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WIKIMAG n. 3 - Febbraio 2013 
The Adventures of Pinocchio

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The Adventures of Pinocchio
illustration from 1911 edition by Attilio Mussino
Author(s) Carlo Collodi
Illustrator Enrico Mazzanti
Country Italy
Language Italian
Genre(s) Fiction, Literature, Fantasy. Children's book
Publication date 1883

The Adventures of Pinocchio (pron.: /pɪˈnki./, US dict: pĭ·nō′·kē·ō; Italian: Le avventure di Pinocchio) is a novel for children by Italian author Carlo Collodi, written in Florence. The first half was originally a serial between 1881 and 1883, and then later completed as a book for children in February 1883. It is about the mischievous adventures of Pinocchio (pronounced [piˈnɔkkjo] in Italian), an animated marionette; and his poor father, a woodcarver named Geppetto. It is considered a classic of children's literature and has spawned many derivative works of art, such as Disney's 1940 animated movie of the same name, and commonplace ideas such as a liar's long nose.



The Adventures of Pinocchio is a story about an animated marionette, a talking cricket, boys who turn into donkeys and other fairy tale devices that would be familiar to a reader of Alice in Wonderland or the Brothers Grimm. However, Pinocchio's world is not in a traditional fairy-tale world, instead containing the hard realities of the need for food, shelter and the basic measures of daily life. In fact, the setting of the story is the very real Tuscan area of Italy. It was a unique literary melding of genres for its time. The story's Italian language is peppered with Florentine dialect features, such as the protagonist's Florentine name.

In the 1850s, Collodi began to have a variety of both fiction and non-fiction books published. Once, he translated some French fairy-tales so well that he was asked whether he would like to write some of his own. In 1881, he sent a short episode in the life of a wooden puppet to a friend who edited a newspaper in Rome, wondering whether the editor would be interested in publishing this "bit of foolishness" in his children's section. The editor did, and the children loved it. The adventures of Pinocchio were serialized in the paper in 1881-2, and then published in 1883 with huge success.[1]

In the original, serialized version, Pinocchio dies a gruesome death: hanged for his innumerable faults, at the end of Chapter 15. At the request of his editor, Collodi added chapters 16–36, in which the Fairy with Turquoise Hair (or "Blue Fairy", as the Disney version names her) rescues Pinocchio and eventually transforms him into a real boy, when he acquires a deeper understanding of himself, making the story suitable for children. In the second half of the book, the maternal figure of the Blue-haired Fairy is the dominant character, versus the paternal figure of Geppetto in the first part.

Children's literature was a new idea in Collodi's time, an innovation in the 19th century. Thus in content and style it was new and modern, opening the way to many writers of the following century.

International Popularity

Collodi, who died in 1890, was respected during his lifetime as a talented writer and social commentator, and his fame continued to grow when Pinocchio was first translated into English by Mary Alice Murray in 1892, whose translation was added to the widely-read Everyman's Library in 1911. Other well regarded English translations include the 1926 translation by Carol Della Chiesa, and the 1986 bilingual edition by Nicolas J. Perella.

The popularity of the story was bolstered by the powerful philosopher-critic Benedetto Croce, who greatly admired the tale.


Pinocchio puppets in their stages of construction in a puppet shop window in Florence.

Original story (first half)

The story begins in Tuscany. A carpenter has found a block of pine wood which he plans to carve into a leg for his table. When he begins, however, the log shouts out, "Don't strike me too hard!" Frightened by the talking log, the carpenter Antonio, or Master Cherry as he is called, does not know what to do until his neighbour Geppetto, known for disliking children, drops by looking for a piece of wood to build a marionette. Seeing a perfect opportunity, Antonio gives the block to Geppetto.

As Geppetto carves the puppet, the nose begins to grow.

Geppetto is extremely poor and plans to make a living as a puppeteer. He carves the block into a boy and names him "Pinocchio". As soon as Pinocchio's nose has been carved, it begins to grow longer and longer before Geppetto is finished with him. After the puppet is finished, Geppetto teaches him to walk and Pinocchio runs out the door and away into the town. He is caught by a Carabiniere but when people say that Geppetto dislikes children, the carabineer assumes that Pinocchio has been mistreated and imprisons Geppetto.

Pinocchio heads back to Geppetto's house and encounters The Talking Cricket who has lived in the house for over a century. It tells him that boys who do not obey their parents grow up to be donkeys. Pinocchio angrily throws a hammer at the Cricket and accidentally kills it.

