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Translated by/Traduzione di Milena Brandoni


Some species of felines make a sound which is called a purr.

It varies in detail from cat to cat (e.g., loudness, tone, etc.), and from species to species, but can be characterized as a sort of tonal buzzing.

Some cats purr so strongly that their entire body vibrates.

Cats purr at 27 - 44 hertz.

How felines purr

Cats produce the purring noise by vibrating their larynx, or voice box, in a particular manner.

They have a timing mechanism in the brain which sends neural messages to a muscle in the larynx, rhythmically opening and closing the air passage several times per second.

Combined with the steady inhalation and exhalation of air as the cat breathes, a purring noise is produced.

Cats can either purr or roar, one exemption being the tigers which can purr but only in one direction.

In general, small cat species purr, while larger ones roar, although pumas and cheetahs purr and do not roar.

Historical theories

One theory held involved blood hitting the aorta.

Another held that purring might have been caused by the vibrations of the hyoid apparatus, a series of small bones connecting the skull and the larynx that nominally serves to support the tongue.

Yet another theory held that cats might possess a special purring organ, though none was found.

Why felines purr

Humans usually interpret the purring of a domestic cat as an expression of some type of friendliness or contentment.

This assumption is based on the observation that cats often (though not always) purr when being stroked by humans, combined with the experience that human children tend to enjoy stroking by their parents and interpret it as a gesture of affection.

Consequently, most humans enjoy listening to or holding a purring cat.

It is, however, not entirely clear to scientists whether this really is one of the cat's reasons for making the sound;

it is well-established that a cat also purrs when it is uneasy, nervous or in great pain, perhaps to comfort itself or to express submission.

Other theories suggest that a cat purrs when it wants, needs, or is receiving attention, whether it be affection or medical treatment.

Purring may also reduce pain, help a wounded cat to heal, or even help to keep a cat's bones strong.

Ethologist Paul Leyhousen, in his book Cat Behavior, interprets purring as a signal meaning "I am not a threat" to explain the otherwise differing circumstances that elicit the sound.

Other examples of purring

It is not clear quite how and when purring is used between cats themselves, which is probably a more important issue bearing on its primary purpose than how and why it happens when humans are involved.

One speculation is that it is a signalling mechanism between mother cat and nursing kittens.

Female cats are known to purr while giving birth, and this may be to reduce the pain and also assist post-natal healing.

Kittens purr while nursing, presumably as an "all's well" signal to their mother.

Some cats seem to be able to meow without interrupting the purring sound. 


Scopri come è facile capire l'inglese se c'è a fianco la traduzione parallela incasellata!

Some species of felines make a sound which is called a purr.

Alcune specie di felini producono un suono denominato fusa.

It varies in detail from cat to cat (e.g., loudness, tone, etc.), and from species to species, but can be characterized as a sort of tonal buzzing.

Varia in modo particolare di gatto in gatto ( ed esempio fragore, rumore, tono, etc.) e di specie in specie, ma può essere definito come un tipo di brusio, ronzio tonale, melodico.

Some cats purr so strongly that their entire body vibrates.

Alcuni gatti fanno le fusa così fortemente che il loro intero corpo vibra. 

Cats purr at 27 - 44 hertz.

I gatti fanno le fusa a 27 – 44 hertz.

How felines purr

Come i gatti fanno le fusa

Cats produce the purring noise by vibrating their larynx, or voice box, in a particular manner.

I gatti fanno le fusa facendo vibrare la loro laringe in modo particolare.

They have a timing mechanism in the brain which sends neural messages to a muscle in the larynx, rhythmically opening and closing the air passage several times per second.

Hanno un meccanismo sincronizzato nel cervello che trasmette messaggi neurali ai muscoli della laringe, aprendo e chiudendo ritmicamente il passaggio dell’aria diverse volte al secondo.

Combined with the steady inhalation and exhalation of air as the cat breathes, a purring noise is produced.

Combinato con la regolare inspirazione ed espirazione dell’aria, appena il gatto respira si produce il suono delle fusa.

Cats can either purr or roar, one exemption being the tigers which can purr but only in one direction.

I gatti possono sia fare le fusa che ruggire a parte le tigri che possono solo fare le fusa unidirezionalmente.

In general, small cat species purr, while larger ones roar, although pumas and cheetahs purr and do not roar.

