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lady chatterley's lover
Translated by/Traduzione di Mariantonietta Carriero

Lady Chatterley's Lover is a novel by D. H. Lawrence written in 1928.

Printed privately in Florence in 1928, it was banned in the UK until 1960.

Lawrence considered calling this book Tenderness at one time and it has been published in three different versions.

The publication of the book caused a scandal due to its explicit sex scenes, including previously banned four-letter words, and perhaps particularly because the male lover was working-class.

The story concerns a young married woman whose upper-class husband has been paralyzed and rendered impotent.

Her sexual frustration leads her into an affair with the gamekeeper, Mellors, eventually culminating in their marriage.

The story is said to have originated from events in Lawrence's own unhappy domestic life, and he made significant alterations to the original manuscript in order to make it palatable to readers.

An obscenity trial followed its publication in Britain in 1960 (having been rejected when Lawrence originally took it to publishers in 1930, and eventually published in France).

The Obscene Publications Act of 1959, introduced by Roy Jenkins, had made it possible for publishers to escape conviction if they could show that a work was of literary merit.

On November 2, 1960 the British publisher, Penguin Books, won the court case that ensued.

A string of expert witnesses, including E. M. Forster, Helen Gardner and Raymond Williams, testified on behalf of the defence.

The outcome of the trial is thought to have been influenced by the famous remark by the prosecuting counsel, Mervyn Griffiths-Jones:

"Is it a book you would even wish your wife or your servants to read?" which reinforced the image of an out-of-touch judiciary.

In Australia, not only was the book itself banned, but a book describing the British trial, "The Trial of Lady Chatterley", was also banned.

A copy was smuggled into the country, and then published widely.

The fallout from this event eventually led to the virtual abandonment of censorship of books in the country.

In the United States, Lady Chatterley's Lover was one of a trio of books (the others being Tropic of Cancer and Fanny Hill), the ban on which was fought and overturned in court by lawyer Charles Rembar.

The free publication of Lady Chatterley's Lover was a significant event in the "sexual revolution."

At the time the book was a topic of widespread discussion and a byword of sorts.

In 1965, Tom Lehrer recorded a satirical song entitled Smut, in which the speaker in the song lyrics cheerfully acknowledges his enjoyment of such material;

"Who needs a hobby like tennis or philately?/I've got a hobby: rereading Lady Chatterley."

D.H Lawrence got some of the inspiration for the settings of the book from Ilkeston in Derbyshire UK where he lived for a while. 


Lady Chatterley's Lover is a novel by D. H. Lawrence written in 1928.

L’amante di Lady Chatterley è un romanzo scritto da D. H. Lawrence nel 1928.

Printed privately in Florence in 1928, it was banned in the UK until 1960.

Stampato privatamente a Firenze nel 1928, il libro venne proibito in Gran Bretagna fino al 1960.

Lawrence considered calling this book Tenderness at one time and it has been published in three different versions.

In un dato momento Lawrence prese in considerazione l’idea di intitolarlo Tenerezza. Il romanzo è stato pubblicato in tre diverse versioni.

The publication of the book caused a scandal due to its explicit sex scenes, including previously banned four-letter words, and perhaps particularly because the male lover was working-class.

La pubblicazione del libro provocò uno scandalo a causa delle scene di sesso esplicite, delle parolacce sessuali allora severamente vietate e forse, più specificamente, perché il personaggio dell'amante apparteneva al ceto più basso.

The story concerns a young married woman whose upper-class husband has been paralyzed and rendered impotent.

La storia racconta di una giovane moglie il cui marito, un aristocratico, è rimasto paralizzato e impotente.

Her sexual frustration leads her into an affair with the gamekeeper, Mellors, eventually culminating in their marriage.

La sua frustrazione sessuale la spinge in una relazione amorosa con il guardiacaccia, Mellors, che si conclude alla fine con il loro matrimonio

The story is said to have originated from events in Lawrence's own unhappy domestic life, and he made significant alterations to the original manuscript in order to make it palatable to readers.

Si dice che la vicenda abbia preso lo spunto dalla vita coniugale infelice di Lawrence stesso e che egli apportò importanti cambiamenti al manoscritto originale per renderlo ben accetto ai suoi lettori.

