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human rights abuse   
Translated by/Traduzione di Valentina Valle

Human rights abuse is abuse of people in a way that violates any fundamental human rights.

According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (generally accepted as the international standard for human rights), fundamental human rights are violated when:

A certain race, creed, or group is denied recognition as a "person". (Article 2)

Men and women are not treated as equal. (Article 2)

Different racial or religious groups are not treated as equal. (Article 2)

Life, liberty or security of person are threatened. (Article 3)

A person is sold as or used as a slave. (Article 4)

Cruel or unusual punishment is used on a person (such as torture or execution). (Article 5)

Punishments are dealt arbitrarily or unilaterally, without a proper and fair trial. (Article 11)

Arbitrary interference into personal, or private lives by agents of the state. (Article 12)

Citizens are forbidden to leave their country. (Article 13)

Freedom of speech or religion are denied. (Articles 18 & 19)

The right to join a union is denied. (Article 23)

Education is denied. (Article 26)

In practice, human rights abuses are more common in dictatorships or theocracies, whereas they are rarer in democracies, where they are mostly not structural.

Human rights organizations such as Amnesty International (AI) have criticized the use of the death penalty, however, in some democracies such as the United States, particularly when the penalty is used against those who were minors when they committed the crime in question.

Only a very few countries do not violate human rights at all according to AI.

In their 2004 human rights report, (covering 2003,) the Netherlands, Norway, Denmark, Iceland and Costa Rica are the only (mappable) countries that did not violate human rights.

Many international non-governmental organizations such as International Freedom of Expression Exchange, Freedom House, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International and Anti-Slavery International monitor and condemn human rights abuses. 


Human rights abuse is abuse of people in a way that violates any fundamental human rights.

La violazione dei diritti umani è l'abuso della persona umana in un modo tale da ledere uno qualsiasi dei diritti umani fondamentali.

According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (generally accepted as the international standard for human rights), fundamental human rights are violated when:

In base alla Dichiarazione Universale dei Diritti dell'Uomo (generalmente accettata come lo standard internazionale per i diritti umani), i diritti umani fondamentali si dicono violati quando:

A certain race, creed, or group is denied recognition as a "person". (Article 2)

È negata la qualità di persona ad una certa etnia, confessione o gruppo.(articolo 2)

Men and women are not treated as equal. (Article 2)

Uomini e donne non sono trattati in modo paritetico. (articolo 2)

Different racial or religious groups are not treated as equal. (Article 2)

Differenti gruppi etnici o religiosi non sono trattati in modo paritetico. (articolo 2)

Life, liberty or security of person are threatened. (Article 3)

La vita, la libertà o la sicurezza degli esseri umani sono minacciate (articolo 3)

A person is sold as or used as a slave. (Article 4)

Un essere umano è venduto o trattato come schiava (articolo 4)

Cruel or unusual punishment is used on a person (such as torture or execution). (Article 5)

Pene crudeli o eccezionali sono applicate a un essere umano (come ad esempio la tortura o l'esecuzione capitale)

Punishments are dealt arbitrarily or unilaterally, without a proper and fair trial. (Article 11)

Le pene sono comminate in modo arbitrario od unilaterale senza un processo giusto ed imparziale.
(articolo 11)

Arbitrary interference into personal, or private lives by agents of the state. (Article 12)

Si registrano interferenze nella vita personale o privata ad opera di rappresentanti dello stato. (articolo 12)

Citizens are forbidden to leave their country. (Article 13)

Ai cittadini è impedito di lasciare il loro Paese. (articolo 13)

Freedom of speech or religion are denied. (Articles 18 & 19)

Sono negate la libertà di parola o di religione. (art. 18 e 19)

The right to join a union is denied. (Article 23)

È negato il diritto a far parte di un sindacato. (articolo 23)

Education is denied. (Article 26)

È negata l’istruzione. (articolo 26)

In practice, human rights abuses are more common in dictatorships or theocracies, whereas they are rarer in democracies, where they are mostly not structural.

In pratica, le violazioni dei diritti umani sono più comuni nelle dittature o nelle teocrazie, mentre sono più rare nelle democrazie, dove, per lo più, non rivestono carattere strutturale.

Human rights organizations such as Amnesty International (AI) have criticized the use of the death penalty, however, in some democracies such as the United States, particularly when the penalty is used against those who were minors when they committed the crime in question.

Organizzazioni di tutela dei diritti umani come Amnesty International (AI) hanno tuttavia criticato l’uso della pena di morte in alcune democrazie come gli Stati Uniti, in particolar modo quando la pena è comminata a coloro che erano minorenni all'epoca in cui commisero il loro crimine.

Only a very few countries do not violate human rights at all according to AI.

Solo pochissimi paesi non violano in alcun modo i diritti umani secondo Amnesty International.

In their 2004 human rights report, (covering 2003,) the Netherlands, Norway, Denmark, Iceland and Costa Rica are the only (mappable) countries that did not violate human rights.

Nel loro rapporto sulle violazioni dei diritti umani del 2004 (che si riferisce al 2003) i Paesi Bassi, la Norvegia, la Danimarca, l'Islanda e il Costa Rica sono i soli paesi identificabili che non abbiano violato i diritti umani.

Many international non-governmental organizations such as International Freedom of Expression Exchange, Freedom House, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International and Anti-Slavery International monitor and condemn human rights abuses.

Molte organizzazioni internazionali non governative come International Freedom of Expression Exchange, Freedom House, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International e Anti-Slavery International controllano e stigmatizzano le violazioni dei diritti umani.


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