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hamburg harbour
Translated by/Traduzione di Daniela Mezzatesta

The Hamburg Harbour is a deep water port on the river Elbe in Hamburg, Germany.

The Hamburg Harbour, named Hamburg's "Gateway to the World", is the largest sea-harbour in Germany, and, according to the numbers of containers handled in 2004, the second-largest in Europe and the ninth-largest worldwide.

In 2004, seven million containers were handled.

The harbour area is 73.99 km² (64.80 km² useable), from which 43.31 km² (34.12 km²) are land areas.

The harbour is strengthened by the Elbe splitting into Northern and Southern streams, creating an ideal place for a harbour complex for warehousing and transhipment.

Currently, the so-called Freihafen area also enables toll-less use.

Historically, the harbour has been the core asset of Hamburg and the justification for its location and importance.

Because of its location 110 kilometres away from the mouth of the Elbe, some ships at times have difficulties accessing the port.

In face of larger and larger ships, Hamburg may lose some container traffic and has proposed to deepen the Elbe river in response, but this plan is very controversial for ecological reasons.

In part due to cooperation with Lower Saxony and Bremen to build a new container seaport (JadeWeserPort) in the deep waters of Jadebusen in Wilhelmshaven, after the change of government in 2001 Hamburg withdrew this plan.

A new city district is also being planned to be built north of the harbour with the name HafenCity. 


The Hamburg Harbour is a deep water port on the river Elbe in Hamburg, Germany.

Il porto di Amburgo è un porto dai profondi fondali posto sul fiume Elba ad Amburgo, in Germania.

The Hamburg Harbour, named Hamburg's "Gateway to the World", is the largest sea-harbour in Germany, and, according to the numbers of containers handled in 2004, the second-largest in Europe and the ninth-largest worldwide.

Il Porto di Amburgo, chiamato “La via d’accesso di Amburgo verso il mondo”, è il secondo porto marittimo più grande della Germania e, sulla scorta del numero dei contenitori movimentati nel 2004, il secondo porto più grande d’Europa ed il nono nel mondo.

In 2004, seven million containers were handled.

Nel 2004 vi sono stati movimentati sette milioni di contenitori.

The harbour area is 73.99 km² (64.80 km² useable), from which 43.31 km² (34.12 km²) are land areas.

L’area portuale è di  73.99 Km2 (di cui 64.80 Km2 utilizzabili),  di cui 43.31 km2 (34.12 km2) sono aree a terra.

The harbour is strengthened by the Elbe splitting into Northern and Southern streams, creating an ideal place for a harbour complex for warehousing and transhipment.

Il porto è rafforzato dallo sdoppiamento dell’Elba in due corsi d’acqua a nord e a sud, creando un sito ideale per una struttura portuale per l’immagazzinaggio ed il trasbordo (delle merci).

Currently, the so-called Freihafen area also enables toll-less use.

Attualmente, l’area così detta Freihafen (Porto Franco) consente anche l’uso dazio- esente.

Historically, the harbour has been the core asset of Hamburg and the justification for its location and importance.

Storicamente, il porto di Amburgo è stato la risorsa base di Amburgo e ciò giustifica la  sua ubicazione  ed importanza.  

Because of its location 110 kilometres away from the mouth of the Elbe, some ships at times have difficulties accessing the port.

A causa della sua ubicazione a 100 km dalla foce dell’Elba, alcune navi, talvolta, hanno difficoltà ad accedere in porto.

In face of larger and larger ships, Hamburg may lose some container traffic and has proposed to deepen the Elbe river in response, but this plan is very controversial for ecological reasons.

Per fronteggiare navi sempre più grandi e la possibile perdita di traffico containers, Amburgo  ha proposto l’approfondimento dei fondali del fiume Elba, ma tale piano si è rilevato molto controverso per ragioni di tipo ecologico.

In part due to cooperation with Lower Saxony and Bremen to build a new container seaport (JadeWeserPort) in the deep waters of Jadebusen in Wilhelmshaven, after the change of government in 2001 Hamburg withdrew this plan.

Nel 2001, a seguito del cambio di governo, Amburgo ritirò il progetto  per la costruzione di un nuovo porto marittimo containers (JadeWaserPort) nelle profonde acque di Jadebusen in Wilhelmshaven, frutto in parte della collaborazione fra la  Bassa Sassonia e (la città di ) Bremen.

A new city district is also being planned to be built north of the harbour with the name HafenCity.

Inoltre, è in fase di pianificazione la costruzione, a nord del porto, di una nuova zona della città chiamata HafenCity.


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