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Translated by/Traduzione di Roberta Cerri

A Lynx is any of several medium-sized wild cats.

Most are members of the genus Lynx, but there is considerable confusion about the best way to classify felids at present, and some authorities classify all lynxes as part of the genus Felis.


Lynxes have short tails, and usually a tuft of hair on the tip of the ears.

They have large paws padded for walking on snow, and long whiskers on the face.

The colour of the body varies from light brown to grey and is occasionally marked with dark brown spots, especially on the limbs.

They range about 5 kg or about 11 pounds (roughly the size of a large Domestic Cat) up to about 30 kg (66 pounds).


The lynx inhabits the high altitude forests with dense cover of shrubs, reeds and grass.

Though the cat hunts only on the ground, it can climb trees and swim.

Though it can be found in the northern regions of Scandinavia, it is primarily found in North America and also in pockets in the Himalayas.

Since the 1990s there have been numerous efforts to resettle the Eurasian Lynx in Germany.

It can also be found in Bialowieza Forest, in northeast Poland.

Starting in 1999, the Colorado Division of Wildlife has begun a program reintroducing a wild lynx population back to the United States.

The animals were trapped in Canada before being brought to the Colorado Rockies, where after being tagged with radio collars frequently migrated throughout the western United States.

While showing early signs of promise, biologists say it will take more than a decade to determine whether the program is a success.


The Lynx is usually solitary, though a group of cats can travel and hunt together.

Mating takes place in the late winter.

It rests in crevices or under ledges.

It gives birth to 2 to 4 kittens at a time.

It feeds on birds and mammals and often on sheep and goats.

• Lynx or Eurasian Lynx, Lynx lynx or Lynx borealis

• Canada Lynx, Lynx lynx canadensis or Lynx canadensis

• Iberian Lynx or Spanish Lynx, Lynx pardinus

• Bobcat, Lynx rufus

The Marbled Cat, Pardofelis marmorata, is sometimes also classified with the Lynxes.

The Caracal or Desert Lynx is no very close relative of the genus Lynx, nor is the Jungle Cat, despite the fact that both species have the typical tuft of hair on their ears.

Hunting lynxes is illegal in many countries. 


A Lynx is any of several medium-sized wild cats.

La Lince è uno degli svariati gatti selvatici di media taglia.

Most are members of the genus Lynx, but there is considerable confusion about the best way to classify felids at present, and some authorities classify all lynxes as part of the genus Felis.

Molti di questi sono membri della famiglia delle  linci, ma vi è una notevole confusione circa il modo migliore di classificare i felini al momento e alcuni esperti classificano tutte le linci come appartenenti al genere felis.



Lynxes have short tails, and usually a tuft of hair on the tip of the ears.

Le linci hanno una coda corta e solitamente un ciuffo di peli sull’estremità delle orecchie.

They have large paws padded for walking on snow, and long whiskers on the face.

Hanno grandi zampe impermeabili per camminare sulla neve e lunghe vibrisse sul muso.

The colour of the body varies from light brown to grey and is occasionally marked with dark brown spots, especially on the limbs.

Il colore del mantello varia dal marrone chiaro al grigio ed è occasionalmente segnato da macchie marrone scuro, specialmente sulle zampe.

They range about 5 kg or about 11 pounds (roughly the size of a large Domestic Cat) up to about 30 kg (66 pounds).

Il loro peso varia dai 5 kg ovvero all’incirca 11 libre (approssimativamente la taglia di un grande gatto domestico) sino ai circa 30 Kg (66 libre).



The lynx inhabits the high altitude forests with dense cover of shrubs, reeds and grass.

La lince abita le foreste ad alta quota, ricche di arbusti, canneti ed erba.

Though the cat hunts only on the ground, it can climb trees and swim.

Benché questo felino cacci solamente al suolo, può arrampicarsi sugli alberi e nuotare.

Though it can be found in the northern regions of Scandinavia, it is primarily found in North America and also in pockets in the Himalayas.

Sebbene possa essere avvistata nelle regioni al nord della Scandinavia, essa vive primariamente nel Nord America e anche nelle insenature dell’ Himalaia.

Since the 1990s there have been numerous efforts to resettle the Eurasian Lynx in Germany.

Dagli anni Novanta ci sono stati numerosi contributi per reinserire la lince euroasiatica in Germania.

It can also be found in Bialowieza Forest, in northeast Poland.

Essa può anche essere trovata nella foresta di Bialowieza, nel nord-est della Polonia.

Starting in 1999, the Colorado Division of Wildlife has begun a program reintroducing a wild lynx population back to the United States.

Dal 1999, La Colorado Division di Wildlife ha iniziato un programma di reintroduzione della popolazione di lince selvatica negli USA.

The animals were trapped in Canada before being brought to the Colorado Rockies, where after being tagged with radio collars frequently migrated throughout the western United States.

Gli animali vennero catturati in Canada prima di essere liberati  nelle montagne rocciose del Colorado dove,  dopo essere state tracciate con un radio collare,  migrarono attraverso l’ovest degli Stati Uniti.

While showing early signs of promise, biologists say it will take more than a decade to determine whether the program is a success.

Nonostante i primi segni siano promettenti, i biologi dicono che ci vorranno più di dieci anni per determinare se il programma sia stato un successo.



The Lynx is usually solitary, though a group of cats can travel and hunt together.

La lince è in genere solitaria, ciò nonostante un gruppo di questi felini più viaggiare e cacciare insieme.

Mating takes place in the late winter.

L’accoppiamento avviene nel tardo inverno.

It rests in crevices or under ledges.

Essa si rifugia in cavità o sotto delle sporgenze.

It gives birth to 2 to 4 kittens at a time.

Dà alla luce dai 2 ai 4 cuccioli alla volta.

It feeds on birds and mammals and often on sheep and goats.

Si nutre di uccelli e mammiferi e spesso di pecore e capre.

• Lynx or Eurasian Lynx, Lynx lynx or Lynx borealis

• Lince o Lince Europea, Lynx lynx o Lynx borealis

• Canada Lynx, Lynx lynx canadensis or Lynx canadensis

• Lince del Canada, Lynx lynx Canadensis o Lynx canadensis

• Iberian Lynx or Spanish Lynx, Lynx pardinus

• Lince iberica o Lince spagnola, lynx pardinus

• Bobcat, Lynx rufus

• Bobcat, Lynx rufus

The Marbled Cat, Pardofelis marmorata, is sometimes also classified with the Lynxes.

Il gatto marmorizzato, Pardofelis marmorata, è a volte anche classificata nella famiglia delle linci.

The Caracal or Desert Lynx is no very close relative of the genus Lynx, nor is the Jungle Cat, despite the fact that both species have the typical tuft of hair on their ears.

Il caracal o lince del deserto non è un parente molto prossimo della famiglia delle linci, nemmeno il gatto della giungla lo è, a discapito del fatto che entrambe le specie abbiano il tipico ciuffo di peli sulle orecchie.

Hunting lynxes is illegal in many countries.

Cacciare le linci è illegale in molti paesi.


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    INFORMATIVA SULLA PRIVACY              Crystal Jones

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