Unable to find food in the house, Pinocchio ventures to a neighbor's house to beg for food and the annoyed neighbor pours a basin of water on him. Pinocchio returns home freezing and tries to warm himself by placing his feet upon the stove. The next morning he wakes to find that his feet have burnt off. Geppetto, who has been released from jail and has three pears for a meal, makes his son a new pair of feet and some clothes to wear. In gratitude, Pinocchio promises to go to school. Since Geppetto has no money to buy school books, he sells his only coat.

The marionette theater

Pinocchio heads off to school, but on the way he is distracted by some music and crowds and he follows the sounds until he finds himself in a crowd of people, all congregated to see the Great Marionette Theater. Pinocchio sells his school books for tickets to the show.

During the performance, the marionettes Harlequin, Punch, and Signora Rosaura see Pinocchio and cry out, "It is our brother Pinocchio!" The audience grows angry, and the theater director, Mangiafuoco, comes out to see what is going on. Upset, he decides to use Pinocchio as firewood to cook his dinner. Pinocchio pleads to be saved and Mangiafuoco gives in. When he learns about Pinocchio's poor father, he gives the puppet five gold pieces for Geppetto.

The Fox and the Cat

As Pinocchio heads home to give the coins to his father, he meets a fox and a cat who convince him that if he plants his coins in the Field of Miracles, outside the city of Catchfools, then they will grow into a tree with a thousand gold coins, or perhaps two thousand. Pinocchio heads off on a journey to Catchfools with the Fox and Cat. On the way, they stop at the Inn of the Red Crayfish, where the Fox and Cat gorge themselves on food at Pinocchio's expense. The Fox and Cat take off ahead of Pinocchio and disguise themselves as bandits while Pinocchio continues on toward Catchfools. The ghost of the Talking Cricket appears, telling him to go home and give the coins to his father but Pinocchio ignores him. As he passes through the forest, the disguised Fox and Cat jump out and try to rob Pinocchio, who hides the money in his mouth. In the struggle that follows Pinocchio bites the Cat's hand off and escapes deeper into the forest where he sees a white house ahead. Stopping to knock on the door, he is greeted by a young Fairy with Turquoise Hair, who says she is dead and waiting for the hearse. However, as he speaks to her, the bandits catch him and hang him in a tree. After a while the Fox and Cat get tired of waiting for the puppet to suffocate and leave.

Second half

The Blue-haired Fairy sends a falcon and a poodle to rescue Pinocchio, and she calls in three famous doctors to tell her if Pinocchio is dead. The first two (an owl and a crow) are uncertain, but the third — the Talking Cricket that Pinocchio presumably killed earlier — knows that Pinocchio is fine and tells the puppet that he has been disobedient and hurt his father. The Blue-haired Fairy tries to make Pinocchio take medicine, saying he will soon die if he doesn't, but he refuses to take it, despite promising to if he is given sugar, which the Blue-haired Fairy gives him. However Four Black Rabbits then enter the room with a coffin and tell Pinocchio they have come to take him away, as he will be dead soon. Pinocchio takes the medicine and the rabbits leave.

The Blue-haired Fairy asks Pinocchio what happened and he tells her. She then asks him where the gold coins are. Pinocchio lies, saying he has lost them. As he utters this lie (and more) his nose begins to grow until it is so long he cannot turn around in the room. The Fairy explains to Pinocchio that it is his lies that are making his nose grow long, then calls in a flock of woodpeckers to chisel down his nose.

The city of Catchfools

Pinocchio and the Blue-haired Fairy decide to become brother and sister, and the Fairy sends for Geppetto to come live with them in the forest. Pinocchio heads out to meet his father, but on the way he meets the Fox and Cat again (whom he had not recognized as the bandits, even though he had a hint from the Cat's bandaged front paw — which he had bitten earlier; the Fox tells him the Cat had shown mistaken kindness to a wolf). They remind Pinocchio of the Field of Miracles, and finally he agrees to go with them and plant his gold. After half a day's journey, they reach the city of Catchfools. Everyone in the town has done something exceedingly foolish and now suffers as a result.

Pinocchio and Geppetto illustrated by Nacasona

When they reach the "Field of Miracles", Pinocchio buries his gold then runs off to wait the twenty minutes it will take for his gold to grow. After twenty minutes he returns, only to find no tree and — even worse — no gold coins. Realizing what has happened from a bird, he goes to Catchfools and tells the judge, an old gorilla, about the Fox and Cat. The judge (as is the custom in Catchfools) sends Pinocchio to prison for his foolishness for four months. While he is in prison, however, the emperor of Catchfools declares a celebration, and all prisoners are set free.

