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alien language
Translated by/Traduzione di Monica Pavan

An alien language is a general term for any language that might be used by putative extraterrestrial lifeforms.

The study of such languages has been termed xenolinguistics or astrolinguistics (typically in science fiction).

The problem of alien language has confronted generations of science fiction writers;

some have created fictional languages for their characters to use, while others have circumvented the problem through translation devices or other fantastic technology.

Although this field remains largely confined to science fiction, the possibility of intelligent extraterrestrial life makes the question of alien language a credible topic for scientific and philosophical speculation.

Science fiction

Several science fiction stories contain some alien culture that involves language.

For example, the protagonist of C.S. Lewis's novel Out of the Silent Planet is able to use his training in historical linguistics to reconstruct the languages spoken on Mars.

Fortunately for the character, Lewis was a creationist, and therefore found it plausible to make his aliens speak an Indo-European dialect.

Likewise, the Martians of Phillip K. Dick's Martian Time Slip are somehow related to Indigenous Australians, and speak a form of pidgin English.

Authors with more conventional views on anthropogenesis, however, have had to take recourse to more elaborate devices - for example, Douglas Adams's babel fish, or to admit that contact may be extremely difficult, if not impossible:

this is notably the case in Stanislaw Lem's novels, such as Solaris, and Arthur C. Clarke's 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Perhaps the most fully-developed fictional alien language is the Klingon Language of the Star Trek universe - a fully-developed constructed language.

Star Trek also features Linguacode, a picture-based communications medium used upon first contact with unknown species.

Babylon 5 depicts a 'universal' language called Interlac, designed to be easy for other civilisations to decipher and use to communicate.

At least some species have computers capable of translating Interlac transmissions into their native languages in real-time, allowing the easiest possible communication with other races.

It is, however, possible for many species in the Babylon 5 Universe to learn each others' languages.

The film Mars Attacks! contains unusual alien language spoken by the Martians that consists only of the word "ack!"

In the film and book Close Encounters of the Third Kind, scientists use music to communicate with alien visitors.

In the film and book Contact, aliens send the instructions to build a machine to reach them through Mathematics, which the main character calls "the only universal language".

Science fact

There is continued debate over whether extraterrestrial life exists, or whether mankind has ever made contact with alien civilisations;

as of 2005, no substantiable examples of extraterrestrial communication have been shown to exist.

Moreover, programmes in this field such as SETI leave questions to be answered:

if alien language did exist, and if we could pick it up, could we identify it as such?

If so, could we ever hope to comprehend it?

Some accounts of philosophy of mind and philosophy of language would cast doubt on these possibilities.

Ludwig Wittgenstein, for example, once wrote that "if a lion could speak, we would not be able to understand him."

On the other hand, many referentialist and verificationist accounts of language would make this gap seem more bridgeable. 


Scopri come è facile capire l'inglese se c'è a fianco la traduzione parallela incasellata!

An alien language is a general term for any language that might be used by putative extraterrestrial lifeforms.

Il termine linguaggio alieno si riferisce a qualsiasi linguaggio che potrebbe essere utilizzato da ipotetiche forme di vita extraterrestri.

The study of such languages has been termed xenolinguistics or astrolinguistics (typically in science fiction).

Lo studio di tali linguaggi è stato denominato xenolinguistica o astrolinguistica (specialmente nella fantascienza).

The problem of alien language has confronted generations of science fiction writers;

Generazioni di autori di fantascienza si sono confrontati col problema dei linguaggi alieni;

some have created fictional languages for their characters to use, while others have circumvented the problem through translation devices or other fantastic technology.

alcuni hanno creato lingue artificiali per i propri personaggi , altri invece hanno eluso il problema introducendo speciali dispositivi per la traduzione o altre tecnologie fantastiche.

Although this field remains largely confined to science fiction, the possibility of intelligent extraterrestrial life makes the question of alien language a credible topic for scientific and philosophical speculation.

Sebbene la questione dei linguaggi alieni rimanga per lo più limitata alla fantascienza, la possibile esistenza di forme di vita extraterrestri intelligenti la rende oggetto credibile anche di speculazioni scientifiche e filosofiche.

Science fiction


Several science fiction stories contain some alien culture that involves language.

In molti racconti di fantascienza compaiono culture aliene dotate di una propria lingua.

For example, the protagonist of C.S. Lewis's novel Out of the Silent Planet is able to use his training in historical linguistics to reconstruct the languages spoken on Mars.

Il protagonista del romanzo Lontano dal pianeta silenzioso di C.S.Lewis, ad esempio, grazie alla sua esperienza di filologo è in grado di ricostruire le lingue parlate su Marte.

Fortunately for the character, Lewis was a creationist, and therefore found it plausible to make his aliens speak an Indo-European dialect.

