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  1. Academy of the Sierras
  2. Anopsology
  3. Atkins Nutritional Approach
  4. Best Bet Diet
  5. Blood type diet
  6. BRAT diet
  7. Buddhist cuisine
  8. Cabbage soup diet
  9. Calorie restriction
  10. Calorie Restriction Society
  11. Carbwiser
  12. Detox diet
  13. Diabetic diet
  14. Diet
  15. Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension
  16. Dietary laws
  17. Dieting
  18. Dieting myth
  19. Dietitian
  20. Dr. Hay diet
  21. Duke Diet and Fitness Center
  22. Fasting
  23. Fatfield Diet
  24. Fit for Life
  25. Food faddism
  26. Food Separation Diet
  27. F-plan
  28. Freeganism
  29. French Women Don't Get Fat
  30. Fruitarianism
  31. Gerson diet
  32. Gluten-free beer
  33. Gluten-free, casein-free diet
  34. Gluten-free diet
  35. Graham Diet
  36. Grapefruit diet
  37. Hechsher
  38. High protein diet
  39. Horace Fletcher
  40. Hunza diet
  41. Indigenous Australian food groups
  42. Inedia
  43. Islamic dietary laws
  44. Israeli Army diet
  45. Ital
  46. Juice fasting
  47. Kashrut
  48. Ketogenic diet
  49. Kosher foods
  50. Lacto vegetarianism
  51. Leptoprin
  52. List of diets
  53. Living foods diet
  54. Low-carbohydrate diet
  55. Macrobiotic diet
  56. Mediterranean diet
  57. Metabolic typing
  58. Montignac diet
  59. Natural Foods Diet
  60. Negative calorie diet
  61. No-Grain Diet
  62. Okinawa diet
  63. Ornish Diet
  64. Paleolithic diet
  65. Pectarianism
  66. Plant-based diet
  67. pollo vegetarianism
  68. Polymeal
  69. Ralstonism
  70. Rice Diet
  71. Sardine diet
  72. Slim Fast
  73. Soft diet
  74. Solon diet
  75. Sonoma diet
  76. South Beach diet
  77. Sunlight diet
  78. Taboo food and drink
  79. Taoist diet
  80. The 10% Solution for a Healthy Life
  81. The Cambridge Diet
  82. The Complete Scarsdale Medical Diet
  83. The Diet Smart Plan
  84. The Fat Smash Diet
  85. The Hacker's Diet
  86. The Shangri-La Diet
  87. Traditional diet
  88. Unclean animals
  89. Veganism
  90. Vegetarianism
  91. Very Low Calorie Diet
  92. Warrior Diet
  93. Water fasting
  94. Weight Watchers
  95. Yo-yo dieting


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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A fruit stall in Barcelona, Spain.
A fruit stall in Barcelona, Spain.

Fruitarians[1] (frugivores[2] or fructarians) eat mostly or only the fruit of plants.

There are different variations of fruitarianism. Many fruitarians hold the definition to one that eats 100% fruit, others have diets that are 75% or more fruit, with the rest consisting of ingredients from a raw vegan diet other than fruit [citation needed].

Others consider themselves to be aspiring fruitarians when fruit is the main part of their diet [citation needed].

Fruitarian definition of fruit

Fruitarians use differing definitions of what is considered a "fruit."

When discussing fruit as food, the term usually refers to just those plant fruits that are sweet and fleshy (including plums, apples, and oranges). Botanically, though, many common vegetables (including the bell pepper, tomato, and cucumber), as well as nuts and grains, are technically fruits [3].

Definition of fruitarian

Some fruitarians will eat only what falls (or would fall) naturally from a plant, that is: foods that can be harvested without killing the plant. These food consist primarily of culinary fruits, nuts, and seeds (excluding grains) [4]. Many do not eat grains,[5] which are usually not palatable unless cooked, (most fruitarians are raw foodists, as many fruitarians were raw foodists first).[citation needed] Some feel that it is improper for fruitarians to eat seeds[6]. Others eat seeds and cooked foods.[7]

Another may eat a similar diet, but including other botanical definitions of fruits and consume pulses.[8]Other fruitarians argue that the slippery slope of what 'would' fall from the plant leads to including foods that would otherwise be taboo.[citation needed]

A minority of fruitarians only eat fruit in the culinary sense [citation needed]. Others include green leafy vegetables[9] and/or root vegetables.[10] Some occasionally include some dairy products in their diet as well.[11]


Some believe [12] fruitarianism was the original diet of mankind in the form of Adam and Eve as quoted at Genesis 1:29.[13] They believe that a return to an Eden-like paradise will require simple living, surrender of anything "modern" (electricity, medication, housing, clothing, etc.) and a holistic approach to health and diet.[citation needed]

Other fruitarians wish to avoid killing in all its forms, including plants.[14] They point out that eating some types of fruit does the parent plant a favor. Fleshy fruit has evolved to be eaten by animals, to achieve seed dispersal. Fruit seeds passed in feces may sprout in a pile of ready-made fertilizer, encouraging proliferation of the plant, but only if one defecates outside, which most Westerners do not. Fruit cores or pits, however, will be tossed aside to sprout too near the parent plant to gain any benefit.

