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  1. A Dictionary of Americanisms
  2. A Dictionary of the English Language
  3. A Greek-English Lexicon
  4. A Latin Dictionary
  5. American and British English spelling differences
  6. Anagram dictionary
  8. Babel Fish
  9. Babylon Ltd
  10. Bank of English
  11. Basic English
  12. Bilingual dictionary
  13. Black's Law Dictionary
  14. Brewer's Dictionary of Irish Phrase and Fable
  15. Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable
  16. British National Corpus
  17. Bryson's Dictionary of Troublesome Words
  18. Canadian Oxford Dictionary
  19. Centre for Lexicography
  20. Chambers Dictionary
  22. Collaborative International Dictionary of English
  23. Concise Oxford Dictionary
  24. Corpus linguistics
  25. Defining vocabulary
  26. Definition
  27. Descriptionary
  28. DICT
  29. Dictionary
  30. Dictionary of American English
  31. Dictionary of American Regional English
  32. Dictionary of National Biography
  33. Dictionary of Received Ideas
  34. Dictionary of the Scots Language
  35. Dord
  36. Dorland's Medical Dictionary
  37. Easton's Bible Dictionary
  38. Electronic dictionary
  39. Encyclopedic dictionary
  40. English language
  41. Etymological dictionary
  42. Etymology
  43. FrameNet
  44. Franklin Electronic Publishers
  45. Freedict
  46. Free On-line Dictionary of Computing
  47. Free On-line Dictionary of Philosophy
  48. Gazetteer
  49. Gloss
  50. Glossary
  51. Glyph
  52. Gnome-dictionary
  53. Grady Ward
  54. Grammar
  55. HarperCollins
  56. Harvard Dictionary of Music
  57. Headword
  58. Idiom dictionary
  59. Imperial Dictionary
  60. Interglot
  61. James Murray
  62. Jargon File
  63. KMLE Medical Dictionary
  64. Law dictionary
  65. Legal lexicography
  66. Lemma
  67. LEO
  68. Lexeme
  69. Lexicographic error
  70. Lexicographic information cost
  71. Lexicography
  72. Lexicon
  73. Lexicon technicum
  74. Lexigraf
  75. Linguistic Data Consortium
  76. List of online dictionaries
  77. Logos Dictionary
  78. Longman
  79. LSP dictionary
  80. Macquarie Dictionary
  81. Main Page
  82. Maximizing dictionary
  83. Medical dictionary
  84. Merriam-Webster
  85. Merriam-Webster%27s Geographical Dictionary
  86. Minimizing dictionary
  87. Moby Project
  88. Moby Thesaurus
  89. Monolingual learner's dictionary
  90. Multi-field dictionary
  91. New Oxford American Dictionary
  92. New Oxford Dictionary of English
  93. Noah Webster
  94. Official Scrabble Players Dictionary
  95. OmniDictionary
  96. OneLook
  97. Online Etymology Dictionary
  98. Oxford Advanced Learner%27s Dictionary
  99. Oxford Classical Dictionary
  100. Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium
  101. Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology
  102. Oxford Dictionary of World Religions
  103. Oxford English Corpus
  104. Oxford English Dictionary
  105. Oxford spelling
  106. Oxford University Press
  107. Project Gutenberg
  108. Pronunciation
  109. Pseudodictionary
  110. Quotations
  111. Random House Dictionary of the English Language
  113. Rhyming dictionary
  114. Roger's Profanisaurus
  115. Roget's Thesaurus
  116. Samuel Johnson
  117. Shorter Oxford English Dictionary
  118. Single-field dictionary
  119. Slang dictionary
  120. Specialised lexicography
  121. Specialized dictionary
  122. Spelling
  123. StarDict
  124. Sub-field dictionary
  125. Synonyms
  126. Table Alphabeticall
  127. The Century Dictionary
  128. The Computer Contradictionary
  129. The Devil's Dictionary
  130. The Devil's Dictionary X
  132. The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy
  133. The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations
  134. Thesaurus
  135. The Surgeon of Crowthorne
  136. Translation dictionary
  137. Urban Dictionary
  138. Vines Expository Dictionary
  139. Webster's Dictionary
  140. Webster's New World Dictionary
  141. Wikipedia
  142. Wiktionary
  143. William Whitaker's Words
  144. WordNet
  145. World Book Dictionary
  146. Xrefer



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American and British English spelling differences

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American and British English spelling differences are one aspect of American and British English differences. In the early 18th century, English spelling was not standardised. Different standards became noticeable after the publishing of influential dictionaries. Current British English spellings follow, for the most part, those of Samuel Johnson's Dictionary of the English Language (1755). Many of the now characteristic American English spellings were introduced, although often not created, by Noah Webster (An American Dictionary of the English Language (1828)).

