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Original text taken from/Testo originale tratto da Wikinews
Translated by/Traduzione di Lucia Gasparini

Family of killed Palestinian boy donates organs to Israeli patients

November 8, 2005

The organs of a 12 year-old Palestinian boy killed by Israeli soldiers have been transplanted to Israeli patients, helping to save their lives.

Ahmed al-Khatib was shot during clashes in Jenin last week when soldiers mistook his toy gun for a real one.

He later died in a hospital.

The Israeli Defense Forces regretted the incident.

Ahmed's kidneys, liver, lungs and heart were transplated to a total of six patients, including Israeli Arabs, Jews, and Druze.

One of the recipients was 12 year-old Samah Gadban, who had been waiting for a new heart for five years.

Her father thanked Ahmed's family "from the depths of my heart" and called the donation a "gesture of love".

Ahmed's father, Ismail al-Khatib, said the family made the decision to donate his son's organs "for the sake of the world’s children and the children of this country".

He added that saving lives was more important than religion and thinks that his son "has entered the heart of every Israeli".

Al-Khatib stressed he has received nothing but praise from fellow residents in Jenin.

The Speaker of the Knesset, Reuven Rivlin, praised the action saying that this "remarkable gesture [...] despite the war and conflict without solution for nearly 100 years, must be noted". 


Family of killed Palestinian boy donates organs to Israeli patients

La famiglia del ragazzo palestinese ucciso dona gli organi a pazienti israeliani 

November 8, 2005

 8 Novembre 2005

The organs of a 12 year-old Palestinian boy killed by Israeli soldiers have been transplanted to Israeli patients, helping to save their lives.

Gli organi di un ragazzo palestinese dodicenne ucciso dai soldati israeliani sono stati trapiantati su dei pazienti israeliani, contribuendo a salvare le loro vite.

Ahmed al-Khatib was shot during clashes in Jenin last week when soldiers mistook his toy gun for a real one.

Ahmed al-Khatib era stato oggetto di colpi di arma da fuoco durante gli scontri a Jenin della scorsa settimana quando dei soldati israeliani avevano scambiato per vero il suo fucile giocattolo.

He later died in a hospital.

Era morto poco più tardi in ospedale.

The Israeli Defense Forces regretted the incident.

Le Forze di Difesa israeliane hanno espresso il loro rammarico per l’incidente.

Ahmed's kidneys, liver, lungs and heart were transplated to a total of six patients, including Israeli Arabs, Jews, and Druze.

Reni, fegato, polmoni e cuore di Ahmed sono stati trapiantati su un totale di sei pazienti, compresi arabi israeliani, ebrei e drusi.

One of the recipients was 12 year-old Samah Gadban, who had been waiting for a new heart for five years.

Uno dei destinatari è la dodicenne Samah Gadban, che attendeva un cuore nuovo da cinque anni.

Her father thanked Ahmed's family "from the depths of my heart" and called the donation a "gesture of love".

Suo padre ha ringraziato la famiglia di Ahmed “dal profondo del cuore” e ha definito la donazione “un gesto d’amore”.

Ahmed's father, Ismail al-Khatib, said the family made the decision to donate his son's organs "for the sake of the world’s children and the children of this country".

Il padre di Ahmed, Ismail al-Khatib, ha affermato che la sua famiglia aveva preso la decisione di donare gli organi del figlio “per amore dei bambini nel mondo e per i bambini di questo Paese”.

He added that saving lives was more important than religion and thinks that his son "has entered the heart of every Israeli".

Ha aggiunto che salvare delle vite umane è più importante delle questioni religiose e che pensa che suo figlio “sia entrato nel cuore di ogni israeliano”.

Al-Khatib stressed he has received nothing but praise from fellow residents in Jenin.

Al-Khatib ha puntualizzato di non aver ricevuto altro che elogi dai concittadini residenti a Jenin.

The Speaker of the Knesset, Reuven Rivlin, praised the action saying that this "remarkable gesture [...] despite the war and conflict without solution for nearly 100 years, must be noted".

Il portavoce dell’Assemblea Legislativa dello Stato di Israele (Knesset), Reuven Rivlin, ha espresso ammirazione per il gesto, dicendo che questo “rimarchevole comportamento […] è degno di nota, nonostante la guerra e il conflitto che non trova soluzione da quasi cento anni”.


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