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Translated by/Traduzione di Angela Grillo

Never Been Kissed is a 1999 comedy directed by Raja Gosnell and starring Drew Barrymore, David Arquette, Michael Vartan, Molly Shannon, Leelee Sobieski, John C. Reilly, Jessica Alba, and Garry Marshall.


The main characters include:

• Josie Geller - (Drew Barrymore) a young copy editor who works for the Chicago Sun-Times who is assigned to spy on a local high school* for a story.

Josie's high school years were marked with cruelty from other students.

• Sam Coulson - (Michael Vartan) a young, attractive English teacher at the high school Josie enrolls in.

• Robert Gellar - (David Arquette) Josie's brother who was popular during his high school years.


In the movie, Barrymore plays Josie Geller, a one time high school misfit turned budding reporter for the Chicago Sun Times.

For her first "major story", Josie has to actually pose as a high school student despite being 25 years old.

At first, Josie reverts back to her high school misfit ways, but after counciling by her brother and with the benefit of hindsight about her original high school career, Josie learns how to fit in.

The newspaper wants her to gain the trust and spy on some pretty, popular girls.

These girls are not very intelligent and are intolerant of smart, average-looking girls.

A subplot involves a potential romance between Josie and Sam Coulson, which is a sensitive issue because Coulson thinks Josie is a student, and therefore dating her would be illegal. 


Never Been Kissed is a 1999 comedy directed by Raja Gosnell and starring Drew Barrymore, David Arquette, Michael Vartan, Molly Shannon, Leelee Sobieski, John C. Reilly, Jessica Alba, and Garry Marshall.

"Mai stata baciata" è una commedia del 1999 diretta da Raja Gosnell e interpretata da Drew Barrymore, David Arquette, Michael Vartan, Molly Shannon, Leelee Sobieski, John C. Reilly, Jessica Alba e Garry Marshall.



The main characters include:

I personaggi principali sono:

• Josie Geller - (Drew Barrymore) a young copy editor who works for the Chicago Sun-Times who is assigned to spy on a local high school* for a story.

• Josie Geller (Drew Barrymore) - una giovane redattrice, che lavora per il Chicago Sun-Times, alla quale è stato affidato il compito di spiare in un liceo* del posto per poter fare un articolo.

Josie's high school years were marked with cruelty from other students.

Gli anni di liceo di Josie sono stati segnati dalla crudeltà degli altri studenti.

• Sam Coulson - (Michael Vartan) a young, attractive English teacher at the high school Josie enrolls in.

• Sam Coulson (Michael Vartan) - un giovane attraente insegnante di inglese al liceo dove si è iscritta Josie.

• Robert Gellar - (David Arquette) Josie's brother who was popular during his high school years.

• Robert Geller (David Arquette) - il fratello di Josie che era assai popolare fra studenti e professori durante gli anni di liceo.



In the movie, Barrymore plays Josie Geller, a one time high school misfit turned budding reporter for the Chicago Sun Times.

Nel film, la Barrymore, interpreta Josie Geller, ex-allieva di liceo disadattata, divenuta ora apprendista reporter del Chicago Sun-Times.

For her first "major story", Josie has to actually pose as a high school student despite being 25 years old.

Per il suo primo servizio importante Josie deve far finta di essere una studentessa di liceo nonostante i suoi 25 anni.

At first, Josie reverts back to her high school misfit ways, but after counciling by her brother and with the benefit of hindsight about her original high school career, Josie learns how to fit in.

Dapprima Josie ritorna al suo modo di essere di liceale disadattata ma dopo esser stata consigliata dal fratello e con il beneficio del senno di poi sulla sua carriera scolastica di un tempo, Josie impara come si fa ad inserirsi.

The newspaper wants her to gain the trust and spy on some pretty, popular girls.

Il giornale vuole che lei guadagni la fiducia di qualche ragazza carina e popolare tra gli studenti per spiarla.

These girls are not very intelligent and are intolerant of smart, average-looking girls.

Le ragazze di questo tipo non sono molto intelligenti e non sopportano le ragazze brillanti e di aspetto normale.

A subplot involves a potential romance between Josie and Sam Coulson, which is a sensitive issue because Coulson thinks Josie is a student, and therefore dating her would be illegal.

Una sottotrama presenta una storia d'amore potenziale tra Josie e Sam Coulson che costituisce un problema abbastanza delicato in quanto Coulson pensa che Josie sia una studentessa, e che, quindi, uscire con lei sarebbe una cosa illegale.


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    ENGLISHGRATIS.COM è un sito personale di
    Roberto Casiraghi e Crystal Jones
    email: robertocasiraghi at iol punto it

    Roberto Casiraghi           
    INFORMATIVA SULLA PRIVACY              Crystal Jones

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