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  1. Agnolo Gaddi
  2. Albrecht Altdorfer
  3. Albrecht Duerer
  4. Alessandro Magnasco
  5. Alfred Sisley
  6. Aligi Sassu
  7. Ambrogio Lorenzetti
  8. Andrea del Sarto
  9. Andrea del Verrocchio
  10. Andrea Mantegna
  11. Annibale Carracci
  12. Antoine Watteau
  13. Antonello da Messina
  14. Antonio da Correggio
  15. Arnold Boecklin
  16. Balthus
  17. Benozzo Gozzoli
  18. Camille Pissarro
  19. Canaletto
  20. Caravaggio
  21. Edouard Manet
  22. Cimabue
  23. Cima da Conegliano
  24. Claude Lorrain
  25. Claude Monet
  26. Diego Velazquez
  27. Domenico Ghirlandaio
  28. Duccio
  29. Edgar Degas
  30. Edvard Munch
  31. Egon Schiele
  32. El Greco
  33. Fernand Léger
  34. Filippo Lippi
  35. Fra Angelico
  36. François Boucher
  37. Francesco Guardi
  38. Francis Bacon
  39. Francisco Goya
  40. Francisco Zurbaran
  41. Francis Picabia
  42. Frans Hals
  43. Franz Marc
  44. Friedensreich Hundertwasser
  45. Gentile da Fabriano
  46. Georges de La Tour
  47. Georges-Pierre Seurat
  48. Georges Rouault
  49. Gerard Dou
  50. Gian Lorenzo Bernini
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  95. Paul Signac
  96. Peter Paul Rubens
  97. Piero della Francesca
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  99. Piero Pollaiuolo
  100. Pierre-Auguste Renoir
  101. Pierre Bonnard
  102. Pieter Brueghel the Elder
  103. Piet Mondriaan
  104. Pietro Annigoni
  105. Pisanello
  106. Pontormo
  107. Raphael
  108. Rembrandt
  109. Salvador Dalì
  110. Sandro Botticelli
  111. Sebastiano del Piombo
  112. Sebastiano Ricci
  113. Simone Martini
  114. Théodore Géricault
  115. Thomas Gainsborough
  116. Tintoretto
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  119. Vincent van Gogh
  120. Vittore Carpaccio
  121. William Blake
  122. William Hogarth


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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This article is about the Renaissance artist. For other uses, please see Raphael (disambiguation).

Raphael or Raffaello (April 6, 1483 – April 6, 1520), born in Urbino, Italy, was a master painter and architect of the Florentine school in the Italian High Renaissance, celebrated for the perfection and grace of his paintings. He was also called Raffaello Sanzio, Raffaello Santi, Raffaello da Urbino or Rafael Sanzio da Urbino.

Early life and work

The surname Sanzio derives from the latinization of the Italian, Santi, into Santius (also, when signing solely using his baptismal name, "Raphael"). His father, Giovanni Santi, was also a painter in the court of Urbino.

In 1491, his mother Màgia died; his father died on August 1, 1494, having already remarried. Thus orphaned at eleven, Raphael was entrusted to his uncle Bartolomeo, a priest. He had already shown talent, according to Giorgio Vasari - he tells that since childhood Raphael had been "a great help to his father". His father's workshop continued and probably together with his stepmother, Raphael evidently played a part in managing it from a very early age. He is described as a "master" in 1501. In Urbino he came into contact with the works of Uccello and Signorelli. According to Vasari, his father placed him in Perugino's workshop as an apprentice "despite the tears of his mother"; the subsequent influence of Perugino on Raphael's early work is most obvious. The evidence of an apprenticeship comes only from Vasari, and has been disputed. But most modern historians agree that Raphael worked as an assistant to Perugino from around 1500.

His first documented work was an altarpiece for the church of San Nicola of Tolentino in Città di Castello, a town halfway between Perugia and Urbino. It was ordered in 1500 and finished in 1501 (it was later seriously damaged during an earthquake in 1789 and today only fragments of it remain). In the following years he painted works for other churches there (like the Wedding of the Virgin, today in the Brera) and for Perugia. NINJ TURTLE NINJA TURTLE NINJA TURTLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY ROCK THE DAVID SOXS (look up the david)


In 1504 he went to Florence, where he studied the work of Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo. He spent almost four years there (the so-called "Florentine period"), but continued to travel to and work in other places (Perugia, Urbino and perhaps also Rome). He made friends with the local painters, particularly Fra Bartolomeo, who influenced him to discard the thin, graceful style of Perugino for more grandiose and powerful forms.


At the end of 1508, he moved to Rome and was immediately commissioned by Julius II to paint some of the rooms at his palace at the Vatican. This marked a turning point - he was only twenty-five years old, an artist in formation, and had not received commissions of such importance and prestige. He well exploited the situation, and remained almost exclusively in the service of Julius and his successor Leo X.

