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Sándor Márai ándor_Márai
Translated by/Traduzione di Erika Kovŕcs

Sándor Márai (1900-1989) was a writer and journalist from Hungary.

He was born the 11th April in the city of Kassa, at the time part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, now named Košice in Slovakia.

In his early years, Márai travelled a lot, lived in different cities:

Frankfurt, Berlin, Paris and briefly considered writing in German.

Finally, he chose his mother tongue, Hungarian, to write in.

He settled in Budapest (1928).

In the 1930s, he gained prominence with a precise and clear realist style.

He was the first person to write reviews of the work of Kafka.

He was critical of both the fascist Horthy regime, the Nazis, and the Communist regime that seized power after World War II.

After living for some time in Italy, Márai settled in the city of San Diego, California, in the United States.

He continued to write in his native language, but was not published until the end of the Cold War.

After his wife died, he retreated more and more into isolation.

Márai committed suicide in San Diego in 1989.

Largely forgotten outside of Hungary, his work (consisting of poems, novels, and diaries) has only been recently "rediscovered" and republished in English and German, and is now considered to be part of the European Twentieth Century literary canon.


• Embers (1942), Hungarian title: A gyertyák csonkig égnek

• The Bolzano Lover (1940), Hungarian title: Vendégjáték Bolzanóban

• Memoir of Hungary (1971), Hungarian title: Föld, föld…!

External links

Official Marai site at Knopf, which is releasing Marai's novels in English

Marai's American Journal - Excerpts (in English) from Marai's final diaries, 1984-89

Sándor Márai Blog - a fan blog with news, reviews, links

Review of Embers  


Scopri come č facile capire l'inglese se c'č a fianco la traduzione parallela incasellata!

Sándor Márai (1900-1989) was a writer and journalist from Hungary.

Sándor Márai (1900-1989) fu uno scrittore e giornalista ungherese.

He was born the 11th April in the city of Kassa, at the time part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, now named Košice in Slovakia.

Nacque l'11 aprile nella cittŕ di Kassa, che in quel periodo faceva parte dell’impero austro-ungarico, adesso chiamata Košice in Slovacchia.

In his early years, Márai travelled a lot, lived in different cities:

Da giovane Márai viaggiň molto e visse in diverse cittŕ:

Frankfurt, Berlin, Paris and briefly considered writing in German.

Francoforte, Berlino, Parigi e per un breve periodo prese in considerazione l'idea di scrivere in tedesco.

Finally, he chose his mother tongue, Hungarian, to write in.

Alla fine scelse la sua madrelingua, l’ungherese, per scrivere.

He settled in Budapest (1928).

Si stabilě a Budapest nel 1928.

In the 1930s, he gained prominence with a precise and clear realist style.

Negli anni ‘30 si guadagnň una posizione di spicco con uno stile realistico, preciso e trasparente.

He was the first person to write reviews of the work of Kafka.

Fu la prima persona a scrivere delle recensioni sui lavori di Kafka.

He was critical of both the fascist Horthy regime, the Nazis, and the Communist regime that seized power after World War II.

Fu critico sia verso il regime fascista di Horthy, il nazismo, che verso il regime comunista che andň al potere dopo la Seconda Guerra Mondiale.

After living for some time in Italy, Márai settled in the city of San Diego, California, in the United States.

Dopo aver vissuto per un breve periodo in Italia, Márai si stabilě nella cittŕ di San Diego, California, negli Stati Uniti.

He continued to write in his native language, but was not published until the end of the Cold War.

Continuň a scrivere nella sua lingua nativa, ma non fu pubblicato fino alla fine della Guerra Fredda.

After his wife died, he retreated more and more into isolation.

Dopo la morte della moglie, si ritirň sempre piů nell'isolamento.

Márai committed suicide in San Diego in 1989.

Márai si suicidň a San Diego nel 1989.

Largely forgotten outside of Hungary, his work (consisting of poems, novels, and diaries) has only been recently "rediscovered" and republished in English and German, and is now considered to be part of the European Twentieth Century literary canon.

In gran parte dimenticato, ad esclusione dell’Ungheria, la sua opera (composta di poesie, romanzi e diari) č stata solo recentemente “riscoperta” e ripubblicata in inglese e tedesco, ed č attualmente considerata parte integrante della grande letteratura europea del ventesimo secolo.



• Embers (1942), Hungarian title: A gyertyák csonkig égnek

• Le Braci (1942), Titolo ungherese: A gyertyák csonkig égnek

• The Bolzano Lover (1940), Hungarian title: Vendégjáték Bolzanóban

• L'amante di Bolzano (1940) Titolo ungherese: Vendégjáték Bolzanóban (La recita di Bolzano)

• Memoir of Hungary (1971), Hungarian title: Föld, föld…!

• Memorie d'Ungheria (1971) Titolo ungherese: Föld, föld… (Terra, terra!)

External links

 Link esterni

Official Marai site at Knopf, which is releasing Marai's novels in English

Official Marai site at Knopf, che sta pubblicando i romanzi di Márai in inglese

Marai's American Journal - Excerpts (in English) from Marai's final diaries, 1984-89

Marai's American Journal – Frammenti (in inglese) degli ultimi diari di Márai, 1984-89

Sándor Márai Blog - a fan blog with news, reviews, links

Sándor Márai Blog – un fan blog con notizie, recensioni, links

Review of Embers

Recensione di Le Braci


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