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  1. A Christmas Carol
  2. Advent
  3. Advent calendar
  4. Advent wreath
  5. Aguinaldo
  6. Ashen faggot
  7. Belsnickel
  8. Bethlehem
  9. Biblical Magi
  10. Black Friday
  11. Boxing Day
  12. Bubble light
  13. Buche de Noël
  14. Burgermeister Meisterburger
  15. Caganer
  16. Candy cane
  17. Christkind
  18. Christmas cake
  19. Christmas card
  20. Christmas carol
  21. Christmas cracker
  22. Christmas dinner
  23. Christmas Eve
  24. Christmas flowers
  25. Christmas gift-bringers around the world
  26. Christmas lights
  27. Christmas market
  28. Christmas music
  29. Christmas number one
  30. Christmas ornament
  31. Christmas pickle
  32. Christmas pudding
  33. Christmas pyramid
  34. Christmas seal
  35. Christmas stamp
  36. Christmas stocking
  37. Christmas stories
  38. Christmastide
  39. Christmas traditions
  40. Christmas trees
  41. Christmas village
  42. Christmas worldwide
  43. Companions of Saint Nicholas
  44. Cranberry sauce
  45. David Zancai
  46. Ded Moroz
  47. Ebenezer Scrooge
  48. Eggnog
  49. Elf
  50. Epiphany
  51. Father Christmas
  52. Frosty the Snowman
  53. Fruitcake
  54. Ghost of Christmas Past
  55. Ghost of Christmas Present
  56. Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come
  57. Gingerbread
  58. Gryla
  59. Heat Miser
  60. History of some Christmas traditions
  61. Hogmanay
  62. Holly
  63. Jack Frost
  64. Jolasveinar
  65. Joulupukki
  66. Julemanden
  67. Koleda
  68. La Befana
  69. Lebkuchen
  70. Little Christmas
  71. Marzipan
  72. Mince pie
  73. Mistletoe
  74. Mr. Bingle
  75. Mrs. Claus
  76. Mulled wine
  77. Nativity Fast
  78. Nativity of Jesus
  79. Nativity scene
  80. Nine Lessons and Carols
  81. North Pole, Alaska
  82. Nutcracker
  83. Olentzero
  84. Origins of Santa Claus
  85. Pandoro
  86. Panettone
  87. Panforte
  88. Pantomime
  89. Père Noël
  90. Poinsettia
  91. Regifting
  92. Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree
  93. Royal Christmas Message
  94. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
  95. Saint Nicholas
  96. Santa Claus
  97. Santa Claus Is Coming to Town
  98. Santa Claus on film
  99. Santa Claus parade
  100. Santa Claus' reindeer
  101. Santa Claus rituals
  102. Santa's Grotto
  103. Santon
  104. Secret Santa
  105. Snap-dragon
  106. Snow baby
  107. Snow Miser
  108. Star of Bethlehem
  109. Stollen
  110. The Grinch
  111. Tiny Tim
  112. Tio de Nadal
  113. Tomte
  114. Tree topper
  115. Turron
  116. Twelfth Night
  117. Twelve days of Christmas
  118. Twelve-dish Christmas Eve supper
  119. Wassail
  120. Wassailing
  121. White Christmas
  122. Winter holiday greetings
  123. Winter holiday season
  124. Xmas
  125. Yule
  126. Yule Goat
  127. Yule Lads
  128. Yule log
  129. Zwarte Piet


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Winter holiday season

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


In the Northern Hemisphere, the winter holiday season (also known as the winter holidays, or sometimes the Christmas season[1][2]) is the religion-neutral designation of a period of holidays during late autumn and early winter. It has been found to have a disproportionate effect on health, compared to the rest of the year. Its reference by schools and governments has been the subject of controversy. It incorporates a holiday shopping season or Christmas shopping season.

The exact definition of the period varies from culture to culture: According to Yanovski et al[3], in the United States the winter holiday season "is generally considered to begin with Thanksgiving and end after New Year's Day". According to Axelrad[4], the winter holiday season in the United States encompasses at least Christmas and New Year's Day, and also includes Saint Nicholas Day. The U.S. Fire Administration[5] defines the winter holiday season as the period from December 1 to January 7. According to Chen et al.[6], for Chinese people the winter holiday season "is generally considered to begin with the winter solstice and end after the Lantern Festival".

