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- Great Painters
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  1. Atom
  2. Audioblogging
  3. Blog Carnival
  4. Blogcast
  5. Blog feed
  6. Blog fiction
  8. Bloggies
  9. Blogosphere
  10. Blogroll
  11. Blog software
  12. Citizen journalism
  13. Collaborative blog
  14. Community Server
  15. Content Management System
  16. Corporate blog
  17. Dooce
  18. Edublog
  19. Electronic literature
  20. Escribitionist
  21. Facebook
  22. Flaming
  23. Forum moderator
  24. Fotolog
  25. GNU General Public License
  26. Google bomb
  27. Google Reader
  28. Inauthentic Text
  29. International Weblogger's Day
  30. Internet Troll
  31. Linkback
  32. Link rot
  33. List of blogging terms
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  35. Massively distributed collaboration
  36. Micropatronage
  37. Moblog
  38. Moderation system
  39. Movable Type
  40. MySpace
  41. MySQL
  42. News aggregator
  43. Online diary
  44. OPML
  45. PageRank
  46. Permalink
  47. Personal journal
  48. Photoblog
  49. Pingback
  50. Ping-server
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  53. Project blog
  54. Rating community
  55. Reputation management
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  57. RSS
  58. Social media
  59. Spam blog
  60. Spamdexing
  61. Spam in blogs
  62. Sping
  63. Technorati
  64. TrackBack
  65. User generated content
  66. Virtual Community
  67. Vlog
  68. Weblog
  69. Windows Live Spaces
  71. Wordpress
  72. Yahoo 360°
  73. YouTube



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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia's logo.'s logo. (recently changed from is a photoblog web site. With over 5 million users, it is the oldest and most popular photoblogging community on the web and the third most trafficked social media network on the Internet. [1]


Launched in May 2002, the Fotolog site generates over 1.5 billion page views and receives over 20 million unique visitors each month. Recently, entered the list of the top 100 sites in the Alexa global site rankings.

Fotolog is a registered trademark of Fotolog, Inc., which is a privately held company backed by BV Capital, 3i and several individual investors. Fotolog headquarters are in New York City.

The site had frequent technical problems, partly due to the rapid growth of the site. Indeed, on December 10, 2005, the site stated that only "Fotolog is currently able to accept 1,000 new free members from each country each day", up from 500 a day previously. According to Fotolog co-founder Scott Heiferman, recent upgrades have made the site much faster and as of November 16, 2005, Fotolog was generating 750 million pageviews a month [1].

The site has improved considerably. Two years ago, free members could not upload during peak hours, and only 500 people a day (per country) were welcomed in. In mid 2006, 10,000 people per day, per country were allowed to join the community, and for August 14th, 2006, there is no limiting daily registrations anymore

Fotolog recently received a large investment of 2.4 million dollars from BV Capital [2]. This investment has made possible the recent upgrades to the site.

In Spring 2006, a book of photographs from was published by the UK publisher Thames & Hudson titled A Global Snapshot for the Digital Age. Edited by Andrew Long and containing text contributions by Nick Currie, the book is organized in sections highlighting several themes that arose in the site's community of photographers and several individual photographers from some of the major cities and countries with many fotolog users.


Free account

The website offers both free and subscription accounts. The free version is ad-supported, and limits users to uploading one picture per day, and having only 20 comments (in their "guestbook"). The free user can also customize their page and add other fotologs into their "Friends/Favorites" list.

Gold Camera Members

Paying members, known as "Gold Camera patrons" can upload up to 6 pictures a day, have 200 comments per photo and can access better customer support. Recent changes mean that Gold Cam members can comment on any guestbook that is full. Other new features include customized photo-headings, and having the most recent image appear beside the members name when commenting on other photoblogs.


The Groups are fotologs that are of a certain topic. Groups are managed by fotolog users. Fotolog groups are allowed 50 photos per day. These photos may be added by any member of the Fotolog community.


Its rapid growth was most notable in Latin America, and although the site is from the U.S., the majority of its users come from South America. As of February 19, 2007 Chile claims the most accounts (955,000), Argentina is second with almost 580,000 with Brazil near too. Fotolog's success prompted many other websites to appear and compete. In Spanish the word fotolog is almost universally understood to mean any photoblog.

For a long time, Brazil was the country with most users, but in recent years the site lost it's popularity to Orkut and most users closed their flogs. The popularity of other flogs sites like Floguxo and Flogao also explain to the decline in popularity of the site on the country.

Users, known as fotologgers, often refer to their pages as flogs.

As of January, 3rd, 2007, had 5,879,973 Fotolog accounts and 184,317,325 photos. The 3 millionth user account and 100 millionth photo were created on April 15, 2006.

Kinds of fotologs

There are some kinds of fotologs like for example, there are fotologs that upload photos that the users find in other fotologs like Other kinds are like for example, people that make images that they make like or One of the most famous fotologs uses photos of simple things and try to find on them a shape of any letter There are people who upload photos of theirselves like And so many kinds of fotologs are left, but thoses are the most important.


  1. ^ PrimeNewswire Fotolog Surpasses 200 Million Photos Posted, Feb 20, 2007

External links

  • Fotolog
  • The Official Fotolog Fotolog
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