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  1. ACNielsen
  2. Advertising
  3. Affiliate marketing
  4. Ambush marketing
  5. Barriers to entry
  6. Barter
  7. Billboard
  8. Brainstorming
  9. Brand
  10. Brand blunder
  11. Brand equity
  12. Brand management
  13. Break even analysis
  14. Break even point
  15. Business model
  16. Business plan
  17. Business-to-business
  18. Buyer leverage
  19. Buying
  20. Buying center
  21. Buy one, get one free
  22. Call centre
  23. Cannibalization
  24. Capitalism
  25. Case studies
  26. Celebrity branding
  27. Chain letter
  28. Co-marketing
  29. Commodity
  30. Consumer
  31. Convenience store
  32. Co-promotion
  33. Corporate branding
  34. Corporate identity
  35. Corporate image
  36. Corporate Visual Identity Management
  37. Customer
  38. Customer satisfaction
  39. Customer service
  40. Database marketing
  41. Data mining
  42. Data warehouse
  43. Defensive marketing warfare strategies
  44. Demographics
  45. Department store
  46. Design
  47. Designer label
  48. Diffusion of innovations
  49. Direct marketing
  50. Distribution
  51. Diversification
  52. Dominance strategies
  53. Duopoly
  54. Economics
  55. Economies of scale
  56. Efficient markets hypothesis
  57. Entrepreneur
  58. Family branding
  59. Financial market
  60. Five and dime
  61. Focus group
  62. Focus strategy
  63. Free markets
  64. Free price system
  65. Global economy
  66. Good
  67. Haggling
  68. Halo effect
  69. Imperfect competition
  70. Internet marketing
  71. Logo
  72. Mail order
  73. Management
  74. Market
  75. Market economy
  76. Market form
  77. Marketing
  78. Marketing management
  79. Marketing mix
  80. Marketing orientation
  81. Marketing plan
  82. Marketing research
  83. Marketing strategy
  84. Marketplace
  85. Market research
  86. Market segment
  87. Market share
  88. Market system
  89. Market trends
  90. Mass customization
  91. Mass production
  92. Matrix scheme
  93. Media event
  94. Mind share
  95. Monopolistic competition
  96. Monopoly
  97. Monopsony
  98. Multi-level marketing
  99. Natural monopoly
  100. News conference
  101. Nielsen Ratings
  102. Oligopoly
  103. Oligopsony
  104. Online marketing
  105. Opinion poll
  106. Participant observation
  107. Perfect competition
  108. Personalized marketing
  109. Photo opportunity
  110. Planning
  111. Positioning
  112. Press kit
  113. Price points
  114. Pricing
  115. Problem solving
  116. Product
  117. Product differentiation
  118. Product lifecycle
  119. Product Lifecycle Management
  120. Product line
  121. Product management
  122. Product marketing
  123. Product placement
  124. Profit
  125. Promotion
  126. Prototyping
  127. Psychographic
  128. Publicity
  129. Public relations
  130. Pyramid scheme
  131. Qualitative marketing research
  132. Qualitative research
  133. Quantitative marketing research
  134. Questionnaire construction
  135. Real-time pricing
  136. Relationship marketing
  137. Retail
  138. Retail chain
  139. Retail therapy
  140. Risk
  141. Sales
  142. Sales promotion
  143. Service
  144. Services marketing
  145. Slogan
  146. Spam
  147. Strategic management
  148. Street market
  149. Supply and demand
  150. Supply chain
  151. Supply Chain Management
  152. Sustainable competitive advantage
  153. Tagline
  154. Target market
  155. Team building
  156. Telemarketing
  157. Testimonials
  158. Time to market
  159. Trade advertisement
  160. Trademark
  161. Unique selling proposition
  162. Value added


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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Demographics is a shorthand term for 'population characteristics'. Demographics include race, age, income, mobility (in terms of travel time to work or number of vehicles available), educational attainment, home ownership, employment status, and even location. Distributions of values within a demographic variable, and across households, are both of interest, as well as trends over time. Demographics are primarily used in economic and marketing research.