An obscenity trial followed its publication in Britain in 1960 (having been rejected when Lawrence originally took it to publishers in 1930, and eventually published in France).

Un processo per oscenità seguì la pubblicazione del libro in Gran Bretagna nel 1960 (il libro era stato rifiutato quando Lawrence lo aveva inizialmente proposto agli editori UK nel 1930: alla fine fu pubblicato in Francia).

The Obscene Publications Act of 1959, introduced by Roy Jenkins, had made it possible for publishers to escape conviction if they could show that a work was of literary merit.

La legge sulle pubblicazioni oscene   introdotta da Roy Jenkins nel 1959 aveva consentito agli editori di sfuggire alla condanna se riuscivano a dimostrare che un'opera era letterariamente valida.

On November 2, 1960 the British publisher, Penguin Books, won the court case that ensued.

Il 2 novembre del 1960 la casa editrice britannica Penguin Books vinse la causa che era seguita alla pubblicazione del libro.

A string of expert witnesses, including E. M. Forster, Helen Gardner and Raymond Williams, testified on behalf of the defence.

Una serie di testimoni eccellenti, tra cui E. M. Forster, Helen Gardner e Raymond Williams, depose in favore della difesa.

The outcome of the trial is thought to have been influenced by the famous remark by the prosecuting counsel, Mervyn Griffiths-Jones:

Si pensa che l’esito del processo sia stato influenzato dal famoso commento dell’avvocato dell’accusa, Mervyn Griffiths-Jones

"Is it a book you would even wish your wife or your servants to read?" which reinforced the image of an out-of-touch judiciary.

“È un libro che davvero vi piacerebbe fosse letto da vostra moglie o dai vostri servi?” cosa che rinforzò l’immagine di una magistratura che ha ormai perso il contatto con la realtà.

In Australia, not only was the book itself banned, but a book describing the British trial, "The Trial of Lady Chatterley", was also banned.

In Australia, si censurò non solo l'opera di Lawrence ma anche un altro libro che si limitava a descrivere il processo svoltosi in UK, Il processo di Lady Chatterley.

A copy was smuggled into the country, and then published widely.

Una copia del volume fu introdotta in modo clandestino e poi pubblicata diffusamente.

The fallout from this event eventually led to the virtual abandonment of censorship of books in the country.

La ricaduta di questo evento alla fine portò all'abbandono pressoché totale della censura sui libri nel paese.

In the United States, Lady Chatterley's Lover was one of a trio of books (the others being Tropic of Cancer and Fanny Hill), the ban on which was fought and overturned in court by lawyer Charles Rembar.

Negli Stati Uniti, L'amante di Lady Chatterley faceva parte di una terna di libri (gli altri due erano Tropico del Cancro e Fanny Hill), la cui proscrizione era stata combattuta e sconfitta in tribunale dall’avvocato Charles Rembar.

The free publication of Lady Chatterley's Lover was a significant event in the "sexual revolution."

La libera pubblicazione de “L’amante di lady Chatterley" fu un evento significativo nella rivoluzione sessuale degli anni '60.

At the time the book was a topic of widespread discussion and a byword of sorts.

In quel periodo, il libro era argomento di frequenti discussioni e costituiva una sorta di punto di riferimento molto in voga.

In 1965, Tom Lehrer recorded a satirical song entitled Smut, in which the speaker in the song lyrics cheerfully acknowledges his enjoyment of such material;

Nel 1965 Tom Lehrer incise una canzone satirica intitolata Oscenità nel cui testo il recitante ammette gioiosamente il piacere che gli dà questo tipo di contenuto:

"Who needs a hobby like tennis or philately?/I've got a hobby: rereading Lady Chatterley."

"Chi ha bisogno di un hobby come il tennis o la filatelia? Io ho un hobby: leggere e rileggere Lady Chatterley!"

D.H Lawrence got some of the inspiration for the settings of the book from Ilkeston in Derbyshire UK where he lived for a while.

D.H Lawrence trasse ispirazione per una parte dell’ambientazione del libro dalla città di Ilkeston nel Derbyshire (UK) dove visse per un certo periodo di tempo.


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