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Translated by/Traduzione di Erika Kovàcs

Agota Kristof is a writer of Hungarian origin, who publishes mainly French novels.

Agota Kristof è una scrittrice di origine ungherese che pubblica principalmente romanzi in lingua francese.



Kristof was born on October 30, 1935.

La Kristof nacque il 30 ottobre del 1935.

At the age of 21 she had to leave her country when the Hungarian anti-communist revolution was suppressed by the Soviet military.

All’età di 21 anni dovette lasciare il suo paese quando la rivoluzione ungherese anticomunista fu repressa dall’esercito sovietico.

She, her husband and their 4 months old daughter escaped to Neuchâtel in Switzerland.

Lei, suo marito e la loro figlia di 4 mesi scapparono a Neuchâtel in Svizzera.

After 5 years of loneliness and exile, she quit her work in a factory and left her husband.

Dopo 5 anni di solitudine ed esilio, diede le dimissioni dal posto di lavoro in una fabbrica e lasciò suo marito.

She started studying French and began to write novels in that language.

Cominciò a studiare il francese e iniziò a scrivere romanzi in quella lingua.

Her works

Le sue opere

In 1986 Kristof’s first novel, The Notebook appeared.

Nel 1986 apparve il primo romanzo di Kristof, The Notebook, Il Taccuino.

It was the beginning of a moving trilogy.

Questo fu l'inizio di una trilogia commovente.

The sequel titled The Proof came 2 years later.

Il seguito, intitolato The Proof , La Prova, uscì 2 anni più tardi.

The third part was published in 1991 under the title The Third Lie.

La terza parte fu pubblicata nel 1991 con il titolo The Third Lie, La Terza Bugia.

The most important themes of this trilogy are war and destruction, love and loneliness, desire and loss, truth and fiction.

I temi più importanti di questa trilogia sono guerra e distruzione, amore e  solitudine, desiderio e perdita, verità e finzione.

Agota Kristof received the European prize for French literature for The Notebook.

Agota Kristof ha ricevuto il premio europeo per la letteratura francese per The Notebook, Il Taccuino.

This novel was translated in more than 30 languages.

Questo romanzo è stato tradotto in più di 30 lingue.

In 1995 she publised a new book, Yesterday.

Nel 1995 pubblicò un nuovo libro, Yesterday, Ieri.

Her fifth novel, The Illiterate, was also her first biography, and was finished in 2004.

Il suo quinto romanzo, The Illiterate, L’Analfabeta, è stato anche la sua prima biografia ed è stato completato nel 2004.

She writes not only novels, but also poems and plays.

Scrive non solo romanzi ma anche poesie e opere teatrali.



Agota Kristof is a writer of Hungarian origin, who publishes mainly French novels.


Kristof was born on October 30, 1935.

At the age of 21 she had to leave her country when the Hungarian anti-communist revolution was suppressed by the Soviet military.

She, her husband and their 4 months old daughter escaped to Neuchâtel in Switzerland.

After 5 years of loneliness and exile, she quit her work in a factory and left her husband.

She started studying French and began to write novels in that language.

Her works

In 1986 Kristof’s first novel, The Notebook appeared.

It was the beginning of a moving trilogy.

The sequel titled The Proof came 2 years later.

The third part was published in 1991 under the title The Third Lie.

The most important themes of this trilogy are war and destruction, love and loneliness, desire and loss, truth and fiction.

Agota Kristof received the European prize for French literature for The Notebook.

This novel was translated in more than 30 languages.

In 1995 she publised a new book, Yesterday.

Her fifth novel, The Illiterate, was also her first biography, and was finished in 2004.

She writes not only novels, but also poems and plays.



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