Webster was a strong proponent of spelling reform for reasons both philological and nationalistic. Many spelling changes proposed in the U.S. by Webster himself, and in the early 20th century by the Simplified Spelling Board, never caught on. Among the advocates of spelling reform in England, the influences of those who preferred the Norman (or Anglo-French) spellings of certain words proved decisive. Subsequent spelling adjustments in Britain had little effect on present-day U.S. spelling, and vice versa. While in many cases American English deviated in the 19th century from mainstream British spelling, on the other hand it has also often retained older forms.

The spelling systems of Commonwealth countries closely resemble the British system. In Canada, many "American" spellings are also used, often alongside "British" spellings. Detailed information on Canadian and Australian spelling is provided throughout the article.

Spelling and pronunciation

In a few cases, essentially the same word has a different spelling which reflects a different pronunciation. Commonwealth as Britain except where noted.

Latin-derived spellings


-our / -or

Most words ending in unstressed -our in Britain (e.g. colour, flavour, honour) end in -or in the U.S. (e.g. color, flavor, honor). Most words of this category derive from Latin non-agent nouns having nominative -or; the first such borrowings into English were from early Old French and the ending was -or or -ur[13]. After the Norman Conquest, the termination became -our in Anglo-French in an attempt to represent the Old French pronunciation of words ending in -or[14]. The -our ending was not only retained in English borrowings from Anglo-French, but also applied to earlier French borrowings[15]. After the Renaissance, some such borrowings from Latin were taken up with their original -or termination; many words once ending in -our (for example, chancellour and governour) now end in -or everywhere. Many words of the -our/-or group do not have a Latin counterpart; for example, armo(u)r, behavio(u)r, harbo(u)r, neighbo(u)r; also arbo(u)r in sense "bower"; senses "tree" and "tool" are always arbor, a false cognate of the other word. Some 16th and early 17th century British scholars indeed insisted that -or be used for words of Latin origin and -our for French loans; but in many cases the etymology was not completely clear, and therefore some scholars advocated -or only and others -our only[16].

As early as 1755 Dr Johnson settled on -our, while Webster's 1828 dictionary featured only -or and is generally given much of the credit for the adoption of this form in the U.S. By contrast, Johnson, unlike Webster, was not an advocate of spelling reform and for the most part simply recorded what he found. For example, documents [2] from the Old Bailey, the foremost court in London, support the view of the OED that by the 17th century "colour" was the settled spelling. Those English speakers who began to move across the Atlantic would have taken these habits with them and H L Mencken makes the point that, "honor appears in the Declaration of Independence, but it seems to have got there rather by accident than by design. In Jefferson’s original draft it is spelled honour. " [3] Examples such as color, flavor, behavior, harbor, or neighbor scarcely appear in the Old Bailey's court records from the 17th and 18th century, whereas examples of their -our counterparts are generally numbered in hundreds. One notable exception is honor: honor and honour were equally frequent down to the 17th century[17], and Honor still is in Britain the normal spelling for a person's name.

Derivatives and inflected forms. In derivatives and inflected forms of the -our/or words, in British usage the u is kept before English suffixes that are freely attachable to English words (neighbourhood, humourless, savoury) and suffixes of Greek or Latin origin that have been naturalised (favourite, honourable, behaviourism); before Latin suffixes that are not freely attachable to English words, the u can be dropped (honorific, honorist, vigorous, humorous, laborious, invigorate), can be either dropped or retained (colo(u)ration, colo(u)rise), or can be retained (colourist)[18]. In American usage, derivatives and inflected forms are built by simply adding the suffix in all environments (favorite, savory, etc.) since the u is absent to begin with.

Exceptions. American usage most often retains the u in the word glamour, which comes from Scots, not Latin or French; saviour is a common variant of savior in the U.S.; the name of the herb savory is thus spelled everywhere (although the probably related adjective savo(u) ry does have a u in Britain).

