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                                                                                         ESERCIZI :   Serie 1 - 2 - 3  - 4 - 5  SERVIZI:   Pronunciatore di inglese - Dizionario - Convertitore IPA/UK - IPA/US - Convertitore di valute in lire ed euro                                              




- Great Painters
- Accounting
- Fundamentals of Law
- Marketing
- Shorthand
- Concept Cars
- Videogames
- The World of Sports

- Blogs
- Free Software
- Google
- My Computer

- PHP Language and Applications
- Wikipedia
- Windows Vista

- Education
- Masterpieces of English Literature
- American English

- English Dictionaries
- The English Language

- Medical Emergencies
- The Theory of Memory
- The Beatles
- Dances
- Microphones
- Musical Notation
- Music Instruments
- Batteries
- Nanotechnology
- Cosmetics
- Diets
- Vegetarianism and Veganism
- Christmas Traditions
- Animals

- Fruits And Vegetables


  1. Atom
  2. Audioblogging
  3. Blog Carnival
  4. Blogcast
  5. Blog feed
  6. Blog fiction
  8. Bloggies
  9. Blogosphere
  10. Blogroll
  11. Blog software
  12. Citizen journalism
  13. Collaborative blog
  14. Community Server
  15. Content Management System
  16. Corporate blog
  17. Dooce
  18. Edublog
  19. Electronic literature
  20. Escribitionist
  21. Facebook
  22. Flaming
  23. Forum moderator
  24. Fotolog
  25. GNU General Public License
  26. Google bomb
  27. Google Reader
  28. Inauthentic Text
  29. International Weblogger's Day
  30. Internet Troll
  31. Linkback
  32. Link rot
  33. List of blogging terms
  34. LiveJournal
  35. Massively distributed collaboration
  36. Micropatronage
  37. Moblog
  38. Moderation system
  39. Movable Type
  40. MySpace
  41. MySQL
  42. News aggregator
  43. Online diary
  44. OPML
  45. PageRank
  46. Permalink
  47. Personal journal
  48. Photoblog
  49. Pingback
  50. Ping-server
  51. Podcasting
  52. Political blog
  53. Project blog
  54. Rating community
  55. Reputation management
  56. Reputation system
  57. RSS
  58. Social media
  59. Spam blog
  60. Spamdexing
  61. Spam in blogs
  62. Sping
  63. Technorati
  64. TrackBack
  65. User generated content
  66. Virtual Community
  67. Vlog
  68. Weblog
  69. Windows Live Spaces
  71. Wordpress
  72. Yahoo 360°
  73. YouTube



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    INFORMATIVA SULLA PRIVACY              Crystal Jones

    Siti amici:  Lonweb Daisy Stories English4Life Scuolitalia
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Google Reader

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Google Reader is a Web-based aggregator, capable of reading Atom and RSS feeds. It was released by Google on October 7, 2005 through Google Labs.



Major revisions to Reader's interface were made on September 28, 2006. Nick Baum, Product Manager on the Google Reader team, whilst being interviewed by Robert Scoble, stated that the redesign is a movement toward making news aggregation something for the general public to enjoy. [1]

Here are some of the features that are now included within Google Reader:

  • A front page that lets you see new items at a glance
  • Import and export subscription lists as an OPML file
  • Keyboard shortcuts for main functions
  • Choice between list view or expanded view for item viewing (showing either just the story title or with a description, respectively)
  • Automatic marking of items as read as they are scroll past (expanded view only)


You can subscribe to feeds using either Google Reader's search function, or by entering in the exact URL of the RSS or Atom feed. New posts from your feeds are then shown on the left-hand side of the screen. You can then order that list by date or relevance. Items can also be organized with labels, as well as being able to create Starred Items for easy access.


Items in Google Reader can be shared with other Web users. This can be done by sending a link through e-mail, directing the user to the shared article; or Google Reader users can create a basic webpage, that includes all shared items from their account. Other people can then subscribe to this collated feed. Finally, users can insert a snippet of JavaScript code into their website, that will display a certain collection of shared stories in a small box.

Mobile access

A mobile interface was released on May 18 2006. It is can be used by phones that support XHTML or WAP 2.0.

Personalized Homepage

On May 4 2006 Google released a new feature which enables feeds from Reader to be displayed on Google Personalized Homepage. It lets the users scroll through items, and click on them for a description.

Firefox integration

Google Reader is included within Mozilla Firefox 2.0's feed recognition, which can automatically redirect users to Google Reader's Add Subsciption screen to add the feed.


In addition to a (free) Google Account, Google Reader requires one of the following web browsers to work:

  • Internet Explorer 6+
  • Firefox 1.0+
  • Safari 1.3+
  • Netscape 7.2+
  • Mozilla 1.7+
  • Opera 9.0+

In all cases, JavaScript must be enabled for Google Reader to work.


Its main online competitors are My Yahoo!, Newsgator, Rojo and Bloglines.

External links

Google Pages:

  • Google Reader
  • Official Google Reader Blog

Other Google Reader Pages:

  • Google Reader review (, 10/18/06)
  • Google Reader printable Cheat Sheet for Shortcuts
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