Demographics vs Demography

The term demographics as a noun is often used erroneously in place of demography, the study of human population and its structure and change. Although there is no absolute delineation, ('demographic' as an adjective can indeed refer to either (e.g., demographic transition), demography focuses on population dynamics, whereas demographics is most often used in the fields of media studies, advertising, marketing, and polling, and should not be used interchangeably with the term "demography" or (more broadly) "population studies."

Demographic variables

Marketers and other social scientists often group populations into categories based on demographic variables. The most frequently used demographic variables are:

  • Age
  • Sex / Gender
  • Race/ Ethnicity
  • Location of residence
  • Socioeconomic status (SES)
  • Religion
  • Marital status
  • Ownership (home, car, pet, etc.)
  • Language
  • Mobility
  • Life cycles (fertility, mortility, migration)


Demographic profiles in marketing

Marketers typically combine several variables to define a demographic profile. A demographic profile (often shortened to "a demographic") provides enough information about the typical member of this group to create a mental picture of this hypothetical aggregate. For example, a marketer might speak of the single, female, middle-class, age 18 to 24 demographic.

Marketing researchers typically have two objectives in this regard: first to determine what segments or subgroups exist in the overall population; and secondly to create a clear and complete picture of the characteristics of a typical member of each of these segments. Once these profiles are constructed, they can be used to develop a marketing strategy and marketing plan.

Generational cohorts

A generational cohort has been defined as "the aggregation of individuals (within some population definition) who experience the same event within the same time interval"[1]. The notion of a group of people bound together by the sharing of the experience of common historical events due to their birth in a particular period of time was first introduced by Karl Mannheim in the early 1920s. Today the concept has found its way into popular culture through well known epitomes like "baby boomer" and "gen-Xer".

An interesting study by Strauss and Howe (The fourth turning) looked at generational similarities and differences going back to the 15th century and concluded that over 80 year spans, generations proceed through 4 stages of about 20 years each. The first phase consists of times of relative crisis and the people born during this period were called "artists". The next phase was a "high" period and those born in this period were called "prophets". The next phase was an "awakening period" and people born in this period were called "nomads". The final stage was the "unraveling period" and people born in this period were called "heroes". The most recent "high period" occurred in the 50s and 60s (hence baby boomers are the most recent crop of "prophets").

The most definitive recent study of US generational cohorts was done by Schuman and Scott (1989) in 1985 in which a broad sample of adults of all ages were asked, "What world events over the past 50 years were especially important to them?"[2]. They found that 33 events were mentioned with great frequency. When the ages of the respondents were correlated with the expressed importance rankings, seven distinct cohorts became evident. Today we use the following descriptors for these cohorts:

  • Depression cohort (born from 1912 to 1921)
    • Memorable events : The Great Depression, high levels of unemployment, poverty, lack of creature comforts, financial uncertainty
    • Key characteristics: strive for financial security, risk averse, waste not want not attitude, strive for comfort
  • WWII cohort (born from 1922 to 1927)
    • Memorable events: men leaving to go to war and many not returning, the personal experience of the war, women working in factories, focus on defeating a common enemy
    • Key characteristics: the nobility of sacrifice for the common good, patriotism, team player
  • Post-war cohort (born from 1928 to 1945)
    • Memorable events: sustained economic growth, social tranquility, The Cold War, McCarthyism
    • Key characteristics: conformity, conservatism, traditional family values
  • Baby Boomer cohort #1 (born from 1946 to 1954)
    • Memorable events: assassination of JFK, Robert Kennedy, and Martin Luther King, political unrest, walk on the moon, Vietnam War, anti-war protests, social experimentation, sexual freedom, civil rights movement, environmental movement, women's movement, protests and riots, experimentation with various intoxicating recreational substances
    • Key characteristics: experimental, individualism, free spirited, social cause oriented
  • Baby Boomer cohort #2 (born from 1955 to 1964)
    • Memorable events: Watergate, Nixon resigns, the cold war , the oil embargo, raging inflation, gasoline shortages
    • Key characteristics: less optimistic, distrust of government, general cynicism
  • Generation X cohort (born from 1965 to 1976)
    • Memorable events: Challenger explosion, Iran-Contra, social malaise, Reaganomics, AIDS, safe sex, fall of Berlin Wall, single parent families
    • Key characteristics: quest for emotional security, independent, informality, entrepreneurial
  • Generation Y cohort also called N Generation (born from 1983 to 2007)
    • Memorable events: rise of the internet, September 11 attacks, cultural diversity, 2 wars in Iraq
    • Key characteristics: quest for physical security and safety, patriotism, heightened fears, acceptance of change, technically savvy