Commonwealth usage. Commonwealth countries normally follow British usage. In Canada -or endings are not uncommon, particularly in the Prairie Provinces, though they are rarer in Eastern Canada[19]. In Australia, -or terminations enjoyed some use in the 19th century, and now are sporadically found in some regions[20], usually in local and regional newspapers, though -our is almost universal.


-re / -er

In British usage, some words of French, Latin, or Greek origin end with a consonant followed by -re, with the -re unstressed and pronounced [ə(ɹ)]. Most of these words have the ending -er in the U.S. This is especially true of endings -bre and -tre: fibre/fiber, sabre/saber, centre/center (though some places in the United States have "Centre" in their names, named both before and after spelling reform, and there are very occasional uses of "Center" in England [4]), spectre/specter (though spectre is acceptable in the U.S.).

Theater is the prevailing American spelling and is used by America's national theater as well as major American newspapers such as the New York Times (theater section) to refer to both the dramatic arts as well as to buildings where performances take place; yet theatre is also current, witness Broadway and The New Yorker.

Macabre is an exception, perhaps because in the U.S., the word is regarded as French, and is even pronounced as a French word, if the final syllable is pronounced at all. The ending -cre is retained in the U.S.: acre, massacre, and so on; this prevents the c losing its hard k sound (however it should be noted that acre was spelled æcer in Old English and aker in Middle English, compare Icelandic akr, Gothic Aker(s), Old High German Ackar, German Acker, Latin ager.)

There are not many other -re endings, even in British English: louvre, manoeuvre, meagre, ochre, ogre, sepulchre, and euchre. In the U.S., ogre and euchre are standard, manoeuvre and sepulchre are usually maneuver and sepulcher, and the other -re forms listed are variants of the equivalent -er form.

Of course the above relates to root words; -er rather than -re is universal as a suffix for agentive (reader, winner) and comparative (louder, nicer) forms. One consequence is the British distinction of meter for a measuring instrument from metre for the unit of measurement. However, while poetic metre is often -re, pentameter, hexameter, etc. are always -er.

The e preceding the r is retained in U.S. derived forms of nouns and verbs, for example, fibers, reconnoitered, centering, which are, naturally, fibres, reconnoitred and centring respectively in British usage. It is dropped for other inflections, for example, central, fibrous, spectral. However such dropping cannot be regarded as proof of an -re British spelling: for example, entry derives from enter, which is never spelled entre.

Commonwealth usage[21]. The -re endings are standard throughout the Commonwealth. The -er spellings are recognised, as minor variants, only in Canada.


-ce / -se

Nouns ending in -ce with -se verb forms: American English and British English both retain the noun/verb distinction in advice / advise and device / devise, but American English has lost the same distinction with licence / license and practice / practise that British spelling retains. American English uses practice and license for both meanings. Also, American English has kept the Anglo-French spelling for defense and offense, which are usually defence and offence in British English; similarly there are the American pretense and British pretence; but derivatives such as defensive, offensive, pretension, pretentious are always thus spelled in both systems.

Commonwealth usage. Canadian English generally follows British usage for licence/license[citation needed], defence, offence and practice[citation needed]; both pretence[citation needed] and pretense are found. Rest of the Commonwealth as UK.


-xion / -ction

The spellings connexion, inflexion, deflexion, reflexion are now somewhat rare in everyday British usage, but are not known at all in the U.S: the more common connection, inflection, deflection, reflection have almost become the standard internationally. However, the Oxford English Dictionary lists the older spellings as the etymologically correct form, since these four words actually derive from the Latin root -xio.

Connexion has found preference again amongst recent British government initiatives such as Connexions (the national careers and training scheme for school early leavers). Until the early 1980s, The Times of London also used connexion as part of its house style.[22] It is still used in legal texts and British Methodism retains the eighteenth century spelling connexion to describe its national organisation, for historical reasons.

In both forms, complexion (which comes from the stem complex) is standard and complection is not. However, the adjective complected (as in "dark complected"), although sometimes objected to, can be used as an alternative to complexioned in the U.S.[5], but is quite unknown in Britain. (Note, however, that crucifiction is simply an error in either form of English; crucifixion is the correct spelling.)

