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earthquake shakes athens
Translated by/Traduzione di Monia Dal Gallo

Earthquake shakes Athens

January 8, 2006

On Sunday, an earthquake rocked the country of Greece early in the afternoon.

Seismographs have recorded the earthquake as a 6.7 (estimated) on the Richter Scale.

There are only reports of minor damage at the island of Kythira, including 3 injuries.

The earthquake took place at 1:34 pm local time (1134 UTC) and was felt, according to locals, throughout Greece and as far away as Cairo, Egypt, and the coasts of Jordan.

This is unusual, as previous major quakes in the highly-seismic Mediterranean country have been limited to a relatively small region.

The quake's epicenter was located about 200 kilometers (125 miles) south of Athens near Kythira, the US Geological Survey institute said.

Amending its previous report of a magnitude of 6.4, the USGS, based in Colorado, and the National Earthquake Information Center in Denver gave a preliminary magnitude of 6.7.

However, the Thessaloniki Aristotelion University's Seismology Laboratory and the Patras seismic monitoring station have recorded the quake at a magnitude 6.9.

Aftershocks have been recorded near the epicentre, however were not as powerful as the original earthquake.

A witness in Athens at the time of the quake described the general mood as calm.

More than 100 people died following an earthquake in Athens, Greece, in 1999. 


Earthquake shakes Athens

 Terremoto ad Atene

January 8, 2006

8 gennaio 2006

On Sunday, an earthquake rocked the country of Greece early in the afternoon.

Domenica un terremoto ha scosso la Grecia nel primo pomeriggio

Seismographs have recorded the earthquake as a 6.7 (estimated) on the Richter Scale.

I sismografi hanno registrato un sisma di magnetudo stimata pari a 6.7 Richter

There are only reports of minor damage at the island of Kythira, including 3 injuries.

Sono stati rilevati solo danni lievi e tre feriti nell’isola di Kythira

The earthquake took place at 1:34 pm local time (1134 UTC) and was felt, according to locals, throughout Greece and as far away as Cairo, Egypt, and the coasts of Jordan.

 Il terremoto ha avuto luogo all’1.34 dell’ora locale (11.34 UCT) ed è stato avvertito in tutta la Grecia, al Cairo, in Egitto, e sulle coste della Giordania

This is unusual, as previous major quakes in the highly-seismic Mediterranean country have been limited to a relatively small region.

Tutto ciò risulta strano dato che  le precedenti maggiori scosse di terremoto avvenute nella parte alta del Mediterraneo erano limitate ad una regione relativamente ristretta.

The quake's epicenter was located about 200 kilometers (125 miles) south of Athens near Kythira, the US Geological Survey institute said.

L’istituto statunitense Geological Survey ha riferito che l’epicentro del sisma è stato localizzato 200 km (125 miglia) a sud di Atene, vicino a Kythira.

Amending its previous report of a magnitude of 6.4, the USGS, based in Colorado, and the National Earthquake Information Center in Denver gave a preliminary magnitude of 6.7.

Rettificando le precedenti informazioni relative ad una magnetudo di 6.4, il USGS, con base in Colorado, e il National Earthquake Information di Denver hanno comunicato una  magnetudo iniziale pari a 6.7 Richter.

However, the Thessaloniki Aristotelion University's Seismology Laboratory and the Patras seismic monitoring station have recorded the quake at a magnitude 6.9.

Comunque il Laboratorio di Sismologia dell’Università di Thesaloniki Aristotelion e la stazione di monitoraggio di Patras hanno registrato una scossa di  magnetudo 6.9.

Aftershocks have been recorded near the epicentre, however were not as powerful as the original earthquake.

Sono state registrate, vicino all’epicentro , altre scosse  di assestamento di intensità minore rispetto a quelle principali.

A witness in Athens at the time of the quake described the general mood as calm.

Un testimone ad Atene al momento del terremoto ha riferito che il clima  generale era controllato.

More than 100 people died following an earthquake in Athens, Greece, in 1999.

Più di 100 persone sono morte in seguito ad un terremoto avvenuto ad Atene, in Grecia, nel 1999.


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