Fortunatamente per il suo personaggio, Lewis era un seguace della teoria del creazionismo e riteneva quindi assolutamente plausibile che un alieno parlasse un dialetto Indo-Europeo.

Likewise, the Martians of Phillip K. Dick's Martian Time Slip are somehow related to Indigenous Australians, and speak a form of pidgin English.

Allo stesso modo, i marziani in Noi marziani di Philip K. Dick sono in qualche modo collegati con gli Aborigeni australiani e parlano una forma d’inglese pidgin.

Authors with more conventional views on anthropogenesis, however, have had to take recourse to more elaborate devices - for example, Douglas Adams's babel fish, or to admit that contact may be extremely difficult, if not impossible:

Tuttavia, autori con posizioni più convenzionali in materia di antropogenesi hanno dovuto ricorrere a stratagemmi più complessi, come ad esempio il pesce babele di Douglas Adam, o hanno dovuto ammettere che la comunicazione può rivelarsi estremamente difficile, se non impossibile.

this is notably the case in Stanislaw Lem's novels, such as Solaris, and Arthur C. Clarke's 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Questo è sicuramente il caso di Stanislaw Lem in Solaris e di Arthur C. Clarke in 2001 Odissea nello spazio.

Perhaps the most fully-developed fictional alien language is the Klingon Language of the Star Trek universe - a fully-developed constructed language.

Probabilmente la lingua artificiale più complessa è il Klingon dell’universo di Star Trek, una lingua piuttosto evoluta interamente creata a tavolino.

Star Trek also features Linguacode, a picture-based communications medium used upon first contact with unknown species.

In Star Trek compare anche il Linguacode, un mezzo di comunicazione basato su segni grafici usato nei primi contatti con specie sconosciute.

Babylon 5 depicts a 'universal' language called Interlac, designed to be easy for other civilisations to decipher and use to communicate.

Babylon 5 descrive un linguaggio ‘universale’ chiamato Interlac, pensato in modo che le altre civiltà possano facilmente decifrarlo e utilizzarlo per comunicare.

At least some species have computers capable of translating Interlac transmissions into their native languages in real-time, allowing the easiest possible communication with other races.

Alcune specie dispongono di computer in grado di tradurre nella propria lingua le trasmissioni in Interlac in tempo reale, rendendo la comunicazione con le altre razze il più semplice possibile. 

It is, however, possible for many species in the Babylon 5 Universe to learn each others' languages.

Molte specie nell’universo di Babylon 5 sono comunque in grado di imparare altre lingue.

The film Mars Attacks! contains unusual alien language spoken by the Martians that consists only of the word "ack!"

 Nel film Mars Attacks! I Marziani parlano un’insolita lingua aliena che consta della sola parola “ack!”

In the film and book Close Encounters of the Third Kind, scientists use music to communicate with alien visitors.

Nel film e nel libro “Incontri ravvicinati del terzo tipo”, gli scienziati si servono della musica per comunicare con gli ospiti alieni.

In the film and book Contact, aliens send the instructions to build a machine to reach them through Mathematics, which the main character calls "the only universal language".

Nel film e nel libro Contact gli alieni inviano le istruzioni per costruire una macchina per raggiungerli servendosi della matematica, che il protagonista definisce “l’unico linguaggio universale”.

Science fact

Aspetti scientifici

There is continued debate over whether extraterrestrial life exists, or whether mankind has ever made contact with alien civilisations;

Se esistano forme di vita extraterrestri o se l’umanità sia mai venuta in contatto con civiltà aliene sono questioni ancora aperte;

as of 2005, no substantiable examples of extraterrestrial communication have been shown to exist.

non si è ancora in possesso di prove decisive che dimostrino l’esistenza di forme di comunicazione extraterrestre.

Moreover, programmes in this field such as SETI leave questions to be answered:

Inoltre, i programmi in questo campo come SETI lasciano degli interrogativi irrisolti:

if alien language did exist, and if we could pick it up, could we identify it as such?

se esistessero effettivamente delle lingue aliene e se riuscissimo ad ascoltarle, saremmo in grado di riconoscerle come tali?

If so, could we ever hope to comprehend it?

In caso affermativo, potremmo mai sperare di comprenderle?

Some accounts of philosophy of mind and philosophy of language would cast doubt on these possibilities.

Alcune relazioni di filosofia del pensiero e di filosofia del linguaggio solleverebbero dei dubbi in merito a questa possibilità.

Ludwig Wittgenstein, for example, once wrote that "if a lion could speak, we would not be able to understand him."

Ludwig Wittgenstein, ad esempio, una volta scrisse che “se anche un leone potesse parlare, noi non saremmo in grado di comprenderlo.”.

On the other hand, many referentialist and verificationist accounts of language would make this gap seem more bridgeable.

Dall’altra parte, secondo diverse relazioni referenzialiste e verificazioniste sulla lingua, la distanza non sarebbe così incolmabile.


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