Greek-derived spellings


-ise / -ize

American spelling accepts only -ize endings in most cases, such as organize, recognize, and realize. British usage accepts both -ize and the more French-looking -ise (organise, recognise, realise). However, the -ize spelling is now rarely used in the UK in the mass media and newspapers, and is hence often incorrectly regarded as an Americanism,[23] despite being preferred by some authoritative British sources, including Fowler's Modern English Usage and the Oxford English Dictionary, which until recently did not list the -ise form of many individual words, even as an alternative. Indeed, it firmly deprecates this usage, stating, "The suffix, whatever the element to which it is added, is in its origin the Greek... (or) Latin -izare; and, as the pronunciation is also with z, there is no reason why in English the special French spelling in -iser should be followed, in opposition to that which is at once etymological and phonetic."[24] Noah Webster rejected -ise for the same reasons.[25]

But the OED might be fighting a losing battle. The -ise form is used by the British government and is more prevalent in common usage within the UK today; the ratio between -ise and -ize stands at 3:2 in the British National Corpus[26]. The OED spelling (which can be indicated by the registered IANA language tag en-GB-oed), and thus -ize, is used in many British-based academic publications, such as Nature, the Biochemical Journal and The Times Literary Supplement. In Australia and New Zealand -ise spellings strongly prevail; the Australian Macquarie Dictionary, among other sources, gives the -ise spelling first. Conversely, Canadian usage is essentially like American, although -ise is occasionally found in Canada. Worldwide, -ize endings prevail in scientific writing and are commonly used by many international organizations.

The same pattern applies to derivatives and inflections such as colonisation/colonization.

Endings in -yze are now found only in the U.S. and Canada. Thus, Commonwealth (including sometimes Canada) analyse, catalyse, hydrolyse, paralyse; North American analyze, catalyze, hydrolyze, paralyze. It is worth noting, however, that analyse was commonly spelled analyze from the first — a spelling also accepted by Samuel Johnson; the word, which came probably from French analyser, on Greek analogy would have been analysize, from French analysiser, from which analyser was formed by haplology[27].

Note that not all spellings are interchangeable; some verbs take the -z- form exclusively, for instance capsize, seize (except in the legal phrase to be seised of/to stand seised to), size and prize (only in the "appraise" sense), whereas others take only -s-: advertise, advise, apprise, arise, chastise, circumcise, comprise, compromise, demise, despise, devise, disguise, excise, exercise, franchise, improvise, incise, merchandise, revise, supervise, surmise, surprise, and televise. Finally, the verb prise (meaning to force or lever) is spelled prize in the U.S. and prise everywhere else, including Canada[28], although in North American English pry (a back-formation from or alteration of prise) is often used in its place[29].


-ogue / -og

Some words of Greek origin, a few of which derive from Greek λόγος, can end either in -ogue or in -og: analog(ue), catalog(ue), dialog(ue), demagog(ue), pedagog(ue), monolog(ue), homolog(ue), etc. In Britain (and generally in the Commonwealth), the -ogue endings are the standard. In the U.S., catalog has a slight edge over catalogue[30] (note the inflected forms, cataloged and cataloging vs. catalogued and cataloguing); analog is standard for the adjective, but both analogue and analog are current for the noun; in all other cases the -gue endings strongly prevail[31], except for such expressions as dialog box in computing, which are also used in Britain. Finally, in Canada and Australia as well as the U.S. analog has currency as a technical term[32] (e.g. in electronics, as in "analog computer" and many video game consoles might have an analog stick).

Simplification of ae (æ) and oe (œ)

Many words are written with ae or oe in British English, but a single e in American English. The sound in question is [i] or [ɛ] (or unstressed [ə]). Examples (with non-American letter in bold): anaemia, anaesthesia, caesium, diarrhoea, gynaecology, haemophilia, leukaemia, oesophagus, oestrogen, orthopaedic, paediatric. Words where British usage varies include encyclopaedia, foetus (though the British medical community deems this variant unacceptable for the purposes of journal articles and the like, since the Latin spelling is actually fetus), homoeopathy, mediaeval. In American usage, aesthetics and archaeology prevail over esthetics and archeology[33], while oenology is a minor variant of enology.