Feast and festival days that are encompassed by the winter holiday season include Solstice, Yule, Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, Teng Chieh, Diwali, Soyal, Las Posadas, Zagmuk, and Saturnalia.[7]

See also: list of winter festivals


United States

According to Axelrad, in his analysis of the writings of James Fenimore Cooper and Susan Fenimore Cooper[4], the winter holiday season has developed significantly over the history of North American colonization by Europeans and the United States. Originally, the winter holiday season "coincided with the conclusion of the agricultural cycle. With the harvest in, the pork slaughtered, the wine and beer properly aged, in the British Isles and colonial America it was a time of eating and drinking, but also of disorderly and promiscuous behavior." During the 18th century the important holiday of the winter holiday season in New York was New Year's Day, with cookies being "given as gifts, often by merchants". There was a battle for which primary holiday to celebrate during the winter holiday season during the 19th century, with Christmas not becoming "the uncontested, supreme American gift-giving holiday" until the turn of the 20th century. During the 19th century, merchants would advertise gifts for the "winter holidays", encompassing the entire span of the winter holiday season. Two versions of Clement Clarke Moore's poem "A Visit from St. Nicholas" were in circulation, one talking of the "the night before Christmas" and the other talking of "the night before New Year".


Several of the religious festivals during the winter holiday season are celebrated with the exchanges of gifts, and the winter holiday season thus also incorporates the holiday shopping season. This comprises a peak season for the retail sector at the start of the holiday season (the Christmas shopping season) and a period of sales at the end of the season, the January sales.

Although once dedicated mostly to clearance sales the January sales now comprise both winter close-out sales and sales comprising the redemption of gift certificates given as presents.[8][9] Young-Bean Song, director of analytics at the Atlas Institute in Seattle, states that it is a "myth that the holiday shopping season starts with Thanksgiving and ends with Christmas. January is a key part of the holiday season." stating that for the U.S. e-commerce sector January sales volumes matched December sales volumes in the 2004/2005 winter holiday season.[10]

Many people find this time particularly stressful.[11] As a remedy, and as a return to what they perceive as the root of Christmas, some practice alternative giving.

USA and Canada

In the United States, the holiday shopping season, during which a quarter of all personal spending takes place[12], is traditionally considered to commence on the day after Thanksgiving, a Friday colloquially known as either Black Friday or Green Friday. This is widely reputed to be the busiest shopping day of the entire calendar year. However, in 2004 the VISA credit card organization reported that over the previous several years VISA credit card spending had in fact been 8 to 19 percent higher on the last Saturday before Christmas Day than on Black Friday.[13] A survey conducted in 2005 by GfK NOP discovered that "Americans aren't as drawn to Black Friday as many retailers may think.", with only 17% of those polled saying that they will begin holiday shopping immediately after Thanksgiving, 13% saying that they plan to finish their shopping before November 24, and 10% waiting until the very last day before performing their holiday gift shopping.[14]

According to a survey by the Canadian Toy Association, peak sales in the toy industry occur in the winter holiday season, but this peak has been occurring later and later in the season every year.[15]

In 2005, the ceremonial kick-off to the winter holiday season for online shopping, the first Monday after Thanksgiving, was named Cyber Monday. However, although it was a peak, that was not the busiest on-line shopping day of that year. The busiest on-line shopping days were December 12 and December 13, almost two weeks after Cyber Monday. Four of the largest 11 on-line shopping days in 2005 were December 11 to December 16, with an increase of 12% over 2004 figures.[16] Analysts had predicted the peak on December 12, noting that Mondays are the most popular days for on-line shopping during the holiday shopping season, in contrast to the middle of the week during the rest of the year. They attribute this to people "shopping in stores and malls on the weekends, and [...] extending that shopping experience when they get into work on Monday" by "looking for deals, [...] comparison shopping and [...] finding items that were out of stock in the stores".[10]

In 2006, the average US household is expected to spend about $1,700 on Christmas and holiday spendings.[17] Retail strategists such as ICSC Research[18] observed in 2005 that 15% of holiday expenditures were in the form of gift certificates, and that that share of expenditures was rising. On the basis of that they recommended to retailers a strategy of managing their inventories for the entire holiday shopping season, with a leaner inventory at the beginning of the season and the addition of fresh winter merchandise for the January sales.

