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red house (LONDON)  
Translated by/Traduzione di Sonia Nizzia

Red House in Bexleyheath in the southern suburbs of London, England, is a key building in the history of the Arts and Crafts movement and of 19th century British architecture.

It was designed by its owner, William Morris, and the architect Philip Webb, with wall paintings and stained glass by Edward Burne-Jones.

Morris wanted a home for himself and his new wife, Jane.

He also desired to have a "Palace of Art" in which he and his friends could enjoy producing works of art.

The house is of warm red brick with a steep tiled roof and an emphasis on natural materials.

The garden is also significant, being an early example of the idea of a garden as a series of exterior "rooms".

Morris wanted the garden to be an integral part of the house, providing a seamless experience.

The "rooms" were comprised of a herb garden, a vegetable garden, and two rooms full of old-fashioned flowers — jasmine, lavender, roses, and an abundance of fruit trees — apple, pear and quince.

Morris lived with Jane in the house for only five years, during which time their two daughters, Jenny and May, were born.

Upon leaving, Morris vowed never to return.

He said that to see the house again would be more than he could bear.

The house was lived in as a family home for nearly 150 years.

In 1952, Ted and Doris Hollamby moved into Red House;

they, along with the members of two other families, the Toms and the McDonalds, restored the house and reinstated many of the original arts and crafts features.

National Trust acquired Red House in 2003 and is carrying out further restoration and research to restore the house as closely as possible to its original condition.

The house is open to the public, but at present visits are by guided tour only and must be booked in advance.

The house will be closed from December 2005 until March 2006 for re-wiring. 


Scopri come è facile capire l'inglese se c'è a fianco la traduzione parallela incasellata!

Red House in Bexleyheath in the southern suburbs of London, England, is a key building in the history of the Arts and Crafts movement and of 19th century British architecture.

La Casa Rossa di Bexleyheath nei sobborghi meridionali di Londra in Inghilterra è un edificio chiave nella storia del movimento artistico denominato Arts and Crafts e dell’architettura britannica del diciannovesimo secolo.

It was designed by its owner, William Morris, and the architect Philip Webb, with wall paintings and stained glass by Edward Burne-Jones.

Fu progettata dal suo proprietario, William Morris, e dall’architetto Philip Webb, con pitture murali e vetrate colorate opera di Edward Burne-Jones.

Morris wanted a home for himself and his new wife, Jane.

Morris voleva una casa per sé e per la sua nuova moglie, Jane.

He also desired to have a "Palace of Art" in which he and his friends could enjoy producing works of art.

Egli desiderava anche avere un “Palazzo dell'Arte” in cui lui ed i suoi amici potessero divertirsi a produrre opere d'arte.

The house is of warm red brick with a steep tiled roof and an emphasis on natural materials.

La casa è fatta di caldi mattoni rossi con un tetto a tegole fortemente inclinato e un'importanza particolare attribuita ai materiali naturali.

The garden is also significant, being an early example of the idea of a garden as a series of exterior "rooms".

Il giardino è anch'esso significativo, essendo un primo esempio dell’idea di un giardino visto come una serie di “stanze” esterne.

Morris wanted the garden to be an integral part of the house, providing a seamless experience.

Morris voleva che il giardino fosse una parte integrante della casa senza soluzione di continuità.

The "rooms" were comprised of a herb garden, a vegetable garden, and two rooms full of old-fashioned flowers — jasmine, lavender, roses, and an abundance of fruit trees — apple, pear and quince.

Le “ stanze” comprendevano un giardino delle erbe, un orto, e due stanze piene di fiori vecchio stile – gelsomino, lavanda, rose e moltissimi alberi da frutta – melo, pero e mela cotogna.

Morris lived with Jane in the house for only five years, during which time their two daughters, Jenny and May, were born.

Morris visse con Jane nella casa per soli cinque anni, durante  i quali nacquero le loro due figlie, Jenny e May.

Upon leaving, Morris vowed never to return.

Nell’andarsene, Morris fece voto di non ritornare mai più.

He said that to see the house again would be more than he could bear.

Egli disse che rivedere la casa sarebbe stato troppo per lui.

The house was lived in as a family home for nearly 150 years.

La casa fu abitata da famiglie normali per quasi 150 anni.

In 1952, Ted and Doris Hollamby moved into Red House;

Nel 1952, Ted e Doris Hollamby si trasferirono nella Casa Rossa;

they, along with the members of two other families, the Toms and the McDonalds, restored the house and reinstated many of the original arts and crafts features.

essi, insieme ai membri di altre due famiglie, i Toms ed i McDonalds, restaurarono la casa e reintegrarono molte delle caratteristiche Arts and Crafts originali.

National Trust acquired Red House in 2003 and is carrying out further restoration and research to restore the house as closely as possible to its original condition.

Il National Trust ha acquistato la Casa Rossa nel 2003 e sta conducendo ulteriori restauri e ricerche per riportare la casa il più vicino possibile alla sua condizione originale.

The house is open to the public, but at present visits are by guided tour only and must be booked in advance.

La casa è aperta al pubblico ma al momento le visite sono solo visite guidate e devono essere prenotate in anticipo.

The house will be closed from December 2005 until March 2006 for re-wiring.

La casa resterà chiusa dal dicembre 2005 fino al marzo 2006 per rifacimento degli impianti elettrici.


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