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  1. Act of parliament
  2. Administrative law
  3. Adversarial system
  4. Affidavit
  5. Allegation
  6. Alternative dispute resolution
  7. Arbitration
  8. Arrest warrant
  9. Attorney
  10. Attorney General
  11. Bail
  12. Barrister
  13. Burdens of proof
  14. Capital punishment
  15. Civil code
  16. Civil law
  17. Common law
  18. Complaint
  19. Conciliation
  20. Constitutional law
  21. Consumer Protection
  22. Contract
  23. Conviction
  24. Corporate manslaughter
  25. Court
  26. Court of Appeal of England and Wales
  27. Crime
  28. Criminal jurisdiction
  29. Criminal law
  30. Criminal procedure
  31. Cross-examination
  32. Crown attorney
  33. Crown Court
  34. Defendant
  35. Dispute resolution
  36. English law
  37. Evidence
  38. Extradition
  39. Felony
  40. Grand jury
  41. Habeas corpus
  42. Hearsay in English Law
  43. High Court judge
  44. Indictable offence
  45. Indictment
  46. Inquisitorial system
  47. Intellectual property
  48. Judge
  49. Judgment
  50. Judicial economy
  51. Judicial remedy
  52. Jurisdictions
  53. Jurisprudence
  54. Jurist
  55. Jury
  56. Jury trial
  57. Justice
  58. Law
  59. Law of obligations
  60. Law of the United States
  61. Lawsuit
  62. Legal profession
  63. Magistrate
  64. Mediation
  65. Miscarriage of justice
  66. Napoleonic Code
  67. Negotiation
  68. Notary public
  69. Old Bailey
  70. Online Dispute Resolution
  71. Plaintiff
  72. Pleading
  73. Power of attorney
  74. Practice of law
  75. Probable cause
  76. Property law
  77. Prosecutor
  78. Public international law
  79. Public law
  80. Right to silence
  81. Roman law
  82. Scientific evidence
  83. Search warrant
  84. Seventh Amendment to the United States Constitution
  85. Solicitors
  86. Statute
  87. Statute of limitations
  88. Supreme Court of the United States
  89. Testimony
  90. Tort
  91. Torture
  92. Trial by ordeal
  93. Trusts
  94. Verdict


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High Court judge

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


A High Court judge, is a judge of the High Court of Justice and is the third highest level of Judge in the courts of England and Wales. High Court judges are referred to as Puisne (pronounced pewnee) judges.

Title and Form of Address

Upon appointment all High Court judges are Knighted (usually as a Knight Bachelor), or in the case of female judges made Dames Commanders of the Order of the British Empire. So, for example, Joseph Bloggs would become Sir Joseph Bloggs and Jane Bloggs would become Dame Jane Bloggs DBE.

In court, a High Court judge is referred to as 'My Lord' or 'Your Lordship', or 'My Lady' or 'Your Ladyship' with a female High Court judge. High Court judges use the title in office of 'Mr Justice' or 'Mrs Justice' for women, even if unmarried. The title of The Honourable (The Hon) is also used during office. For example Sir Joseph Bloggs would be referred to as The Hon Mr Justice Bloggs, and Dame Jane Bloggs DBE as The Hon Mrs Justice Bloggs DBE, for as long as they continnue to hold office. When there is already or has until recently been a judge with the same surname as a new appointee, the new judge will often use a Christian name as part of his or her official title. Many judges have done this for example, Mr Justice Christopher Clarke (Sir Christopher Simon Courternay Stephenson Clarke) and Mr Justice Roderick Evans (Sir David Roderick Evans).

When referring to a High Court judge in a legal context, the judge's surname (or Christian name and surname if used) is written followed by a 'J'. For example Mr Justice Bloggs and Mrs Justice Bloggs would be referred to as 'Bloggs J'.


High Court judges, as with the other Senior Judiciary are appointed by The Queen on the advice of the Prime Minister and Lord Chancellor. Under the Constitutional Reform Act 2005 a new Judicial Appointment Commission will soon be established which will remove the appointment of Judges from the political arena.

High Court judges, as with all judges in England and Wales, hold office during good behaviour; this is laid down in the Bill of Rights 1689. A High Court judge can only be removed by the Queen upon petition by Parliament.

The vast majority of appointments to the High Court bench are made from the ranks of senior barristers known as Queen's Counsel. A typical appointee will have in the region of twenty to thirty years' experience as a lawyer. A few solicitors have been appointed as High Court judges, such as Mr Justice Lawrence Collins. Occasionally more junior members of the judiciary are elevated to this rank, such as Mr Justice Crane who was formerly a Circuit Judge and Mrs Justice Butler-Sloss (now Baroness Butler-Sloss) who was previously a Registrar in the Principle Registry of the Family Division of the High Court. A few distinguished academics have also made it on to the High Court bench, including Mrs Justice Hale (now Baroness Hale of Richmond) and, more recently, Mr Justice Beatson.

Appointments are made to one of the High Court's three divisions: The Chancery Division, the Queen's Bench Division and the Family Division.

See also

  • List of High Court Judges of England and Wales

External links

  • Judiciary of England and Wales
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