Michael P. Niemira, chief economist and director of research for the Shopping Center Council, states that he expects gift certificate usage to be between US$30billion and US$40billion in the 2006/2007 holiday shopping season. On the basis of the growing popularity of gift certificates, he states that "To get a true picture of holiday sales, one may consider measuring November, December and January sales combined as opposed to just November and December sales.", because with "a hefty amount of that spending not hitting the books until January, extending the length of the season makes sense".[19]

Some stores in Canada hold Boxing Week sales (before the end of the year) for income tax purposes.


In France, the January sales are restricted by legislation to no more than four weeks in Paris, and no more than six weeks for the rest of the country, usually beginning on the first Wednesday in January, and are one of only two periods of the year when retailers are permitted to hold sales.[20][21]

In Italy, the January sales begin on the first weekend in January, and last for at least six weeks.[20]

In Germany, the Winterschlußverkauf (winter close-out sale) officially begins on the last Monday in January and lasts for 12 days, selling left-over goods from the holiday shopping season. (This is one of two official sales periods in Germany, the other being the Sommerschlußverkauf, the summer sales.) However, unofficially, goods are sold at reduced prices by many stores throughout the whole of January and by the time that the sales officially begin the only goods left on sale are low-quality ones, often specially manufactured for the sales.[22][23]

Medical analyses

Various studies have been performed of the effects of the winter holiday season, which encompasses several feast days, on health. They have concluded that the health changes that occur during the winter holiday season are not reversed during the rest of the year and have a long term cumulative effect over a person's life, and that the risks of several medical problems increase during the winter holiday season.


Yanovski et al.[3] investigated the assertion that the average American gains 2.3 kg (5 lb) over the winter holiday season, and found that in fact the data do not support this assertion. They found rather that average weight gain over the winter holiday season is somewhat less, at around 0.48 kg (1 lb). They also found that this weight gain is not reversed over the rest of the year, and concluded that this "probably contributes to the increase in body weight that frequently occurs during adulthood".

Chan et al.[6] investigated the increases in A1C and fasting plasma glucose in type 2 diabetic patients, to see whether these increases were steady throughout the year or varied seasonally. They concluded that the winter holidays did influence the glycemic control of the patients, with the largest increases being during that period, increases that "might not be reversed during the summer and autumn months".

The winter holiday season, according to a survey by the ADA, is the second most popular reason, after birthdays, for sharing food in the workplace. The British Columbia Safety Council states that if proper food safety procedures are not followed, food set out for sharing in the workplace can serve as a breeding ground for bacteria, and recommends that perishable foods (for which it gives pizza, cold cuts, dips, salads, and sandwiches as examples) should not sit out for more than 2 hours.[24]

Other issues

A survey conducted in 2005 found shopping caused headaches in nearly a quarter of people and sleeplessness in 11 per cent.[11]

Phillips et al.[25] investigated whether some or all of the spike in cardiac mortality that occurs during December and January could be ascribed to the Christmas/New Year’s holidays rather than to climactic factors. They concluded that the winter holiday season is "a risk factor for cardiac and noncardiac mortality", stating that there are "multiple explanations for this association, including the possibility that holiday-induced delays in seeking treatment play a role in producing the twin holiday spikes".

The Asthma Society of Canada[26] states that the winter holiday season increases exposure to irritants because people spend 90% of their time indoors, and that seasonal decorations in the home introduce additional, further, irritants beyond the ones that exist all year around. It recommends that asthmatics avoid scented candles, for example, recommending either that candles not be lit or that soy or beeswax candles be employed.

Other effects

According to the Stanford Recycling Center[27] Americans throw away 25% more trash during the winter holiday season than at other times of the year.

See also: Effects of Christmas on the environment

Because of the cold weather in the Northern Hemisphere, the winter holiday season is a time of increased use of fuel for domestic heating. This has prompted concerns in the United Kingdom about the possibility of a shortage in the domestic gas supply. However, in the event of an exceptionally long cold season, it is industrial users, signed on to interruptable supply contracts, who would find themselves without gas supply.[28]

The U.S. Fire Administration[5] states that the winter holiday season is "a time of elevated risk for winter heating fires" and that the fact that many people celebrate the different holidays during the winter holiday season by decorating their homes with seasonal garlands, electric lights, candles, and banners, has the potential to change the profile of fire incidence and cause. The Government of Alberta Ministry of Municipal Affairs[29] states that candle-related fires rise by 140% during the winter holiday season, with most fires involving human error and most deaths and injuries resulting from the failure to extinguish candles before going to bed. It states that consumers don't expect candle holders to tip over or to catch fire, assuming that they are safe, but that in fact candle holders can do this.

