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  1. Atom
  2. Audioblogging
  3. Blog Carnival
  4. Blogcast
  5. Blog feed
  6. Blog fiction
  8. Bloggies
  9. Blogosphere
  10. Blogroll
  11. Blog software
  12. Citizen journalism
  13. Collaborative blog
  14. Community Server
  15. Content Management System
  16. Corporate blog
  17. Dooce
  18. Edublog
  19. Electronic literature
  20. Escribitionist
  21. Facebook
  22. Flaming
  23. Forum moderator
  24. Fotolog
  25. GNU General Public License
  26. Google bomb
  27. Google Reader
  28. Inauthentic Text
  29. International Weblogger's Day
  30. Internet Troll
  31. Linkback
  32. Link rot
  33. List of blogging terms
  34. LiveJournal
  35. Massively distributed collaboration
  36. Micropatronage
  37. Moblog
  38. Moderation system
  39. Movable Type
  40. MySpace
  41. MySQL
  42. News aggregator
  43. Online diary
  44. OPML
  45. PageRank
  46. Permalink
  47. Personal journal
  48. Photoblog
  49. Pingback
  50. Ping-server
  51. Podcasting
  52. Political blog
  53. Project blog
  54. Rating community
  55. Reputation management
  56. Reputation system
  57. RSS
  58. Social media
  59. Spam blog
  60. Spamdexing
  61. Spam in blogs
  62. Sping
  63. Technorati
  64. TrackBack
  65. User generated content
  66. Virtual Community
  67. Vlog
  68. Weblog
  69. Windows Live Spaces
  71. Wordpress
  72. Yahoo 360°
  73. YouTube



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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Joi Ito Moblog
The Joi Ito Moblog

Moblog is a blend of the words mobile and weblog. A mobile weblog, or Moblog, consists of content posted to the Internet from a mobile or portable device, such as a cellular phone or PDA. Moblogs generally involve technology which allows publishing from a mobile device.

Much of the earliest development of Moblogs occurred in Japan, among the first countries in the world where camera phones (portable phones with built-in cameras) were widely commercially available.

According to Joi Ito's History of Moblogs, the first post to the web from a mobile user was from Steve Mann in 1995. He used a wearable computer, a more elaborate predecessor to modern Moblogging devices. The first post to the Internet from an ordinary mobile device is believed to be by Tom Vilmer Paamand in Denmark in May 2000.

The term "Moblogging" itself was coined by Adam Greenfield to describe the practice in 2002. He went on to organise the First International Moblogging Conference (or 1IMC) in July 2003 in Tokyo, with the help of Paul Baron, Gen Kanai, Carsten Schwesig and Steve Graff. Less known about is the First International Love Hotel Moblogging Conference that took place a day before the real 1IMC event.

The term is sometimes pronounced with the emphasis on the first syllable - MOBlog - out of affinity with the ideas about social self-organization developed in Howard Rheingold's "Smart Mobs".

Weblogs made from portable devices are also sometimes known as cyborgLogs, abbreviated as 'glogs, especially when primarily image-based.

Illicit and taboo activities have proven popularity in some early Moblog experiments, while family-oriented moblogs may be soon implementing advanced filter controls. See Drewing for more information about the delinquency publishing fad.

In 2004, Singapore launched a National Day Moblog on National Day. Apparently, it is the first national Moblog in the world.

Early on in Moblogging users sent their media to a Moblog server via MMS or email. Recently software has become available which allows people to have the same rich experience they had while blogging from their PC.

The art of the Moblog is that "a picture tells a thousand word." By posting pictures the Moblogger is able to allow the viewer to look through their eyes, to visually experience where he or she is and what he or she is doing. Words often do not describe what a picture can do very easily. Moblogging is becoming more widespread through the use of websites where anybody with a cameraphone and the ability to send pictures can create an account and participate by uploading pictures on the fly.


MoVlog is the short form of mobile video blog. It is basically a combination of the terms moblog and vlog.

The term 'movlog' can be used either as a noun or as a verb. As a noun, it refers to the actual blog that contains video entries. As a verb, it refers to the act of video blogging using a mobile device (e.g., cellphones and PDAs).

External links

  • Joi Ito's History of Moblogs
  • Moblog
  • Interview with Mat Brown, Co-founder of moblogUK
  • LA Times article
  • Discussion of moblogs on Adam Greenfield's
  • Interview with Mazin Ramadan, Picostation Co-Founder
  • The First International Love Hotel Moblogging Conference
  • MoblogUK
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