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Translated by/Traduzione di Fabrizio Pozza

Lunch is a meal that is taken at noon or in the early afternoon.

The term is short for "luncheon" (see below).

Lunch is a newer word for what was once invariably called "dinner," a word nowadays only sometimes used to mean a noontime meal in the British Isles, and in parts of the United States, Canada and Australia.

In parts of India a light lunch is known as tiffin.


In the nineteenth century, male artisans went home for dinner, where their wives fed them;

ladies whose husbands would eat at the club would be free to leave the house and have lunch with one another in restaurants - hence the disparaging phrase, "the ladies who lunch."


Lunch food varies.

In some places, one eats similar things both at lunch and at supper - a hot meal, sometimes with more than one course.

In other places, lunch is the main meal of the day, supper being a smaller cold meal.

Many people eat lunch while at work or school.

Employers and schools usually provide a lunch break in the middle of the day, lasting as much as an hour.

Some workplaces and schools provide cafeterias where one can get a hot meal (in British schools female staff who serve lunch are often known as "dinner ladies", but never "lunch ladies").

In some work locations one can easily go out to eat at a nearby restaurant.

Where these conveniences are not available it may be impractical to make lunch the main meal of the day.

In these cases relatively simple foods might be packed in a container, such as a bag or a lunchbox, and taken to work or school.

The quintessential bag lunch in North America of the past has consisted of a sandwich and often a whole fruit and either cookies or a candy bar.

But here, the near-universal spread of the microwave oven to the workplace since the 1980s has changed the nature of workers' lunches considerably.

Leftovers from home-cooked meals, frozen foods, and a huge variety of prepared foods needing only reheating are at least as common as the sandwich lunch.


In addition to its primary purpose, lunch can function as a form of entertainment, especially on weekends;

a particularly fancy or formal lunch can be called a luncheon.

Such lunches can be served at a restaurant, as a buffet or potluck, or as a sit-down feast.

These events are very similar to festive suppers.

Lunch, both simple and fancy, often includes dessert.

Many nutritionists suggest that it is more appropriate to eat a large meal at lunch than it is to do so at supper, just prior to going to sleep, when the energy from the meal will not be properly used.

An example of this style of meal can be found in the German and Scandinavian diet, whose lunch mostly is large and cooked (as opposed to, say, a sandwich).

In a cricket match that lasts a full day or longer, there is a luncheon interval in each day's play, usually taken between 12:30pm and 1:30pm.

In other languages

Continental French for "lunch" is déjeuner, Quebecois French is dîner;

in Spanish it is almuerzo (or comida, which also means "food").

The Anglicism lunch means an invitational light meal usually eaten while standing and not necessarily around noon.

It is offered for example in vernissages;

in Portuguese it is almoço, in Italian it is pranzo, in German it is Mittagessen, in Swedish it is lunch, in Danish it is frokost, in Icelandic it is hádegismatur, in Esperanto it is tagmanĝo (or lunĉo) and in Greek it is γεύμα (pronounced yevma). 


Lunch is a meal that is taken at noon or in the early afternoon.

Il “lunch”(pranzo) è un pasto che viene consumato a mezzogiorno o nel primo pomeriggio.

The term is short for "luncheon" (see below).

Il termine deriva dall’abbreviazione della parola “luncheon” (vedi sotto).

Lunch is a newer word for what was once invariably called "dinner," a word nowadays only sometimes used to mean a noontime meal in the British Isles, and in parts of the United States, Canada and Australia.

Lunch è un nuovo termine di recente creazione che sostituisce quello che una volta veniva invariabilmente chiamato “dinner”, una parola che oggigiorno viene usata una volta ogni tanto per descrivere il pasto del mezzogiorno nelle isole britanniche, in alcune zone degli Stati Uniti, Canada e Australia.  

In parts of India a light lunch is known as tiffin.

In zone dell’India un light lunch (pranzo leggero) viene chiamato tiffin. 



In the nineteenth century, male artisans went home for dinner, where their wives fed them;

Nel diciannovesimo secolo, gli artigiani maschi tornavano a casa dalle proprie mogli, le quali preparavano loro da mangiare. 

ladies whose husbands would eat at the club would be free to leave the house and have lunch with one another in restaurants - hence the disparaging phrase, "the ladies who lunch."

Le signore i quali mariti avrebbero mangiato al club sarebbero state libere di uscire di casa e pranzare con qualcun altro al ristorante – da qui la frase spregiativa, “le signore che pranzano.”



Lunch food varies.

Tipi di alimenti nel lunch. 

In some places, one eats similar things both at lunch and at supper - a hot meal, sometimes with more than one course.

In alcune zone, si mangiano alimenti simili a pranzo e a cena – un pasto caldo, a volte con più di una portata.  

In other places, lunch is the main meal of the day, supper being a smaller cold meal.

In altre zone, il pranzo è il pasto principale della giornata, essendo la cena  considerata come uno spuntino.

Many people eat lunch while at work or school.

Molte persone pranzano a scuola o al lavoro. 

Employers and schools usually provide a lunch break in the middle of the day, lasting as much as an hour.

Impiegati e studenti solitamente effettuano la pausa pranzo a metà giornata con una durata di circa un’ora.