Because of increased alcohol consumption at festivities, alcohol-related road traffic accidents increase over the winter holiday season.[30]

Legal issues

United States

Main articles: County of Allegheny v. ACLU and Establishment Clause of the First Amendment#Religious_displays

In the United States, the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States has had significant legal impact upon the activities of governments and of public schools during and relating to the winter holiday season, and has been the source of controversy.

Public schools are subject to what the Anti-Defamation League terms the December Dilemma[31], namely the task of "acknowledging the various religious and secular holiday traditions celebrated during that time of year" whilst restricting observances of the various religious festivals to what is constitutionally permissible. The ADL and many school district authorities have published guidelines for schools and for teachers.[32] For example: The directive on maintaining religious neutrality in public schools over the winter holiday season, given to public school administrators in the District of Columbia by the Superintendent[33], contains several points on what may and may not be taught in the D.C. school district, the themes of parties and concerts, the uses of religious symbols, the locations of school events and classes, and prayer.


In Moscow in 2002, for the winter holiday season mayor Yuriy Luzhkov ordered all stores, restaurants, cafés, and markets to display decorations and lights in their windows and interiors from December 1 onwards, and banks, post offices, and public instutitions to do the same from December 15 onwards, with violators liable for fines of up to 200 rubles. Every business was ordered to have illuminated windows from 16:30 until 01:00. This caused a mixed reaction, with people objecting to being forced to put up decorations.[34]


