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  1. Act of parliament
  2. Administrative law
  3. Adversarial system
  4. Affidavit
  5. Allegation
  6. Alternative dispute resolution
  7. Arbitration
  8. Arrest warrant
  9. Attorney
  10. Attorney General
  11. Bail
  12. Barrister
  13. Burdens of proof
  14. Capital punishment
  15. Civil code
  16. Civil law
  17. Common law
  18. Complaint
  19. Conciliation
  20. Constitutional law
  21. Consumer Protection
  22. Contract
  23. Conviction
  24. Corporate manslaughter
  25. Court
  26. Court of Appeal of England and Wales
  27. Crime
  28. Criminal jurisdiction
  29. Criminal law
  30. Criminal procedure
  31. Cross-examination
  32. Crown attorney
  33. Crown Court
  34. Defendant
  35. Dispute resolution
  36. English law
  37. Evidence
  38. Extradition
  39. Felony
  40. Grand jury
  41. Habeas corpus
  42. Hearsay in English Law
  43. High Court judge
  44. Indictable offence
  45. Indictment
  46. Inquisitorial system
  47. Intellectual property
  48. Judge
  49. Judgment
  50. Judicial economy
  51. Judicial remedy
  52. Jurisdictions
  53. Jurisprudence
  54. Jurist
  55. Jury
  56. Jury trial
  57. Justice
  58. Law
  59. Law of obligations
  60. Law of the United States
  61. Lawsuit
  62. Legal profession
  63. Magistrate
  64. Mediation
  65. Miscarriage of justice
  66. Napoleonic Code
  67. Negotiation
  68. Notary public
  69. Old Bailey
  70. Online Dispute Resolution
  71. Plaintiff
  72. Pleading
  73. Power of attorney
  74. Practice of law
  75. Probable cause
  76. Property law
  77. Prosecutor
  78. Public international law
  79. Public law
  80. Right to silence
  81. Roman law
  82. Scientific evidence
  83. Search warrant
  84. Seventh Amendment to the United States Constitution
  85. Solicitors
  86. Statute
  87. Statute of limitations
  88. Supreme Court of the United States
  89. Testimony
  90. Tort
  91. Torture
  92. Trial by ordeal
  93. Trusts
  94. Verdict


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    Roberto Casiraghi e Crystal Jones
    email: robertocasiraghi at iol punto it

    Roberto Casiraghi           
    INFORMATIVA SULLA PRIVACY              Crystal Jones

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


A plaintiff, also known as a claimant or complainer, is the party who initiates a lawsuit (also known as an action) before a court. By doing so, the plaintiff seeks a legal remedy, and if successful, the court will issue judgment in favour of the plaintiff and make the appropriate court order (eg. an order for damages).

In some jurisdictions the commencement of a lawsuit is done by filing a summons, claim form and/or a complaint — these documents are known as pleadings — that set forth the alleged wrongs committed by the defendant or defendants with a demand for relief. In other jurisdictions the action is commenced by service of legal process by delivery of these documents on the defendant by a process server; they are only filed with the court subsequently with an affidavit from the process server that they had been given to the defendant(s) according to the rules of civil procedure.

Not all lawsuits are plenary actions, involving a full trial on the merits of the case. There are also simplified procedures, often called proceedings, in which the parties are termed petitioner instead of plaintiff, and respondent instead of defendant. There are also cases that do not technically involve two sides, such as petitions for specific statutory relief that require judicial approval; in those cases there are no respondents, just a petitioner.

The party to whom the complaint is against is the defendant; or in the case of a petition, a respondent. Case names are usually given with the plaintiff first, as in Plaintiff v. Defendant.

United Kingdom

In England and Wales, since April 26, 1999, when the Civil Procedure Rules 1998 came into force, the term Claimant has replaced Plaintiff.[1]

In Scotland, a plaintiff is referred to as a pursuer and as defendant as a defender.


In Hong Kong and the United States, a plaintiff is still referred to as a plaintiff. The British usage of "claimant" and "claim form" in the context of formal legal proceedings is quite confusing for Americans, who traditionally limit the application of those terms to insurance and administrative law. After exhausting remedies available through an insurer or government agency, an American who turns to the courts would file a complaint and become a plaintiff.


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