US Demographic birth cohorts

Main article: Demographics of the United States

The US Census Bureau considers the following demographic birth cohorts based on birth rate, which is statistically measurable:

  • Classics (born from 1900 to 1920)
    • (the last American cohort in which the population pyramid takes on the standard "step" form for males and females)
  • Baby Bust (I) (born from 1921 to 1945)
    • early cohort (born from 1921 to 1933)
    • late cohort (born from 1934 to 1945)
  • Baby Boomers (born from 1946 to 1964)
    • Leading Edge Boomers (born from 1946 to 1957)
    • Trailing Edge Boomers (born from 1958 to 1964)
  • Baby Bust (II) (born from 1965 to 1976)
  • Echo Boomers (born from 1977 to 1994)
    • Leading Edge (born from 1977 to 1990)

Subdivided groups are present when peak boom years or inverted peak bust years are present, and may be represented by a normal or inverted bell-shaped curve (rather than a straight curve). The boom subdivided cohorts may be considered as "pre-peak" (including peak year) and "post-peak". The year 1957 was the baby boom peak with 4.3 million births and 122.7 fertility rate. Although post-peak births (such as trailing edge boomers) are in decline, and sometimes referred to as a "bust", there are still a relative large number of births. The dearth-in-birth bust cohorts include those up to the valley birth year, and those including and beyond, leading up to the subsequent normal birth rate.

Criticisms and qualifications of demographic profiling

Demographic profiling is essentially an exercise in making generalizations about groups of people. As with all such generalizations many individuals within these groups will not conform to the profile - demographic information is aggregate and probabilistic information about groups, not about specific individuals. Critics of demographic profiling argue that such broad-brush generalizations can only offer such limited insight that their practical usefulness is debatable.

Most demographic information is also culturally specific. The generational cohort information above, for example, applies primarily to North America (and to a lesser extent to Western Europe) and it may be unfruitful to generalise conclusions more widely.

See also

  • Marketing
  • Economics
  • List of marketing topics
  • Consumer behaviour
  • Marketing research
  • Demographics of Europe
  • Market segment
  • Workforce Planning
  • Social surveys: General Social Survey, ALLBUS, GSOEP, PSID, European Social Survey, World Values Survey



  1. ^ Ryder, N., The cohort as a concept in the study of social change, presented at the 1959 annual meeting of the American Sociological Association.
  2. ^ Schuman, H. and Scott, J. (1989), Generations and collective memories, American Psychological Review, vol. 54, 1989, pp. 359-81.
  • Klauke, A. (2000) Coping with Changing Demographics An analysis of the effect of changing demographic patterns on school enrollments and education.
  • Meredith, G., Schewe, C., and Haim, A. (2002), Managing by defining moments: Innovative strategies for motivating 5 very different generational cohorts, Hungry Minds Inc., New York, 2002, ISBN 0-7645-5412-3

External links

  • Demographics information from Claritas
  • 'Demographics' as a term in Economics
  • Demographic data on demand at Catosphere
  • LARGEST FREE Online Demographics Information Database on the Internet from ZipCodeStats
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