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  1. Allemande
  2. Argentine Tango
  3. Bachata
  4. Ballet
  5. Ballroom dance
  6. Bebop
  7. Beguine
  8. Bellydance
  9. Blues dance
  10. Bolero
  11. Boogie-woogie
  12. Bossa Nova
  13. Bouree
  14. Breakaway
  15. Breakdancing
  16. Cake walk
  17. Can-can
  18. Ceremonial dance
  19. Cha-cha-cha
  20. Chaconne
  21. Charleston
  22. Choreography
  23. Club dance
  24. Competitive dance
  25. Contact improvisation
  26. Contemporary dance
  27. Contra dance
  28. Country dance
  29. Courante
  30. Cumbia
  31. Dance notation
  32. Disco
  33. Fandango
  34. Finnish tango
  35. Flamenco
  36. Folk dance
  37. Formation dance
  38. Foxtrot
  39. Free dance
  40. Funk dance
  41. Galliard
  42. Gavotte
  43. Gigue
  44. Glossary of ballet terms
  45. Glossary of dance moves
  46. Glossary of partner dance terms
  47. Gymnopaedia
  48. Habanera
  49. Hip hop dance
  50. Historical dance
  51. Hully Gully
  52. Hustle
  53. Intercessory dance
  54. Jazz dance
  55. Jig
  56. Jitterbug
  57. Jive
  58. Labanotation
  59. Lambada
  60. Latin dance
  61. Line dance
  62. List of dance style categories
  63. Macarena
  64. Mambo
  65. Mazurka
  66. Merengue
  67. Milonga
  68. Minuet
  69. Modern Dance
  70. Modern Jive
  71. Novelty dance
  72. Participation dance
  73. Partner dance
  74. Paso Doble
  75. Passacaglia
  76. Passepied
  77. Pavane
  78. Performance dance
  79. Polka
  80. Polka-mazurka
  81. Polonaise
  82. Punk dance
  83. Quadrille
  84. Quickstep
  85. Rain Dance
  86. Regency dance
  87. Reggae
  88. Renaissance dance
  89. Rigaudon
  90. Rock and Roll
  91. Rumba
  92. Sabre Dance
  93. Salsa
  94. Samba
  95. Samba ballroom
  96. Sarabande
  97. Seguidilla
  98. Sirtaki
  99. Slow dancing
  100. Social dance
  101. Square dance
  102. Step dancing
  103. Street dance
  104. Strictly Come Dancing
  105. Swing dance
  106. Tap dance
  107. Tarantella
  108. The Watusi
  109. Twist
  110. Twist
  111. Viennese Waltz
  112. Waltz
  113. Western dance
  114. Wheelchair dance sport
  115. Worship dance


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Glossary of dance moves

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


This glossary of dance moves gives brief descriptions of various dance moves commonly used various contemporary social dances. This list includes

  • Simple dance steps and actions that require 2-3 sentences to describe.
  • Summaries of moves used in many dances.

The rest may be searchable via the category:Dance moves and via lists specific to particular dances.

Dance-specific lists and glossaries

Wikibooks Swing Dancing has a page on the topic of
Lindy Hop
  • Glossary of ballet terms
  • Glossary of partner dance terms


Ball change

  • Ball change is a dance move that consists of two steps: a partial weight transfer on the ball of a foot behind or by the other foot, followed by a step on the other foot. This action has a syncopated feeling and counted &1, or &2, or a1, or a2, etc., i.e., the "ball" step splits off the end of a beat. It is used, e.g., in the kick ball change.

Basic figure

One of several step patterns that characterize a dance and constitute its basis. Sometimes there is no strict agreement as to their number. Usually they are the ones taught at the beginner level.

Basic movement

Basic movement is the very basic step that defines the character of a dance. Often it is called just thus: "Basic Movement" or "Basic Step". For some dances it is sufficient to know the basic step performed in different handholds and dance positions to enjoy it socially.

Basic step

Same as Basic movement.

Box Step

Box Step is a dance figure named so because the steps rest in the four corners of a square. It is used, e.g., in #American Style ballroom dances: Rumba, Waltz bronze-level Foxtrot. The leader begins with the left foot and proceeds basically as follows.

First half-box: Forward-side-together
Second half-box: Backwards-side-together

Every step is with full weight transfer. During the second and fourth step it is advised the foot to travel along two sides of the box, rather than along its diagonal.

Rhythm varies. E.g., it is "1-2-3,4-5-6" in Waltz and "Sqq, Sqq" in Rumba.


Chainé turns

Chaines turns

See Glossary of ballet terms#Chaînés.


Chasse is any of three-step patterns, steps going basically side-together-side. The word came from ballet terminology.

