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gardnerian wicca
Translated by/Traduzione di Flavia Anto


This article contains information that has not been verified and thus might not be reliable.

Questo articolo contiene delle informazioni che non sono state verificate e pertanto potrebbe non essere affidabile

If you are familiar with the subject matter, please check the article for inaccuracies and modify as needed, citing sources.

Se avete dimestichezza con il soggetto, vogliate cortesemente verificare se l’articolo contiene delle inaccuratezze e modificarle di conseguenza citando le fonti.



Gardnerian Wicca is a tradition of the Neopagan religion of Wicca.

La wicca gardneriana è una tradizione che appartiene alla neoreligione pagana della wicca.

Gardnerian Wicca is named after Gerald Gardner (1884-1964), a British civil servant who studied magic, among other topics.

La wicca gardneriana è stata così chiamata dopo Gerald Gardner (1884-1964), un impiegato inglese che si dedicò, tra altri argomenti, allo studio della magia.

He knew and worked with many famous occultists, not the least of which was Aleister Crowley (1875-1947).

Egli conobbe e lavorò con molti famosi occultisti, tra cui Aleister Crowley era uno dei più famosi.

After his retirement Gardner moved to Christchurch near the New Forest on the south coast of England, where he says he met a group of people who had preserved certain traditional practices.

Dopo essere andato in pensione Gardner si trasferì a Christchurch, vicino a New Forest sulla costa sud dell’Inghilterra dove sostiene di avere incontrato un gruppo di persone che aveva mantenuto alcune pratiche tradizionali.

As an amateur folklorist, Gardner was fascinated, and set about reinventing what he described as an ancient, ancestral religion whose remnants he had come upon.

Come appassionato di folklore Gardner ne rimase affascinato e si mise a inventare nuovamente ciò che egli descriveva come una antica religione ancestrale nelle cui vestigia si era imbattuto.

He apparently had little ritual material to work with and had to create a good deal of it himself.

Sembra che non avesse molto materiale rituale con cui lavorare e dovette crearne in gran parte lui stesso.

He seems not to have been confident writing original poetry, and instead borrowed and wove together appropriate material from other artists and occultists, most notably Aleister Crowley, Charles Godfrey Leland's Aradia, or the Gospel of the Witches, the Key of Solomon as published by S.L. MacGregor Mathers, Freemasonry ritual, and Rudyard Kipling, Queen Victoria's Poet Laureate.

Sembra anche che non fosse molto sicuro di sè nello scrivere versi originali e quindi prendesse a prestito e intrecciasse insieme del materiale più conforme appartenente ad altri occultisti, per lo più Aleister Crowley, l’Aradia di Godfrey Leland, la Chiave di Salomone o il Vangelo delle Streghe edito da S.L. MacGregor Mathers, il rituale della Massoneria e Rudyard Kipling, Poeta Laureato dalla Regina Vittoria.

Gardner's High Priestess, Doreen Valiente (1922-1999) wrote much of the most well-known poetry, including the much-quoted Charge of the Goddess.

L’Alta Sacerdotessa di Gardner Doreen Valiente (1922-1999) scrisse gran parte della produzione poetica più conosciuta inclusa la pluricitata Charge of the Goddess 

The core group grew slowly and in utter secrecy as witchcraft was illegal in Britain at the time.

Il nucleo centrale si sviluppò lentamente e in totale segretezza poichè a quel tempo, in Inghilterra, la stregoneria era illegale.

When the Witchcraft Laws were replaced, in 1951, by the Fraudulent Mediums Act, Gerald Gardner went public, initially somewhat cautiously, but during the late 1950's and early 1960's (up until his death in 1964) even courting the attentions of the tabloid press, to the consternation of some of the other members of the tradition.

Quando le Leggi sulla stregoneria furono sostituite nel 1951 dal Fraudolent Mediums Act, Gerald Gardner si espose pubblicamente dapprima in modo cauto ma alla fine degli anni cinquanta e all’inizio degli anni sessanta (fino alla sua morte che avvenne nel 1964) corteggiò persino la stampa popolare con un certo avvilimento da parte di alcuni degli altri membri della tradizione.

Nevertheless, the increased publicity seems to have allowed Gardnerian Wicca to grow much more rapidly.

Ciò nonostante sembra che la pubblicità così ottenuta abbia permesso alla wicca gardneriana di svilupparsi molto più rapidamente.