As Pinocchio heads back to the forest, he finds an enormous serpent with a smoking tail blocking the way. After some confusion, he asks the serpent to move, but the serpent remains completely still. Concluding that it is dead, Pinocchio begins to step over it, but the serpent suddenly rises up and hisses at the puppet, toppling him over onto his head. Struck by Pinocchio's fright and comical position, the snake laughs so hard, it bursts an artery and dies.


The farmer

While sneaking into a farmer's yard to take some grapes, Pinocchio is caught in a weasel trap. He asks a bird to help him, but it refuses after hearing Pinocchio was planning to steal grapes. When the farmer comes out and finds Pinocchio, he ties him up in a doghouse to guard his chicken coop.

That night, a group of weasels come and tell Pinocchio that they had made a deal with former watchdog Melampo to let them raid the chicken coop if he could have a chicken. Pinocchio says he wants two chickens, so the weasels agree and go into the henhouse. Pinocchio then locks the door and barks loudly. The farmer gets the weasels and frees Pinocchio as a reward.

Pinocchio comes to where the cottage was and finds nothing but a gravestone. Believing the Blue-haired Fairy died from sorrow, he weeps until a friendly pigeon offers to give him a ride to the seashore, where Geppetto is building a boat to go out and search for Pinocchio. They fly to the seashore and Pinocchio sees Geppetto out in a boat. The puppet leaps into the water and tries to swim to Geppetto, but the waves are too rough and Pinocchio is washed underwater as Geppetto is swallowed by The Terrible Shark.

A kindly dolphin gives Pinocchio a ride to the nearest island, which is the Island of Busy Bees. Everyone is working and no one will give Pinocchio any food as long as he will not help them. He finally offers to carry a lady's jug home in return for food and water.

The return of the Fairy

When they get to the house, Pinocchio recognizes the lady as the Blue-haired Fairy, now miraculously old enough to be his mother. She says she will act as Pinocchio's mother and Pinocchio will begin going to school. She hints that if Pinocchio does well in school and tries his hardest to be good for one whole year he will become a real boy.

Pinocchio starts school the next day and after showing his determination becomes a friend to all the schoolboys. A while later a group of boys, jealous of Pinocchio being top of the class because it makes them feel small, trick the puppet into playing hookey by saying they saw a large whale at the beach. Hoping that it is the Shark that swallowed Geppetto, he accompanies them to the beach only to find he has been fooled. He begins fighting with the boys and one boy grabs a schoolbook of Pinocchio's and throws it at him. The puppet ducks and the book hits another boy named Eugene, who is knocked out. The other boys flee while Pinocchio tries to revive Eugene.

Then two policemen come up and accuse Pinocchio of injuring Eugene. Before he can explain, the policemen grab him to take him to jail — but he escapes and is chased into the sea by the police dog. The dog starts to drown and Pinocchio saves him. The dog is grateful and promises to be Pinocchio's friend. Pinocchio happily starts swimming to shore.

Then The Green Fisherman catches Pinocchio in his net and starts to eat the fish, saying Pinocchio must be a very special fish. Taking off the puppet's clothes and covering him with flour, the ogre prepares to eat Pinocchio. The police dog then comes in and rescues Pinocchio from the ogre. On the way home, Pinocchio stops at a man's house and asks about Eugene. The man says Eugene is fine, but that Pinocchio must be a truant. Pinocchio says that he is always truthful and obedient. Again his nose grows longer and Pinocchio immediately tells the truth about himself, causing the nose to shrink back to normal.

Pinocchio gets home in the middle of the night. He knocks on the door and a snail opens the third-story window. Pinocchio pleads to be let in and the snail says he will come down. Since a snail is slow, it takes all night for the snail to come down and let Pinocchio in. By the time the snail comes down Pinocchio has banged his foot against the door and gotten stuck. The snail brings Pinocchio artificial food and the puppet faints. When he wakes, he is on the couch and the Fairy says she will give him another chance.

Pinocchio does excellently in school and passes with high honors. The Fairy promises that Pinocchio will be a real boy next day and says he should invite all his friends to a party. He goes to invite everyone, but he is sidetracked when he meets a boy named Romeo — nicknamed Lampwick because he is so tall and skinny. Lampwick is about to go to a place called Toyland, where everyone plays all day and never works. Pinocchio goes along with him and they have a wonderful time in the land of Play — until one morning Pinocchio awakes with donkey ears. A squirrel tells him that boys who do nothing but play and never work always grow into donkeys.

