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60th anniversary of nuremberg trials marked   
  Wikinews  23.11.05
Translated by/Traduzione di Carla Coccoli

60th anniversary of Nuremberg trials marked

November 20, 2005

The city of Nuremberg has marked the 60th anniversary of the opening of the trials against Nazi war criminals.

At a ceremony in the Palace of Justice, where the tribunal was located, participants of the trials gathered and remembered.

Whitney R. Harris, a member of the U.S. prosecution team, emphazised the importance of Nuremberg for contemporary international law saying that "the principles of the Nuremberg case have been followed in recent years and the fact that we conducted Nuremberg has given impetus to the establishment of these more recent tribunals".

On November 20, 1945 the trials began in the courtroom 600 of the Palace of Justice.

A total of 24 defendants were tried, among them Hermann Göring and Rudolf Heß.

With Geoffrey Lawrence being chair of the court, the trial took 218 days and ended with 12 death sentences, 7 jail terms and 3 aquittals.

One defendent killed himself during the trial, another one was declared unfit to stand trial. 


60th anniversary of Nuremberg trials marked

I processi di Norimberga hanno celebrato il loro 60° anniversario

November 20, 2005

20 novembre 2005 

The city of Nuremberg has marked the 60th anniversary of the opening of the trials against Nazi war criminals.

La città di Norimberga ha celebrato il 60esimo anniversario dall’inizio dei processi contro i criminali di guerra nazisti.

At a ceremony in the Palace of Justice, where the tribunal was located, participants of the trials gathered and remembered.

Coloro che parteciparono ai processi si sono riuniti nel corso di una cerimonia commemorativa tenutasi al Palazzo di Giustizia, dove era situato il tribunale.

Whitney R. Harris, a member of the U.S. prosecution team, emphazised the importance of Nuremberg for contemporary international law saying that "the principles of the Nuremberg case have been followed in recent years and the fact that we conducted Nuremberg has given impetus to the establishment of these more recent tribunals".

Whitney R.Harris, un membro statunitense del team di pubblici ministeri, ha sottolineato l’importanza di Norimberga per il diritto internazionale contemporaneo affermando che “negli ultimi anni si sono seguiti i principi del processo di Norimberga e il fatto che abbiamo avuto Norimberga ha dato una bella spinta alla creazione di questi tribunali più recenti”.

On November 20, 1945 the trials began in the courtroom 600 of the Palace of Justice.

I processi iniziarono il 20 novembre 1945 nell’aula 600 del Palazzo di Giustizia.

A total of 24 defendants were tried, among them Hermann Göring and Rudolf Heß.

Furono processati un totale di 24 imputati e tra questi Hermann Göring and Rudolf Heβ.

With Geoffrey Lawrence being chair of the court, the trial took 218 days and ended with 12 death sentences, 7 jail terms and 3 aquittals.

Presieduto da Geoffrey Lawrence*, il processo durò 218 giorni e si concluse con 12 sentenze di morte, 7  condanne alla detenzione e 3 assoluzioni.

One defendent killed himself during the trial, another one was declared unfit to stand trial.

Un imputato si suicidò durante il processo, un altro venne dichiarato non in condizioni di affrontare il processo.


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