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                                                       VAI ALLA RIVISTA NUMERO: 

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Indice del n. 2

  1. January
  2. Email hacking
  3. Laura Pausini
  4. Expedition of the Thousand
  5. You can't have your cake and eat it
  6. Ravi Shankar
  7. Association football
  8. Fractional reserve banking
  9. American English
  10. Shaken, not stirred
  11. Skyfall
  12. Smart
  13. Adele
  14. Sanremo Music Festival
  15. Amazon Kindle
  16. iPad Mini
  17. 2012 Italian shooting in the Arabian Sea
  18. John Kerry
  19. Arms industry
  20. Gérard Depardieu
  21. Camorra
  22. Angela Merkel
  23. Venice
  24. Samsung Galaxy Note II
  25. Crowd funding
  26. Freedom of the press
  27. WikiLeaks
  28. Curiosity
  29. Lucio Dalla
  30. Influenza
  31. Taxation in the United States
  32. J. K. Rowling
  33. Juventus F.C.
  34. Italian diaspora
  35. Life of Pi
  36. Pub
  37. Lidl
  38. Book scanning
  39. English as a second or foreign language
  40. Microsoft Surface
  41. The Adventures of Tintin
  42. United States fiscal cliff
  43. Peer-to-peer lending
  44. Pinterest
  45. PayPal
  46. Italian dialects
  47. The Right Honourable
  48. High-speed rail
  49. Expatriate
  50. Cesare Beccaria


WIKIMAG n. 2 - Gennaio 2013 

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An expatriate (in abbreviated form, expat) is a person temporarily or permanently residing in a country and culture other than that of the person's upbringing. The word comes from the Latin terms ex ("out of") and patria ("country, fatherland").



In its broadest sense, an expatriate is any person living in a different country from where he is a citizen. In common usage, the term is often used in the context of professionals sent abroad by their companies, as opposed to locally hired staff. The differentiation found in common usage usually comes down to socio-economic factors, so skilled professionals working in another country are described as expatriates, whereas a manual labourer who has moved to another country to earn more money might be labelled an 'immigrant'. There is no set definition and usage does vary depending on context and individual preferences and prejudices. 'Expatriation' has also been used in a legal sense to mean 'renunciation of allegiance;' the U.S. Expatriation Act of 1868 said in its preamble, 'the right of expatriation is a natural and inherent right of all people, indispensable to the enjoyment of the rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.'[1]

In the 19th century and early 20th century, many Americans, numbering perhaps in the thousands, were drawn to European cultural centers, especially Munich and Paris. The author Henry James, for instance, adopted England as his home while Ernest Hemingway lived in Paris.

The term 'expatriate' in some countries also has a legal context used for tax purposes. An expatriate living in a country can receive a favourable tax treatment. In this context a person can only be an expatriate if they move to a country other than their own to work with the intent of returning to their home country within a certain period. The number of years can vary per tax jurisdiction, but 5 years is the most commonly used maximum period. If you are not affected by taxes 3 years is normally the maximum time spent in one country.[clarification needed]

During the Nazi era, the German government deprived many left-wing and intellectual opponents of citizenship through expatriation, such as Albert Einstein, Oskar Maria Graf, Willy Brandt and Thomas Mann, often expatriating entire families.[2][3]

Trends in expatriation

During the later half of the 20th century, expatriation was dominated by professionals sent by their employers to foreign subsidiaries or headquarters. Starting at the end of the 20th century globalization created a global market for skilled professionals and leveled the income of skilled professionals relative to cost of living while the income differences of the unskilled remained large. The cost of intercontinental travel had become sufficiently low such that employers not finding the skill in a local market could effectively turn to recruitment on a global scale.[citation needed]

This has created a different type of expatriate where commuter and short-term assignments are becoming more common and often used by organizations to supplement traditional expatriation.[4] Private motivation is becoming more relevant than company assignments. Families might often stay behind when work opportunities amount to months instead of years. The cultural impact of this trend is more significant. Traditional corporate expatriates did not integrate and commonly only associated with the elite of the country they were living in. Modern expatriates form a global middle class with shared work experiences in a multi-national corporation and working and living the global financial and economical centers. Integration is incomplete but strong cultural influences are transmitted. Middle class expatriates contain many re-migrants from emigration movements one or two generations earlier.

Where the initiative for expatriation does not come from employers but originates from individuals, management researchers describe this as self-initiated expatriation (SIE).[5] There are also expatriate executives that are appointed by local companies in distant countries rather than being posted there by foreign multinational corporations. Some Asian companies, for example, have recently hired a number of Western managers.[6] These executives can also be viewed as self-initiated expatriates.

In Dubai the population is predominantly expatriates, from countries such as India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and the Philippines, with only 20% of the population made up of citizens.[7]

The continuing shift in expatriates has often been difficult to measure. According to UN statistics, more than 200 million people would be living outside of their home country in 2010.[citation needed] However, this number also includes economic migrants.

