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extended family 10.11.05
Translated by/Traduzione di Laura Spinelli

Extended family is a term with several distinct meanings.

First, it is used synonymously with consanguinal family.

Second, in societies dominated by the conjugal family, it is used to refer to kindred (an egocentric network of relatives that extends beyond the domestic group) who do not belong to the conjugal family.

Often there could be many generations living under the same roof.

In extended families, the network of relatives acts as a close-knit community.

Extended families can include, aside from parents and their children, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, foster children etc.

In many cultures, such as in those of many of the Africans, the Middle Easterners, the traditional Jewish family of central Europe, the Spanish of North and South America, the Pueblo Indians of New Mexico, Indians, the East Asians (Chinese, Japanese etc.) and the Pacific Islanders, extended families are the basic family unit (in contrast to the conjugal or nuclear families which "Westerners" are more familiar with).

Cultures in which the extended family is common usually happen to be collectivistic cultures.

In the cultures where the extended family is the basic family unit, growing up to adulthood does not necessarily mean severing bonds between oneself and one's parents or even grandparents.

When the child grows up, he or she moves into the larger and more real world of adulthood, yet he or she doesn't, under normal circumstances, establish an identity separate from that of the community. 


Extended family is a term with several distinct meanings.

Famiglia allargata è un termine con parecchi significati distinti.

First, it is used synonymously with consanguinal family.

Per prima cosa, esso è usato come sinonimo di famiglia consanguinea.

Second, in societies dominated by the conjugal family, it is used to refer to kindred (an egocentric network of relatives that extends beyond the domestic group) who do not belong to the conjugal family.

In secondo luogo, nelle società dominate dalla famiglia coniugale, esso è usato per riferirsi ai congiunti (una rete egocentrica di parenti che si estende al di là del gruppo domestico) che non appartengono alla famiglia coniugale.

Often there could be many generations living under the same roof.

Spesso ci potrebbero essere molte generazioni che vivono sotto lo stesso tetto.

In extended families, the network of relatives acts as a close-knit community.

Nelle famiglie allargate la rete di parenti opera come una comunità unita.

Extended families can include, aside from parents and their children, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, foster children etc.

Le famiglie estese possono includere, oltre ai genitori e ai loro figli, i cugini, le zie, gli zii, i nonni, i figli adottivi, ecc…

In many cultures, such as in those of many of the Africans, the Middle Easterners, the traditional Jewish family of central Europe, the Spanish of North and South America, the Pueblo Indians of New Mexico, Indians, the East Asians (Chinese, Japanese etc.) and the Pacific Islanders, extended families are the basic family unit (in contrast to the conjugal or nuclear families which "Westerners" are more familiar with).

In molte culture, come in quelle di molti degli africani, degli abitanti del Medio Oriente, della tradizionale famiglia ebrea dell’Europa centrale, degli spagnoli del Nord e del Sud America, degli Indiani Pueblo del Nuovo Messico, degli Indiani, degli Asiatici dell’Est (Cinesi, Giapponesi, ecc…) e degli abitanti delle isole del Pacifico, le famiglie allargate sono l’unità famigliare di base (a differenza delle famiglie coniugali o nucleari, con cui gli occidentali hanno più familiarità.

Cultures in which the extended family is common usually happen to be collectivistic cultures.

Le culture in cui la famiglia allargata è usuale, di solito sono culture collettivistiche.

In the cultures where the extended family is the basic family unit, growing up to adulthood does not necessarily mean severing bonds between oneself and one's parents or even grandparents.

Nelle culture in cui la famiglia allargata è l’unità famigliare di base, diventare adulti non significa necessariamente recidere i legami tra se stessi ed i propri genitori o perfino i nonni.

When the child grows up, he or she moves into the larger and more real world of adulthood, yet he or she doesn't, under normal circumstances, establish an identity separate from that of the community.

 Quando il bambino cresce, lui o lei entra nel più ampio e reale mondo dell’età adulta, eppure lui o lei, in circostanze normali, non costruisce un’identità separata da quella della comunità.


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