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Translated by/Traduzione di Annika Setaro

The black cat is a feline whose fur is uniformly or mostly black.

It is not a particular breed of cat and may be mixed or of a specific breed.

In Western history, black cats have often been looked upon as a symbol of bad omens.

Historical associations

The black cat in a fighting stance is a historically important anarchist symbol. Historically, black cats were symbolically associated with witchcraft and evil.

In Hebrew and Babylonian folklore, cats are compared to serpents, coiled on a hearth.

In the Middle Ages, Germanic peoples and the Normans associated the black cat with "bad luck".

To some, they were an omen of impending death.

On roads, a black cat crossing one's path was considered a signal of danger ahead.

Since the 1880s, the colour black has been associated with anarchism.

The black cat, in an alert, fighting stance was later adopted as an anarchist symbol.

More specifically, the black cat is associated with anarcho-syndicalism, a branch of anarchism that focuses on workers' rights.

Anarchists, Situationists and Revolutionary Industrial Unionists (such as the IWW) believe that wildcat strikes could be the spark for revolution.

In the 1930s, the Wiccan religious tradition emerged.

Since much of Wicca is descended from witchcraft practices, the black cat was adopted as a Wiccan symbol.

The archaic associations of black cats with bad luck or evil appear occasionally in North American popular culture, but are no longer widely held.

By some human beings, black cats are seen as desirable pets.

Eveready Batteries uses a black cat leaping through the digit 9 as its logo - one of the most recognizable company trademarks.


Cats, in witchcraft folklore, are often believed to be familiars of human witches, because of their purported psychic and magical abilities.

Both historically and in modern times, those who practice witchcraft often keep cats as pets.

Black cats, because of their ability to remain unseen in dark places or at night, were considered especially desirable partners for witches.

Some witches were purported to have the ability to shape-shift into a cat nine times, hence the archaic belief that cats have "nine lives".

Black cats were sometimes used in magical rituals, sometimes as purported participants, other times as sacrifices.

In witch trials, ownership of a black cat was taken as "evidence" of Satanic association and witchcraft.

Cats, believed to be evil in their own right, were often punished as well as humans during these trials, often being burned alive.

Both historically and today, some religious and spiritual groups engage in ritualistic sacrifice of cats, though most major traditions do not.

For example, cats are never sacrificed in Wiccan rituals, harming animals or people being against the religion. 


The black cat is a feline whose fur is uniformly or mostly black.

Il gatto nero è un felino il cui pelo è uniformemente o per la maggior parte nero. 

It is not a particular breed of cat and may be mixed or of a specific breed.

Non appartiene a una particolare razza ma può essere meticcio oppure di una razza specifica.

In Western history, black cats have often been looked upon as a symbol of bad omens.

Nella storia occidentale, i gatti neri sono stati spesso considerati come un simbolo di cattivo augurio. 

Historical associations

Associazioni storiche

The black cat in a fighting stance is a historically important anarchist symbol. Historically, black cats were symbolically associated with witchcraft and evil.

Il gatto nero in posizione di combattimento è un importante simbolo storico del movimento anarchico. Storicamente, i gatti neri venivano simbolicamente associati alla stregoneria e al male.  

In Hebrew and Babylonian folklore, cats are compared to serpents, coiled on a hearth.

Nel folklore ebraico e babilonese, i gatti sono paragonati ai serpenti, attorcigliati su un focolare. 

In the Middle Ages, Germanic peoples and the Normans associated the black cat with "bad luck".

Nel Medioevo, le popolazioni germaniche e i Normanni associavano il gatto nero alla ‘malasorte’.

To some, they were an omen of impending death.

Per alcuni, essi rappresentavano un presagio di morte incombente. 

On roads, a black cat crossing one's path was considered a signal of danger ahead.

Per strada, incrociare un gatto nero lungo il proprio cammino era considerato un segnale di pericolo imminente.  

Since the 1880s, the colour black has been associated with anarchism.

A partire dal decennio 1880-1889, il colore nero è stato associato al movimento anarchico. 

The black cat, in an alert, fighting stance was later adopted as an anarchist symbol.

