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christian vegetarianism
Translated by/Traduzione di Sabrina Gulotta

Christian vegetarianism is the dietary practice of vegetarianism or veganism based on the belief that Jesus, the twelve apostles and the early Messianic Jewish followers of Jesus (the Ebionites) were vegetarians.

However critics point out the decision to be vegetarian or omnivore is purely a personal choice, as there are many passages in the Bible that advocate meat and fish within the diet.

Some Christian vegetarians, such as Keith Akers, think that a movement away from simple living and vegetarianism began with Paul, and that they need to return to pre-Pauline early Christianity.

There are also Christian vegetarians, such as Leo Tolstoy and Ammon Hennacy, who believe that the Christian principles of compassion and nonviolence require a vegetarian diet whether the Jews and the early Christians were historically vegetarians or not.

Some Charismatics believe a vegan diet such as fruitarianism was the original diet of humankind in the form of Adam and Eve, and if they are ever to return to an Eden-like paradise then they will have to go back to a holistic approach to health and diet.

Nathan Braun states that the Christian mandate to feed the hungry can only be truly fulfilled on a world-wide scale by our evolution to a vegetarian diet.

He, along with many other environmental vegetarians, believe that a carnivorous diet consumes and destroys too large a proportion of the world's food resources. 


Christian vegetarianism is the dietary practice of vegetarianism or veganism based on the belief that Jesus, the twelve apostles and the early Messianic Jewish followers of Jesus (the Ebionites) were vegetarians.

Il vegetarianismo cristiano è la pratica dietetica vegetariana o vegana basata sulla convinzione che Gesù, i dodici Apostoli e i primi ebrei messianici seguaci di Gesù (gli ebioniti) fossero vegetariani.

However critics point out the decision to be vegetarian or omnivore is purely a personal choice, as there are many passages in the Bible that advocate meat and fish within the diet.

Tuttavia chi critica quest'idea fa notare come la decisione se essere vegetariano o onnivoro sia una scelta puramente personale dal momento che ci sono molti passaggi nella Bibbia che sostengono l'uso della carne e del pesce nella dieta.

Some Christian vegetarians, such as Keith Akers, think that a movement away from simple living and vegetarianism began with Paul, and that they need to return to pre-Pauline early Christianity.

Alcuni vegetariani cristiani, come per esempio Keith Akers, pensano che l'allontanamento da uno stile di vita semplice e dal vegetarianismo sia iniziato con l'apostolo Paolo, e che sia necessario ritornare al cristianesimo dei primi tempi, pre-paolino.

There are also Christian vegetarians, such as Leo Tolstoy and Ammon Hennacy, who believe that the Christian principles of compassion and nonviolence require a vegetarian diet whether the Jews and the early Christians were historically vegetarians or not.

Ci sono anche dei vegetariani cristiani, come per esempio Leo Tolstoy e Ammon Hennacy, che ritengono che i principi cristiani di compassione e non-violenza esigano un regime alimentare vegetariano a prescindere dal fatto se gli ebrei e i primi cristiani fossero storicamente vegetariani oppure no.

Some Charismatics believe a vegan diet such as fruitarianism was the original diet of humankind in the form of Adam and Eve, and if they are ever to return to an Eden-like paradise then they will have to go back to a holistic approach to health and diet.

Alcuni carismatici ritengono che un regime alimentare vegano, come per esempio il fruttarianismo, costituisse la dieta originale del genere umano ai tempi di Adamo ed Eva e che la condizione necessaria per ritornare ad un paradiso simile all'Eden sia quella di ritornare ad un approccio olistico nei confronti della salute e della dieta.

Nathan Braun states that the Christian mandate to feed the hungry can only be truly fulfilled on a world-wide scale by our evolution to a vegetarian diet.

Nathan Braun afferma che il comandamento cristiano di dar da mangiare agli affamati può essere adempiuto davvero su scala mondiale soltanto tramite una nostra evoluzione verso un regime alimentare vegetariano.

He, along with many other environmental vegetarians, believe that a carnivorous diet consumes and destroys too large a proportion of the world's food resources.

Egli, insieme a molti altri vegetariani ambientalisti, ritiene che una dieta carnivora consumi e distrugga una porzione troppo ampia delle risorse alimentari mondiali.


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