Closed Change

Closed Change is a basic step in the Waltz, performed in closed position. The man steps forward on either foot whilst the lady steps backward on the opposing foot (eg: the man steps forward on his right foot whilst the lady steps back on her left). They will then step to the side on the other foot, and conclude the figure by closing the first foot beside the second. Each step takes up a full beat of the music.

Cross-body lead

Cross-body lead (CBL) is a common and useful move in Latin dances such as Salsa, Mambo, Rumba and Cha-cha-cha. Basically, the man on counts 2 and 3 of his basic step (assuming dancing on 1) does a quarter-left turn (90° counterclockwise) while still holding on to the woman. On counts 4 and 5, he leads the woman forward across him, i.e., firmly leads her with his right hand on her back, so that she travels across and turns around and faces the opposite direction she was facing. At the same time, the man does another quarter-left turn as necessary in order to follow the woman and face her. At the end of the move, the couple has reversed their original positions.

The Cross-body lead can be done with single-hand or double hand hold, with or without a woman's underarm turn, or leading the woman to do a free spin. It can also be done with the couple rotating counterclockwise.

Dos-a-dos, Dosado

Dosado is a circular movement where two people, who are initially facing each other, walk around each other without or almost without turning, i.e, facing in the same direction (same wall) all the time.

Feather Step

The Feather is a basic figure in International Style Foxtrot, in which the man makes three or four steps basically forward, with the third one (right foot) done outside the lady.

Free spin

A general term to describe a spin without any handhold.


"Gancho" means "hook" in Spanish and describes certain "hooking actions" in some dances of Latin American heritage, in Argentine Tango (leg action) and Salsa (arm action and foot action) in particular.


See Grapevine (dance move).

Inside partner step

A step taken forward into the space occupied by the partner, while the partner steps backwards. During this step feet tracks of both partners overlap. See also Outside partner step.

Inside turn

The term is applied to an individual turn of a partner in the couple. Basically, it denotes the turn directed "inside" of the couple. The meaning is intuitively clear, but it may be performed in numerous ways and in different handholds, so that even accomplished dancers are confused. Most often it is understood that an inside turn is an underarm turn under the right arm if turning left and under the left arm if turning right.

See Direction of movement for more detail.


  • Kick is a foot and lower leg action that imitates a kick, e.g., of the ball. Its style may vary from light flick to a kick in martial arts.


Lock Step

A Lock step is an alternative variation of a chasse action which occurs when the moving foot swings to a stop across the track of the standing foot rather than closing next to it. In the latin dances the combination of the crossed position and the turnout of the feet means that the rear toe will be pointed at the heel of the other foot, while in the Standard dances the lack of turnout means the feet will be parallel. In Standard the basic locking action is usually preceded and followed by a left side lead. The Latin lock step is often featured when Cha-cha is danced in Open position with a one-hand hold.

Natural turn

Natural turns and some other figures are those in which the dance couple rotates to the right (clockwise).

Outside partner step

A step taken with partner beside the moving foot. During this step feet tracks of both parners do not overlap. See also Inside partner step.

Outside turn

Cf. Inside turn.

The term is applied to an individual turn of a partner in the couple. Basically, it denotes the turn directed "outside" of the couple. The meaning is intuitively clear, but it may be performed in numerous ways and in different handholds, so that even accomplished dancers are confused. Most often it is understood that an outside turn is an underarm turn under the left arm if turning left and under the right arm if turning right.

See Direction of movement for more detail.

Reverse turn

Reverse turns and some other figures are those in which the dance couple rotates to the left (counterclockwise).


See Ballet glossary#Rond de jambe. A toe of the straight leg draws a semicircle on the floor. In ballroom dances the direction is usually from the front to back.

Time Step

  • In tap dancing, the Time Step is a recognizable rhythmic tap combination. The term comes from the time of great tap dancers that used their distinctive Time Step to tell the band the desired tempo. Read more here.
  • Time Steps is a figure in International Style Cha-cha-cha.
  • In various rhythmic ballroom/social dances, Time Step sometimes refers to steps in place that mark the characteristic rhythm of the dance, "2-3-cha-cha-cha" for Cha-cha-cha, "1,2,3,4" for Paso Doble, "1,2,3,...5,6,7,..." for "Salsa on One", etc..


The Walk is probably the most basic dance move. It exists in almost every dance. Walks approximately correspond normal walking steps, taking into the account the basic technique of the dance in question. (For example, in Latin dance walks the toe hits the floor first, rather than the heel.)

In dance descriptions the term walk is usually applied when two or more steps are taken in the same direction. A single step, e.g., forward, is called just thus: 'step forward'.

Walks can be done in various dance positions: in closed position, promenade position, shadow position, sweetheart position, etc.

Curved walks are done along a curve, rather than along a straight line.

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