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SOUTH african literature
Translated by/Traduzione di Annamaria Pasquariello

South Africa has a diverse literary history.

Many of the first black authors were missionary-educated, and the majority of which thus wrote in either English or Afrikaans.

One of the first well known novels written by a black author in an African language was Solomon Thekiso Plaatje's Mhudi, published in 1930.

A couple of notable white South African authors include Nadine Gordimer, who was born in 1923 and, in Seamus Heaney's words, one of "the guerrillas of the imagination," and who became the first South African and the seventh woman to be awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1991;

and Athol Fugard, whose plays have been regularly premiered in fringe theatres in South Africa, London (The Royal Court Theatre) and New York.

Alan Paton published the acclaimed novel Cry, the Beloved Country in 1948.

He told the tale of a black priest who comes to Johannesburg to find his son, which became an international bestseller.

During the 1950s, Drum magazine became a hotbed of political satire, fiction, and essays, giving a voice to urban black culture.

Around the same time, future Nobel laureate Nadine Gordimer began publishing her first stories.

Her most famous novel, July's People, was released in 1981, depicting the collapse of white-majority rule.

Afrikaans-language writers also began to write controversial material.

Breyton Breytenbach was jailed for his involvement with the guerilla movement against apartheid.

Andre Brink was the first Afrikaner writer to be banned by the government after he released the novel A Dry White Season about a white South African who discovers the truth about a black friend who dies in police custody.

Several influential black poets became prominant in the 1970s such as Mongane Wally Serote, whose most famous work, No Baby Must Weep, gave insight into the every day lives of black South Africans under apartheid.

Another famous black novelist, Zakes Mda, transitioned from poetry and plays to becoming a novelist in the same time period.

His novel, The Heart of Redness won the 2001 Commonwealth Writers Prize and was made a part of the school curriculum across South Africa.

John Maxwell (JM) Coetzee also was first published in the 1970s, although he became internationally recognised two decades later.

His 1999 novel Disgrace won him his second Booker Prize.

He also won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2003. 


Scopri come è facile capire l'inglese se c'è a fianco la traduzione parallela incasellata!

South Africa has a diverse literary history.

Il Sud Africa ha una storia letteraria eterogenea.

Many of the first black authors were missionary-educated, and the majority of which thus wrote in either English or Afrikaans.

Molti dei primi autori neri furono istruiti dai missionari, ragion per cui la maggioranza di loro usò quale lingua di scrittura l'inglese o l'afrikaans.

One of the first well known novels written by a black author in an African language was Solomon Thekiso Plaatje's Mhudi, published in 1930.

Uno dei primi romanzi celebri scritti da un autore nero in una lingua africana fu Mhudi di Solomon Thekiso Plaatje, pubblicato nel 1930.

A couple of notable white South African authors include Nadine Gordimer, who was born in 1923 and, in Seamus Heaney's words, one of "the guerrillas of the imagination," and who became the first South African and the seventh woman to be awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1991;

Una coppia di celebri autori sudafricani di origine bianca è rappresentata da: Nadine Gordimer, nata nel 1923 e definita da Seamus Heaney una delle "guerrigliere dell'immaginazione", che fu la prima sudafricana e la settima  donna a ricevere il premio Nobel per la letteratura nel 1991;

and Athol Fugard, whose plays have been regularly premiered in fringe theatres in South Africa, London (The Royal Court Theatre) and New York.

e Athol Fugard, le cui opere sono state regolarmente rappresentate in prima teatrale nei teatri d'avanguardia in Sud Africa, a Londra (al Royal Court Theatre) e a New York.

Alan Paton published the acclaimed novel Cry, the Beloved Country in 1948.

Alan Paton pubblicò il suo tanto celebrato Cry, The Beloved Country (Terra amata) nel 1948.

He told the tale of a black priest who comes to Johannesburg to find his son, which became an international bestseller.

In esso raccontò la storia di un prete di colore che arriva a Johannesburg alla ricerca del figlio. Il libro divenne un best-seller internazionale.

During the 1950s, Drum magazine became a hotbed of political satire, fiction, and essays, giving a voice to urban black culture.

Durante gli anni '50, la rivista Drum divenne un focolaio di satira politica, narrativa e saggistica, dando così voce alla cultura nera urbana.

Around the same time, future Nobel laureate Nadine Gordimer began publishing her first stories.

All'incirca nello stesso periodo, il futuro premio Nobel Nadine Gordimer iniziò la pubblicazione dei suoi primi racconti.

Her most famous novel, July's People, was released in 1981, depicting the collapse of white-majority rule.

Il suo romanzo più famoso, July's People (Luglio), pubblicato nel 1981, descrive il crollo della predominanza politica bianca.

Afrikaans-language writers also began to write controversial material.

Anche gli autori di lingua Afrikaans iniziarono a scrivere di argomenti controversi.

Breyton Breytenbach was jailed for his involvement with the guerilla movement against apartheid.

Breyton Breytenbach fu incarcerato a causa del suo coinvolgimento con i movimenti di guerriglia contro l'apartheid.

Andre Brink was the first Afrikaner writer to be banned by the government after he released the novel A Dry White Season about a white South African who discovers the truth about a black friend who dies in police custody.

Andre Brink fu invece il primo scrittore afrikaner ad essere messo al bando dal governo dopo la pubblicazione del romanzo A Dry White Season (Arida stagione bianca), dove narrava di un sudafricano di origine bianca che scopre la verità su di un amico nero morto durante un fermo di polizia.

Several influential black poets became prominant in the 1970s such as Mongane Wally Serote, whose most famous work, No Baby Must Weep, gave insight into the every day lives of black South Africans under apartheid.

Negli anni '70 parecchi autorevoli poeti neri assunsero posizioni di spicco come, ad esempio, Mongane Wally Serote, la cui opera più famosa, No Baby Must Weep (Nessun bimbo deve piangere), descrive dall'interno la quotidianità che il vivere in regime di apartheid comporta per un nero del Sud Africa.

Another famous black novelist, Zakes Mda, transitioned from poetry and plays to becoming a novelist in the same time period.

Nello stesso periodo un altro famoso romanziere nero, Zakes Mda, passò dalla poesia e dal teatro alla narrativa.

His novel, The Heart of Redness won the 2001 Commonwealth Writers Prize and was made a part of the school curriculum across South Africa.

Il suo romanzo, The Heart of Redness (Il cuore del rosso), ottenne nel 2001 il Commonwealth Writers Prize (premio degli scrittori del commonwealth) e divenne parte del curriculum scolastico in tutto il  Sud Africa.

John Maxwell (JM) Coetzee also was first published in the 1970s, although he became internationally recognised two decades later.

Anche le opere dello scrittore John Maxwell (JM) Coetzee furono pubblicate per la prima volta negli anni '70 anche se egli divenne noto internazionalmente solo vent'anni più tardi.

His 1999 novel Disgrace won him his second Booker Prize.

Il romanzo Disgrace (Vergogna) del 1999 gli valse la conquista del Booker Prize per la seconda volta.

He also won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2003.

Nel 2003 gli fu assegnato anche il premio Nobel per la letteratura.


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