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Translated by/Traduzione di Daniela Mezzatesta

A port is a facility at the edge of an ocean, river, or lake for receiving ships and transferring cargo and persons to them.

Ports have specially-designed equipment to help in the loading and unloading of these vessels.

Cranes and refrigerated storage may be provided by private interests or public bodies.

Often, canneries or other processing facilities will be located very close by.

Ports tend to be divided into container terminals.

The term seaport is used for ports that handle ocean-going vessels, and river port is used for facilities that handle river traffic.

Sometimes a port on a lake or river also has access to the ocean, and is then referred to as an inland port.

A fishing port is a type of port or harbour facility particularly suitable for landing and distributing fish.

A dry port is a term sometimes used to describe a yard used to place containers or conventional bulk cargo, usually connected to a seaport by rail or road.

While the term airport is derived from port, such places are never referred to as ports, except when international airports (as well as some land border crossings) are referred to as ports of entry.

The presence of deep water in channels or berths, the provision of protection from the wind, waves and storm surges and access to intermodal transportation such as trains or trucks are critical to the functioning of seaports and river ports.

Cargo containers allow for efficient transport and distribution as each product, box and bulk cargo do not need to be loaded individually at each transportation point, making the loading and unloading process more efficient.

Cargo can be sealed at point of origin, transported via intermodal transport, before being stacked and loaded on container ships.

These are then ultimately opened at final point of resale or destination.

This is a vital part of modern retailing Just in Time Delivery strategies.

Seaports and river ports are often equipped with large cranes for the loading and unloading of containers from container ships.

These are usually operated by stevedores.

Pilots and tugboats are also used to safely maneuver the ships in tight quarters. 


Scopri come è facile capire l'inglese se c'è a fianco la traduzione parallela incasellata!

A port is a facility at the edge of an ocean, river, or lake for receiving ships and transferring cargo and persons to them.

Un porto è un'infrastruttura ubicata sulla riva di un mare, fiume, o lago il cui compito è quello di accogliere le navi e consentirvi il trasbordo di merci e persone.

Ports have specially-designed equipment to help in the loading and unloading of these vessels.

I porti dispongono di apposite attrezzature per il carico e lo scarico di queste navi.

Cranes and refrigerated storage may be provided by private interests or public bodies.

Gru e immagazzinaggio refrigerato possono essere forniti sia da enti pubblici che da privati.

Often, canneries or other processing facilities will be located very close by.

Spesso, conservifici o altri impianti di lavorazione sono ubicati nelle immediate vicinanze dei porti.

Ports tend to be divided into container terminals.

I porti sono spesso suddivisi in cosiddetti container terminal.

The term seaport is used for ports that handle ocean-going vessels, and river port is used for facilities that handle river traffic.

Il termine porto marittimo viene usato per i porti che movimentano navi d’altura mentre la denominazione porto fluviale è riservata alle infrastrutture che gestiscono il traffico sui fiumi.

Sometimes a port on a lake or river also has access to the ocean, and is then referred to as an inland port.

Talvolta un porto su un lago o su un fiume ha anche accesso al mare e viene quindi definito porto interno.

A fishing port is a type of port or harbour facility particularly suitable for landing and distributing fish.

Un porto peschereccio è un tipo di porto o attrezzatura portuale particolarmente adatta allo scarico e alla distribuzione del pesce.

A dry port is a term sometimes used to describe a yard used to place containers or conventional bulk cargo, usually connected to a seaport by rail or road.

Il termine "porto a secco" viene talvolta adoperato per descrivere un piazzale impiegato per la sosta di container o merci varie alla rinfusa, solitamente connesso ad un porto marittimo a mezzo rotaie o strada.

While the term airport is derived from port, such places are never referred to as ports, except when international airports (as well as some land border crossings) are referred to as ports of entry.

Nonostante il termine "aeroporto" derivi da "porto", non ci si riferisce mai a questi luoghi come a "porti" ad eccezione degli aeroporti internazionali (così come per alcuni passaggi di frontiera) che vengono considerati "porti" di accesso.

The presence of deep water in channels or berths, the provision of protection from the wind, waves and storm surges and access to intermodal transportation such as trains or trucks are critical to the functioning of seaports and river ports.

La presenza di acque profonde nei canali o nelle banchine, la protezione dal vento, dalle onde e dai marosi causati dai temporali e l’accesso al trasporto intermodale, come treni o mezzi gommati, sono elementi essenziali per il funzionamento dei porti marittimi e fluviali.

Cargo containers allow for efficient transport and distribution as each product, box and bulk cargo do not need to be loaded individually at each transportation point, making the loading and unloading process more efficient.

I container per le merci consentono un  trasporto e una distribuzione più efficienti dato che ogni prodotto (cartone o merce alla rinfusa) non ha più bisogno di essere caricato individualmente ad ogni punto di inizio della movimentazione, il che rende molto più efficienti le procedure di carico e scarico.

Cargo can be sealed at point of origin, transported via intermodal transport, before being stacked and loaded on container ships.

La merce può essere sigillata nel punto di origine e trasportata per via intermodale prima di essere impilata e caricata sulle navi container.

These are then ultimately opened at final point of resale or destination.

I container vengono poi aperti nel punto finale di rivendita o destinazione.

This is a vital part of modern retailing Just in Time Delivery strategies.

Questo processo è un elemento essenziale delle moderne strategie di commercializzazione tendenti a consegnare le merci just in time, ossia in tempo reale.

Seaports and river ports are often equipped with large cranes for the loading and unloading of containers from container ships.

I porti marittimi e fluviali sono spesso attrezzati con grandi gru per il carico e lo scarico dei container dalle navi container.

These are usually operated by stevedores.

Queste operazioni vengono solitamente gestite dagli scaricatori di porto o stivatori.

Pilots and tugboats are also used to safely maneuver the ships in tight quarters.

Per le manovre d’attracco in sicurezza delle navi in spazi ristretti si usano anche piloti e rimorchiatori.


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