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dan brown
Translated by/Traduzione di Giorgia Nidasio

Dan Brown (born June 22, 1964, in Exeter, New Hampshire) is an American author of thriller fiction.

He graduated from Phillips Exeter Academy, where his father was a mathematics teacher, then matriculated to Amherst College, where he was a member of Psi Upsilon Fraternity, graduating in 1986.

Prior to becoming a full-time writer, he taught English at Phillips Exeter and at Lincoln Akerman School in Hampton Falls.

He currently lives in Rye, New Hampshire.

Blythe, his wife, is an art historian and painter and her influence is evident in his best-selling novel, The Da Vinci Code.

The Da Vinci Code is currently being adapted into a film by renowned director Ron Howard;

the film will star Tom Hanks as Robert Langdon.

Brown is interested in cryptography, keys, and codes, which are a recurring theme in his stories.

Promotional materials state that he is working on a new book called The Solomon Key, and that the puzzles hidden in the bookjacket of The Da Vinci Code (including two referring to the Kryptos sculpture at CIA Headquarters in Langley, Virginia) give hints about the subject of the next novel.


Digital Fortress (1998)

Angels and Demons (2000)

Deception Point (2001)

The Da Vinci Code (2003)

The Solomon Key (due to be released in 2006, though the publishers will not confirm this)


• His novels have been translated and published in more than 40 languages in many different countries.

• His father is a mathematics professor, and his mother is a musician.

• His wife, Blythe, is an art historian and painter.

• His bestseller The Da Vinci Code was his first hit and became the first to be adapted into a film.

However, it is actually the second book in which Robert Langdon appears.

The first is Angels and Demons.

• He is fluent in Spanish and French.

• He often names characters in his books after people in his life.

Robert Langdon is named after John Langdon, who created symbols for his books.

Camerlengo Carlo Ventresca is named after friend Carla Ventresca.



Dan Brown (born June 22, 1964, in Exeter, New Hampshire) is an American author of thriller fiction.

Dan Brown (nato il 22 giugno 1964 nell’Exeter, New Hampshire) è un autore americano di thriller.

He graduated from Phillips Exeter Academy, where his father was a mathematics teacher, then matriculated to Amherst College, where he was a member of Psi Upsilon Fraternity, graduating in 1986.

Si laureò alla Phillips Exeter Academy, dove suo padre lavorava come insegnante di matematica; si iscrisse poi all'Amherst College dove divenne membro dell'Associazione Studentesca Psi Ipsilon e dove si laureò nel 1986.

Prior to becoming a full-time writer, he taught English at Phillips Exeter and at Lincoln Akerman School in Hampton Falls.

Prima di diventare uno scrittore a tempo pieno, insegnò inglese alla Phillips Exeter Academy a alla Lincoln Akerman School di Hampton Falls.

He currently lives in Rye, New Hampshire.

Attualmente vive a Rye nel New Hampshire.

Blythe, his wife, is an art historian and painter and her influence is evident in his best-selling novel, The Da Vinci Code.

Blythe, sua moglie, è una studiosa di storia dell'arte e pittrice, e la sua influenza è evidente nel suo best-seller, il Codice Da Vinci.

The Da Vinci Code is currently being adapted into a film by renowned director Ron Howard;

Il Codice Da Vinci è attualmente oggetto di un adattamento per il grande schermo da parte del noto regista Ron Howard;

the film will star Tom Hanks as Robert Langdon.

Il film avrà come protagonista Tom Hanks nel ruolo di Robert Langdon.

Brown is interested in cryptography, keys, and codes, which are a recurring theme in his stories.

Dan Brown si interessa di crittografia, chiavi e codici, che sono un tema ricorrente nelle sue storie.

Promotional materials state that he is working on a new book called The Solomon Key, and that the puzzles hidden in the bookjacket of The Da Vinci Code (including two referring to the Kryptos sculpture at CIA Headquarters in Langley, Virginia) give hints about the subject of the next novel.

La documentazione promozionale riporta che sta lavorando ad un nuovo libro intitolato La chiave di Salomone e che i puzzle nascosti nella copertina del Codice Da Vinci (compresi i due che si riferiscono alla scultura Kryptos del quartiere generale della CIA a Langley in Virginia) forniscono degli indizi riguardo all'argomento del prossimo romanzo.



Digital Fortress (1998)

Fortezza digitale (1998)

Angels and Demons (2000)

Angeli e demoni (2000)

Deception Point (2001)

Punto d'inganno (2001)

The Da Vinci Code (2003)

Il Codice Da Vinci (2003)

The Solomon Key (due to be released in 2006, though the publishers will not confirm this)

La Chiave di Salomone (che dovrebbe essere pubblicato nel 2006, anche se l’editore non lo conferma)



• His novels have been translated and published in more than 40 languages in many different countries.

• I suoi romanzi sono stati tradotti e pubblicati in più di 40 lingue in molti paesi diversi.

• His father is a mathematics professor, and his mother is a musician.

• Suo padre è un professore di matematica e sua madre è una musicista.

• His wife, Blythe, is an art historian and painter.

• Sua moglie, Blythe, è una studiosa di storia dell'arte e una pittrice.

• His bestseller The Da Vinci Code was his first hit and became the first to be adapted into a film.

• Il suo bestseller Il Codice Da Vinci è stato il suo primo successo ed è anche stato il primo ad essere adattato per il grande schermo.

However, it is actually the second book in which Robert Langdon appears.

Contrariamente a quello che si potrebbe pensare, è in effetti il secondo libro in cui appare il personaggio di Robert Langdon.

The first is Angels and Demons.

Il primo è Angeli e demoni.

• He is fluent in Spanish and French.

• Brown parla correntemente spagnolo e francese.

• He often names characters in his books after people in his life.

• Spesso i suoi personaggi prendono il nome da persone realmente esistenti.

Robert Langdon is named after John Langdon, who created symbols for his books.

Robert Langdon deve il suo nome a John Langdon, il creatore dei simboli dei suoi libri.

Camerlengo Carlo Ventresca is named after friend Carla Ventresca.

Camerlengo Carlo Ventresca prende il nome da Carla Ventresca, amica di Dan.


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