The Ancient Greek diphthongs <αι> and <οι> were transliterated into Latin as <ae> and <oe>. The ligatures æ and œ were introduced when the sounds became monophthongs, and later applied to words not of Greek origin, in both Latin (for example, cœli) and French (for example, œuvre). In English, which has imported words from all three languages, it is now usual to replace Æ/æ with Ae/ae and Œ/œ with Oe/oe. In many cases, the digraph has been reduced to a single e in all varieties of English: for example, oeconomics, praemium, and aenigma[34]. In others, especially names, it is retained in all varieties: for example, phoenix, Caesar, Oedipus. There is no reduction of Latin -ae plurals (e.g. larvae); nor where the digraph <ae>/<oe> does not result from the Greek-style ligature: for example, maelstrom, toe. British aeroplane is an instance (compare other aero- words such as aerosol). The now chiefly North American airplane is not a respelling but a recoining, modelled on airship and aircraft. Airplane dates from 1907[35], at which time aero- was trisyllabic, often written aëro-.

Commonwealth usage. The spellings with just e are generally preferred in Canada and increasingly used in Australia[36].

Internationally, the American spelling is closer to the way most languages spell such words; for instance, almost all Romance languages (which tend to have more phonemic spelling) lack the ae and oe spellings (a notable exception is French), as do Swedish, Polish, and others, while Dutch uses them ("ae" is rare and "oe" is the normal representation of the sound IPA: [u] (while written "u" represents either the sound y or ʏ in IPA)). Danish and Norwegian retain the original ligatures. German, through umlauts, retains its equivalent of the ligature, for when written without the umlaut, words resemble the British usage (i.e. ä becomes ae and ö becomes oe).

Compounds and hyphens

British English often prefers hyphenated compounds, such as counter-attack, whereas American English discourages the use of hyphens in compounds where there is no compelling reason, so counterattack is much more common. Many dictionaries do not point out such differences. Canadian and Australian usage is mixed, although Commonwealth writers generally hyphenate compounds of the form noun plus phrase (such as editor-in-chief)[37].

Doubled consonants

Doubled in British English

The final consonant of an English word is sometimes doubled when adding a suffix beginning with a vowel. Generally this occurs only when the word's final syllable ends with a single vowel followed by a single consonant, and the syllable is stressed; but in BrE, a final -l is often doubled even when the final syllable is unstressed.[38] This exception is no longer usual in AmE, apparently due to Noah Webster[39]. The -ll- spellings are nonetheless still regarded as acceptable variants by both Merriam-Webster Collegiate and American Heritage dictionaries.

  • The BrE doubling is required for all inflections and for the suffixes -er, -or. Therefore, British modelling, quarrelled, cruellest, traveller, counsellor; American usually modeling, quarreled, cruelest, traveler, counselor.
    • parallel keeps a single -l- (paralleling, unparalleled) to avoid a cluster -llell-.
    • Words with two vowels before l are covered where the first either acts as a consonant (Br equalling, initialled; US usually equaling, initialed) or belongs to a separate syllable (Br fu•el•ling, di•alled; US usually fu•el•ing di•aled)
      • But British woollen is a further exception (US woolen); also, wooly is accepted in America though woolly dominates in both[40].
  • Endings -ize/-ise, -ism, -ist, -ish usually do not double the l in British English: normalise, dualism, novelist, devilish
    • Exceptions: duellist, medallist, panellist, sometimes triallist; tranquillise
  • For -ous, BrE has a single l in scandalous and perilous, but two in marvellous and libellous. For -ee, BrE has libellee.
  • American English has unstressed -ll-, as in Britain, in some words where the root has -l. These are cases where the alteration occurs in the source language, often Latin. (Examples: bimetallism, cancellation, chancellor, crystallize, excellent, tonsillitis)
  • But both dialects have compelled, excelling, propelled, rebelling (notice the stress difference); revealing, fooling (double vowel before the l); hurling (consonant before the l).
  • Canadian and Australian English largely follow British usage[41].

Among consonants other than l, practise varies for some words, such as where the final syllable has secondary stress or an unreduced vowel. In the U.S., the spellings kidnaped and worshiped, introduced by the Chicago Tribune in the 1920s,[42] are common alongside kidnapped and worshipped, the only standard British spellings.


  • British calliper or caliper; American caliper.
  • British jewellery; American jewelry. According to Fowler, jewelry used to be the "rhetorical and poetic" spelling in Britain. Canada has both. Likewise, Commonwealth (including Canada) has jeweller and U.S. has jeweler for a jewel(le)ry retailer.