In generale, i gatti di specie più piccola fanno le fusa, mentre quelli più grandi ruggiscono, sebbene i puma ed i ghepardi fanno le fusa ma non ruggiscono.

Historical theories

Teorie storiche

One theory held involved blood hitting the aorta.

Una teoria sosteneva il coinvolgimento del sangue che pulsa nell’ aorta.

Another held that purring might have been caused by the vibrations of the hyoid apparatus, a series of small bones connecting the skull and the larynx that nominally serves to support the tongue.

Un’altra sosteneva che le fusa potessero essere causate dalle vibrazioni dell’apparato ioide (ioidale?, una serie di piccole ossa che collegano il teschio e la laringe, che simbolicamente serve a supportare la lingua.

Yet another theory held that cats might possess a special purring organ, though none was found.

Ancora un’altra teoria sosteneva che i gatti possedessero uno speciale organo per fare le fusa, anche se non ne è stato mai trovato alcuno.

Why felines purr

Perché i felini fanno le fusa

Humans usually interpret the purring of a domestic cat as an expression of some type of friendliness or contentment.

Gli umani di solito interpretano le fusa di un gatto domestico come una sorta di amichevolezza o contentezza.

This assumption is based on the observation that cats often (though not always) purr when being stroked by humans, combined with the experience that human children tend to enjoy stroking by their parents and interpret it as a gesture of affection.

Questa presupposizione è basata sull’osservazione che i gatti spesso (benchè non sempre) fanno le fusa quando sono accarezzati dagli umani, unitamente all’esperienza che i bambini tendono ad apprezzare le carezze dei loro genitori e le interpretano come un gesto di affetto.

Consequently, most humans enjoy listening to or holding a purring cat.

Di conseguenza, la maggior parte degli umani ama ascoltare o abbracciare un gatto che fa le fusa.

It is, however, not entirely clear to scientists whether this really is one of the cat's reasons for making the sound;

In ogni caso, agli scienziati non è del tutto chiaro se questa sia davvero una delle ragioni per le quali i gatti producono questo suono,

it is well-established that a cat also purrs when it is uneasy, nervous or in great pain, perhaps to comfort itself or to express submission.

è ben fondato che un gatto fa le fusa anche quando è a disagio, nervoso o molto affaticato, forse per confortarsi o per esprimere sottomissione.

Other theories suggest that a cat purrs when it wants, needs, or is receiving attention, whether it be affection or medical treatment.

Altre teorie suggeriscono che un gatto fa le fusa quando vuole, ha bisogno o sta ricevendo attenzione, sia essa affetto o cura medica.

Purring may also reduce pain, help a wounded cat to heal, or even help to keep a cat's bones strong.

La fusa possono ridurre il dolore, aiutare un gatto ferito a guarire, o persino aiutarlo a conservare delle ossa forti.

Ethologist Paul Leyhousen, in his book Cat Behavior, interprets purring as a signal meaning "I am not a threat" to explain the otherwise differing circumstances that elicit the sound.

L’etologo Paul Leyhousen, nel suo libro “il comportamento dei gatti”, interpreta le fusa come un segnale che significa “non sono una minaccia” per spiegare le altrimenti differenti circostanze che provocano il suono.

Other examples of purring

Altri esempi di fusa

It is not clear quite how and when purring is used between cats themselves, which is probably a more important issue bearing on its primary purpose than how and why it happens when humans are involved.

Non è completamente chiaro quando il fare le fusa sia usato tra i gatti stessi, il che è probabilmente una questione più importante in relazione al suo scopo principale rispetto al come e perché accade quando gli umani sono coinvolti.

One speculation is that it is a signalling mechanism between mother cat and nursing kittens.

Un’idea è che possa essere un meccanismo di espressione tra la madre ed i cuccioli da curare.

Female cats are known to purr while giving birth, and this may be to reduce the pain and also assist post-natal healing.

Sappiamo che le gatte fanno le fusa mentre partoriscono e che ciò possa ridurre il dolore ed anche aiutare nella guarigione post parto.

Kittens purr while nursing, presumably as an "all's well" signal to their mother.

I cuccioli fanno le fusa presumibilmente per segnalare alla loro madre un “tutto va bene”.

Some cats seem to be able to meow without interrupting the purring sound.

Alcuni gatti sembra siano capaci di miagolare senza interrompere le fusa.


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