In 1514 he was named architect of the new St Peter's. Much of his work there was altered or demolished after his death, but he designed other buildings, and for a short time was both the most important architect and painter in Rome. In 1515 he was entrusted with the preservation and recording of the Vatican collections of ancient sculpture.

After his arrival in Rome, he devoted his efforts to the great Vatican projects, although he still painted portraits of his two main patrons, the popes Julius II and his successor Leo X, the latter portrait considered one of his finest.

Sybils, fresco in the church of Santa Maria della Pace in Rome.
Sybils, fresco in the church of Santa Maria della Pace in Rome.

One of his most important papal commissions was the Raphael Cartoons (now Victoria and Albert Museum), a series of 10 cartoons for tapestries with scenes of the lives of Saint Paul and Saint Peter, intended as wall decoration for the Sistine Chapel. The cartoons were sent to Bruxelles to be sewn in the workshop of Pier van Aelst; the first three tapestries were sent to Rome in 1519. It is possible that Raphael saw the finished series before his death — they were completed in 1520 for Leo X.

Lucretia, engraved by Raimondi after a design by Raphael.
Lucretia, engraved by Raimondi after a design by Raphael.

Raphael, who in Rome lived in Borgo, never married, but it appears that in 1514 he was engaged to Maria Bibbiena (a cardinal's granddaughter); she died in 1520. The other woman in his life was La Fornarina, a beauty named Margherita, the daughter of a baker (fornaro) named Francesco Luti from Siena who lived at via del Governo Vecchio. According to Vasari, his premature death on Good Friday (April 6, 1520) was caused by a night of excessive sex with her, after which he fell into a fever and, not telling his doctors that this was its cause, was given the wrong cure, which killed him. Whatever the cause, in his acute illness Raphael had the wit to receive the last rites, and put his affairs in order. He took the care to dictate his will, in which he left sufficient funds for her care, entrusted to his loyal servant Bavera. Vasari underlines that Raphael was also born on a Good Friday, in 1483, on the 27th or 28th of March. At his request, he was buried in the Pantheon. Art historians and doctors debate whether the right hand on the left breast in La Fornarina reveal a cancerous breast tumour detailed and disguised in a classic pose of love [1].


Raphael made no prints himself, but entered into a collaboration with Marcantonio Raimondi to produce engravings to Raphael's designs, which created many of the most famous Italian prints of the century, and was important in the rise of the reproductive print. A total of about 50 prints were made; some were copies of Raphael's paintings, but other designs were apparently created only to be made into prints. Raphael made preparatory drawings, many of which survive, for Raimondi to translate into engraving. The two most famous original prints to result from the collaboration were Lucretia and The Massacre of the Innocents. Outside Italy, reproductive prints by Raimondi and others were the main way that Raphael's art was experienced until the twentieth century.


The Inscription in his marble ancient sarcophagus, a distichon written by Pietro Bembo, reads: "Ille hic est Raffael, timuit quo sospite vinci, rerum magna parens et moriente mori." Meaning (according to the sign beside it): "Here lies Raffaello who, when alive, Nature was afraid to be won by him, when he died, she wanted to die herself".

Raphael was highly admired by his contemporaries. When compared to Michelangelo and Titian, he was sometimes considered inferior; at the same time, it was maintained that none of them shared all the qualities possessed by Raphael, "ease" in particular.

La Fornarina.
La Fornarina.
Madonna with the Fish.
Madonna with the Fish.
Portrait of Julius II.
Portrait of Julius II.
Portrait of Baldassare Castiglione.
Portrait of Baldassare Castiglione.
Saint George.
Saint George.

