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august macke
Translated by/Traduzione di Maurizio Pasqualini

August Macke (January 3, 1887 – September 26, 1914) was one of the leading members of the German Expressionist group Der Blaue Reiter (The Blue Rider).

He lived during a particularly innovative time for German art which saw the development of the main German Expressionist movements as well as the arrival of the successive avant-garde movements which were forming in the rest of Europe.

Like a true artist of his time, Macke knew how to integrate into his painting the elements of the avant-garde which most interested him.

Macke was born in Meschede, Germany.

His father, August Friedrich Hermann Macke (1845-1904), was a building contractor and his mother, Maria Florentine, née Adolph, (1848-1922), came from a farming family in Germany's Sauerland region.

The family lived at Brüsseler Strasse until August was 13.

He then lived most of his creative life in Bonn, with the exception of a few periods spent at Lake Thun in Switzerland and various trips to Paris, Italy, Holland and Tunisia.

In Paris, where he travelled for the first time in 1907, Macke saw the work of the Impressionists, and shortly after he went to Berlin and spent a few months in Lovis Corinth's studio.

His style was formed within the mode of French Impressionism and Post-impressionism and later went through a Fauve period.

In 1909 he married Elizabeth Gerhardt.

In 1910, through his friendship with Franz Marc, Macke met Kandinsky and for a while shared the non-objective aesthetic and the mystical and symbolic interests of Der blaue Reiter.

Macke's meeting with Robert Delaunay in Paris in 1912 was to be a sort of revelation for him.

Delaunay's chromatic Cubism, which Apollinaire had called Orphism, influenced Macke's art from that point onwards.

His Shops Windows can be considered a personal interpretation of Delaunay's Windows, combined with the simultaneity of images found in Italian Futurism.

The exotic atmosphere of Tunisia, where Macke travelled in 1914 with Paul Klee and Louis Moilliet was fundamental for the creation of the luminist approach of his final period, during which he produced a series of works now considered masterpieces.

Macke's career was cut short by his early death at the front in World War I in September 1914. 


Scopri come è facile capire l'inglese se c'è a fianco la traduzione parallela incasellata!

August Macke (January 3, 1887 – September 26, 1914) was one of the leading members of the German Expressionist group Der Blaue Reiter (The Blue Rider).

August Macke (3 gennaio 1887 – 26 settembre 1914) fu uno degli esponenti principali del movimento espressionista tedesco Der Blaue Reiter (Il cavaliere blu).

He lived during a particularly innovative time for German art which saw the development of the main German Expressionist movements as well as the arrival of the successive avant-garde movements which were forming in the rest of Europe.

Macke visse durante un periodo particolarmente innovativo per l’arte tedesca che vide lo sviluppo dei principali movimenti espressionisti tedeschi nonché l’arrivo dei successivi movimenti di avanguardia che si stavano formando nel resto d’Europa.

Like a true artist of his time, Macke knew how to integrate into his painting the elements of the avant-garde which most interested him.

Come un vero artista del suo tempo, Macke sapeva come integrare nei suoi quadri gli elementi dell’avanguardia che più lo interessavano.

Macke was born in Meschede, Germany.

Macke nacque a Meschede in Germania.

His father, August Friedrich Hermann Macke (1845-1904), was a building contractor and his mother, Maria Florentine, née Adolph, (1848-1922), came from a farming family in Germany's Sauerland region.

Suo padre, August Friedrich Hermann Macke (1845-1904), era un imprenditore edile e sua madre, Maria Florentine, nata Adolph, (1848-1922), proveniva da una una famiglia contadina della regione tedesca del Sauerland.

The family lived at Brüsseler Strasse until August was 13.

La famiglia visse nella Brüsseler Strasse fino a che August compì 13 anni.

He then lived most of his creative life in Bonn, with the exception of a few periods spent at Lake Thun in Switzerland and various trips to Paris, Italy, Holland and Tunisia.

Macke trascorse la maggior parte della sua vita creativa a Bonn, ad eccezione di alcuni periodi passati sul lago Thun in Svizzera e di diversi viaggi a Parigi, Italia, Olanda e Tunisia.

In Paris, where he travelled for the first time in 1907, Macke saw the work of the Impressionists, and shortly after he went to Berlin and spent a few months in Lovis Corinth's studio.

A Parigi, dove si recò per la prima volta nel 1907, Macke vide l’opera degli impressionisti e subito dopo mosse a Berlino dove passò qualche mese nello studio di Lovis Corinth.

His style was formed within the mode of French Impressionism and Post-impressionism and later went through a Fauve period.

Il suo stile si formò alla maniera dell’impressionismo francese e del post-impressionismo, e più avanti attraversò un periodo fauve.

In 1909 he married Elizabeth Gerhardt.

Nel 1909 sposò Elizabeth Gerhardt.

In 1910, through his friendship with Franz Marc, Macke met Kandinsky and for a while shared the non-objective aesthetic and the mystical and symbolic interests of Der blaue Reiter.

Nel 1910, grazie all’amicizia con Franz Marc, Macke incontrò Kandinsky e per un breve lasso di tempo condivise l'estetica non-oggettuale e gli interessi mistici e simbolici del gruppo Der Blaue Reiter.

Macke's meeting with Robert Delaunay in Paris in 1912 was to be a sort of revelation for him.

L’incontro con Robert Delaunay a Parigi nel 1912 doveva rappresentare per Macke una sorta di rivelazione.

Delaunay's chromatic Cubism, which Apollinaire had called Orphism, influenced Macke's art from that point onwards.

Il cubismo cromatico di Delaunay, che Apollinaire aveva definito orfismo, influenzò la produzione artistica di Macke da lì in avanti.

His Shops Windows can be considered a personal interpretation of Delaunay's Windows, combined with the simultaneity of images found in Italian Futurism.

Le sue “Vetrine” possono essere considerate un’interpretazione personale delle “Finestre” di Delaunay, combinate con la simultaneità di immagini che si trovano nel futurismo italiano.

The exotic atmosphere of Tunisia, where Macke travelled in 1914 with Paul Klee and Louis Moilliet was fundamental for the creation of the luminist approach of his final period, during which he produced a series of works now considered masterpieces.

L’atmosfera esotica della Tunisia, dove Macke si recò nel 1914 con Paul Klee e Louis Moilliet, fu fondamentale per la creazione dell’approccio luminista del suo periodo finale durante il quale produsse una serie di opere ora considerate dei capolavori.

Macke's career was cut short by his early death at the front in World War I in September 1914.

La breve carriera di Macke fu interrotta bruscamente dalla sua prematura scomparsa al fronte della Prima Guerra Mondiale nel settembre del 1914.


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