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cream tea
Translated by/Traduzione di Antonella Martinico

A cream tea or Devonshire tea is tea taken with a combination of scones, clotted cream, and strawberry jam.

In the United States, it is promoted as a typically English and perhaps upper class meal.

Cream tea is offered for sale in tea rooms throughout the Commonwealth, or wherever someone wants to give an impression of British influence.

Within England it is a straightforward regional speciality, marketed to holidaymakers but widely eaten locally.

Other items served at a cream tea may include cucumber or watercress sandwiches with the crusts cut off, various small cakes and mousses.

Purists regard these items as excrescences, and avoid them.

The name Devonshire tea, used in Australia, comes from the county of Devon in England, where it is a local speciality, although it is disputed that this type of meal is original to Devon.

It is indeed served all over South West England, and in England is known just as a cream tea.  


A cream tea or Devonshire tea is tea taken with a combination of scones, clotted cream, and strawberry jam.

Un tè alla panna o tè del Devonshire è un tè che si beve accompagnato da scones, panna coagulata e marmellata di fragola.

In the United States, it is promoted as a typically English and perhaps upper class meal.

Negli Stati Uniti viene pubblicizzato come un'abitudine tipica degli inglesi e in alcuni casi addirittura dell'alta società.

Cream tea is offered for sale in tea rooms throughout the Commonwealth, or wherever someone wants to give an impression of British influence.

Il tè alla panna è offerto nelle sale da tè di ogni parte del Commonwealth, o dovunque si voglia dare un'impressione di stile inglese.

Within England it is a straightforward regional speciality, marketed to holidaymakers but widely eaten locally.

In Inghilterra è invece considerato una tipica specialità regionale, ricercata dai turisti ma ampiamente consumata localmente.

Other items served at a cream tea may include cucumber or watercress sandwiches with the crusts cut off, various small cakes and mousses.

Assieme al tè alla panna vengono spesso serviti sandwich al cetriolo o crescione con le bucce tagliate, vari tipi di dolcetti e mousse.

Purists regard these items as excrescences, and avoid them.

I puristi considerano queste aggiunte come cose superflue e le evitano.

The name Devonshire tea, used in Australia, comes from the county of Devon in England, where it is a local speciality, although it is disputed that this type of meal is original to Devon.

La denominazione Devonshire tea, in uso in Australia, proviene dalla contea di Devon in Inghilterra, dove costituisce una specialità locale, anche se è oggetto di discussione il fatto se questo tipo di specialità sia nato originariamente nel Devon.

It is indeed served all over South West England, and in England is known just as a cream tea.

È in effetti servito in tutta l'Inghilterra del sud-ovest, ed in Inghilterra è noto semplicemente come tè alla panna.


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