Chronology of main works

Early works

  • Angel (fragment of the Baronci Altarpiece) (1500-1501) - Oil on wood, 31 x 27 cm, Pinacoteca Civica Tosio Martinengo, Brescia, Italy
  • Angel (fragment of the Baronci Altarpiece) (1500-1501) - Oil on wood, 57 x 36 cm, Louvre, Paris
  • St. Sebastian (1501-1502) - Oil on wood, 43 x 34 cm, Accademia Carrara, Bergamo
  • The Crowning of the Virgin (Oddi Altar) (c. 1501-1503) - Oil on canvas, 267 x 163 cm, Pinacoteca Vaticana, Vatican, Rome
  • The Annunciation (Oddi Altar, predella) (c. 1501-1503) - Oil on canvas, 27 x 50 cm, Pinacoteca Vaticana, Vatican, Rome
  • The Adoration of the Magi (Oddi Altar) (c. 1501-1503) - Oil on canvas, 27 x 150 cm, Pinacoteca Vaticana, Vatican, Rome
  • The Presentation in the Temple (Oddi Altar, predella) (c. 1501-1503) - Oil on canvas, 27 x 50 cm, Pinacoteca Vaticana, Vatican, Rome
  • Portrait of a Man - Oil on wood, 45 x 31 cm, Galleria Borghese, Rome
  • Madonna Solly (Madonna with the Child) (1500-1504) - Oil on tablet, 53 x 38 cm, Gemäldegalerie, Berlin
  • Mond Crucifixion (Città di Castello Altarpiece) (1501-1503) - Oil on wood, 281 x 165 cm, National Gallery, London
  • Three Graces (c. 1501-1505) - Musée Condé, Chantilly, France
  • St. Michael (c. 1501) - Louvre, Paris
  • Connestabile Madonna (1502-1503) - Tempera on wood, 17,5 x 18 cm, The Hermitage, St. Petersburg
  • Madonna and Child (1503) - Oil on wood, 55 x 40 cm, Norton Simon Museum of Art, Pasadena
  • The Marriage of the Virgin (1504) - Oil on roundheaded panel, 174 x 121 cm, Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan
  • Vision of a Knight (1504) - Egg tempera on poplar, 17.1 x 17.1 cm, National Gallery, London
  • St. George (1504) - Oil on tablet, 31 x 27 cm, Louvre, Paris
  • Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints (Colonna Altarpiece), (1504-1505) - Tempera and gold on wood, 172,4 x 172,4 cm (main panel), Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
  • Portrait of Perugino (c. 1504) - Tempera on wood, 57 x 42 cm, Uffizi, Florence

Florentine period

  • Portrait of Elisabetta Gonzaga (c. 1504) - Oil on wood, 52,9 x 37,4 cm, Uffizi, Florence
  • Portrait of Pietro Bembo (c. 1504) - Oil on wood, 54 x 69 cm, Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest
  • Self-portrait (1504-1506) -
  • Madonna of the Grand Duke (c. 1505) - Oil on wood, 84 x 55 cm, Palazzo Pitti, Florence
  • The Ansidei Madonna (The Madonna between St. John Baptist and St. Nicholas of Bari) (c. 1505-1506) - Oil on poplar, 274 x 152 cm, National Gallery, London
  • Young Man with an Apple (1505) - Oil on wood, 47 x 35 cm, Uffizi, Florence
  • Christ Blessing (1505) - Oil on wood, 30 x 25 cm, Pinacoteca Civica Tosio Martinengo, Brescia, Italy
  • Madonna Terranova (1504-1505) - Oil on wood, 87 cm, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
  • The Madonna of the Goldfinch (c. 1505) - Uffizi, Florence
  • Madonna del Prato (The Madonna of the Meadow) (c. 1505) – Oil on wood, 113 x 88 cm, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna
  • St. George and the Dragon (1505-1506) - Oil on wood, 28.5 x 21.5 cm, National Gallery of Art, Washington
  • Portrait of Agnolo Doni (1505-1507) - Oil on wood, 63 x 45 cm, Palazzo Pitti, Florence
  • Portrait of Maddalena Doni (1505-1507) – Oil on wood, 63 x 45 cm, Palazzo Pitti, Florence
  • Madonna of the Pinks (1506)
  • Madonna with Beardless St. Joseph (1506) - Tempera on canvas transferred from wood, 74 x 57 cm, The Hermitage, St. Petersburg
  • Saint Catherine of Alexandria (1507) - Oil on wood, 72 x 55 cm, National Gallery, London
  • Canigiani Holy Family (1507) - Oil on wood, 132 x98 cm, Alte Pinakothek, Munich
  • La belle jardinière (1507) - Louvre, Paris
  • The Deposition of Christ (The Entombment) (1507-1508) - Oil on wood, 184 x 176 cm, Galleria Borghese, Rome
  • The Three Theological Virtues (tryptic) (1507) - Oil on wood, 16 x 44 cm (each), Pinacoteca Vaticana, Vatican, Rome
  • Portrait of a Young Woman (La Muta) (1507-1508) - Oil on wood, 64 x 48 cm, Galleria Nazionale delle Marche, Urbino
  • The Tempi Madonna (Madonna with the Child) (1508) - Alte Pinakothek, Munich