Some workplaces and schools provide cafeterias where one can get a hot meal (in British schools female staff who serve lunch are often known as "dinner ladies", but never "lunch ladies").

Alcuni ambienti di lavoro e scuole offrono servizio di tavola calda dove si può consumare un pasto caldo (nelle scuole inglesi lo staff femminile che serve il pranzo è spesso conosciuto come “dinner ladies”, ma mai lunch ladies”).

In some work locations one can easily go out to eat at a nearby restaurant.

In alcune zone di lavoro si può facilmente andare a mangiare in un ristorante nelle vicinanze. 

Where these conveniences are not available it may be impractical to make lunch the main meal of the day.

Dove questo non è possibile, può risultare difficile rendere il pranzo il pasto principale della giornata.

In these cases relatively simple foods might be packed in a container, such as a bag or a lunchbox, and taken to work or school.

In questi casi, cibi relativamente semplici possono essere messi in un contenitore, come ad esempio in un sacchetto di carta o di plastica, oppure in un apposito contenitore per alimenti, e portato al lavoro o a scuola.  

The quintessential bag lunch in North America of the past has consisted of a sandwich and often a whole fruit and either cookies or a candy bar.

In passato, la quintessenza del pranzo a sacco nel Nord America consisteva in un panino, spesso un frutto e biscotti oppure uno snack. 

But here, the near-universal spread of the microwave oven to the workplace since the 1980s has changed the nature of workers' lunches considerably.

Ora tuttavia, a partire dagli anni ottanta, la quasi totale diffusione del forno a micro onde negli ambienti lavorativi ha cambiato in modo considerevole la natura dei pranzi dei lavoratori.

Leftovers from home-cooked meals, frozen foods, and a huge variety of prepared foods needing only reheating are at least as common as the sandwich lunch.

Gli avanzi dei pasti consumati in casa, alimenti surgelati e una grande varietà di cibi già pronti, i quali necessitano solo di essere riscaldati, sono tanto comuni quanto un panino a pranzo.    



In addition to its primary purpose, lunch can function as a form of entertainment, especially on weekends;

Oltre al suo scopo primario, il pranzo può fungere anche da forma di intrattenimento, specialmente nei week-ends.

a particularly fancy or formal lunch can be called a luncheon.

Un pranzo particolarmente sofisticato o formale può essere chiamato luncheon. 

Such lunches can be served at a restaurant, as a buffet or potluck, or as a sit-down feast.

Tali pranzi possono essere serviti al ristorante, oppure con servizio a buffet o potluck (evento in cui ogni invitato porta del cibo che verrà poi condiviso con tutti gli altri commensali), o come banchetto servito al tavolo.  

These events are very similar to festive suppers.

Questi eventi sono molto simili ai ricevimenti con cena.  

Lunch, both simple and fancy, often includes dessert.

Il pranzo, allo stesso tempo semplice e sofisticato, spesso include il dessert. 

Many nutritionists suggest that it is more appropriate to eat a large meal at lunch than it is to do so at supper, just prior to going to sleep, when the energy from the meal will not be properly used.

Molti nutrizionisti suggeriscono che è più opportuno fare un abbondante pasto a pranzo, piuttosto che a cena poco prima di andare a letto, dato che, in quest’ultimo caso, l’energia immagazzinata non verrebbe utilizzata in maniera corretta.

An example of this style of meal can be found in the German and Scandinavian diet, whose lunch mostly is large and cooked (as opposed to, say, a sandwich).

Un esempio che porta questo stile di almentazione può essere riscontrato in Germania e in Scandinavia, dove il pranzo è solitamente cucinato ed abbondante (l’opposto di un panino).

In a cricket match that lasts a full day or longer, there is a luncheon interval in each day's play, usually taken between 12:30pm and 1:30pm.

In un match di cricket, che dura un giorno intero o anche di più, vi è una pausa luncheon in ogni partita di giornata, che viene solitamente fatta tra le 12:30 e le 13:30.  

In other languages

In altre lingue 

Continental French for "lunch" is déjeuner, Quebecois French is dîner;

Nel continente francese il lunch viene chiamato déjeuner, nel Quebec francese viene chiamato dîner;

in Spanish it is almuerzo (or comida, which also means "food").

In Spagna si dice almuerzo (o comida, che significa anche “cibo”). 

The Anglicism lunch means an invitational light meal usually eaten while standing and not necessarily around noon.

Nei paesi anglosassoni lunch significa mangiare un pasto leggero, di solito consumato mentre si sta in piedi e non necessariamente a mezzogiorno.

It is offered for example in vernissages;

E’ offerto ad esempio nei vernissages; 

in Portuguese it is almoço, in Italian it is pranzo, in German it is Mittagessen, in Swedish it is lunch, in Danish it is frokost, in Icelandic it is hádegismatur, in Esperanto it is tagmanĝo (or lunĉo) and in Greek it is γεύμα (pronounced yevma).

In Portogallo viene chiamato “almoço”, in Italia “pranzo”, in Germania “Mittagessen”, in Svezia “lunch”, in Danimarca “frokost”, in Islanda “hádegismatur”, in Esperanto “tagmanĝo” (o lunĉo) e in Grecia “γεύμα” (che si pronuncia yevma).


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