The oldest known Gardnerian Wicca coven is the North London coven, which originally met in the Witch's Cottage near the Five Acres naturist club in Bricket's Wood near London;

La più antica e conosciuta congrega di tradizione gardneriana é quella della North London. Originariamente essa si radunava presso il Wicca’s Cottage accanto al club naturista di Five Acres, a Bricket’s Wood vicino a Londra.

it has operated continuously for over 50 years, since shortly after the end of the Second World War, and has included many leading lights of Gardnerian Wicca including Gerald Gardner, Doreen Valiente, Lois Bourne, and Jack Bracelin.

Ha operato costantemente per più di 50 anni, sin da subito dopo la fine della Seconda Guerra Mondiale e includeva molte delle personalità più importanti della wicca gardneriana incluso Gerald Gardner, Doreen Valiente, Lois Bourne e Jack Bracelin. 

Some American neopagans regard Gardnerian Wicca as a "fundamentalist" path, in that, at least as often practiced in America, it demands fairly strict adherence to the procedures and principles laid down by Gardner, as well as stringent requirements for initiation.

Alcuni neopagani americani considerano la wicca gardneriana come un percorso di tipo “fondamentalista” poiché richiede, almeno nel modo in cui é praticata in America, una stretta aderenza alle procedure ed ai principi tracciati da Gardner così come per l’iniziazione prevede delle regole rigide.

As practiced in England, on the other hand, Gardnerian Wicca is often regarded as a mainstream Wiccan tradition, albeit an old-school one, and as less formal than Alexandrian Wicca.

D’altra parte, così come viene praticata in Inghilterra, la wicca gardneriana viene spesso considerata come la tipica tradizione wicca, per quanto di vecchia scuola, e meno formale di quella Alessandriana.

The most well known Covens of the original Gardnerian lineage are: New Forest, Bricket Wood, Rainbow wood, Isle of Man, Oak Tree, Sparrow, Isis Urania and Druid Oak.

Le congreghe più conosciute appartenenti alla stirpe originaria gardneriano sono: New Forest, Black Wood, Rainbow wood, Isle of man, Oak tree, Sparrow, Isis Urania e Druid Oak.



This article contains information that has not been verified and thus might not be reliable.

If you are familiar with the subject matter, please check the article for inaccuracies and modify as needed, citing sources.

Gardnerian Wicca is a tradition of the Neopagan religion of Wicca.

Gardnerian Wicca is named after Gerald Gardner (1884-1964), a British civil servant who studied magic, among other topics.

He knew and worked with many famous occultists, not the least of which was Aleister Crowley (1875-1947).

After his retirement Gardner moved to Christchurch near the New Forest on the south coast of England, where he says he met a group of people who had preserved certain traditional practices.

As an amateur folklorist, Gardner was fascinated, and set about reinventing what he described as an ancient, ancestral religion whose remnants he had come upon.

He apparently had little ritual material to work with and had to create a good deal of it himself.

He seems not to have been confident writing original poetry, and instead borrowed and wove together appropriate material from other artists and occultists, most notably Aleister Crowley, Charles Godfrey Leland's Aradia, or the Gospel of the Witches, the Key of Solomon as published by S.L. MacGregor Mathers, Freemasonry ritual, and Rudyard Kipling, Queen Victoria's Poet Laureate.

Gardner's High Priestess, Doreen Valiente (1922-1999) wrote much of the most well-known poetry, including the much-quoted Charge of the Goddess.

The core group grew slowly and in utter secrecy as witchcraft was illegal in Britain at the time.

When the Witchcraft Laws were replaced, in 1951, by the Fraudulent Mediums Act, Gerald Gardner went public, initially somewhat cautiously, but during the late 1950's and early 1960's (up until his death in 1964) even courting the attentions of the tabloid press, to the consternation of some of the other members of the tradition.

Nevertheless, the increased publicity seems to have allowed Gardnerian Wicca to grow much more rapidly.

The oldest known Gardnerian Wicca coven is the North London coven, which originally met in the Witch's Cottage near the Five Acres naturist club in Bricket's Wood near London;

it has operated continuously for over 50 years, since shortly after the end of the Second World War, and has included many leading lights of Gardnerian Wicca including Gerald Gardner, Doreen Valiente, Lois Bourne, and Jack Bracelin.

Some American neopagans regard Gardnerian Wicca as a "fundamentalist" path, in that, at least as often practiced in America, it demands fairly strict adherence to the procedures and principles laid down by Gardner, as well as stringent requirements for initiation.

As practiced in England, on the other hand, Gardnerian Wicca is often regarded as a mainstream Wiccan tradition, albeit an old-school one, and as less formal than Alexandrian Wicca.

The most well known Covens of the original Gardnerian lineage are: New Forest, Bricket Wood, Rainbow wood, Isle of Man, Oak Tree, Sparrow, Isis Urania and Druid Oak.



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