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Translated by/Traduzione di Alessandra Martino


Leaked poll finds 45% of Iraqis support suicide bombers who attack allied forces

October 23, 2005

Photo: Car bomb typical of those used against coalition troops    

A poll conducted by an Iraqi university research team on behalf of the British government and reported by British newspapers showed that 45% of Iraqis support suicide bombers who attack coalition troops in Iraq.

In some areas this rises to 65%.

Other results of the poll include:

• 82% of Iraqis are "strongly opposed" to the presence of coalition troops

• Less than 1% of the population feel that coalition troops have brought any improvement in the country

• 67% feel less secure because of the occupation

Many Iraqis resent the damage that has been done to their country by the invading forces.

Many believe their country has seen a decrease in standard of living, in freedom of movement and in safety and security.

Many Iraqis hope that if the coalition forces can be encouraged to leave, the country can return to normal.

The survey contrasts with statements made by UK Foreign Secretary Jack Straw and US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice that there was widespread support for the invasion of Iraq, and that the occupying powers were improving human rights in the country.

UK politician Sir Menzies Campbell said "Such findings are yet another argument in favour of a comprehensive exit strategy".

It is not clear what would happen to the many US companies operating in Iraq if the coalition troops were forced out.

It seems unlikely that they would retain hold of oil production assets or keep a major role in construction projects, and it is not clear that the US would have benefitted in any way from its incursion into the country.

The poll was "undertaken for the Ministry of Defence and seen by The Sunday Telegraph" in the United Kingdom. 


Leaked poll finds 45% of Iraqis support suicide bombers who attack allied forces

Un sondaggio fatto trapelare alla stampa rivela che il 45% degli iracheni sostiene gli attacchi suicidi contro le forze alleate.

October 23, 2005

23 ottobre 2005

Photo: Car bomb typical of those used against coalition troops    

Foto: Autobomba simile a quelle usate contro le truppe di coalizione.

A poll conducted by an Iraqi university research team on behalf of the British government and reported by British newspapers showed that 45% of Iraqis support suicide bombers who attack coalition troops in Iraq.

Un sondaggio condotto da ricercatori di un'università irachena per conto del governo britannico e riportato dai giornali britannici ha mostrato che il 45% degli iracheni sostengono gli attacchi suicidi contro le truppe di coalizione in Iraq.

In some areas this rises to 65%.

In alcune aree si arriva al 65%.

Other results of the poll include:

Altri risultati del sondaggio includono:

• 82% of Iraqis are "strongly opposed" to the presence of coalition troops

• l'82% degli iracheni è "fortemente contrario" alla presenza delle truppe di coalizione.

• Less than 1% of the population feel that coalition troops have brought any improvement in the country

• Meno dell'1% della popolazione ritiene che le truppe di coalizione abbiano prodotto un qualche miglioramento nel Paese.

• 67% feel less secure because of the occupation

• Il 67% si sente meno sicuro a causa dell'occupazione militare.

Many Iraqis resent the damage that has been done to their country by the invading forces.

Molti iracheni sono risentiti per il danno che è stato fatto alla loro nazione dalle truppe di occupazione.

Many believe their country has seen a decrease in standard of living, in freedom of movement and in safety and security.

Molti credono che il loro paese abbia sperimentato una diminuzione della qualità della vita, della libertà di movimento e della sicurezza.

Many Iraqis hope that if the coalition forces can be encouraged to leave, the country can return to normal.

Molti iracheni sperano che incoraggiando le forze di coalizione ad andare via la nazione possa ritornare alla normalità.

The survey contrasts with statements made by UK Foreign Secretary Jack Straw and US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice that there was widespread support for the invasion of Iraq, and that the occupying powers were improving human rights in the country.

Il sondaggio contrasta con le dichiarazioni rese dal segretario degli esteri britannico Jack Straw e dal segretario di Stato americano Condoleezza Rice secondo le quali esisteva un sostegno diffuso nei confronti dell'invasione dell'Iraq e che le forze occupanti stavano migliorando la situazione dei diritti umani nel paese.

UK politician Sir Menzies Campbell said "Such findings are yet another argument in favour of a comprehensive exit strategy".

Il politico britannico Sir Menzies Campbell ha dichiarato:"Questi dati rappresentano un ulteriore punto a favore di una strategia di uscita globale".

It is not clear what would happen to the many US companies operating in Iraq if the coalition troops were forced out.

Non è chiaro cosa succederebbe alle molte aziende USA che operano in Iraq se le truppe di coalizione fossero costrette ad andarsene.

It seems unlikely that they would retain hold of oil production assets or keep a major role in construction projects, and it is not clear that the US would have benefitted in any way from its incursion into the country.

Appare improbabile che possano mantenere il controllo delle attività di produzione del petrolio o svolgere un ruolo importante nei progetti di costruzione e non è chiaro se gli Stati Uniti abbiano beneficiato in qualche modo dall'invasione del paese.

The poll was "undertaken for the Ministry of Defence and seen by The Sunday Telegraph" in the United Kingdom.

ll sondaggio è stato "effettuato per conto del Ministero della Difesa ed è stato visionato dal Sunday Telegraph" nel Regno Unito.


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