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zechariah 11.11.05
Translated by/Traduzione di Michele Costagliola

Zechariah or Zecharya
(זְכַרְיָה "Renowned/Remembered of/is the LORD") was a person in the Bible Old Testament and Jewish Tanakh.

He was the author of the Book of Zechariah.

He was a prophet of the two-tribe kingdom of Judah, and the eleventh of the twelve minor prophets.

Like Ezekiel, he was of priestly extraction.

He describes himself (1:1) as "the son of Berechiah." In Ezra 5:1 and 6:14 he is called "the son of Iddo," who was properly his grandfather.

His prophetical career began in the second year of Darius, king of Persia (B.C. 520), about sixteen years after the return of the first company from their Babylonian exile.

He was contemporary with Haggai (Ezra 5:1).

His book consists of two distinct parts, (1) chapters 1 to 8, inclusive, and (2) 9 to the end.

It begins with a preface (1:1-6), which recalls the nation's past history, for the purpose of presenting a solemn warning to the present generation.

Then follows a series of eight visions (1:7-6:8), succeeding one another in one night, which may be regarded as a symbolical history of Israel, intended to furnish consolation to the returned exiles and stir up hope in their minds.

The symbolical action, the crowning of Joshua (6:9-15), describes how the kingdoms of the world become the kingdom of God's Messiah.

Chapters 7 and 8, delivered two years later, are an answer to the question whether the days of mourning for the destruction of the city should be any longer kept, and an encouraging address to the people, assuring them of God's presence and blessing.

The second part of the book (ch. 9-14) bears no date.

It is probable that a considerable interval separates it from the first part.

It consists of two burdens.

The first burden (ch. 9-11) gives an outline of the course of God's providential dealings with his people down to the time of the Advent.

The second burden (ch. 12-14) points out the glories that await Israel in "the latter day", the final conflict and triumph of God's kingdom. 

Zechariah or Zecharya (זְכַרְיָה "Renowned/Remembered of/is the LORD") was a person in the Bible Old Testament and Jewish Tanakh.

Zaccaria (זְכַרְיָה Riconosciuto dal Signore oppure Il Signore si è ricordato) è un personaggio biblico del Vecchio Testamento e della Tanak ebraica.

He was the author of the Book of Zechariah.

È l’autore del Libro di Zaccaria.

He was a prophet of the two-tribe kingdom of Judah, and the eleventh of the twelve minor prophets.

Fu un profeta delle 2 tribù del regno di Giuda e l’undicesimo dei 12 profeti minori

Like Ezekiel, he was of priestly extraction.

Come Ezechiele, era di estrazione sacerdotale.

He describes himself (1:1) as "the son of Berechiah." In Ezra 5:1 and 6:14 he is called "the son of Iddo," who was properly his grandfather.

Egli descrive se stesso (Zc 1,1)  come “il figlio di Berechia”. In Esdra 5,1 ed al successivo 6,14 egli è chiamato “il figlio di Oddo”, che in verità era suo nonno.

His prophetical career began in the second year of Darius, king of Persia (B.C. 520), about sixteen years after the return of the first company from their Babylonian exile.

Il suo cammino profetico iniziò nel secondo anno del regno di Dario, re di Persia (520 a.C.). circa 16 anni dopo il ritorno del primo gruppo di ebrei dal loro esilio babilonese

He was contemporary with Haggai (Ezra 5:1).

Fu contemporaneo di Aggeo (un altro dei 12 profeti minori ndt), secondo Esdra 5,1

His book consists of two distinct parts, (1) chapters 1 to 8, inclusive, and (2) 9 to the end.

Il suo libro consiste di 2  parti distinte: la prima dal cap.1 al cap. 8 incluso e la seconda dal cap.9 alla fine.

It begins with a preface (1:1-6), which recalls the nation's past history, for the purpose of presenting a solemn warning to the present generation.

Il libro inizia con una prefazione (Zc 1,1-6) che richiama la storia passata della nazione allo scopo di dare un solenne avvertimento alla generazione attuale.

Then follows a series of eight visions (1:7-6:8), succeeding one another in one night, which may be regarded as a symbolical history of Israel, intended to furnish consolation to the returned exiles and stir up hope in their minds.

Quindi segue una serie di 8 visioni (1:7-6:8) che si succedono una dopo l’altra in una sola notte, che possono essere considerate come una simbolica storia d’Israele, con lo scopo di consolare gli esuli ritornati in patria e far rinascere la speranza nelle loro menti

The symbolical action, the crowning of Joshua (6:9-15), describes how the kingdoms of the world become the kingdom of God's Messiah.

L’incoronazione simbolica di Giosuè (6, 9-15) descrive come i regni del mondo siano diventati il regno del Messia di Dio

Chapters 7 and 8, delivered two years later, are an answer to the question whether the days of mourning for the destruction of the city should be any longer kept, and an encouraging address to the people, assuring them of God's presence and blessing.

I capitoli 7 e 8, scritti 2 anni più tardi, sono una risposta alla domanda se i giorni di lutto per la distruzione della città debbano essere mantenuti ed un incoraggiamento al popolo nel senso di assicurarli della presenza e della benedizione di Dio

The second part of the book (ch. 9-14) bears no date.

La seconda parte del libro (dal capitolo 9 al capitolo 14) non porta la data di composizione.

It is probable that a considerable interval separates it from the first part.

È probabile che sia stato scritto molto tempo dopo la prima parte.

It consists of two burdens.

È composto di 2 temi.

The first burden (ch. 9-11) gives an outline of the course of God's providential dealings with his people down to the time of the Advent.

Il primo tema (cap. 9-11) dà una rapida carrellata sugli interventi provvidenziali di Dio con il suo popolo fino all’epoca dell'Avvento di Cristo.

The second burden (ch. 12-14) points out the glories that await Israel in "the latter day", the final conflict and triumph of God's kingdom.

Il secondo tema (cap. 12-14) esplicita le glorie che aspettano Israele nell’”ultimo giorno”, il conflitto finale ed il trionfo del regno di Dio.


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