As a donkey

Within a short while Pinocchio has become a donkey. He is sold to a circus and is trained to do all kinds of tricks. Then one night in the circus he falls and sprains his leg. The circus owner sells the donkey to a man who wants to skin him and make a drum. The man throws the donkey into the sea to drown him — and brings up a living wooden boy. Pinocchio explains that the fish ate all the donkey skin off him and he is now a puppet again.

Pinocchio dives back into the water and swims out to sea — when he is swallowed by The Terrible Shark. Inside the Shark, Pinocchio meets a tuna who is resigned to the fate and says they will just have to wait to be digested. Pinocchio sees a light from far off and he follows it. At the other end is Geppetto, who has been living on a ship inside the Shark. Pinocchio, Geppetto and the tuna manage to get out of the Shark and Pinocchio heroically attempts to swim with Geppetto to shore, which turns out to be too far; however, the tuna rescues them and brings them to shore.

Pinocchio and Geppetto try to find a place to stay. They pass two beggars, who are the Fox and the Cat. The Cat is, ironically, really blind now, and the fox is actually lame, tailless (having sold his tail for money) and mangy. They plead for food or money, but Pinocchio will give them nothing, telling them it serves them right for their wickedness. They arrive at a small house, and living there is the Talking Cricket, who says they can stay. Pinocchio gets a job doing work for a farmer, whose donkey is dying. Pinocchio recognizes the donkey as Lampwick. Pinocchio mourns over Lampwick's dead body and the farmer is perplexed as to why. Pinocchio says that Lampwick was his friend and they went to school together, causing Farmer John to be even more confused.

Traditional ending

After long months of working for the farmer and supporting the ailing Geppetto, Pinocchio goes to town with the forty pennies he has saved to buy himself a new suit. He meets the snail, who tells him that the Blue-haired Fairy is ill and needs money. Pinocchio instantly gives the snail all the money he has, promising that he will help his mother as much as he is helping his father. That night, he dreams he is visited by the Fairy, who kisses him. When he wakes up, he is a real boy at last. His former puppet body lies lifeless on a chair. Furthermore, Pinocchio finds that the Fairy has left him a new suit and boots, and a bag which he thinks is the forty pennies he originally loaned to the Blue-haired Fairy. The boy is shocked to find instead forty freshly-minted gold coins. He is also reunited with Geppetto, now healthy and resuming woodcarving. They live happily ever after.