Roman period

  • La disputa (1509-1510) - Fresco, width at base 770 cm, Vatican, Rome
  • The School of Athens (1509-1510) - Fresco, width at base 770 cm, Vatican, Rome
  • Madonna of Loreto (Madonna del Velo) (1509-1510) - Oil on wood, 120 x 90 cm, Musée Condé, Chantilly, France
  • Aldobrandini Madonna (1510) - Oil on wood, 38,7 x 32,7 cm, National Gallery, London
  • Madonna with the Blue Diadem (1510-1511) - Oil on wood, 68 x 44 cm, Musée du Louvre, Paris
  • Portrait of a Cardinal (1510-1511) - Oil on wood, 79 x 61 cm, Museo del Prado, Madrid
  • Alba Madonna (1511) - Oil on canvas, diameter 98 cm, National Gallery of Art, Washington
  • The Parnassus (1511) - Fresco, width at base 670 cm, Vatican, Rome
  • The Cardinal Virtues (1511) - Fresco, width at base 660 cm, Vatican, Rome
  • Portrait of Pope Julius II (1511-1512) - Oil on wood, 108 x 80,7 cm, National Gallery, London
  • The Prophet Isaiah (1511-1512) - Fresco, 250 x 155 cm, Sant'Agostino, Rome
  • The Expulsion of Heliodorus from the Temple (1511-1512) - Fresco, width at base 750 cm, Vatican, Rome
  • Portrait of Pope Julius II (1512) - Oil on wood, 108,5 x 80 cm, Uffizi, Florence
  • The Madonna of Foligno (1511-1512) - Oil on wood, 320 x 194 cm, Pinacoteca Vaticana, Vatican, Rome
  • The Triumph of Galatea (1511-1513) - Fresco, 295 x 224 cm, Villa Farnesina, Rome
  • Portrait of Tommaso Inghirami (1512-1514) - Boston
  • Sistine Madonna (c. 1513-1516) - Oil on canvas, 265 x 196 cm, Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, Dresden
  • Madonna della seggiola (Madonna with the Child and Young St. John) (1513-1514) - Oil on wood, diameter 71 cm, Galleria Palatina (Palazzo Pitti), Florence
  • Madonna dell'Impannata (1513-1514) - Oil on wood, 158 x 125 cm, Galleria Palatina (Palazzo Pitti), Florence
  • Madonna della tenda (1514) - Oil on wood, 65,8 x 51,2 cm, Alte Pinakothek, Munich
  • The Fire in the Borgo (1514) - Fresco, width at base 670 cm, Vatican, Rome
  • Deliverance of Saint Peter (1514) - Fresco, width at base 660 cm, Vatican, Rome
  • Portrait of Bindo Altoviti (c. 1514) - Oil on tablet, 60 x 44 cm - National Gallery of Art, Washington
  • The Sibyls (1514) - Fresco, width at base 615 cm,Santa Maria della Pace, Rome
  • The Ecstasy of St. Cecilia (1514-1516) - Oil on wood, 220 x 136 cm, Pinacoteca Nazionale, Bologna
  • Portrait of Balthasar Castiglione (c. 1515) - Oil on canvas, 82 x 67 cm, Louvre, Paris
  • Woman with a Veil (La Donna Velata) (1515-1516) - Oil on canvas, 82 x 60,5 cm, Palazzo Pitti, Florence
  • Portrait of Tommaso Inghirami (1515-1516) - Oil on wood, 91 x 61 cm, Palazzo Pitti, Florence
  • Palazzo Branconio dell'Aquila in Borgo (c. 1515-1517) - Destroyed
  • Portrait of Andrea Navagero and Agostino Beazzano (1516) -
  • Portrait of Cardinal Bibbiena (c. 1516) - Oil on canvas, 85 x 66,3 cm , Palazzo Pitti, Florence
  • Double Portrait (c. 1516) - Oil on canvas, 77 x 111 cm , Galleria Doria Pamphilj, Rome
  • Church of Sant'Eligio degli Orefici near Via Giulia (c. 1516)
  • Transfiguration (1517-c. 1520) - Oil on wood, 405 x 278 cm, Vatican Museum, Rome
  • Portrait of Pope Leo X with two Cardinals (1517-1518) - Oil on wood, 155 x 118 cm, Palazzo Pitti, Florence
  • Christ Falling on the Way to Calvary (1516-1517) - Oil on panel transferred to canvas, 318 x 229 cm, Museo del Prado, Madrid
  • The Holy Family of Francis I (1518) - Louvre, Paris
  • Ezechiel’s Vision (1518) – Oil on wood, 40 x 29 cm, Palazzo Pitti, Florence
  • St. Michael Vanquishing Satan (1518) - Louvre, Paris
  • Madonna of the Rose (1518) -
  • Self-portrait with a Friend (1518-1519) - Oil on canvas, 99 x 83 cm, Louvre, Paris
  • Portrait of a Young Woman (La fornarina) (1518-1519) - Oil on wood, 85 x 60 cm, Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica, Rome
  • Visitation - Museo del Prado, Madrid

See also

  • Raphael Cartoons

External links

  • V&A London online feature on the Raphael Cartoons
  • Webmuseum, Paris: Raphael
  • Web Gallery of Art
  • Most of the Raphael/Raimondi prints from the San Francisco Museums
  • Raphael Santi
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