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Translated by/Traduzione di Milena Brandoni

A singer is a type of musician who uses his or her voice as an instrument to produce music.

Usually, singing refers to vocal melody only, though vocalist is a similar term which which also encompasses non-melodic sounds and effectively includes anyone using their voice as part of a musical composition, including spoken word and rapping.

A lead singer (in barbershop music simply called a lead) is one who sings the primary vocals of a song, as opposed to a backup singer who sings backup vocal(s) to a song or harmonies to the lead singer.

An exception is in five-part gospel a cappella music, where the lead is the highest of the five voices and sings a descant, never the melody which may be in any of the other four parts.

In European classical music and opera, voices are treated just like musical instruments.

Composers write music for these instruments, understanding the skills and vocal properties of the singers.

Singers build careers by specializing in certain musical styles.

To help both composers and singers, voice classification systems evolved, of which there are now many systems.

How loud or how fast a singer can sing can be taken into account, while some systems include non-musical characteristics like what a singer looks like, how well a singer acts (crucial in opera), or how funny a singer can be.

In Germany, opera houses use a complex sorting procedure, called the fach system, that considers all these elements.

Classifying singers by range and sex is the most common method.

But even using these guidelines, there are still many categories.

Some common classifications are:

Female voices:

• soprano, the highest female voice

• mezzo-soprano, the middle female voice

• contralto, the lowest female voice, called alto in chorus music

Male voices:

• treble/boy soprano, the highest male voice (unbroken, boy)

• countertenor, the highest broken male voice (falsetto)

• tenor, the highest broken male voice (not falsetto)

• baritone, the middle male voice

• bass, the lowest male voice

There are many other designations, including soubrette, heldentenor, bass-baritone, coloratura, baritenor and basso buffo.

There are even categories for men capable of singing in the female range.

This type of voice is rare, but still used in opera.

In Baroque music, many roles were written for castratos, male singers who were castrated as boys to prevent their voices from changing.

Today, with training, a man can still sing these roles.

This singer is called a sopranist, countertenor, or male alto.

Singers may also be classified according to the style of music they sing, such as soul singers or carnatic vocalists. 


A singer is a type of musician who uses his or her voice as an instrument to produce music.

Un cantante è un tipo particolare di musicista che utilizza la sua voce come uno strumento per produrre musica.

Usually, singing refers to vocal melody only, though vocalist is a similar term which which also encompasses non-melodic sounds and effectively includes anyone using their voice as part of a musical composition, including spoken word and rapping.

Di solito, quando si parla di canto ci si riferisce solo alla melodia, anche se esiste un termine analogo, vocalist, che comprende anche l'uso non melodico della voce ed include in effetti tutti coloro che usano la propria voce come parte di una composizione musicale comprensiva anche di parlato e rap.

A lead singer (in barbershop music simply called a lead) is one who sings the primary vocals of a song, as opposed to a backup singer who sings backup vocal(s) to a song or harmonies to the lead singer.

Un cantante solista (nella musica vocale a cappella  chiamato semplicemente "solista") è un interprete che canta la melodia principale di una canzone, rispetto al corista che aggiunge  ad una canzone o armonie al cantante solista.

An exception is in five-part gospel a cappella music, where the lead is the highest of the five voices and sings a descant, never the melody which may be in any of the other four parts.

Un’eccezione è nel gospel a cappella in cinque parti, in cui il solista è la più alta della cinque voci e canta un discanto, mai la melodia che potrebbe essere in una delle altre quattro parti.

In European classical music and opera, voices are treated just like musical instruments.

Nella musica classica Europea, le voci sono considerate come strumenti musicali.

Composers write music for these instruments, understanding the skills and vocal properties of the singers.

I compositori scrivono musica per questi strumenti, in base alle abilità ed alle caratteristiche vocali dei cantanti.

Singers build careers by specializing in certain musical styles.

I cantanti costruiscono carriere specializzandosi in certi stili musicali.

To help both composers and singers, voice classification systems evolved, of which there are now many systems.

Per aiutare sia compositori che cantanti i sistemi di classificazione vocale si sono evoluti, ora ne esistono molti.

How loud or how fast a singer can sing can be taken into account, while some systems include non-musical characteristics like what a singer looks like, how well a singer acts (crucial in opera), or how funny a singer can be.

Può essere preso in considerazione quanto forte o veloce un cantante può cantare, mentre alcuni sistemi includono caratteristiche non musicali quali come sembra, come recita (decisivo nell’opera), o come può essere divertente.

In Germany, opera houses use a complex sorting procedure, called the fach system, that considers all these elements.

In Germania, i teatri dell’opera usano una complessa procedura di selezione, chiamata Sistema Fach che considera tutti gli elementi.

Classifying singers by range and sex is the most common method.

Classificare I cantanti per razza e sesso è il metodo più comune.

But even using these guidelines, there are still many categories.

Ma anche usando queste direttive, ci sono ancora molte categorie.

Some common classifications are:

Alcune delle comuni classificazioni sono:

Female voices:

Voci Femminili

• soprano, the highest female voice

• soprano, la più alta delle voci femminili

• mezzo-soprano, the middle female voice

• mezzo soprano, la voce femminile intermedia

• contralto, the lowest female voice, called alto in chorus music

• contralto, la voce femminile più bassa, chiamata alto nella voce di coro

Male voices:

 Voci maschili

• treble/boy soprano, the highest male voice (unbroken, boy)

• voce bianca/di ragazzo, la più alta voce maschile (intatta, di ragazzo)

• countertenor, the highest broken male voice (falsetto)

• falsetto, la più alta voce maschile

• tenor, the highest broken male voice (not falsetto)

• tenore, la più alta voce maschile non falsetto

• baritone, the middle male voice

• baritono, la voce maschile intermedia

• bass, the lowest male voice

• basso, la più bassa voce maschile

There are many other designations, including soubrette, heldentenor, bass-baritone, coloratura, baritenor and basso buffo.

Ci sono molte altre designazioni  comprendenti soprano leggero, tenore drammatico, basso-baritono, coloritura, baritenore e basso buffo.

There are even categories for men capable of singing in the female range.

Ci sono persino categorie di uomini capaci di cantare fino alle estensioni femminili.

This type of voice is rare, but still used in opera.

Questo tipo di voce è rara, ma ancora usata nell’opera.

In Baroque music, many roles were written for castratos, male singers who were castrated as boys to prevent their voices from changing.

Nella musica barocca, molti ruoli furono scritti per castrati, cantanti maschi che furono castrati per evitare che la loro voce cambiasse.

Today, with training, a man can still sing these roles.

Oggi, con l’allenamento, un uomo può ancora cantare questi ruoli.

This singer is called a sopranist, countertenor, or male alto.

Questo cantante è chiamato sopranista, controtenore, o contralto maschile.

Singers may also be classified according to the style of music they sing, such as soul singers or carnatic vocalists.

I cantanti possono essere classificati secondo gli stili di musica che cantano, per esempio i cantanti soul o i cantanti carnatici.


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