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collective bargaining
Translated by/Traduzione di Francesco Braggio

Collective bargaining is the process of negotiation between trade unions (or labor unions, as they are called in the United States) and employers (represented by management) in respect of the terms and conditions of employment of employees, such as wages, hours of work, working conditions and grievance procedures, and about the rights and responsibilities of trade unions.

The result of the negotiation is often referred to as a collective bargaining agreement.

The term is reputed to have been coined by the British academic Beatrice Webb in the late 19th century to describe a process alternative to that of individual bargaining between an employer and its individual employees.

Other writers have emphasised the conflict resolution aspects of collective bargaining, but in Britain the most important refinement was that made by Allan Flanders, who defined it as a process of rule-making, leading to joint regulation in industry.

The term is usually seen as necessarily containing an element of negotiation and hence as distinct from processes of consultation, from which negotiation is absent, and where outcomes are determined unilaterally by the employer.

In Britain collective bargaining has been, and has been endorsed as, the dominant and most appropriate means of regulating workers' terms and conditions of employment, in line with ILO Convention No. 84 for many years.

However, the importance of collective bargaining in Britain and elsewhere in the industrialized world has been declining considerably since the early 1980s. 


Collective bargaining is the process of negotiation between trade unions (or labor unions, as they are called in the United States) and employers (represented by management) in respect of the terms and conditions of employment of employees, such as wages, hours of work, working conditions and grievance procedures, and about the rights and responsibilities of trade unions.

La contrattazione collettiva è il processo di negoziazione tra i sindacati dei lavoratori (chiamati labor unions negli Stati Uniti) e gli imprenditori (rappresentate dal management) per quanto attiene alle condizioni contrattuali di impiego dei dipendenti, come i salari, l'orario di lavoro, le condizioni di lavoro, le procedure da seguire nel caso di ingiustizie patite, e ai diritti e i doveri delle organizzazioni sindacali.

The result of the negotiation is often referred to as a collective bargaining agreement.

L'esito dei negoziati è spesso definito "Contratto collettivo di lavoro".

The term is reputed to have been coined by the British academic Beatrice Webb in the late 19th century to describe a process alternative to that of individual bargaining between an employer and its individual employees.

Il termine si ritiene sia stato coniato dall'accademica britannica Beatrice Webb alla fine del XIX° secolo per descrivere un procedimento alternativo a quello del negoziato individuale tra un imprenditore e i propri dipendenti.

Other writers have emphasised the conflict resolution aspects of collective bargaining, but in Britain the most important refinement was that made by Allan Flanders, who defined it as a process of rule-making, leading to joint regulation in industry.

Altri autori hanno sottolineato l'aspetto  "pacificatore" della contrattazione collettiva ma in Gran Bretagna il più importante approfondimento è stato quello operato da Alan Flanders, che l'ha definito come un processo di creazione di regole che conduce alla regolazione bilaterale dei vari settori industriali.

The term is usually seen as necessarily containing an element of negotiation and hence as distinct from processes of consultation, from which negotiation is absent, and where outcomes are determined unilaterally by the employer.

Il termine è normalmente inteso nel senso di implicare un elemento di negoziazione che, quindi, lo distingue dai processi consultivi nei quali è assente l'elemento negoziale e in cui gli esiti sono decisi unilateralmente dall'imprenditore.

In Britain collective bargaining has been, and has been endorsed as, the dominant and most appropriate means of regulating workers' terms and conditions of employment, in line with ILO Convention No. 84 for many years.

In Gran Bretagna la contrattazione collettiva è stata ed è considerata come il più importante e appropriato* strumento di regolazione delle condizioni contrattuali di impiego, in linea con la Convenzione n.84 dell'ILO (Organizzazione Internazionale del Lavoro).

However, the importance of collective bargaining in Britain and elsewhere in the industrialized world has been declining considerably since the early 1980s.

Tuttavia l'importanza della contrattazione collettiva in Gran Bretagna e nel resto dei Paesi industrializzati è andata diminuendo notevolmente fin dagli inizi degli anni '80.


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