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Translated by/Traduzione di Luciano Tamietto

Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) is a radar-based electronic system designed to carry out airborne surveillance, and C3 (command, control and communications) functions for both tactical and air defence forces.

The "rotodome" radome system is designed and built by Boeing (Defense & Space Group) using Westinghouse radar and flown on either the E-3 Sentry aircraft (Boeing 707) or more recently a modified Boeing 767.

Only the Japanese Air Force has the 767 version.

All US and NATO E-3s are the Boeing 707.

Modern AWACS systems can detect aircraft from up to 400 km away, well out of range of any anti-air weapons.

In air-to-air combat, AWACS systems can communicate with friendly aircraft, extend their sensor range and give them added stealth, since they no longer need their own active radar to detect threats.

These aircraft are used by the USAF, NATO, the RAF, France, Saudi Arabia, Israel, India and the Japan Air Self-Defense Force.

The USAF has an inventory of 33 E-3 Sentry aircraft (originally 34, but one crashed on take-off in Alaska due to multiple bird strikes), the majority of which are located at Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma.

The Air Battle Manager Badge and the Weapons Director Badge are two Air Force badges which are authorized for officer and enlisted personnel (respectively) assigned to E-3 aircraft or similar C3 functions carried out on ground radar systems.

USAF AWACS Air Battle Managers (ABM) are awarded wings similar to pilots and navigators.

NATO also has 17 (originally 18, but one was lost due to an accident) E-3 Sentry aircraft, stationed in Geilenkirchen, Germany.

In USAF service, this role could be taken over by the E-10 MC2A if the program is funded.

In Soviet service, the Beriev A-50 "Mainstay" is an AWACS conversion of the standard Ilyushin Il-76 "Candid" strategic airlifter.

Systems integration and radar performance are considered to be markedly inferior to the E-3.

Several foreign countries (Iraq, China, and India) have also used the Il-76 as the base platform for their own airborne radar needs.

Israel has developed the IAI/Elta Phalcon system, which uses an Active Electronically Scanned Array in lieu of a rotodome antenna.

The Israelis have mounted the system on a Boeing platform and have sold the radar system to India and Chile.

Australia and Turkey are planning to deploy versions of the AEW&C Boeing 737 variant, using the Northrop Grumman MESA radar system.

The U.S. Navy (and the armed forces of several other nations) use the Grumman E-2 Hawkeye for its Airborne Early Warning (AEW) missions.

AEW aircraft offer a limited subset of capability.



Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) is a radar-based electronic system designed to carry out airborne surveillance, and C3 (command, control and communications) functions for both tactical and air defence forces.

Il Sistema di Allarme e Controllo  Aviotrasportato (AWACS) è un sistema elettronico basato su radar il cui scopo consiste nell'effettuare sorveglianza aerea e funzioni C3 (Comando, Controllo e Comunicazioni) sia per le forze tattiche che per quelle che hanno a che fare con la difesa aerea.

The "rotodome" radome system is designed and built by Boeing (Defense & Space Group) using Westinghouse radar and flown on either the E-3 Sentry aircraft (Boeing 707) or more recently a modified Boeing 767.

Il sistema radar “rotodome” è progettato e costruito dal gruppo Difesa e Spazio della Boeing, usando apparecchiature radar della Westinghouse e montato sull’aereo
E-3 Sentry (Boeing 707) o, più recentemente, sul Boeing 767 modificato.

Only the Japanese Air Force has the 767 version.

Solo la forza aerea giapponese ha la versione su 767.

All US and NATO E-3s are the Boeing 707.

Tutti gli E-3 statunitensi e NATO sono dei Boeing 707.

Modern AWACS systems can detect aircraft from up to 400 km away, well out of range of any anti-air weapons.

I moderni sistemi AWACS possono rilevare aerei distanti fino a 400 Km, ben al di là del raggio d’azione di qualunque arma antiaerea.

In air-to-air combat, AWACS systems can communicate with friendly aircraft, extend their sensor range and give them added stealth, since they no longer need their own active radar to detect threats.