Interestingly, frugivorous origin of the humans has been mentioned in ("Fruits, fingers, and fermentation: The sensory cues available to foraging primates", Dominy NJ, Integrative and Comparative Biol 44 (4): 295-303 AUG 2004; "Ferment in the family tree: Does a frugivorous dietary heritage influence contemporary patterns of human ethanol use?", Milton K, Integrative and Comparative Biol 44 (4): 304-314 AUG 2004; "Ethanol, fruit ripening, and the historical origins of human alcoholism in primate frugivory", Dadley R, Integrative and Comparative Biol 44 (4): 315-323 AUG 2004, "Evolutionary origins of human alcoholism in primate frugivory", Dadley R, Q Rev Biol. 2000 Mar;75(1):3-15).

According to ("Origin of Human Bipedalism: The Knuckle-Walking Hypothesis Revisited", BG Richmond, DR Begun, DS Strait; Yearbook of Physical Anthropology, 44:70-105(2001)), the morphology of the early humans implies "a fairly frugivorous diet".

Above all, "fruits are also appealing to man's visual, olfactory and gustatory senses" (Dr. Shelton, "Hygienic Review", June 1976).

Examples of successful Fruitarians

  • Dr. Marvin Katz, fruitarian ethics professor, philosophy lecturer at the University of Akron.[15]
  • Francisco Martin, President of the Vegan Society of Spain, fruitarian since 1987.[16]
  • Essie Honiball, a book author. "She has been working for many years to make the fruit diet scientifically recognised".[17]
  • Karen Noble, owner of a raw-food centre in Barnet, north London, "has not had a cold since 1983, when she became a fruitarian".[18]
  • Johanna Brandt of South Africa discovered the Grape Cure, which "has been responsible for the cure of many people. Johanna tried to obtain support of the scientific community but it was denied. Several doctors gave her a hand and she managed to take her message to all those who were willing to hear her".[19]
  • Arne Wingqvist, a long-term fruitarian, a walkathon participant, a student of Dr. Shelton Health School,[20] has renewed his vigor and vitality due to fruitarianism.[21]
  • Teresa Mitchell of Hungary, who gave her testimonial about overcomoing several health problems with fruitarianism in Rational Fasting by Professor Arnold Ehret.[22]
  • Fernanda Almeida of Mozambique who cured her hepatitis C with fruitarianism.[23]

Famous Fruitarians

Ancient Fruitarians

Some believe [24] that Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden were fruitarians (Behold I have given you herb yielding seed. To you it shall be for meat; Genesis l:29). Others interpret this to mean they were raw vegans.

The Essene Gospel of Peace, claims that the Essenes were raw foodists and fruitarians[25]. The only person claiming to have seen the original manuscript, Edmond Bordeaux Szekely, continues to publish new portions of this text, well after his death in 1979. Most scholars doubt the gospel existed.[1]

Some fruitarians contend [citation needed] that Jesus was an Essene who practiced a mainly fruitarian diet, although this contradicts the mainline Bible (Matthew 15:34-37) and virtually all scholarship on the Essenes.[26]


  • The K-PAXian in Gene Brewer's K-PAX book series and film.
  • The Eloi from HG Wells's The Time Machine.
  • One of Hugh Grant's potential love interests in the film Notting Hill
  • The evil Medusa Johnson (Gloria Foster; the Oracle in The Matrix Trilogy) in the feature film Leonard Part 6 also starring Bill Cosby


  • According to the U.S. National Institutes of Health "natural food sources of vitamin B12 are limited to foods that come from animals."[27]
  • Many notable advocates of fruitarianism in the past, including Morris Krok[28], Johnny Lovewisdom, Walter Siegmeister/Raymond Bernard, and Viktoras Kulvinskas ate considerable quantities of vegetables and occasional cooked foods and vegetables. Others switched to other unorthodox lifestyles (including breatharianism and liquitarianism (juices only), or recommended against the diet once they stopped (Morris Krok[29]).

See also

  • Inedia
  • The Celestine Prophecy
  • Christian vegetarianism
  • Diet (nutrition)
  • Juice fasting
  • Jainism
  • Natural Hygiene
  • New Age
  • Nutrition
  • Raw food diet
  • Raw veganism
  • Simple living
  • Veganism

External links

  • What is fruitarian? at Fruitarian Network
  • Waking Up from the Fruitarian Dreamtime - Critique of fruitarianism.
  • List of pro-fruitarian articles.
  • Strongly pro-fruitarian article
  • Are We Vegetarians Or Fruitarians?
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