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veneration of the dead  9.11.05
Translated by/Traduzione di Fiammetta

In many cultures the dead are seen as not permanently severed from the living.

Some groups venerate their ancestors, some groups venerate heroic mortals as having god-like qualities, and some groups offer gifts to placate angry ghosts -- the approaches differ.

This article will examine similarities and differences in the relationships between the living and the dead.

The minimum requirement for veneration offered to the dead is probably some kind of belief in an afterlife, a survival at least for a time of personal identity beyond death.

These beliefs are far from uniform.

Early Christianity's attitudes towards practices in connection with and festivals of the dead

Many early Christians were persecuted for their faith, leading many Christians in Rome to hide in the catacombs.

As a result, they found themselves praying and worshipping God surrounded by the tombs and bodies of the dead.

When possible, they sought to pray among the bodies of dead Christians, sometimes using a coffin or tomb for an altar on which to celebrate the Eucharisty.

Sometimes they witnessed miracles in connection with the bodies of dead Christians, such as healing, or observing sweet-smelling myrrh exuding from their bones.

This, combined with their belief in the resurrection of Jesus and future resurrection of all Christians, eventually led to the veneration of saints and of their relics.

Early accounts of martyrs include Christian witnesses making great efforts to obtain the remains of the martyrs, and of the Romans sometimes trying to prevent this.

Also, it became common to continue to ask Christian leaders to pray for them, even after the leaders had died, as they believed that these Christians were still able to pray and that their prayers would still be effective.

Egyptian attitudes toward, practices in connection with, and festivals of the dead

The ancient Egyptian pyramids are the most famous historical monuments devoted to the dead (see Great pyramid of Giza).

Egyptian religion posited the survival of the soul in connection with the survival of a physical receptacle for the soul - hence mummification and portraiture flourished.

Roman attitudes toward, practices in connection with, and festivals of the dead

The Romans, like many Mediterranean societies, had strong prohibitions against dead bodies.

Bodies of the dead were often displayed for a time, but were then taken outside the pomerium or sacred boundary of the City - in effect, the City walls - for cremation.

Ashes and bone fragments were then interred outside the walls.

Aristocratic Romans had from their remote past observed the custom of keeping portraits of their male ancestors - they had probably borrowed this custom from the Etruscans.

These portraits were originally in the form of masks - probably even death-masks moulded on the dead ancestor's face.

On significant family holidays the living members of the family might wear the masks in procession.

In the 2nd century A.D. practices shifted from cremation to burial.

The reasons for this change are not at all clear.

Scholars have posited influences from groups who practiced burial - for instance, the increasing numbers of Germanic foederatii (troops settled inside the borders of the empire) - and from the increasing numbers of practitioners of religions that practiced burial for doctrinal reasons, like Judaism, Christianity, and the Egyptian syncretistic Mystery religions. 


Scopri come è facile capire l'inglese se c'è a fianco la traduzione parallela incasellata!

In many cultures the dead are seen as not permanently severed from the living.

In molte culture i morti sono visti come se non fossero separati per sempre dai vivi. 

Some groups venerate their ancestors, some groups venerate heroic mortals as having god-like qualities, and some groups offer gifts to placate angry ghosts -- the approaches differ.

Alcune popolazioni venerano i loro antenati, altre venerano degli eroi mortali come se avessero virtù quasi divine e altre ancora offrono doni per placare gli spiriti in collera – gli approcci differiscono.

This article will examine similarities and differences in the relationships between the living and the dead.

Questo articolo vuole esaminare similarità e differenze nelle relazioni tra viventi e morti.

The minimum requirement for veneration offered to the dead is probably some kind of belief in an afterlife, a survival at least for a time of personal identity beyond death.

Il requisito minimo che giustifica la venerazione per i defunti è probabilmente una qualche credenza in una vita successiva, una sopravvivenza di identità personale dopo la morte almeno per un certo periodo di tempo.

These beliefs are far from uniform.

Queste credenze sono ben lungi dall’essere uniformi.

Early Christianity's attitudes towards practices in connection with and festivals of the dead

Atteggiamento dei primi cristiani riguardo ai rapporti con i defunti e celebrazioni in onore dei morti.

Many early Christians were persecuted for their faith, leading many Christians in Rome to hide in the catacombs.

Molti dei primi cristiani vennero perseguitati per la loro fede, il che indusse molti cristiani di Roma a nascondersi nelle catacombe.

As a result, they found themselves praying and worshipping God surrounded by the tombs and bodies of the dead.

Di conseguenza, essi si trovarono a pregare e adorare Dio circondati dalle tombe e dalle salme dei defunti.

When possible, they sought to pray among the bodies of dead Christians, sometimes using a coffin or tomb for an altar on which to celebrate the Eucharisty.