Nei combattimenti aria-aria, i sistemi AWACS possono comunicare con gli aerei amici, estendere il raggio d’azione dei loro sensori e dare loro minore visibilità* dato che non hanno più la necessità di usare il proprio radar per rilevare le intrusioni nemiche. **

These aircraft are used by the USAF, NATO, the RAF, France, Saudi Arabia, Israel, India and the Japan Air Self-Defense Force.

Questi aerei sono usati dall’USAF*, dalla NATO, dalla RAF, nonché da Francia, Arabia Saudita, Israele, India e dalla Forza Aerea di Auto-Difesa del Giappone.

The USAF has an inventory of 33 E-3 Sentry aircraft (originally 34, but one crashed on take-off in Alaska due to multiple bird strikes), the majority of which are located at Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma.

L’USAF ha a disposizione 33 aerei E-3 Sentry (originariamente 34, ma uno è caduto in Alaska al momento del decollo per l’impatto con uno stormo di uccelli), la maggior parte dei quali ubicati alla Base Aerea di Tinker in Oklahoma. 

The Air Battle Manager Badge and the Weapons Director Badge are two Air Force badges which are authorized for officer and enlisted personnel (respectively) assigned to E-3 aircraft or similar C3 functions carried out on ground radar systems.

I distintivi di ‘Gestore di Battaglia Aerea’ e di ‘Direttore degli Armamenti’ sono due distintivi autorizzati per ufficiali e sottufficiali (rispettivamente) assegnati agli aerei E-3 o a funzioni C3 similari su radar basati a terra.

USAF AWACS Air Battle Managers (ABM) are awarded wings similar to pilots and navigators.

Ai Gestori di Battaglia Aerea AWACS dell’USAF vengono date come riconoscimento della loro abilità delle mostrine simili a quelle dei piloti e navigatori.

NATO also has 17 (originally 18, but one was lost due to an accident) E-3 Sentry aircraft, stationed in Geilenkirchen, Germany.

Anche la NATO ha 17 aerei E-3 Sentry(originariamente 18, uno perso in un incidente), basati a Geilenkirchen, in Germania.

In USAF service, this role could be taken over by the E-10 MC2A if the program is funded.

Nell’aeronautica statunitense, questo ruolo dovrebbe essere coperto dall’ E-10 MC2A, se questo programma sarà finanziato.

In Soviet service, the Beriev A-50 "Mainstay" is an AWACS conversion of the standard Ilyushin Il-76 "Candid" strategic airlifter.

Per l’Unione Sovietica, il Beriev A-50 “Mainstay” è una conversione AWACS dell’aereo da trasporto strategico Ilyushin Il-76 “Candid”.

Systems integration and radar performance are considered to be markedly inferior to the E-3.

L'integrazione dei sistemi e le prestazioni del radar sono considerate  molto inferiori a quelle dell’E-3.

Several foreign countries (Iraq, China, and India) have also used the Il-76 as the base platform for their own airborne radar needs.

Anche molte nazioni straniere (Iraq, Cina e India) hanno usato l’Il-76, come piattaforma di base per le loro necessità di radar aviotrasportati.

Israel has developed the IAI/Elta Phalcon system, which uses an Active Electronically Scanned Array in lieu of a rotodome antenna.

Israele ha sviluppato il sistema IAI/Elta Phalcon che usa un radar lineare a scansione elettronica attiva anziché un’antenna rotante.

The Israelis have mounted the system on a Boeing platform and have sold the radar system to India and Chile.

Gli israeliani hanno montato il sistema su di una piattaforma della Boeing e lo hanno venduto a India e Cile.

Australia and Turkey are planning to deploy versions of the AEW&C Boeing 737 variant, using the Northrop Grumman MESA radar system.

L’ Australia e la Turchia stanno progettando di dispiegare versioni della variante AEW&C del Boeing 737, usando il sistema radar MESA della Northrop Grumman.

The U.S. Navy (and the armed forces of several other nations) use the Grumman E-2 Hawkeye for its Airborne Early Warning (AEW) missions.

La marina USA (e le Forze Armate di molte altre nazioni) usano il Grumman Hawkeye E-2 per le loro missioni di Scoperta Aerea Precoce (AEW).*

AEW aircraft offer a limited subset of capability.

Gli aerei AEW offrono un limitato sottoinsieme di capacità.


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