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                                                                                         ESERCIZI :   Serie 1 - 2 - 3  - 4 - 5  SERVIZI:   Pronunciatore di inglese - Dizionario - Convertitore IPA/UK - IPA/US - Convertitore di valute in lire ed euro                                              


Tutti i post sono ascoltabili tramite ReadSpeaker premendo l'icona ASCOLTA IL TESTO. Informazioni sul funzionamento dettagliato di ReadSpeakersi trovano qui.

  1. Introduction
  2. Visual Aids in the Classroom
  3. Magazine Photos in an English Lesson
  4. Magazines and Their Use
  5. How Do You Get a Student to Start Speaking?
  6. October 31st? It's time to celebrate Halloween!
  7. Some Suggestions for Class Participation
  8. Tips for Personalizing English
  9. How Can We Help the Students Build up Their Vocabulary?
  10. Teaching Polite Words
  11. Stimulating Comprehension Using Jokes
  12. Organizing the Teaching Week - First Lesson
  13. Organizing the Second Lesson of the Week
  14. The "Creative" Lesson of the Week
  15. If I wanted to teach IF clauses, I would do it this way!
  16. Adjectives Are Everywhere
  17. Writing Dialogues
  18. Happy Thanksgiving!
  19. What Do You Say?
  20. Stimulate Conversation
  21. A Language for Every Country
  22. Take the Time to Compliment
  23. Learning Adjectives That Describe a Person's Character
  24. English Is a Language Full of Exclamations!
  25. Everyone Has a Favourite Author
  26. Test Your Vocabulary!
  27. Christmas Is My Favourite Holiday
  28. New Year Resolutions
  29. Calendar - Let's Celebrate Holidays!
  30. Martin Luther King Day
  31. Getting More Information About Teaching "To Get"
  32. Describing a Photo
  33. Let's "Emphasize"!
  34. Another Look at Building Vocabulary
  35. Short Answers Say a Lot
  36. When To Use the ING-Form
  37. "Student" Conversation
  38. Comment, please!
  39. Happy Saint Valentine's Day
  40. Let's Talk About Families!
  41. Presidents' Day in the USA
  42. What's Your Name?
  43. Oh, You Poor Thing!
  44. Compimenting Is an Art!
  45. What Would You Say... ?
  46. Women's Day
  47. A Proverb for Every Occasion
  48. Happy Saint Patrick's Day
  49. Hunt Up Slogans!
  50. HELP, I Don't Understand!
  51. Advanced Students and University Exams
  52. Teaching Young Children
  53. Advanced Students... Keep Talking!
  54. Let's Talk About Abbreviations
  55. Happy Easter!
  56. I Wonder...
  57. Body Language
  58. Computer symbol @, the well-known e-mail symbol
  59. "To Be or Not To Be..."
  60. Dear...
  61. Hi, how's everything?
  62.  “Feelings are everywhere…..”
  63. Happy Mother’s Day!
  64. Why not study OPPOSITES?
  65. Using Prefixes and Suffixes Increases Vocabulary
  66. A Word about TRIVIA!!
  67. Excuses, excuses, etc...
  68. Try writing "long" sentences!
  69. Who, What, Where, When, Why??
  70. "Teach" it nice and easy!
  71. Let's go to the cinema!
  72. "Sign" watching!
  73. CROSSWORDS help build vocabulary
  74. Happy Father's Day
  75. More Jokes to lighten your lesson!
  76. Some "guided" conversations!
  77. Teach some Synonyms and Homonyms
  78. Still More adjectives!!!
  79. Learning new vocabulary words…..the easy way!!!
  80. Make them Think!!!
  81. Add some your English
  82. "Free time" is quality time!
  83. Well wishing!!!
  84. Discover New York City!
  85. Keep a Diary!!!
  86. The Five W's
  87. Collecting "Words of Wisdom"
  88. Talking about Professions
  89. Reading a Newspaper Headlines
  90. Writing "Want Ads"
  91. Evaluate, how we evaluate!
  92. The Twin Towers: buildings that no longer exist
  93. There's no place like home!
  94. Collect, collect, collect...
  95. What's an Ellipsis?
  96. Do you mind...?
  97. Going Shopping!!!
  98. How long...?
  99. A Class Magazine? Why not?
  100. California Dreaming
  101. Talk, talk, talk...
  102. A "bunch" of useful expressions!
  103. Borrow or Lend?
  104. Blue jeans, an American story
  105. Getting to know you...
  106. Use the dictionary!!!
  107. Label it!!!
  108. Write what you "feel"...
  109. Geography? Yes, in English!
  110. Visiting the Island of Ponza
  111. Who am I?
  112. Creating time lines!
  113. Gone with the Wind
  114. Where's the party?
  115. "You are what you eat!"
  116. The one, the only...Charlie Brown
  117. How's the weather?
  118. T-Shirt are for Everyone!!!
  119. The Story of the White House
  120. Laugh your way to good health!
  121. Meet me in the kitchen!
  122. Talking about the future...your future!
  123. STOP...Do not enter!!!
  124. Why don't we...?
  125. To teach or not to the book!
  126. Correct, please!!!
  127. A world famous skyscraper!
  128. Be Polite!
  129. Having a Discussion
  130. Let them sing!!!
  131. Take that photo!
  132. "Know that Verb" Quiz
  133. Confusing words
  134. The woman of crime!
  135. Aloha, Hawaii!
  136. What's a nickname?
  137. Time to Eat !!!
  138. Homework yes, but only Intelligent homework!
  139. License plates...personalized!!!
  140. Numbers, learning about them!
  141. Happy birthday origins
  142. Chocolate, the true story
  143. Try writing poetry!
  144. It takes...
  145. Raise the flags!!!
  146. I had a million dollars...
  147. Cars...
  148. Words and meanings
  149. Who invented what?
  150. English courses abroad???
  151. Whoever teaches English has a great responsability!
  152. Look who's planning the lessons!!!
  153. Difference between British and American English
  154. Teaching Literature in English...beware of methods!!!