  • Pinocchio Pinocchio is a naughty, pine-wood marionette who gains wisdom through a series of misadventures which lead him to becoming a real human as reward for his good deeds.
  • Mister Geppetto Geppetto is an elderly, impoverished woodcarver and the creator (and thus father) of Pinocchio. He wears a yellow wig that looks like cornmeal mush (or polendina), and subsequently the children of the neighborhood (as well as some of the adults) call him "Polendina", which greatly annoys him. "Geppetto" is a nickname for Giuseppe.
  • Mister Antonio ([anˈtɔːnjo] in Italian, /ɑːnˈtoʊnjoʊ/ ân·tō′·nyō in English; Mastro Antonio): Antonio is an elderly carpenter. He finds the log that eventually becomes Pinocchio, planning to make it into a table leg until it cries out "Please be careful!" The children call Antonio "Mastro Cherry" because of his red nose.
  • The Talking Cricket (il Grillo parlante): the Talking Cricket is a cricket whom Pinocchio kills after it tries to give him some advice. The Cricket comes back as a ghost to continue advising the puppet.
  • Mangiafuoco ([mandʒaˈfwɔːko] in Italian, /ˌmɑːndʒəˈfwoʊkoʊ/ mân′·jə·fwō′·kō in English; literally "Fire-Eater"): Mangiafuoco is the wealthy director of the Great Marionette Theater. He has red eyes and a black beard which reaches to the floor, and his mouth is "as wide as an oven [with] teeth like yellow fangs". Despite his appearances, however, Mangiafuoco (which the story says is his given name) is not evil.
  • Harlequin (Arlecchino), Punch (Pulcinella), and Signora Rosaura: Harlequin, Punch, and Signora Rosaura are marionettes at the theater who embrace Pinocchio as their brother.
  • The Fox and the Cat (la Volpe ed il Gatto): Greedy animals pretending to be lame and blind respectively, the pair lead Pinocchio astray, rob him and eventually try to hang him.
  • The Innkeeper (l'Oste): an innkeeper who is in league with Fox and Cat, and tricks Pinocchio into an ambush.
  • The Fairy with Turquoise Hair (la Fata dai Capelli turchini): the Blue-haired Fairy is the spirit of the forest who rescues Pinocchio and adopts him first as her brother, then as her son.
  • the Owl (la Civetta) and the Crow (la Cornacchia): two famous doctors who diagnose Pinocchio.
  • the Judge (il Giudice): the gorilla judge of Catchfool.
  • the Serpent (il Serpente): an enormous snake with a smoking tail.
  • the Farmer (il Contadino): a farmer whose chickens are plagued by weasel attacks.
  • Melampo: a watchdog.
  • The Terrible Dogfish (Il Terribile Pescecane): a mile-long, five-story-high fish; pescecane, while literally meaning "dog fish", generally means "shark" in Italian
  • Alidoro (del can mastino) ([aliˈdɔːro] in Italian, /ˌɑːliˈdɒroʊ/ â′·lē·dŏr′·ō in English): the old mastiff of a carabineer.
  • The Green Fisherman (Il Pescatore Verde): a green-skinned ogre who catches Pinocchio in his fishing net and attempts to eat him
  • Romeo ([roˈmɛːo] in Italian, /ˈroʊmi.oʊ/ rō′·mē·ō in English)/"Lampwick" or "Candlewick" (Lucignolo): a tall, thin boy (like a wick) who is Pinocchio's best friend and a trouble-maker.
  • the Little Man (l'Omino): the owner of Toy Country.
  • the Manager (il Direttore): the ringmaster of a circus.
  • the Master (il Padrone): a man who wants to make Pinocchio's hide into a drum.
  • the Tuna Fish (il Tonno): a tuna fish as "large as a two-year-old horse" who has been swallowed by the Terrible Shark.
  • Giangio ([ˈdʒandʒo] in Italian; /ˈdʒɑːndʒoʊ/ jân′·jō in English): the farmer who buys Romeo as a donkey.


The story has been adapted into many forms on stage and screen, some keeping close to the original Collodi narrative while others treat the story more freely. There are at least fourteen English-language films based on the story (see also:The Adventures of Pinocchio), not to mention the Italian, French, Russian, German, Japanese and many other versions for the big screen and for television, and several musical adaptations.

