The A350 will compete with Boeing's most successful project in recent years, the 787 Dreamliner.

L’A350 andrà a concorrere con il più recente progetto di successo della Boeing, il dreamliner 787

EU trade officials are questioning the funding provided by the Japanese Government and Japanese companies as well as some US states for the launch of the 787.

L'authority europei per il commercio sta ora mettendo in discussione il finanziamento concesso dal governo e dalle compagnie giapponesi nonché dal governo statunitense per il lancio del 787.

Stiff Competition in Japan

La forte concorrenza in Giappone

The two large Japanese airlines, Japan Airlines and All Nippon Airways, are traditionally very loyal Boeing customers, with that manufacturer's products accounting for about 90% of their fleets.

Le due grandi compagnie aeree giapponesi, Japan Airlines e All Nippon Airways, sono per tradizione fedeli clienti della Boeing, i prodotti della quale costituiscono circa il 90 % delle loro flotte.

Both airlines have some Airbus products (A300 for JAL, not ordered by JAL but in the fleet because of the takeover of Japan Air System, and A320/A321 for All Nippon Airways, which the airline ordered).

Ambedue le compagnie possiedono alcuni prodotti Airbus (l’A300 per la JAL, non ordinato dalla JAL, si trovano nella flotta soltanto perché la JAL ha accquisito la Japan Air System, e l’A320/321 per la Nippon Airways).

However, ANA have started the transition to an all-Boeing fleet, after the entry into service of the 737 NG and later the 787.

Tuttavia, la ANA si sta orientando verso una flotta costituita totalmente da Boeing, dopo l’entrata in servizio del 737NG e poi del 787.

A move such as this will leave Airbus with virtually no market share in Japan.

Questa strategia escluderà teoricamente l’Airbus dal mercato giapponese.

Significantly, no orders have been taken for the A380 from Japanese airlines, despite the fact that very large 747 fleets (in JAL's case, the world's largest) are being operated in the country.

Significativo è il fatto che non ci siano stati ordini per l’A380 da parte delle compagnie giapponesi, nonostante nel paese siano presenti grandi flotte di 747 (nel caso di JAL, la più grande del mondo).

Airbus has established a branch office in Japan in order to increase the sales efforts, but how that will work in Airbus's favor remains a mystery.

Per potere penetrare nel mercato giapponese, Airbus ha creato un’agenzia in Giappone, quanto questo funzionerà a favore dell’Airbus rimane ancora un mistero.

In 2005, one success for Airbus was Sagawa Express' firm order of 1 A300-600F aircraft and 1 option of the same type.

Nel 2005, un successo per l’Airbus è stato l’ordine della Sagawa Express di un A300-600F e di un'opzione per lo stesso modello

Star Flyer, a new airline in Japan, has announced that they may use A320 for their service when the new Kita Kyushu Airport is opened.

Star Flyer, la più giovane compagnia giapponese ha annunciato che farà uso dell’A320 per i suoi servizi quando il nuovo aeroporto di Kita Kyushu verrà aperto.

In October 2005, ANA ordered 5 A320s, but merely as an interim measure before the 737NG (New Generation) was available.

Nell’ottobre 2005, ANA ha ordinato 5 A320, ma soltanto come misura temporanea in attesa che il 737NG (New Gegenaration) sia disponibile.

ANA has not changed their mind about retiring their Airbus fleet.

ANA non ha cambiato opinione sul fatto di ritirare la propria flotta Airbus.

A major factor contributing to the Boeing loyalty is the close manufacturing partnership between Boeing and several Japanese consortiums, most notably in the production of the wings of 787.

Uno dei fattori più importanti che ha contribuito alla fedeltà a Boeing è stato la stretta collaborazione tra Boeing e diversi consorzi produttivi giapponesi, molti dei quali specializzati nella produzione delle ali del 787.

Besides that, airlines in Japan were being consulted by Boeing in the design phase of 777.