More Jokes to lighten your lesson!
Blog di
Elaine Bertolotti

Questo blog in inglese è un'iniziativa di supporto a tutti gli insegnanti di inglese che abbiano voglia di discutere di didattica innovativa e di come rendere lo studio dell'inglese sempre più piacevole, motivante ed efficace. Il pronunciatore di inglese ReadSpeaker integrato in ogni pagina consente di ascoltare il testo premendo sul pulsante ASCOLTA IL TESTO. Inoltre è possibile scegliere anche la varietà di pronuncia che si preferisce: inglese britannico, americano, australiano, scozzese o indiano! Per operare la scelta cliccare sul simbolo di ruota dentata quando il player è visibile.

A salesman entered a client’s office.  No one was in the office except a big dog who was sweeping the floor.  The salesman stared at the dog.

The dog looked up and said, “Don’t be surprised, this is part of my job.”

“Incredible”, said the salesman, “I can’t believe it, a talking dog!  I’m going to tell your boss.”

“Oh no,” pleaded the dog, “Please don’t!  If he finds out I can talk, he’ll make me answer the phones!”

An airline pilot to his passengers:
           “Ladies and gentlemen, I have some good news and some bad news.
             The bad news is that we have a hijacker on board.
             The good news is that he wants to go to Hawaii!”

At the travel agency where I work, we get numerous phone calls.
Once a frantic woman wanted a zip code for Greece.
      “I’m sorry”, I told her, “This is a travel agency, not a Post Office.”
       She protested, “You send people to Greece, don’t you?”
       “Yes, we do,” I replied, “but not in an envelope!”

Our son comes home from college every weekend.  On  Sunday nights he usually leaves in a rush, grabbing whatever clothing is handy.
     “Your brother”,  I complained, “has taken all my hangers back to school with him.”
     “I know what you mean,”  he answered, “He took them to visit my socks!”

Students in a Russian course at New York University approached their first class with some apprehension about its difficulty.
     The professor entered the classroom, followed by his dog.
      Before saying a word to the students, he commanded the dog to sit, beg, lie down and roll over, all in Russian.
     The dog obeyed each command perfectly.
      “See how easy Russian is”, the professor said, “even a dog can learn it!”

These jokes are a perfect way of evaluating your students’ comprehension.

Tell the joke and then check out who is laughing!!! 

A Nice Thought
       “Everyone smiles in the same language!”







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    ENGLISHGRATIS.COM è un sito personale di
    Roberto Casiraghi e Crystal Jones
    email: robertocasiraghi at iol punto it

    Roberto Casiraghi           
    INFORMATIVA SULLA PRIVACY              Crystal Jones

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