Doubled in American English

Conversely, there are words where British writers prefer a single l and Americans usually use a double l. These include wil(l)ful, skil(l)ful, thral(l)dom, extol(l), dispel(l), appal(l), fulfil(l), fulfil(l)ment, enrol(l)ment, instal(l)ment. In Britain ll is used occasionally in distil(l), instil(l), enrol(l) and enthral(l)ment, and often in enthral(l). Former spellings instal, fulness, and dulness are now rare.[43] The Scottish tolbooth is cognate with toll booth but has a specific distinct sense.

The preceding words have monosyllabic cognates always written with -ll: will, skill, thrall, toll, spell, pall, fill, roll, stall, still. Comparable cases where a single l occurs in American English include nullannul, annulment, tilluntil; allalmighty, altogether, etc.; fulluseful, helpful, etc; chillchilblain; wellwelfare,welcome; and others where the connection is less transparent.

Dropped e

British English sometimes keeps silent e when adding suffixes where American English does not. British usually ageing[44], sometimes routeing[45]; American usually aging, routing (compare raging, ageism). Both systems retain the silent e when necessary to preserve a soft c or g, as in traceable, and in the word dyeing, to distinguish it from dying. Both abridgment and the more regular abridgement are current in the U.S., only the latter in the UK.[46] Both judgement and judgment can be found everywhere, although the latter strongly prevails in the U.S. and the former prevails in Britain [47] except in law, where judgment is standard.

Different spellings, different connotations

  • artefact or artifact: British usage is mixed, but some speakers claim to write artefact to mean “a product of artisanry” but artifact when the meaning is “a flaw in experimental results caused by the experiment itself”[citation needed]. In American English, artifact is the usual spelling, although[citation needed] it is regarded as nonstandard by some U.S. authorities. Canadians prefer artifact and Australians artefact, according to their respective dictionaries[48].
  • disc or disk: traditionally, disc used to be British and disk American. Both spellings are etymologically sound (Greek diskos, Latin discus), although disk is earlier. In the U.S., disc is used for optical discs (e.g. a CD (Compact Disc), DVD (Digital Versatile/Video Disc)) while disk is used for everything else (e.g. floppy disk and hard disk). In computing (among other fields), both spellings are used in both the U.S. and the Commonwealth — the two spellings are generally used mutually exclusively to refer to discs of different types.[dubious ]
  • ensure or insure: in Britain (and Australia), the word ensure (to make sure, to make certain) has a distinct meaning from the word insure (often followed by against – to guarantee or protect against, typically by means of an "insurance policy"). The distinction is only about a century old[49], and this helps explain why in (North) America ensure is just a variant of insure more often than not.
  • programme or program: the British programme is a 19th-century French version of program, which first appeared in Scotland in the 17th century and is the only spelling found in the U.S. The OED entry, written around 1908 and listing both spellings, said program was preferable, since it conformed to the usual representation of the Greek as in anagram, diagram, telegram etc. In British English, program is the common spelling for computer programs, but for other meanings programme is used. In Australia, program has been endorsed by government style for all senses since the 1960s[50], although programme is also common; see also the name of The Micallef Program(me). In Canada, program prevails, and the Canadian Oxford Dictionary makes no meaning-based distinction between it and programme; many Canadian government documents use programme in all senses of the word also to match the spelling of the French equivalent[51].

Compare also meter, for which an older English written distinction between etymologically related forms with different meanings once existed, but was obviated in the regularisation of American spellings.

Acronyms and abbreviations

Proper names formed as acronyms are often rendered in title case by Commonwealth writers, but usually as upper case by Americans: for example, Nasa / NASA or Unicef / UNICEF. This never applies to certain initialisms, such as USA or HTML.

Contractions, where the final letter is present, are often written in British English without stops/periods (Mr, Mrs, Dr, St). Abbreviations where the final letter is not present generally do take stops/periods (such as vol., etc., ed.). In American English, abbreviations like St., Mr., Mrs., and Dr. always require stops/periods.

Miscellaneous spelling differences

Throughout the following table, Canadian and Australian spelling is the same as British except where noted.