Inoltre, nella fase di progetto del 777, la Boeing ha consultato le compagnie aeree giapponesi.

Even though these manufacturers are distinct from the airlines, the Japanese government is strongly encouraging aerospace cooperation with Boeing, and the tightly-knit nature of Japanese keiretsu corporate networks will ensure that Japan will be an extremely difficult market for Airbus to profit from.

Anche se tali produttori sono distinti dalle compagnie, il governo giapponese sta incoraggiando fortemente la cooperazione in campo aerospaziale con la Boeing, e la natura fortemente solidale dei conglomerati aziendali di tipo keiretsu assicura che il Giappone sarà un mercato estremamente difficile da sfruttare da parte di Airbus.

International manufacturing presence

Produzione: presenza internazionale

The three final assembly lines of Airbus are in Toulouse (France) (two assembly lines) and Hamburg (Germany) (one assembly line).

Le tre linee di assemblaggio finale dell’Airbus si trovano a Tolosa, in Francia (due linee di assemblaggio) e ad Amburgo, in Germania (una linea d’assemblaggio).

A fourth final assembly line, for the Airbus A400M, is under contruction in Seville (Spain).

Una quarta linea d’assemblaggio finale per l’Airbus A400M, è in fase di realizzazione a Siviglia (Spagna).

It is estimated that this new assembly line will be operational by October 2006.

Si stima che questo nuovo stabilimento sarà operativo a partire da ottobre 2006.

Airbus, however, has a number of other plants in different European locations, reflecting its foundation as a consortium.

Airbus, tuttavia, possiede altri stabilimenti in varie ubicazioni in Europa, il che riflette le sue origini di consorzio.

An original solution to the problem of moving aircraft parts between the different factories and the assembly plants is the use of "Beluga" specially enlarged jets, capable of carrying entire sections of fuselage of Airbus aircraft.

Una soluzione originale al problema della movimentazione dei vari componenti tra gli stabilimenti di produzione e gli stabilimenti di assemblaggio è rappresentata dall’uso del “Beluga”, un velivolo a getto opportunamente allargato, capace di trasportare intere sezioni di fusoliera dei velivolo Airbus.

This solution is also being investigated by Boeing, who are considering producing an enlarged version of their 747 aircraft to transport the components of the 7E7.

Questa soluzione è stata studiata anche dalla Boeing, che prendendo in considerazione la possibilità di costruire una versione estesa del 747, per il trasporto dei componenti del nuovo 7E7.

An exception to this scheme is the A380, whose fuselage and wings are too large for sections to be carried by the Beluga.

Un’eccezione a questo schema è l’A380 in cui la fusoliera e le ali sono troppo grandi per essere trasportate dal Beluga.

Large A380 parts are brought by ship to Bordeaux, and then transported to the Toulouse assembly plant by a specially enlarged road.

Le parti più grandi dell’A380, infatti, vengono trasportate via nave fino a Bordeaux e poi per mezzo di veicoli speciali su strada fino a Tolosa.

North America is an important region to Airbus in terms of both aircraft sales and suppliers.

Il Nord America è una regione particolarmente importante per l’Airbus, sia in termini di vendite che di approvvigionamenti.

2,000 of the total of approximately 5,300 Airbus jetliners sold by Airbus around the world, representing every aircraft in its product line from the 107-seat A318 to the 565-passenger A380, are ordered by North American customers.

Quasi 2000 dei 5300 velivoli venduti dall’Airbus in tutto il mondo, dall’A318 con 107 posti all’A380 con 565 posti, sono stati ordinati da clienti del Nord America.

US contractors supporting an estimated 120,000 jobs earned estimated $5.5 billion (2003) worth of business.

I costruttori americani, che supportano secondo le stime 120.000 posti di lavoro, hanno incamerato commesse per un controvalore stimato di 5,5 miliardi di dollari (2003).

For example, the A380 has 51% American content in terms of work share value.

Per esempio, l’A380 costituisce il 51% del volume d’affari in america.