Per quanto possibile, essi cercarono di pregare tra le salme dei cristiani morti, usando a volte un sarcofago o una tomba come altare su cui celebrare la Santa Comunione.

Sometimes they witnessed miracles in connection with the bodies of dead Christians, such as healing, or observing sweet-smelling myrrh exuding from their bones.

Talora essi furono testimoni di miracoli in relazioni alle salme dei cristiani defunti, come resurrezioni, o osservazioni che dalle loro ossa esalavano dolci fragranze di mirra.

This, combined with their belief in the resurrection of Jesus and future resurrection of all Christians, eventually led to the veneration of saints and of their relics.

Questi eventi, uniti alla loro fede nella resurrezione di Gesù e nella resurrezione futura di tutti i cristiani, alla fine portarono alla venerazione dei santi e delle loro reliquie.

Early accounts of martyrs include Christian witnesses making great efforts to obtain the remains of the martyrs, and of the Romans sometimes trying to prevent this.

I primi racconti sui martiri ci parlano di fedeli cristiani che facevano grandi sforzi per recuperare i resti dei martiri e degli antichi romani che a volte tentavano di impedirlo.

Also, it became common to continue to ask Christian leaders to pray for them, even after the leaders had died, as they believed that these Christians were still able to pray and that their prayers would still be effective.

Inoltre, divenne normale continuare a chiedere ai capi della Chiesa di pregare per loro, persino dopo la loro morte, dato che era loro convinzione che fossero ancora in grado di pregare e che le loro preghiere avrebbero potuto essere ancora efficaci.

Egyptian attitudes toward, practices in connection with, and festivals of the dead

Atteggiamento degli egizi riguardo ai rapporti con i defunti e celebrazioni in onore dei morti.

The ancient Egyptian pyramids are the most famous historical monuments devoted to the dead (see Great pyramid of Giza).

Le antiche piramidi egizie sono i più famosi monumenti storici consacrati ai defunti (vedi "Grande piramide di Giza")

Egyptian religion posited the survival of the soul in connection with the survival of a physical receptacle for the soul - hence mummification and portraiture flourished.

La religione egizia poneva la sopravvivenza dell’anima in relazione con la sopravvivenza di un ricettacolo fisico dell’anima – di qui la fioritura della mummificazione e della ritrattistica.

Roman attitudes toward, practices in connection with, and festivals of the dead

Atteggiamento degli antichi romani riguardo ai rapporti con i defunti e celebrazioni in onore dei morti.

The Romans, like many Mediterranean societies, had strong prohibitions against dead bodies.

I romani, come molti altri popoli mediterranei, avevano dei severi divieti riguardo ai cadaveri.

Bodies of the dead were often displayed for a time, but were then taken outside the pomerium or sacred boundary of the City - in effect, the City walls - for cremation.

I cadaveri dei defunti venivano spesso esposti per un certo periodo di tempo, ma erano poi trasferiti fuori dal  pomerium o limite sacro della città – ovvero le mura della città – per la cremazione.

Ashes and bone fragments were then interred outside the walls.

Ceneri e frammenti di ossa venivano poi sotterrati fuori dalle mura.

Aristocratic Romans had from their remote past observed the custom of keeping portraits of their male ancestors - they had probably borrowed this custom from the Etruscans.

Sin da tempi lontanissimi, gli aristocratici romani avevano osservato  l’usanza di custodire i ritratti dei loro antenati maschi – avevano probabilmente attinto questa consuetudine dagli Etruschi.

These portraits were originally in the form of masks - probably even death-masks moulded on the dead ancestor's face.

Questi ritratti erano originariamente sotto forma di maschera – è probabile che fossero addirittura delle maschere funerarie modellate sul viso dell’antenato defunto.

On significant family holidays the living members of the family might wear the masks in procession.

Nelle feste familiari importanti i membri viventi della famiglia potevano indossare le maschere in processione.

In the 2nd century A.D. practices shifted from cremation to burial.

Nel secondo secolo dopo Cristo le usanze mutarono e si passò dalla cremazione alla sepoltura.

The reasons for this change are not at all clear.

Le ragioni di questo mutamento non sono affatto chiare.

Scholars have posited influences from groups who practiced burial - for instance, the increasing numbers of Germanic foederatii (troops settled inside the borders of the empire) - and from the increasing numbers of practitioners of religions that practiced burial for doctrinal reasons, like Judaism, Christianity, and the Egyptian syncretistic Mystery religions.

Gli studiosi hanno ipotizzato influenze da parte di popolazioni che praticavano la sepoltura – per esempio il numero in continua crescita di "federati" germanici (truppe situate ai confini dell’impero) – e di seguaci di religioni che praticavano la sepoltura per motivi dottrinali, come ebraismo, cristianesimo e le religioni misteriche sincretiste egiziane.


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