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Translated by/Traduzione di Flavia Anto

A broom is a cleaning tool consisting of stiff fibres attached to, and roughly parallel to, a cylindrical handle, the broomstick.

In the context of witchcraft, "broomstick" is likely to refer to the broom as a whole.

History of broom design

Brooms have undergone significant changes in their construction, ever since they evolved from ad-hoc use of branches and bundles of various natural fibres.

Originally, all brooms were round, a shape that is easy to construct but inefficient for actually sweeping.

Brooms could be attached to a handle, either short for a whisk broom, or long for a broom used to sweep the floor or fireplace.

The fibres used in modern brooms are from "broom corn," actually a variety of sorghum, and are unusually well suited to brooms.

They are long, straight, durable, and bound together in the plant.

The most recent major change is the flat broom, invented by the Shakers in the 1800s.

This broom has far more width for pushing dirt and nearly all brooms produced today are flat brooms, the round broom being essentially obsolete.

Brooms and witchcraft

Brooms have long been connected with witchcraft, almost universally portrayed as medieval-style round brooms and associated with female witches.

Some people speculate that in the Middle Ages, women publicly accused of being witches (or at least women with knowledge of herbology), did "ride" brooms.

In such accounts, a woman applied a layer of paste made out of trance-inducing plants (such as belladonna) to the broomstick and straddled it as one would a beast of burden to ride it, and this had the effect of applying the hallucinogenic herb to the thin skin of the labia where it might be quickly absorbed into the bloodstream.

However, due to the witchhunts and the general beliefs of the time, little-to-no reliable information exists to corroborate this belief.

Records concerning witches of that time and their behavior are extremely unreliable, often having been extracted under torture.

Anecdotally, the broom served another purpose during periods of persecution.

Witches and other magic practitioners would disguise their wands as broom sticks to avoid suspicion.

It is also a tradition that brooms have been used by some as receptacles to harbor temporarily a particular spirit.

Today the broom is included in lists of ritual tools in many pagan guide books, where it is often referred to as a besom.

A broom is sometimes laid at the opening of some coven's rossets.

Representing the element air, brooms are utilized in the purification of areas.

They are used to symbolically sweep ritual circles clean.

The high priestess or high priest walks clockwise, traces the cast circle and sweeps with the broom a few inches off the ground.

This practice can be used in place of incense to purify a ritual space.

It is often employed by those allergic to incense, and during rituals practiced in smoke free areas.

It is also a technique associated with "kitchen witches" who use what's on hand to work spells.

In many works of fiction, broomsticks are pictured as a means of air transport for witches.

The Harry Potter book series is distinctive in portraying magical flying brooms as used equally by both sexes, and especially prominently by Quidditch players as analogues of polo ponies.

The brooms can also be used for personal transport, although the rider must take care not to be seen by non-magicians.

Many toys and costume accessories have been made in the form of brooms.

In some countries, a vibrating toy "Harry Potter Nimbus 2000 Broom" for 8-12 year-olds was marketed.

It became controversial, and was taken off the market. 


A broom is a cleaning tool consisting of stiff fibres attached to, and roughly parallel to, a cylindrical handle, the broomstick.

Una scopa è uno strumento per pulire fatto di fibre rigide fissate grosso modo parallelamente a un manico cilindrico, detto in inglese broomstick ovvero bastone.

In the context of witchcraft, "broomstick" is likely to refer to the broom as a whole.

Nel contesto della stregoneria, il termine “broomstick” (bastone, manico) si riferisce quasi sempre alla scopa nel suo insieme.

History of broom design

Evoluzione della scopa nei secoli

Brooms have undergone significant changes in their construction, ever since they evolved from ad-hoc use of branches and bundles of various natural fibres.

Le scope hanno subito dei notevoli cambiamenti nelle loro modalità di costruzione sin da quando si svilupparono da un utilizzo mirato di rami e fastelli di varie fibre naturali.

Originally, all brooms were round, a shape that is easy to construct but inefficient for actually sweeping.

Inizialmente tutte le scope erano di forma tondeggiante, una forma che è facile da costruire ma che è inefficace per poter davvero spazzare.

Brooms could be attached to a handle, either short for a whisk broom, or long for a broom used to sweep the floor or fireplace.

Le scope potevano essere fissate ad un manico corto, per farne una specie di scopino, oppure lungo nel caso di scope utilizzate per spazzare il pavimento o il camino. 

The fibres used in modern brooms are from "broom corn," actually a variety of sorghum, and are unusually well suited to brooms.

Le fibre impiegate per le scope moderne sono di saggina, che è in realtà una varietà di sorgo, e sono incredibilmente adatte ad un utilizzo sulle scope.

They are long, straight, durable, and bound together in the plant.

Sono lunghe, diritte, durano nel tempo e sono legate insieme all'interno della pianta.

The most recent major change is the flat broom, invented by the Shakers in the 1800s.

Il cambiamento notevole più recente è la scopa "piatta" inventata dagli Shakers nel diciannovesimo secolo.

This broom has far more width for pushing dirt and nearly all brooms produced today are flat brooms, the round broom being essentially obsolete.

Questo tipo di scopa presenta una superficie molto più ampia per spazzare via lo sporco e quasi tutte le scope prodotte oggigiorno sono di tipo "piatto". Quelle "rotonde" sono oramai cadute in disuso.