In terms of outbound expatriation, as of 2009, the United Kingdom had the highest number of expatriates among OECD countries with more than three million British living abroad, followed by Germany and Italy.[8] On an annual basis, emigration from Britain has stood at about 400,000 per year for the past 10 years.[9] Expatriates from the UK have the advantage of being able to convert their existing pension scheme into a Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Scheme (QROPS), often providing tax advantages in other countries with lower tax rates.[10] Expatriates qualify for and enjoy access to a wide range of financial products, investing offshore in products not restricted by the financial services or tax regulations in their home country or the place where they live now.[11]

In terms of influx of expatriates, the most popular expatriate destinations are currently Spain, followed by Germany and Britain.[12]

The Expat Directory is currently collating information on expatriate movements to provide a statistical overview of expatriate origin and destination countries. Current statistics show that the majority of expatriates originate from the United States. The questionnaire aims to provide further information or key destinations and the length of time that expatriates spend overseas. The survey will remain open ended with monthly snapshots collated from March 2010.[13]

There are currently an estimated 5.2 million Americans living outside the United States. The US is the only industrialized country to tax citizens on income earned abroad, even when taxed by their countries of residence, though they are allowed to exclude their first $91,400. Additionally, US law requires expatriates to report any foreign bank accounts exceeding $10,000, with heavy fines for noncompliance. American expatriates have also frequently been denied service at banks and other institutions in their countries of residence, as the US government requires other nations to abide by its banking and financial laws when dealing with its citizens. As a result, hundreds of US expatriates renounce their US citizenship every year.[14][15]

Human resource management of expatriate employees

The salary of internationally assigned personnel customarily often consists of standard salary and monetary benefits such as cost of living and/or hardship allowances (COLA) supported by non-monetary incentives i.e. housing and education. Some companies will completely cover the cost of expatriate children's education, even at relatively expensive international schools, while other, usually smaller companies, encourage families to find local schooling options.

International corporations often have a company-wide policy and coaching system that includes spouses at an earlier stage in the decision-making process. Not many companies provide any compensation for loss of income of expatriate spouses, although they often do provide other benefits and assistance. The level of support differs, ranging from offering a job-hunting course for spouses at the new location to full service partner support structures, run by volunteering spouses supported by the organization. An example of an expatriate-led project can be found in the Gracia Arts Project of Barcelona.

There are several advantages and disadvantages of using expatriate employees to staff international company subsidiaries.[16] Advantages include, permitting closer control and coordination of international subsidiaries and providing a broader global perspective. Disadvantages include high transfer costs, the possibility of encountering local government restrictions, and possibly creating a problem of adaptability to foreign environments.[17]

HR departments often use services of relocation companies, who assist expats in moving abroad as well as managing expat's related administrative issues such as: assignment management, financial management and reporting to name a few.

Expatriate Archive Centre

The Expatriate Archive Centre in The Hague (Netherlands) has a unique collection of letters, diaries, photographs and films documenting the social history of expatriate life. It collects journals, letters, diaries and photographs – in fact, almost any document from the past detailing the lives and experiences of people working and living away from their home country.

The Expatriate Archive’s purpose is to collect, preserve, promote, and make available to the public and researchers a collection of primary source materials documenting the social history of expatriate life. It aims to give a voice to the memories and experiences of expatriates of all nationalities from all over the world, and to establish a research resource for historians worldwide.

Expat Explorer Survey (2012)

Expat Explorer is the global survey of expats, undertaken by HSBC Expat and conducted by third party research company YouGov. 5,339 expats were questioned through an online survey.[18]

The report covers three key aspects of expat life:

1. Expat Economics

Expat Economics focuses on how the economic situation differs for expats from country to country. Expat Economics Overall (includes; Wealth Hotspot, Income, Disposable Income, and Luxuries) [19]

  1.  Singapore 0.50
  2.  Bermuda 0.46
  3.  Thailand 0.45
  4.  Hong Kong 0.41
  5.  Cayman Islands 0.40
  6.  Mexico 0.38
  7.  China 0.35
  8.  Switzerland 0.33
  9.  Bahrain 0.31
  10.  Vietnam 0.30

2. Expat Experience

Expat Experience looks at an expat’s lifestyle, especially the ease with which expats can set up in their new country, how well they integrate into the local community, and their overall quality of life Expat Experience Overall (includes; Overall Setting Up, Overall Integration, and Overall Quality of Life) [20]

  1.  Cayman Islands 0.64
  2.  Thailand 0.58
  3.  Spain 0.58
  4.  Singapore 0.56
  5.  Malaysia 0.54
  6.  Mexico 0.53
  7.  Switzerland 0.52
  8.  Germany 0.52
  9.  South Africa 0.51
  10.  Australia 0.50

3. Raising Children Abroad

Raising Children Abroad looks at the perceptions of expat parents of the cost of raising children, the quality of education and childcare services, changes in children’s diet and activities after relocating, and the ease with which children are able to integrate into new cultures. Raising Children Abroad Overall (includes; Overall Offspring, Childcare, Health & Wellbeing, and Integration) [21]


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agg. 13.12.12
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