Il gatto nero, in posizione vigile e di combattimento, fu adottato più in là negli anni come simbolo del movimento anarchico. 

More specifically, the black cat is associated with anarcho-syndicalism, a branch of anarchism that focuses on workers' rights.

Più specificamente, il gatto nero è associato al sindacalismo anarchico, una branca dell’anarchismo che si concentra sui diritti dei lavoratori.  

Anarchists, Situationists and Revolutionary Industrial Unionists (such as the IWW) believe that wildcat strikes could be the spark for revolution.

Gli anarchici, i situazionisti e i Sindacalisti Industriali Rivoluzionari (come l’IWW) credono che gli scioperi "a gatto selvaggio" possano essere la scintilla scatenante di una rivoluzione.  

In the 1930s, the Wiccan religious tradition emerged.

Negli anni trenta, emerse la tradizione religiosa della Wicca. 

Since much of Wicca is descended from witchcraft practices, the black cat was adopted as a Wiccan symbol.

Poiché molto di quanto caratterizza la Wicca deriva dalle pratiche di stregoneria, il gatto nero fu adottato come simbolo della Wicca. 

The archaic associations of black cats with bad luck or evil appear occasionally in North American popular culture, but are no longer widely held.

Le antiche associazioni del gatto nero alla malasorte o al male appaiono occasionalmente nella cultura popolare nordamericana, ma non sono più così diffuse.

By some human beings, black cats are seen as desirable pets.

I gatti neri sono visti da alcuni esseri umani come degli animali di casa perfettamente accettabili.

Eveready Batteries uses a black cat leaping through the digit 9 as its logo - one of the most recognizable company trademarks.

La Eveready Batteries utilizza come suo logo un gatto nero che saltella lungo il numero 9 – uno dei marchi di fabbrica più riconoscibili dell'azienda. 


La stregoneria

Cats, in witchcraft folklore, are often believed to be familiars of human witches, because of their purported psychic and magical abilities.

I gatti, nel folklore della stregoneria, vengono spesso ritenuti demoni al servizio delle streghe di origine umana, a causa delle loro presunte qualità psichiche e magiche.

Both historically and in modern times, those who practice witchcraft often keep cats as pets.

Sia storicamente che nei tempi moderni, coloro che praticano la stregoneria spesso possiedono dei gatti come animali domestici.  

Black cats, because of their ability to remain unseen in dark places or at night, were considered especially desirable partners for witches.

I gatti neri, grazie alla loro capacità di non essere visti in luoghi bui o di notte, erano considerati dei partner estremamente desiderabili per delle streghe.   

Some witches were purported to have the ability to shape-shift into a cat nine times, hence the archaic belief that cats have "nine lives".

Alcune streghe erano ritenute capaci di trasformarsi nove volte in un gatto, da qui l’antica credenza che il gatto abbia “nove vite”.   

Black cats were sometimes used in magical rituals, sometimes as purported participants, other times as sacrifices.

I gatti neri talvolta venivano usati nei rituali magici, a volte come pretesi partecipanti, altre volte come vittime. 

In witch trials, ownership of a black cat was taken as "evidence" of Satanic association and witchcraft.

Nei processi alle streghe, il possesso di un gatto nero era considerato come una “prova” dell’associazione satanica e della stregoneria.   

Cats, believed to be evil in their own right, were often punished as well as humans during these trials, often being burned alive.

I gatti, considerati anch'essi alla stregua di male assoluto, venivano spesso puniti come gli umani durante questi processi, finendo per essere arsi vivi.

Both historically and today, some religious and spiritual groups engage in ritualistic sacrifice of cats, though most major traditions do not.

Sia storicamente che al giorno d'oggi, alcune sette religiose e spirituali compiono sacrifici rituali di gatti, sebbene la maggior parte delle tradizioni religiose più importanti non lo faccia.

For example, cats are never sacrificed in Wiccan rituals, harming animals or people being against the religion.

Ad esempio, i gatti non vengono mai sacrificati durante i rituali della Wicca, in quanto arrecare danno agli animali o alle persone va contro la religione.


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