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Translated by/Traduzione di Antonella Martinico

The terms First World, Second World, and Third World were used to divide the nations of Earth into three broad categories.

The three terms did not arise simultaneously.

After World War II, people began to speak of the NATO and Warsaw Pact countries as two major blocs, often using such terms as the "Western bloc" and the "Eastern bloc".

The two "worlds" were not numbered.

It was eventually pointed out that there were a great many countries that fit into neither category, and in the 1950s this latter group came to be called the Third World.

It then began to seem that there ought to be a "First World" and a "Second World".

Eventually, it became common practice to refer to nations within the Western European and United States' sphere of influence (e.g. the NATO countries) as the First World.

Besides North America (USA and Canada) and Western Europe, the First World also included other industrialized capitalist countries such as Japan and some of the former British colonies, particularly Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa.

There were a number of countries which did not fit comfortably into this neat definition of partition, including Switzerland, Sweden, and the Republic of Ireland, who chose to be neutral.

Finland was under the Soviet Union's sphere of influence but was not communist, nor was it a member of the Warsaw Pact.

Austria was under the United States' sphere of influence, but in 1955, when the country became a fully independent republic, it did so under the condition that it remained neutral.

Turkey which joined NATO in 1952 was not predominantly in Western Europe and was not industrialized.

Spain did not join NATO until 1982, towards the end of the Cold War and after the death of the authoritarian dictator Francisco Franco.

In recent years, as many "developing" countries have industrialized, the term Fourth World has been coined to refer to countries that have lagged behind and still lack industrial infrastructure. 


The terms First World, Second World, and Third World were used to divide the nations of Earth into three broad categories.

I termini Primo Mondo, Secondo Mondo e Terzo Mondo furono adoperati per suddividere le nazioni della Terra in tre categorie generali.

The three terms did not arise simultaneously.

I tre termini non vennero alla ribalta simultaneamente.

After World War II, people began to speak of the NATO and Warsaw Pact countries as two major blocs, often using such terms as the "Western bloc" and the "Eastern bloc".

Dopo la Seconda Guerra Mondiale si cominciò a parlare dei Paesi della NATO e del Patto di Varsavia come di due blocchi principali, usando spesso termini quali "blocco occidentale" e "blocco orientale".

The two "worlds" were not numbered.

I due "mondi", però, non venivano "numerati".

It was eventually pointed out that there were a great many countries that fit into neither category, and in the 1950s this latter group came to be called the Third World.

Alla fine si notò che c'erano tantissime nazioni che non rientravano in nessuna delle due categorie, e negli anni '50 quest'ultimo gruppo cominciò ad essere chiamato Terzo Mondo.

It then began to seem that there ought to be a "First World" and a "Second World".

Da allora cominciò a sembrare che ci dovesse essere un "Primo Mondo" ed un "Secondo Mondo".

Eventually, it became common practice to refer to nations within the Western European and United States' sphere of influence (e.g. the NATO countries) as the First World.

Alla fine, divenne pratica comune riferirsi alle nazioni comprese nella sfera d'influenza dell'Europa Occidentale e degli Stati Uniti (per esempio i paesi della Nato) come al "Primo Mondo".

Besides North America (USA and Canada) and Western Europe, the First World also included other industrialized capitalist countries such as Japan and some of the former British colonies, particularly Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa.

Oltre al Nord America (Stati Uniti e Canada) ed all'Europa Occidentale, il Primo Mondo comprendeva anche altri Paesi capitalistici industrializzati come il Giappone ed alcune delle ex colonie britanniche, in particolar modo l'Australia, la Nuova Zelanda ed il Sud Africa.

There were a number of countries which did not fit comfortably into this neat definition of partition, including Switzerland, Sweden, and the Republic of Ireland, who chose to be neutral.

C'era un certo numero di nazioni che non rientrava bene in questo limpido schema di partizioni tra cui la Svizzera, la Svezia e la Repubblica d'Irlanda, che scelsero di essere neutrali.

Finland was under the Soviet Union's sphere of influence but was not communist, nor was it a member of the Warsaw Pact.

La Finlandia era sotto la sfera d'influenza dell'Unione Sovietica, ma non era comunista, né era membro del Patto di Varsavia.

Austria was under the United States' sphere of influence, but in 1955, when the country became a fully independent republic, it did so under the condition that it remained neutral.

L'Austria era sotto l'influenza degli Stati Uniti, ma nel 1955, quando il Paese divenne una Repubblica pienamente indipendente, lo fece a condizione che rimanesse neutrale.

Turkey which joined NATO in 1952 was not predominantly in Western Europe and was not industrialized.

La Turchia, che aderì alla NATO nel 1952, non era parte dell'Europa Occidentale in modo prevalente e non era industrializzata.

Spain did not join NATO until 1982, towards the end of the Cold War and after the death of the authoritarian dictator Francisco Franco.

La Spagna non si unì alla NATO fino al 1982, verso la fine della Guerra Fredda e dopo la morte dell'autoritario dittatore Francisco Franco.

In recent years, as many "developing" countries have industrialized, the term Fourth World has been coined to refer to countries that have lagged behind and still lack industrial infrastructure.

Negli anni recenti, poiché molti Paesi "in via di sviluppo" si sono industrializzati, è stato coniato il temine Quarto Mondo per riferirsi ai Paesi che sono rimasti indietro e che ancora mancano di infrastrutture industriali.


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