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Translated by/Traduzione di Alessandra Martino

China and Europe face new avian flu outbreaks

October 19, 2005 

China has announced a new outbreak of avian flu today along with similar cases in Russia, Romania and Macedonia.

China's news agency reported that 2,600 birds have died of the H5N1 strain in northern China, declaring that the outbreak was found in a breeding facility in Hohhot, the capital of Inner Mongolia.

The government maintains the epidemic is under control.

Russia is waiting for confirmation that it was the H5N1 strain that killed several hundred ducks near Moscow;

if the tests return positive it will be a major spread of the virus across the Ural Mountains, into European Russia.

A small village in southern Macedonia also suspects the strain.

Plans are already made to kill 10,000 birds to contain the outbreak.

Romania confirmed that there has been another outbreak in the Danube Delta area.

The strain was confirmed there last weekend, whereupon 4,500 birds were destroyed.

H5N1 is the strain scientists fear could be transmitted from human to human, causing a flu pandemic.

So far 50 people have died of it, all having worked closely with birds.

It is not easy to pass the disease from bird to human. 


China and Europe face new avian flu outbreaks

La Cina e l'Europa rischiano nuove epidemie di influenza aviaria.

October 19, 2005 

19 ottobre 2005

China has announced a new outbreak of avian flu today along with similar cases in Russia, Romania and Macedonia.

La Cina ha annunciato oggi un nuovo focolaio di influenza aviaria che si aggiunge ai casi analoghi della Russia, Romania e Macedonia.

China's news agency reported that 2,600 birds have died of the H5N1 strain in northern China, declaring that the outbreak was found in a breeding facility in Hohhot, the capital of Inner Mongolia.

L'agenzia di stampa cinese ha denunciato la morte di 2.600 uccelli a causa del ceppo virale H5N1 nella Cina del nord e ha dichiarato che il focolaio è stato riscontrato in un allevamento a Hohhot, capitale della Mongolia Interna.

The government maintains the epidemic is under control.

Il governo ribadisce che l'epidemia è sotto controllo.

Russia is waiting for confirmation that it was the H5N1 strain that killed several hundred ducks near Moscow;

La Russia attende la conferma che è stato il ceppo virale H5N1 a causare la morte di diverse centinaia di anatre nei dintorni di Mosca;

if the tests return positive it will be a major spread of the virus across the Ural Mountains, into European Russia.

se i test si riveleranno positivi sarà il segno di una notevole diffusione del virus attraverso gli Urali fin dentro alla Russia europea.

A small village in southern Macedonia also suspects the strain.

Anche un piccolo villaggio della Macedonia del sud sospetta la presenza del virus.

Plans are already made to kill 10,000 birds to contain the outbreak.

Per contenere l'epidemia è stata già pianificata l'uccisione di 10.000 volatili.

Romania confirmed that there has been another outbreak in the Danube Delta area.

La Romania ha confermato l'esistenza di un altro focolaio nell'area del delta del Danubio.

The strain was confirmed there last weekend, whereupon 4,500 birds were destroyed.

La presenza del virus nella zona era stata confermata lo scorso fine settimana con conseguente uccisione di 4.500 volatili.

H5N1 is the strain scientists fear could be transmitted from human to human, causing a flu pandemic.

L'H5N1 è il ceppo virale che, secondo quanto temono gli scienziati, potrebbe essere trasmesso da uomo a uomo, causando una pandemia di influenza aviaria.

So far 50 people have died of it, all having worked closely with birds.

Finora 50 persone sono morte a causa del virus e tutte avevano lavorato a stretto contatto con de volatili.

It is not easy to pass the disease from bird to human.

Non è comunque facile che la malattia si trasmetta dall’uccello all’uomo.


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