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  2. Bliki
  3. Blocking of Wikipedia in mainland China
  4. Blog
  5. Bomis
  6. Citizendium
  7. Collaborative editing
  8. Collaborative real-time editor
  9. Collaborative software
  10. Collaborative writing
  11. Comparison of wiki software
  12. Corporate wiki
  13. Creative Commons
  14. Enciclopedia Libre
  15. Encyclopaedia Britannica
  16. Ensemble collaboration
  17. FileReplacement
  18. Free content
  19. GNU Free Documentation License
  20. GNUpedia
  21. History of Wikipedia
  22. International Music Score Library Project
  23. InterWiki
  24. IP address
  25. Italian Wikipedia
  26. Jimmy Wales
  27. John Seigenthaler Sr. Wikipedia biography controversy
  28. Larry Sanger
  29. Lexipedia
  30. List of wikis
  31. List of wiki software
  32. Living Platform
  33. LyricWiki
  34. Nupedia
  35. Open Site
  36. Peer review
  37. Peer-to-peer wiki
  38. Personal wiki
  39. Placeopedia
  40. Reliability of Wikipedia
  41. Semapedia
  42. SourceWatch
  43. Structured wiki
  44. TWiki
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  47. Wapedia
  48. Wiki
  49. Wikia
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  53. Wikileaks
  54. Wikimapia
  55. Wikimedia Commons
  56. Wikimedia Foundation
  57. Wikinews
  58. Wikinfo
  59. Wikipedia
  60. 2006 Wikipedia CD Selection
  61. Wikipedia in popular culture
  62. Wikiquote
  63. Wiki software
  64. Wikisource
  65. Wikispecies
  66. Wikitext
  67. Wikitravel
  68. Wikiversity
  69. WikiWax
  70. Wikiweise
  71. WikiZnanie
  72. Wikocracy
  73. Wiktionary



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All text is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License: 

Free content

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Free content, or free information, is any kind of functional work, artwork, or other creative content having no significant legal restriction relative to people's freedom to use, redistribute and modify the content.

Free content encompasses all works in the public domain and also those copyrighted works whose licenses honor and uphold the freedoms mentioned above. Because the law by default grants copyright holders monopolistic control over their creations, copyrighted content must be explicitly declared free, usually by the referencing or inclusion of licensing statements from within the work.

(Work in the public domain cannot be licensed because, by definition, its copyright has expired or has been relinquished. However, such a work is still considered free content, because it may be used for any purpose whatsoever--except, naturally, being re-copyrighted.)

Free content licenses

Free content licenses may be copyleft—in which case modifications of the work must themselves be distributed only under the terms of the original free license—or else they are non-copyleft, which means that the licensed work may be modified and then distributed under a different license, even one that is less free.

Most free content licenses contain provisions specifying that derivative works must attribute or give credit to the authors of the original, a requirement which promotes intellectual honesty and discourages plagiarism without imposing so great a burden as to weaken the claim of such licenses to being truly free.

The Design Science License (DSL), and GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL) are copyleft licenses for free content. The FreeBSD Documentation License is an example of a non-copyleft license. The GNU General Public License (GPL) can also be used as a free content license. Against DRM license is a free copyleft license for artworks published by Free Creations.

Other examples of free content licenses are some of those published by Creative Commons when commercial use and derivative works are not restricted, although they do not require a source copy of the license be provided. Note that not all Creative Commons licenses are free content as defined here. The Libre Society project also has some free content licenses and a critique of the Creative Commons philosophy.

It is questioned whether the IANG license complies with the definition of free content given here, since it puts responsibilities on redistribution the product, notably by requiring access to financial accounting.

See also

Many of the Wikimedia Foundation's projects, including Wikipedia, are free content.

  • Copyright commandeering
  • Creative Commons
  • Free Culture Movement
  • Free software and open source software
  • Freedom (philosophy)
  • Freedom of information
  • Libre knowledge
  • Open access
  • Open content
  • Open publishing
  • Public domain


External links

  • Definition of Free Cultural Works - a definition of "free content" or "free cultural works" similar to the free software definition
  • Open Knowledge Definition - project under the aegis of the Open Knowledge Foundation which provides a definition of 'open' suitable for content and data.
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