Derivative works


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  • I servizi linguistici da noi forniti sulle pagine del sito ma erogati da aziende esterne (per esempio, la traduzione interattiva di Google Translate e Bing Translate realizzata rispettivamente da Google e da Microsoft, la vocalizzazione Text To Speech dei testi inglesi fornita da ReadSpeaker, il vocabolario inglese-italiano offerto da Babylon con la sua Babylon Box, il servizio di commenti sociali DISQUS e altri) sono ovviamente responsabilità di queste aziende esterne. Trattandosi di servizi interattivi basati su web, possono esserci delle interruzioni di servizio in relazione ad eventi di manutenzione o di sovraccarico dei server su cui non abbiamo alcun modo di influire. Per esperienza, comunque, tali interruzioni sono rare e di brevissima durata, saremo comunque grati ai nostri utenti che ce le vorranno segnalare.
  • Per quanto riguarda i servizi di traduzione automatica l'utente prende atto che sono forniti "as is" dall'azienda esterna che ce li eroga (Google o Microsoft). Nonostante le ovvie limitazioni, sono strumenti in continuo perfezionamento e sono spesso in grado di fornire all'utente, anche professionale, degli ottimi suggerimenti e spunti per una migliore traduzione.
  • In merito all'utilizzabilità del sito ELINGUE su tablet e cellulari a standard iOs, Android, Windows Phone e Blackberry facciamo notare che l'assenza di standard comuni si ripercuote a volte sulla fruibilità di certe prestazioni tipiche del nostro sito (come il servizio ReadSpeaker e la traduzione automatica con Google Translate). Mentre da parte nostra è costante lo sforzo di rendere sempre più compatibili il nostro sito con il maggior numero di piattaforme mobili, non possiamo però assicurare il pieno raggiungimento di questo obiettivo in quanto non dipende solo da noi. Chi desidera abbonarsi è dunque pregato di verificare prima di perfezionare l'abbonamento la compatibilità del nostro sito con i suoi dispositivi informatici, mobili e non, utilizzando le pagine di esempio che riproducono una pagina tipo per ogni tipologia di risorsa presente sul nostro sito. Non saranno quindi accettati reclami da parte di utenti che, non avendo effettuato queste prove, si trovino poi a non avere un servizio corrispondente a quello sperato. In tutti i casi, facciamo presente che utilizzando browser come Chrome e Safari su pc non mobili (desktop o laptop tradizionali) si ha la massima compatibilità e che il tempo gioca a nostro favore in quanto mano a mano tutti i grandi produttori di browser e di piattaforme mobili stanno convergendo, ognuno alla propria velocità, verso standard comuni.
  • Il sito ELINGUE, diversamente da English Gratis che vive anche di pubblicità, persegue l'obiettivo di limitare o non avere affatto pubblicità sulle proprie pagine in modo da garantire a chi studia l'assenza di distrazioni. Le uniche eccezioni sono 1) la promozione di alcuni prodotti linguistici realizzati e/o garantiti da noi 2) le pubblicità incorporate dai siti di sharing direttamente nelle risorse embeddate che non siamo in grado di escludere 3) le pubblicità eventualmente presenti nei box e player che servono ad erogare i servizi linguistici interattivi prima citati (Google, Microsoft, ReadSpeaker, Babylon ecc.).
  • Per quanto riguarda le problematiche della privacy, non effettuiamo alcun tracciamento dell'attività dell'utente sul nostro sito neppure a fini statistici. Tuttavia non possiamo escludere che le aziende esterne che ci offrono i loro servizi o le loro risorse in modalità sharing effettuino delle operazioni volte a tracciare le attività dell'utente sul nostro sito. Consigliamo quindi all'utente di utilizzare browser che consentano la disattivazione in blocco dei tracciamenti o l'inserimento di apposite estensioni di browser come Ghostery che consentono all'utente di bloccare direttamente sui browser ogni agente di tracciamento.
  • Le risposte agli utenti nella sezione di commenti sociali DISQUS sono fornite all'interno di precisi limiti di accettabilità dei quesiti posti dall'utente. Questi limiti hanno lo scopo di evitare che il servizio possa essere "abusato" attraverso la raccolta e sottoposizione alla redazione di ELINGUE di centinaia o migliaia di quesiti che intaserebbero il lavoro della redazione. Si prega pertanto l'utente di leggere attentamente e comprendere le seguenti limitazioni d'uso del servizio:
    - il servizio è moderato per garantire che non vengano pubblicati contenuti fuori tema o inadatti all'ambiente di studio online
    - la redazione di ELINGUE si riserva il diritto di editare gli interventi degli utenti per correzioni ortografiche e per chiarezza
    - il servizio è erogato solo agli utenti abbonati registrati gratuitamente al servizio di commenti sociali DISQUS
    - l'utente non può formulare più di un quesito al giorno
    - un quesito non può contenere, salvo eccezioni, più di una domanda
    - un utente non può assumere più nomi, identità o account di Disqus per superare i limiti suddetti
    - nell'ambito del servizio non sono forniti servizi di traduzione
    - la redazione di ELINGUE gestisce la priorità delle risposte in modo insindacabile da parte dell'utente
    - in tutti i casi, la redazione di ELINGUE è libera in qualsiasi momento di de-registrare temporaneamente l'utente abbonato dal
      servizio DISQUS qualora sussistano fondati motivi a suo insindacabile giudizio. La misura verrà comunque attuata solo in casi di
      eccezionale gravità.
  • L'utente, inoltre, accetta di tenere Casiraghi Jones Publishing SRL indenne da qualsiasi tipo di responsabilità per l'uso - ed eventuali conseguenze di esso - delle informazioni linguistiche e grammaticali contenute sul sito, in particolare, nella sezione Disqus. Le nostre risposte grammaticali sono infatti improntate ad un criterio di praticità e pragmaticità che a volte è in conflitto con la rigidità delle regole "ufficiali" che tendono a proporre un inglese schematico e semplificato dimenticando la ricchezza e variabilità della lingua reale. Anche l'occasionale difformità tra le soluzioni degli esercizi e le regole grammaticali fornite nella grammatica va concepita come stimolo a formulare domande alla redazione onde poter spiegare più nei dettagli le particolarità della lingua inglese che non possono essere racchiuse in un'opera grammaticale di carattere meramente introduttivo come la nostra grammatica online.

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