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Translated by/Traduzione di Tatiana Galli

Pippi Longstocking (Swedish Pippi Långstrump) is a fictional character in a series of children's books created by author Astrid Lindgren.

She is a nine-year-old girl with red braids that stick out sideways.

She is very unconventional, assertive, extraordinarily strong, and rich.

She lives alone with a monkey and a horse in an old house.

Her friends Tommy and Annika accompany her on her adventures.

These children live with a complete lack of adult supervision, and they frequently mock and dupe the adults they do encounter;

this certainly adds to the appeal these characters hold for their young readers.

There are four Pippi Longstocking books:

• 1944 Pippi Longstocking

• 1946 Pippi Goes on Board

• 1948 Pippi in the South Seas

• 1959 Pippi's After Christmas Party

A Swedish TV series was created based on the Pippi Longstocking books in the 1970s.

Inger Nilsson gave a confident oddball performance that was uncommonly consistent and eccentric for a child actor.

The Swedish series was re-edited as 4 poorly-dubbed feature films* for US distribution.

They became weekend television staples* in several cities in America throughout the 1970s and 80s.

The original series, newly dubbed using British actors, became available in 2002.

A feature film version was released in 1988, ironically titled "The New Adventures of Pippi Longstocking" (while the title suggests a continuation, it is in fact, a remake of the original story).

A remake as an animation series was released in 1997. 


Scopri come è facile capire l'inglese se c'è a fianco la traduzione parallela incasellata!

Pippi Longstocking (Swedish Pippi Långstrump) is a fictional character in a series of children's books created by author Astrid Lindgren.

Pippi Calzelunghe (dallo svedese Pippi Långstrump) è un personaggio di fantasia protagonista di una serie di libri per bambini creati dalla scrittrice Astrid Lindgren.

She is a nine-year-old girl with red braids that stick out sideways.

Pippi è una bambina di 9 anni dalle lunghe trecce rosse che si alzano ai lati.

She is very unconventional, assertive, extraordinarily strong, and rich.

È una bambina molto particolare, sicura di sé, straordinariamente forte e ricca.

She lives alone with a monkey and a horse in an old house.

Vive da sola con una scimmia e un cavallo in una vecchia casa.

Her friends Tommy and Annika accompany her on her adventures.

I suoi amici Tommy e Annika l’accompagnano nel corso delle sue avventure.

These children live with a complete lack of adult supervision, and they frequently mock and dupe the adults they do encounter;

Questi bambini vivono senza alcuna supervisione da parte degli adulti e spesso prendono in giro e imbrogliano gli adulti che incontrano;

this certainly adds to the appeal these characters hold for their young readers.

questo fatto aggiunge sicuramente al fascino che questi personaggi suscitano nei loro giovani lettori.

There are four Pippi Longstocking books:

I libri di Pippi Calzelunghe sono quattro:

• 1944 Pippi Longstocking

• 1944 Pippi Calzelunghe

• 1946 Pippi Goes on Board

• 1946 Pippi sale a bordo

• 1948 Pippi in the South Seas

1948 Pippi nei mari del sud

• 1959 Pippi's After Christmas Party

1959 Il party post-natalizio di Pippi

A Swedish TV series was created based on the Pippi Longstocking books in the 1970s.

Negli anni '70 in Svezia è stata creata una serie televisiva basata sui libri di Pippi Calzelunghe.

Inger Nilsson gave a confident oddball performance that was uncommonly consistent and eccentric for a child actor.

Inger Nilsson ha fornito un'interpretazione stravagante e convinta, insolitamente coerente ed eccentrica per un bambino-attore.

The Swedish series was re-edited as 4 poorly-dubbed feature films* for US distribution.

La serie TV svedese è stata ripubblicata per la distribuzione negli USA sotto forma di quattro film doppiati in modo scadente.

They became weekend television staples* in several cities in America throughout the 1970s and 80s.

Le puntate sono diventate un appuntamento irrinunciabile dei week-end televisivi in molte città americane per tutti gli anni '70 e '80.

The original series, newly dubbed using British actors, became available in 2002.

Le serie originali, doppiate di nuovo ma da attori britannici, sono state pubblicate nel 2002.

A feature film version was released in 1988, ironically titled "The New Adventures of Pippi Longstocking" (while the title suggests a continuation, it is in fact, a remake of the original story).

È stato anche prodotto un film nel 1988, ironicamente intitolato “Le nuove avventure di Pippi Calzelunghe” (e mentre il titolo suggerisce un'ulteriore puntata della saga, in realtà si tratta di un rifacimento della storia originale).

A remake as an animation series was released in 1997.

Nel 1977 è uscito un remake sotto forma di cartone animato.


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