See also

  • American and British English differences
  • List of British words not widely used in the United States
  • List of American words not widely used in the United Kingdom
  • List of words having different meanings in British and American English
  • American and British English pronunciation differences
  • The Chicago Manual of Style


  • Peters, Pam (2004). The Cambridge Guide to English Usage. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-62181-X. 
  • Oxford English Dictionary, 20 vols. (1989) Oxford University Press.
  • Webster's Third New International Dictionary (1961; repr. 2002) Merriam-Webster, Inc.
  • Burchfield, R. W. (Editor); Fowler, H. W. (1996). The New Fowler's Modern English Usage. Clarendon Press. ISBN 0-19-869126-2
  • Fowler, Henry; Winchester, Simon (introduction) (2003 reprint). A Dictionary of Modern English Usage (Oxford Language Classics Series). Oxford Press. ISBN 0-19-860506-4.
  • Hargraves, Orin (2003). Mighty Fine Words and Smashing Expressions. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-515704-4
  • Nicholson, Margaret; (1957). "A Dictionary of American-English Usage Based on Fowler's Modern English Usage". Signet, by arrangement with Oxford University Press.
  • The Chicago Manual of Style
  • Hart's Rules
  • The Guardian style guide


  1. ^ History & Etymology of Aluminium
  2. ^ Peters, p. 63.
  3. ^ The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition. [1]
  4. ^ OED, shivaree
  5. ^ Oxford English Dictionary, furore.
  6. ^ Peters, p. 242
  7. ^ Oxford English Dictionary, mom and mam
  8. ^ Oxford English Dictionary, persnickety
  9. ^ Peters, p. 487
  10. ^ Peters, p. 505
  11. ^ See, for example, the November 2006 BMA document entitled Selection for Specialty Training
  12. ^ Peters, p. 510.
  13. ^ Webster's Third, p. 24a.
  14. ^ Oxford English Dictionary, colour, color.
  15. ^ Webster's Third, p. 24a.
  16. ^ Peters, p. 397.
  17. ^ Oxford English Dictionary, honour, honor.
  18. ^ Webster's Third, p. 24a.
  19. ^ Peters, p. 397.
  20. ^ Peters, p. 397.
  21. ^ Peters, p. 461.
  22. ^ Howard, Philip (1984). The State of the Language—English Observed. London: Hamish Hamilton. 
  23. ^ Are spellings like 'privatize' and 'organize' Americanisms?. (2006).
  24. ^ Oxford English Dictionary, -ize.
  25. ^ Hargraves, p. 22.
  26. ^ Peters, p. 298
  27. ^ Oxford English Dictionary, analyse, analyze
  28. ^ Peters, p. 441
  29. ^ Peters, p. 446.
  30. ^ Both Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary and American Heritage Dictionary have catalog as the main headword and catalogue as an equal variant.
  31. ^ Peters, p. 236.
  32. ^ Peters, p. 36.
  33. ^ Peters, p. 20.
  34. ^ Webster's Third, p. 23a.
  35. ^ Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary, airplane.
  36. ^ Peters, p. 20, p. 389
  37. ^ Peters, p. 258
  38. ^ Peters, p. 309.
  39. ^ Cf. Oxford English Dictionary, traveller, traveler.
  40. ^ Peters, p. 581
  41. ^ Peters, p. 309.
  42. ^ Zorn, Eric (June 8 1997). ERRANT SPELLING: Moves for simplification turn Inglish into another langwaj Section 3A page 14. Chicago Tribune. Retrieved on 2007-03-17.
  43. ^ Peters, p. 283
  44. ^ Peters, p. 22.
  45. ^ Peters, p. 480.
  46. ^ Peters, p. 7
  47. ^ Peters, p. 303.
  48. ^ Peters, p. 49.
  49. ^ Peters, p. 285
  50. ^ Peters, p. 443.
  51. ^ Peters, p. 443.
  52. ^ Peters, p. 41.
  53. ^ Peters, p. 104.
  54. ^ Peters, p. 165.
  55. ^ Oxford English Dictionary, draught.
  56. ^ Peters, p. 235
  57. ^ tiscali.reference. Retrieved on 2007-03-10.
  58. ^ Peters, p. 321.
  59. ^ Peters, p. 360
  60. ^ Peters, p. 449.
  61. ^ Oxford English Dictionary, plough, plow.
  62. ^ Peters, p. 230.
  63. ^ Peters, p. 502.
  64. ^ Oxford English Dictionary, sceptic, skeptic.
  65. ^ Peters, p. 553.
  66. ^ Peters, p. 556.
  67. ^ Peters, p. 587.
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