  1. ^ Kristin Goff. "Ottawa shoppers to drop $3.2 B this Christmas season", The Ottawa Citizen. “Ottawa shoppers are in the mood to spend this holiday season and could drop as much as $3.2 billion in retailers' tills, a new survey has found.”
  2. ^ James Harding. "Real wonder of Woolies is that it still has a place on the high street", The Times, 2006-12-06. “John Lewis, too, has reported a fantastic start to the Christmas season, with sales up nearly 6 per cent on a year ago.”
  3. ^ a b Yanovski JA, Yanovski SZ, Sovik KN, Nguyen TT, O'Neil PM, Sebring NG. (2000-03-23). "A prospective study of holiday weight gain". Nwe England Journal of Medicine 342 (12): 861–867. PMID 10727591.
  4. ^ a b Allan M. Axelrad (July 2005). Hugh C. MacDougall "Christmas in Cooperstown and Templeton: The Coopers and the Invention of an American Holiday Tradition". 14th Cooper Seminar, James Fenimore Cooper: His Country and His Art at the State University of New York College at Oneonta, July, 2003, 7–18.
  5. ^ a b (January 2005). "The Seasonal Nature of Fires" (PDF). U.S. Fire Administration.
  6. ^ a b Harn-Shen Chen, Tjin-Shing Jap, Ru-Lin Chen, and Hong-Da Lin (February 2004). "A Prospective Study of Glycemic Control During Holiday Time in Type 2 Diabetic Patients". Diabetes Care 27 (2): 326–330. PMID 14747208.
  7. ^ Heather Conrad and Deforest Walker (2001-10-01). Lights of Winter: Winter Celebrations Around the World. Lightport Books. ISBN 0971242518.
  8. ^ Mike Duff. "Consensus: momentum bodes well for 4Q - Retail sales growth, which began to stir in spring, will continue gaining through beginning of next year", DSN Retailing Today, 2003-10-27.
  9. ^ Lorrie Grant. "Retailers celebrate "strong" January sales gain of 5.1%", USA Today, 2006-02-02.
  10. ^ a b Mickey Alam Khan. "Atlas: Online Retailers Will Like Mondays During Holidays", DM News, Courtenay Communications Corporation, 2005-11-10.
  11. ^ a b Simon Crompton. "Ills in the aisles", The Times, 2005-12-10.
  12. ^ Gwen Outen. "ECONOMICS REPORT - Holiday Shopping Season in the U.S.", Voice Of America, 2004-12-03.
  13. ^ "Consumers Skip Thanksgiving Leftovers and Kick-Off Holiday Shopping with Strong Spending on Black Friday", Press releases, VISA U.S.A., 2004-11-27.
  14. ^ "Consumers Tighten Their Purse Strings This Holiday Season - Fuel Costs Putting a Damper on Shopping Plans", Mirror Geek.
  15. ^ report (Microsoft Word). U.S. Commercial Service in Canada.
  16. ^ Holiday Sales Tune-up: Simple, effective tactics to increase seasonal sales (PDF). MarketLive, Inc. (2006-10-24). — This in turn cites the 2006 Holiday Best Practices Report by
  17. ^ "Let the shopping begin", The Economist, 2006-11-24.
  18. ^ 2005 U.S. Holiday Spending Outlook (PDF). ICSC Research 3. Los Alamos Chamber of Commerce (2005-10-18).
  19. ^ Dave Goll. "Extended holiday shopping season bodes well", East Bay Business Times, 2006-11-17.
  20. ^ a b "An international guide to the January sales", The Sunday Times Online, The Times, 2005-12-04.
  21. ^ "French store sales rise in January", Food and Drink Europe, Decision News Media SAS, 2003-02-07.
  22. ^ Fulbright Primer (PDF) 44. Fulbright Commission in Berlin (2002-03-20).
  23. ^ Paul Joyce (2005). Going Shopping. Exeter University Beginners' German. University of Exeter.
  24. ^ Safety First (PDF). British Columbia Safety Council (Spring 2006).
  25. ^ David P. Phillips, Jason R. Jarvinen, Ian S. Abramson, and Rosalie R. Phillips (2004-09-10). "Cardiac Mortality Is Higher Around Christmas and New Year’s Than at Any Other Time" (PDF). Circulation 110: 3781–3788. DOI:10.1161/01.CIR.0000151424.02045.F7.
  26. ^ Michael Gallinger (2005-11-28). Winter Holiday Season Tips (PDF). Asthma Society of Canada.
  27. ^ Tips for a "Green" Holiday Season. Stanford Recycling Center.
  28. ^ Peter Klinger. "Thousands shiver as gas boiler failures double", The Times, 2005-12-29.
  29. ^ Candle Saafety Tips (PDF). Government of Alberta Ministry of Municipal Affairs (2003-04-08).
  30. ^ Kelly Grinsteinner. "Controlled drinking experiment teaches valuable lesson", The Daily Tribune, 2005-11-28.
  31. ^ Abraham H. Foxman. The "December Dilemma": December Holiday Guidelines for Public Schools. Religion In America’s Public Square: Crossing the Line?. Anti-Defamation League.
  32. ^ Religion in the Public Schools: Teaching About Religious Holidays. Anti-Defamation League.
  33. ^ Paul L. Vance (2001-12-14). "Religious Neutrality Requirements" (PDF).
  34. ^ Oksana Yablokova and Kevin O'Flynn. "Moscow To Pay a Price for Not Celebrating", The St. Petersburg Times, 2002-11-29.

Further reading

  • Leigh Eric Schmidt (1995-09-01). Consumer rites : the buying & selling of American holidays. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 106–191. ISBN 0691029806.
  • Holiday Shopping? How To Be On Guard When You're Online. Consumer Alerts. Federal Trade Commission. — The FTC's advice to consumers who are shopping during the holiday season
  • Tom I. Romero, II (December 2002). "Bah Humbug! Colorado Law and the Winter Holiday Season". The Colorado Lawyer 31 (12): 139.
  • Richard Heinberg (Sep 1993). Celebrate the Solstice. U.S.: Quest Books. ISBN 0835606937.
  • Liran Einav (2002-08-12). "Seasonality and Competition in Time: An Empirical Analysis of Release Date Decisions in the U.S. Motion Picture Industry" (PDF). — Einav describes the winter holiday season as one of the two periods of the year (the other being the beginning of Summer, Memorial Day to Labor Day) where "movie makers [...] tend to release their biggest hits".

See also

  • Seasonal affective disorder
  • Christmas season

External links

  • Winter Holidays. The Learning Network: Issues In Depth. The New York Times. — A series of lesson plans for teaching children about the winter holidays.
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