Brooms and witchcraft

Scope e stregoneria

Brooms have long been connected with witchcraft, almost universally portrayed as medieval-style round brooms and associated with female witches.

Da sempre le scope sono state ricollegate alla stregoneria. Le troviamo raffigurate quasi sempre come scope di forma tondeggiante in stile medioevale e associate a figure magiche femminili.

Some people speculate that in the Middle Ages, women publicly accused of being witches (or at least women with knowledge of herbology), did "ride" brooms.

Alcuni sostengono che nel Medioevo le donne accusate pubblicamente di essere delle streghe (o quanto meno donne che conoscevano l’uso medicinale delle erbe) cavalcassero davvero le scope.

In such accounts, a woman applied a layer of paste made out of trance-inducing plants (such as belladonna) to the broomstick and straddled it as one would a beast of burden to ride it, and this had the effect of applying the hallucinogenic herb to the thin skin of the labia where it might be quickly absorbed into the bloodstream.

In tali racconti una donna applicava uno strato di unguento ricavato da piante allucinatorie (come la belladonna) al bastone della scopa e lo cavalcava come si farebbe per una bestia da soma. Ciò aveva l'effetto di applicare l'erba allucinogena alla pelle sottile delle labbra vaginali da dove poteva velocemente essere assorbita nel flusso sanguigno.  

However, due to the witchhunts and the general beliefs of the time, little-to-no reliable information exists to corroborate this belief.

Tuttavia, a causa della caccia alle streghe ed alle credenze generali di quei tempi esiste pochissima o nessuna informazione attendibile per supportare questa credenza.

Records concerning witches of that time and their behavior are extremely unreliable, often having been extracted under torture.

La documentazione relativa alle streghe di allora ed al loro comportamento è decisamente poco affidabile in quanto per lo più estorta sotto tortura.

Anecdotally, the broom served another purpose during periods of persecution.

Per inciso, la scopa aveva anche un altro scopo durante i periodi di persecuzione.

Witches and other magic practitioners would disguise their wands as broom sticks to avoid suspicion.

Le streghe e altri operatori dell’occulto erano soliti camuffare le loro bacchette magiche da bastoni di scopa per distogliere i sospetti.

It is also a tradition that brooms have been used by some as receptacles to harbor temporarily a particular spirit.

La tradizione dice anche che le scope sono state usate per ospitare, per quanto temporaneamente, uno spiritello speciale. 

Today the broom is included in lists of ritual tools in many pagan guide books, where it is often referred to as a besom.

Oggi le scope fanno parte della lista degli strumenti rituali presente in molte guide di contenuto pagano e ci si riferisce loro come  “besom”

A broom is sometimes laid at the opening of some coven's rossets.

Talvolta la scopa viene usata all’apertura delle riunioni di qualche congrega.

Representing the element air, brooms are utilized in the purification of areas.

Poiché rappresentano l’elemento aria, le scope vengono utilizzate per la purificazione dello spazio.

They are used to symbolically sweep ritual circles clean.

Vengono  anche adoperate per la pulizia simbolica del cerchio rituale.

The high priestess or high priest walks clockwise, traces the cast circle and sweeps with the broom a few inches off the ground.

La grande Sacerdotessa o il grande Sacerdote camminano in senso orario, tracciano il cerchio e lo puliscono con la scopa sollevata qualche centimetro da terra.

This practice can be used in place of incense to purify a ritual space.

Questa pratica può essere attuata in mancanza o al posto dell’incenso per purificare lo spazio rituale.

It is often employed by those allergic to incense, and during rituals practiced in smoke free areas.

È spesso impiegata da chi é allergico all’incenso e durante I rituali praticati all’interno di aree in cui non sia permesso il fumo di qualsiasi genere.

It is also a technique associated with "kitchen witches" who use what's on hand to work spells.

È una tecnica associata alle “streghe di cucina”, ovvero quelle streghe che adoperano qualsiasi cosa abbiano sottomano per praticare degli incantesimi (quindi, non oggetti rituali)

In many works of fiction, broomsticks are pictured as a means of air transport for witches.

Le scope vengono descritte in molte opere di narrativa come mezzi di trasporto aereo per streghe.

The Harry Potter book series is distinctive in portraying magical flying brooms as used equally by both sexes, and especially prominently by Quidditch players as analogues of polo ponies.

Una caratteristica della serie dei libri di Harry Potter consiste nello descrivere magiche scope volanti impiegate da entrambi i sessi e specialmente dai giocatori di Quidditch che se ne servono in modo analogo ai pony dei giocatori di polo.

The brooms can also be used for personal transport, although the rider must take care not to be seen by non-magicians.

Le scope si possono anche usufruire come mezzo di trasporto personale per quanto chi le cavalca debba preoccuparsi di non essere visto da chi mago non é.

Many toys and costume accessories have been made in the form of brooms.

Le scope si sono prestate a dare la loro forma a molti giocattoli e a molti accessori di abbigliamento.

In some countries, a vibrating toy "Harry Potter Nimbus 2000 Broom" for 8-12 year-olds was marketed.

In alcuni paesi é stato immesso sul mercato un giocattolo dall’effetto oscillante diretto ai bambini dagli 8 ai 12 anni”La scopa di Harry Potter Nimbus 2000”

It became controversial, and was taken off the market.

La questione ha sollevato opinioni controverse e il giocattolo è stato rimosso dal mercato.


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